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Massachusetts   Massachusetts Profile

State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

Table CT1. Energy consumption estimates for selected energy sources in physical units, 1960-2022, Utah

Table CT1. Energy consumption estimates for selected energy sources in physical units, 1960-2022, Utah



gas a

electric power

power g


ethanol h


fuel oil b


fuel d

gasoline e

fuel oil

Other f

short tons
cubic feet

Thousand barrels

Million kilowatthours

Thousand barrels
1960 3,449 70 3,775 452 1,003 7,813 5,715 3,584 22,341 0 304 0 NA NA
1961 3,110 76 3,040 538 1,172 8,052 5,783 3,704 22,288 0 231 0 NA NA
1962 2,497 85 3,568 511 1,311 8,455 6,107 3,998 23,950 0 393 0 NA NA
1963 2,374 96 3,581 521 1,237 8,736 5,872 3,989 23,937 0 352 0 NA NA
1964 2,690 107 3,749 599 1,302 8,751 5,519 4,143 24,063 0 765 0 NA NA
1965 2,857 108 4,193 677 1,244 9,001 5,662 4,251 25,029 0 913 0 NA NA
1966 3,003 104 4,778 595 1,426 9,554 5,928 4,779 27,060 0 791 0 NA NA
1967 2,753 105 4,604 836 1,564 9,819 5,497 4,442 26,761 0 1,074 0 NA NA
1968 2,803 110 4,737 928 1,987 10,712 5,657 4,537 28,559 0 1,017 0 NA NA
1969 2,988 120 4,995 959 1,999 11,476 6,129 4,516 30,075 0 1,117 0 NA NA
1970 3,025 122 5,107 939 1,808 12,308 4,656 4,632 29,450 0 741 0 NA NA
1971 3,047 121 6,522 1,010 1,947 12,958 5,076 4,451 31,965 0 984 0 NA NA
1972 3,024 124 6,403 1,223 1,963 14,052 4,494 5,112 33,247 0 1,223 0 NA NA
1973 3,886 123 8,028 1,080 1,889 14,614 3,638 4,806 34,054 0 1,111 0 NA NA
1974 4,263 121 8,906 1,096 1,864 14,439 4,222 5,044 35,571 0 941 0 NA NA
1975 4,636 124 9,165 1,169 1,903 15,063 4,603 4,488 36,391 0 1,074 0 NA NA
1976 4,117 146 8,484 1,219 1,828 15,741 4,768 4,921 36,961 0 1,130 0 NA NA
1977 5,429 106 8,797 928 2,034 16,509 4,543 4,943 37,754 0 757 0 NA NA
1978 5,954 119 9,168 841 2,164 17,478 4,122 4,929 38,701 0 734 0 NA NA
1979 7,104 126 9,610 1,658 2,302 16,480 3,187 5,172 38,409 0 802 0 NA NA
1980 7,106 115 8,401 1,301 2,637 15,534 3,495 4,615 35,983 0 821 0 NA NA
1981 7,432 102 7,098 1,546 2,424 15,548 1,022 3,174 30,812 0 623 0 0 NA
1982 6,787 118 6,438 1,523 2,801 15,793 855 3,154 30,563 0 1,024 0 1 NA
1983 6,873 110 6,387 1,577 3,284 15,954 1,600 3,515 32,316 0 1,394 0 0 NA
1984 7,905 116 6,107 1,387 3,413 16,151 953 4,090 32,101 0 1,391 0 59 NA
1985 8,303 115 5,715 1,486 3,808 16,240 431 4,129 31,809 0 1,019 0 12 NA
1986 8,112 105 6,978 1,542 4,335 17,541 360 3,651 34,406 0 1,413 0 5 NA
1987 11,807 99 6,507 1,652 4,969 17,623 357 4,065 35,172 0 856 0 1 NA
1988 14,513 109 7,060 1,432 4,977 18,148 288 4,066 35,971 0 593 0 1 NA
1989 15,044 114 5,917 1,386 5,095 17,311 250 4,736 34,694 0 562 0 1 NA
1990 15,738 117 7,162 1,074 5,281 16,724 367 4,475 35,082 0 508 0 1 NA
1991 14,834 133 7,038 747 5,917 17,395 200 5,636 36,933 0 627 0 1 NA
1992 15,719 123 7,286 696 5,607 17,905 245 4,785 36,524 0 602 0 7 NA
1993 16,063 138 7,422 779 5,518 18,837 285 4,582 37,422 0 860 0 19 NA
1994 16,603 137 7,653 784 5,270 19,433 343 4,792 38,275 0 750 0 0 NA
1995 15,675 157 8,469 1,531 5,658 20,771 294 4,995 41,718 0 969 0 0 NA
1996 15,615 161 8,746 2,621 6,303 21,170 87 5,703 44,628 0 1,049 0 22 NA
1997 16,507 165 9,976 750 6,279 22,024 149 5,349 44,529 0 1,344 0 0 NA
1998 17,482 170 10,398 430 6,379 22,735 96 5,413 45,452 0 1,315 0 297 NA
1999 16,611 160 9,793 1,013 7,443 23,141 60 5,356 46,806 0 1,255 0 253 NA
2000 17,373 165 10,629 1,804 7,701 23,895 71 5,080 49,179 0 746 0 287 NA
2001 16,748 159 11,236 1,988 6,880 22,993 18 4,898 48,013 0 508 0 378 (s)
2002 16,434 163 11,482 1,280 6,416 24,158 82 4,031 47,450 0 458 0 100 1
2003 16,975 154 12,082 716 6,758 24,325 111 6,089 50,082 0 421 0 77 1
2004 18,150 156 12,264 805 7,137 24,744 171 5,312 50,434 0 450 0 37 1
2005 18,594 160 13,717 1,473 7,394 24,677 220 5,323 52,803 0 784 0 619 4
2006 17,324 187 17,292 1,399 7,560 25,312 243 5,057 56,863 0 747 0 521 10
2007 17,526 220 15,946 1,453 7,085 26,054 309 4,703 55,550 0 539 0 900 14
2008 17,799 224 14,138 1,351 6,509 25,051 441 4,624 52,113 0 668 24 1,088 12
2009 16,643 214 12,852 1,113 5,751 25,324 130 4,610 49,781 0 835 160 1,255 13
2010 15,950 219 12,707 1,078 5,031 24,761 14 5,276 48,866 0 696 448 1,453 10
2011 15,603 222 15,448 1,313 4,825 25,568 1 5,458 52,613 0 1,230 573 1,934 36
2012 14,671 223 14,776 1,134 4,608 25,228 1 5,560 51,306 0 748 704 2,054 65
2013 16,173 247 15,317 1,322 4,468 26,085 2 5,041 52,236 0 505 540 2,223 45
2014 15,676 242 15,169 1,284 4,816 26,469 21 4,966 52,726 0 633 660 2,203 87
2015 15,242 233 14,293 1,090 5,288 27,776 4 5,073 53,524 0 769 626 2,763 39
2016 12,576 240 14,248 1,123 5,963 28,535 0 5,456 [R ] 55,324 [R ] 0 760 822 2,952 150
2017 12,923 222 15,043 1,132 6,357 28,769 0 5,655 [R ] 56,957 [R ] 0 1,294 858 2,986 101
2018 12,710 244 15,700 1,330 8,619 28,725 3 5,362 [R ] 59,740 [R ] 0 927 795 2,965 116
2019 12,272 264 15,040 1,508 7,501 29,667 0 5,475 [R ] 59,191 [R ] 0 875 819 3,118 194
2020 11,173 256 15,714 1,412 5,251 27,425 0 5,455 [R ] 55,257 [R ] 0 817 803 2,909 196
2021 12,609 262 15,233 [R ] 1,527 7,369 28,963 1 5,382 [R ] 58,476 [R ] 0 494 825 2,919 112
2022 10,889 275 16,745 2,021 8,049 28,902 1 5,643 61,361 0 595 723 2,697 73
aIncludes supplemental gaseous fuels that are commingled with natural gas. hIncludes denaturant. Because of differences in data sources and estimation methods, the ratio of fuel ethanol
consumption and motor gasoline consumption should not be interpreted as the average ethanol blend rate.
bBeginning in 2009, includes biodiesel blended into distillate fuel oil. Beginning in 2011, includes renewable diesel
blended into distillate fuel oil. Excludes biofuels product supplied.
NA = Not available.
cHydrocarbon gas liquids, include natural gas liquids and refinery olefins. Where shown, R = Revised data and (s) = Value less than 0.5.
dThrough 2004, includes kerosene-type and naphtha-type jet fuel. Beginning in 2005, includes kerosene-type jet fuel
only; naphtha-type jet fuel is included in "Other petroleum." There is a discontinuity in this time series between 2009 and 2010
because of data source and methodology changes, see technical notes.
Notes: · Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. · The continuity of these data series
estimates may be affected by changing data sources and estimation methodologies. See the Technical Notes for each type
of energy.
eBeginning in 1993, includes fuel ethanol blended into motor gasoline. Web Page: All data are available at https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php.
fIncludes asphalt and road oil, aviation gasoline, kerosene, lubricants, petroleum coke, and the “other petroleum products”
category. See Technical Notes, Section 4.
Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System. See Technical Notes.
gConventional hydroelectric power. For 1960 through 1989, includes hydroelectric pumped-storage, which cannot be
separately identified.