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Missouri   Missouri Profile

State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

State Energy Data System (SEDS): 2023 (updates by energy source)

Schedule of new releases of energy consumption, price, and expenditure estimates by energy source. See the 2022 version of this page.
Aviation gasoline 2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 10/25/2024
Jet fuel 2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 10/25/2024
Kerosene 2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 01/17/2025
Residual fuel oil 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 01/17/2025
Prices and expenditures Planned 01/17/2025
Hydrocarbon gas liquids 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 02/14/2025
Prices and expenditures Planned 02/14/2025
Distillate fuel oil 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 02/28/2025
Prices and expenditures Planned 02/28/2025
Motor gasoline 2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 03/14/2025
Asphalt and road oil 2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 03/28/2025
Lubricants 2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 03/28/2025
Petroleum coke 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 04/18/2025
Prices and expenditures Planned 04/18/2025
Other petroleum products (including petrochemical feedstocks) 2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 04/18/2025
Total petroleum 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 04/18/2025
Prices and expenditures Planned 04/18/2025
Nuclear energy    
  2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 11/15/2024
  2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 12/13/2024
Prices and expenditures Planned 12/13/2024
Natural gas     
  2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 01/10/2025
Prices and expenditures Planned 01/10/2025
  2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 01/31/2025
Prices and expenditures Planned 01/31/2025
Renewable energy    
Noncombustible renewable energy 2023 Release date
Geothermal energy consumption Planned 12/20/2024
Hydroelectric power consumption Planned 12/20/2024
Solar energy consumption Planned 12/20/2024
Wind energy consumption Planned 12/20/2024
Biodiesel 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 02/28/2025
Renewable diesel 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 02/28/2025
Fuel ethanol 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 03/14/2025
Wood and biomass waste 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 05/09/2025
Prices and expenditures Planned 05/09/2025
Total renewable energy 2023 Release date
Consumption Planned 05/09/2025
Total energy    
  2023 Release date
Consumption, prices, and expenditures Planned 05/23/2025
Energy indicators    
  2023 Release date
Population, GDP, and degree days Planned 10/25/2024
Electric net summer capacity Planned 12/13/2024
Capacity factors and usage factors Planned 12/13/2024
Electric light-duty vehicles Planned 12/13/2024
Electric vehicle charging infrastructure Planned 12/13/2024
Electric vehicle electricity consumption (experimental) Planned 12/13/2024
Data files    
Data files are updated every time a new set of SEDS estimates is released.
Consumption 1960-2023 First release date
All consumption estimates              
in physical units Planned 10/25/2024
in Btu Planned 10/25/2024
Thermal conversion factors Planned 10/25/2024
Prices and expenditures 1970-2023 First release date
All price and expenditure estimates            
Prices Planned 10/25/2024
Expenditures Planned 10/25/2024
Adjusted consumption for expenditure calculations Planned 10/25/2024
Energy indicators 1960-2023 First release date
All energy indicator estimates Planned 10/25/2024
Consolidated data file (in long format with over 2.0 million records) 1960-2023 First release date
Consumption, price, expenditure, and production estimates Planned 10/25/2024

For additional information see: