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Older than 150 days

State Energy Data System: Total petroleum products through 2022

Apr 19, 2024
Annual state-level estimates of consumption, prices, and expenditures for total petroleum products through 2022.

State Energy Portal: Updated Analyses and Quick Facts

Apr 18, 2024

We updated Analyses and Quick Facts for:

  • Alaska
  • Hawaii
  • Oregon
  • Washington

Wholesale Electricity Market Data

Apr 18, 2024
This site contains spreadsheets with wholesale electricity and natural gas data from seven major trading hubs that cover most regions of the United States. The data are through April 16, 2024, republished, with permission, from the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

Drilling Productivity Report

Apr 15, 2024
The Drilling Productivity Report has been updated with the latest charts and methodology. This report uses recent data on the total number of drilling rigs in operation along with estimates of drilling productivity and estimated changes in production from existing oil and natural gas wells to provide estimated changes in oil and natural gas production for seven key regions.

State Energy Data System: Petroleum coke and other petroleum products through 2022

Apr 12, 2024
Annual state-level estimates of consumption, prices, and expenditures for petroleum coke and other petroleum products through 2022. Other petroleum products is a group of 12 products, including petrochemical feedstocks, special naphthas, waxes, and miscellaneous products.

Short-Term Energy Outlook

Apr 9, 2024
Global oil consumption. This month we revised the 2022 global liquid fuels consumption data available in our International Energy Statistics, increasing our assessment of global oil consumption that year by nearly 0.8 million barrels per day (b/d) compared to last month’s STEO. The historic data serves as a baseline for our short-term forecasts, affecting our view of energy markets this year and next. This month’s revision to historic data, as well as current market dynamics, led us to increase our forecasts for global oil consumption in 2024 and 2025 between 0.4 million b/d and 0.5 million b/d in both years.

Wholesale Electricity Market Data

Apr 4, 2024
This site contains spreadsheets with wholesale electricity and natural gas data from seven major trading hubs that cover most regions of the United States. The data are through April 2, 2024, republished, with permission, from the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).

Congo (Brazzaville) Country Analysis Brief

Apr 4, 2024
The Republic of the Congo, or Congo Brazzaville, is a significant regional hydrocarbons producer in sub-Saharan Africa. Most of Congo Brazzaville’s hydrocarbons production is located offshore. Congo Brazzaville holds sizable proved natural gas reserves but only a small portion of the reserves is commercialized because of a lack of natural gas infrastructure. Congo Brazzaville exports most of its crude oil production, and revenues from crude oil exports play a large role in its economy, making its economy vulnerable to crude oil price volatility.

Quarterly Coal Distribution Report (QCDR)—Fourth-Quarter 2023

Apr 1, 2024
The Quarterly Coal Distribution Report (QCDR) provides detailed U.S. domestic coal distribution data (excluding waste coal and imports) for fourth-quarter 2023 by coal-origin state, coal-destination state, mode of transportation, and consuming sector. Quarterly coal distribution data for all quarters are preliminary and will be updated in the corresponding Annual Coal Distribution Report.

Quarterly Coal Report (QCR)—Fourth-Quarter 2023

Apr 1, 2024
U.S. coal production during the fourth quarter of 2023 totaled 140.8 million short tons (MMst), which was 3.3% lower than the previous quarter and 3.4% lower than the fourth quarter of 2022. Fourth-quarter 2023 U.S. coal exports (26.2 MMst) increased 5.2% from the third-quarter 2023 and increased 24.6% from the fourth-quarter 2022. U.S. coal imports in the fourth quarter of 2023 totaled 1 MMst. All data for 2022 and previous years are final. All data for 2023 are preliminary.

Petroleum Marketing Monthly

Apr 1, 2024
The April 2024 Petroleum Marketing Monthly (PMM), with data through January 2024 presents monthly and annual price and volume statistics for crude oil sales in the United States.

U.S. Movements of Crude Oil By Rail

Mar 29, 2024
Monthly data on rail movements of crude oil have been updated for January 2024. Crude oil movements by rail have significantly increased during the past five years. The data on crude-by-rail (CBR) movements are also fully integrated with EIA’s existing monthly petroleum supply statistics, which already include crude oil movements by pipeline, tanker, and barge.

Company Level Imports

Mar 29, 2024
Imports data at the company level collected from Form EIA-814, Monthly Imports Report.

Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production

Mar 29, 2024
These monthly production estimates are based on data from Form EIA-914, Monthly Crude Oil, Lease Condensate, and Natural Gas Production Report.

State Energy Data System: Hydrocarbon gas liquids through 2022

Mar 29, 2024
Annual state-level estimates of consumption, prices, and expenditures for hydrocarbon gas liquids.

Monthly Biofuels Capacity and Feedstocks Update

Mar 29, 2024
The U.S. Energy Information Administration release showing national monthly biofuels operable production capacity.

Natural Gas Monthly

Mar 29, 2024
In January 2024, dry natural gas production increased year over year for the month for the 33rd consecutive month. Preliminary dry natural gas production in January 2024 was 3,202 billion cubic feet (Bcf), or 103.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d). Production was 1.4% (1.4 Bcf/d) higher in January 2024 than in January 2023 (101.9 Bcf/d) and the highest for the month since 1973, when we began tracking dry natural gas production. Gross withdrawals also increased from January 2023

Petroleum Supply Monthly

Mar 29, 2024
Supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products on a national and regional level. The data describe production, imports and exports, movements, and inventories.

Distributed Generation, Battery Storage, and Combined Heat and Power System Characteristics and Costs in the Buildings and Industrial Sectors

Mar 28, 2024
Distributed generation refers to onsite, behind-the-meter energy generation. Distributed generation often includes electricity from renewable energy systems such as solar photovoltaics and small wind turbines, as well as battery energy storage systems that enable delayed electricity use. Distributed generation can also include electricity and heat from combined heat and power (CHP) systems in the buildings and industrial sectors. We work with technology experts to estimate distributed generation, CHP, and battery energy storage equipment cost and performance characteristics. These reports help us increase transparency for some of the most important assumptions we use for residential, commercial, and industrial energy consumption and electricity generation projections in our Annual Energy Outlook.

Monthly Energy Review

Mar 26, 2024
The Monthly Energy Review is our comprehensive report on recent and historical energy statistics. According to our March 2024 report, preliminary estimates indicate that U.S. total primary energy production equaled 103 quadrillion British thermal units in 2023, the highest total on record and a 4% increase from 2022.

Electric Power Monthly

Mar 26, 2024
Data in the March 2024 Electric Power Monthly (EPM) are for January 2024, when net generation in the United States increased 9.1% from January 2023. Consumption of natural gas for power generation was up 16.7% compared with January 2023. The average residential retail price of electricity was relatively unchanged (down 0.1%) from January 2023.

Older than 180 days ›‹ Previous

September 18, 2024 Today in Energy ›

West Coast jet fuel margins fell in August because of high inventories ›

More jet fuel has been in U.S. West Coast inventories than over the previous five years for 29 out of 35 weeks so far in 2024, according to our Weekly Petroleum Status Report (WPSR). High inventories helped reduce Los Angeles regional crack spreads for jet fuel to an average of 5 cents per gallon (gal) in August, lower than any point in the last five years, including during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Crack spreads represent the price difference between products and crude oil and can be used to determine the relative value of various petroleum products for refineries to produce. More

Los Angeles jet fuel crack spread

Data source: Bloomberg L.P.

Regular Releases*


New England Dashboard
Updated hourly (unless indicated otherwise)

U.S. Electric System Operating Data
Updated hourly (unless indicated otherwise)

Today in Energy
Release schedule: Several times each week

Southern California Daily Energy Report
Release schedule: Monday to Friday approx. 10:00 a.m. EST


Coal Markets
Release schedule: Monday by 5:00 p.m. EST

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update
Release schedule: Monday between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. EST (schedule)

Heating Oil & Propane Update (October-March)
Heating Oil, Propane Residential and Wholesale Price Data
Release schedule: Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. EST

Natural Gas Storage Dashboard
Release schedule: Thursday at 2:30 p.m. EST

Natural Gas Weekly Update
Release schedule: Thursday by 5:00 p.m. EST

This Week in Petroleum
Release schedule: Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. EST (schedule)

Weekly Coal Production
Release schedule: Thursday by 5:00 p.m. EST

Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report
Release schedule: Thursday at 10:30 (Eastern Time) (schedule)

Weekly Petroleum Status Report
Release schedule: The wpsrsummary.pdf, overview.pdf, and Tables 1-14 in CSV and XLS formats, are released to the Web site after 10:30 a.m. EST on Wednesday. All other PDF and HTML files are released to the Web site after 1:00 p.m. EST on Wednesday. Appendix D is produced during the winter heating season, which extends from October through March of each year. For some weeks which include holidays, releases are delayed by one day. (schedule)

* Releases change on weeks with Federal holidays

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