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State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

Table C11. Total energy consumption estimates by end-use sector, ranked by state, 2022

Table C11. Total energy consumption estimates by end-use sector, ranked by state, 2022

Residential Commercial Industrial a Transportation b Total a,b
State Trillion Btu State Trillion Btu State Trillion Btu State Trillion Btu State Trillion Btu
1 Texas 1,633.4 Texas 1,546.1 Texas 7,338.5 Texas 3,268.8 Texas 13,780.6
2 California 1,203.7 California 1,193.1 Louisiana 2,950.5 California 2,915.8 California 6,882.4
3 Florida 1,182.6 New York 969.8 California 1,539.3 Florida 1,738.8 Florida 4,325.0
4 New York 1,024.8 Florida 930.4 Pennsylvania 1,445.3 New York 1,128.1 Louisiana 4,246.0
5 Illinois 925.5 Illinois 743.9 Indiana 1,180.0 Illinois 892.8 Pennsylvania 3,736.9
6 Pennsylvania 880.7 Virginia 734.1 Ohio 1,136.8 Georgia 875.4 Illinois 3,675.6
7 Ohio 844.5 Ohio 651.4 Illinois 1,109.0 Ohio 871.8 Ohio 3,503.2
8 Michigan 753.9 Michigan 579.0 Alabama 774.3 Pennsylvania 852.5 New York 3,452.7
9 Georgia 697.2 Pennsylvania 559.4 Iowa 771.3 North Carolina 806.5 Georgia 2,836.2
10 North Carolina 672.6 North Carolina 558.3 Georgia 738.9 Louisiana 755.9 Michigan 2,706.8
11 New Jersey 566.8 New Jersey 545.7 Michigan 664.0 Virginia 734.2 Indiana 2,618.9
12 Virginia 544.3 Georgia 527.4 Oklahoma 617.4 Michigan 710.8 North Carolina 2,568.8
13 Indiana 514.1 Tennessee 420.0 Kentucky 589.2 Tennessee 663.8 Virginia 2,427.8
14 Missouri 512.6 Missouri 383.8 Minnesota 567.7 New Jersey 645.2 Tennessee 2,101.8
15 Tennessee 505.1 Massachusetts 366.6 Wisconsin 535.1 Washington 621.1 New Jersey 2,014.4
16 Wisconsin 430.9 Wisconsin 363.5 North Carolina 533.5 Indiana 569.1 Alabama 1,902.4
17 Arizona 404.4 Indiana 356.9 Tennessee 514.0 Arizona 567.4 Wisconsin 1,768.6
18 Minnesota 402.4 Maryland 350.7 South Carolina 498.4 Alabama 551.6 Minnesota 1,759.9
19 Massachusetts 393.8 Minnesota 338.0 Florida 477.1 Missouri 544.1 Missouri 1,733.4
20 South Carolina 374.4 Arizona 337.1 Alaska 429.8 Colorado 501.1 Kentucky 1,673.2
21 Maryland 370.8 South Carolina 288.8 Virginia 417.4 Kentucky 497.2 South Carolina 1,623.4
22 Colorado 339.4 Colorado 253.0 Mississippi 405.3 South Carolina 463.6 Washington 1,571.4
23 Kentucky 338.4 Kentucky 249.4 West Virginia 383.9 Oklahoma 456.0 Arizona 1,526.9
24 Washington 334.6 Alabama 244.4 Nebraska 381.4 Minnesota 447.2 Oklahoma 1,526.4
25 Alabama 332.9 Washington 240.5 North Dakota 380.7 Wisconsin 439.9 Colorado 1,464.0
26 Louisiana 302.0 Louisiana 238.7 Arkansas 378.9 Massachusetts 420.5 Iowa 1,423.2
27 Oklahoma 245.2 Oklahoma 208.8 Washington 376.2 Maryland 394.7 Massachusetts 1,315.2
28 Connecticut 235.3 Connecticut 178.1 Colorado 372.5 Mississippi 352.9 Maryland 1,202.8
29 Arkansas 218.3 Utah 176.2 Kansas 369.9 Oregon 305.6 Mississippi 1,099.8
30 Iowa 193.3 Kansas 175.2 New York 329.5 Iowa 297.8 Arkansas 1,052.5
31 Utah 192.1 Arkansas 172.7 Missouri 293.8 Arkansas 283.3 Kansas 1,000.7
32 Mississippi 191.6 Iowa 159.1 Wyoming 288.3 Utah 280.6 Oregon 857.3
33 Kansas 189.3 Mississippi 150.7 New Jersey 258.1 Nevada 276.5 Utah 848.7
34 Oregon 180.9 Oregon 134.0 New Mexico 248.0 Kansas 266.9 Nebraska 846.4
35 Nevada 157.3 Nevada 129.9 Oregon 233.2 New Mexico 230.0 West Virginia 835.5
36 West Virginia 153.8 Nebraska 122.7 Arizona 219.5 Connecticut 225.9 Alaska 724.1
37 Nebraska 143.0 West Virginia 107.0 Utah 201.0 Nebraska 199.7 Connecticut 707.6
38 Idaho 123.3 New Mexico 102.7 South Dakota 165.8 West Virginia 191.7 Nevada 706.1
39 New Mexico 107.9 North Dakota 90.0 Idaho 148.2 Alaska 189.0 New Mexico 687.6
40 New Hampshire 94.1 District of Columbia 82.6 Nevada 142.9 Idaho 169.9 North Dakota 670.6
41 Montana 90.8 Idaho 78.5 Massachusetts 134.8 Hawaii 155.8 Idaho 519.0
42 Maine 86.9 Montana 72.1 Montana 117.6 North Dakota 136.0 Wyoming 496.2
43 Delaware 64.6 New Hampshire 64.7 Maryland 87.5 Montana 115.6 Montana 395.3
44 North Dakota 63.9 Maine 58.3 Maine 82.7 Maine 107.6 South Dakota 358.4
45 Rhode Island 60.5 Alaska 55.5 Delaware 80.6 Wyoming 104.6 Maine 335.3
46 Wyoming 50.3 Wyoming 53.7 Connecticut 68.7 South Dakota 102.0 New Hampshire 297.2
47 Alaska 50.0 Delaware 52.4 Hawaii 47.7 New Hampshire 100.5 Delaware 274.8
48 South Dakota 49.0 Rhode Island 46.9 New Hampshire 38.0 Delaware 77.4 Hawaii 270.3
49 Vermont 41.4 South Dakota 41.7 Rhode Island 22.1 Rhode Island 57.3 Rhode Island 186.6
50 District of Columbia 35.6 Hawaii 36.6 Vermont 16.0 Vermont 42.2 District of Columbia 141.0
51 Hawaii 30.1 Vermont 25.3 District of Columbia 5.2 District of Columbia 17.7 Vermont 124.8
United States 19,534.1 United States 16,545.2 United States 31,049.7 United States 27,632.0 United States 94,773.7
aU.S. total includes -55.8 trillion Btu of net imports of coal coke that are not allocated to the states.
bU.S. total includes 25.5 trillion Btu of other biofuels not allocated to the states.
Web Page: All data are available at https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php.
Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System. See Technical Notes. http://www.eia.gov/state/seds/