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Natural Gas Summary
Area: Period:
 Show Data By:
Data Series Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
(Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet)
-- -- -- -- --   1979-2022
Pipeline and Distribution Use
3.87 3.56 3.58 4.30 5.52 5.62 1984-2023
10.65 9.97 10.91 11.76 12.83 15.77 1967-2023
8.48 7.88 8.25 8.91 10.33 12.22 1967-2023
5.01 4.62 4.73 5.07 6.34 7.98 1997-2023
Vehicle Fuel
Electric Power
W W W W W W 1997-2023
(Million Cubic Feet)
Number of Producing Gas Wells
14 13 10       1989-2020
Number of Gas Producing Oil Wells
0 0 0       2011-2020
Gross Withdrawals
499 399 320 205 13 91 1979-2023
From Gas Wells
499 399 320 205 13 91 1979-2023
From Oil Wells
0 0 0 0 0 0 1996-2023
From Shale Gas Wells
0 0 0 0 0 0 2007-2023
From Coalbed Wells
0 0 0 0 0 0 2002-2023
    0 NA NA NA 2020-2023
0 0 0 0 0 0 1994-2023
Nonhydrocarbon Gases Removed
0 0 0 0 0 0 1994-2023
Vented and Flared
0 0 0 0 0 0 1996-2023
Marketed Production
499 399 320 205 13 91 1979-2023
Dry Production
499 399 320 205 13 91 1982-2023
Underground Storage
(Million Cubic Feet)
Total Capacity
29,565 34,929 34,929 36,027 36,459 36,459 1989-2023
12,844 18,674 14,149 21,270 21,566 21,045 1973-2023
11,888 16,830 14,354 21,120 22,794 15,814 1989-2023
Net Withdrawals
-955 -1,844 205 -150 1,228 -5,231 1973-2023
Liquefied Natural Gas Storage
(Million Cubic Feet)
430 944 620 684 776 918 1980-2023
561 926 572 733 763 655 1980-2023
Net Withdrawals
-131 17 48 -49 13 263 1980-2023
(Million Cubic Feet)
Total Consumption
255,713 287,017 268,298 289,730 279,166 300,176 1997-2023
Lease and Plant Fuel
Lease Fuel
26 20 16 10 1 4 1983-2023
Pipeline & Distribution Use
6,362 5,838 7,026 7,859 8,819 9,293 1997-2023
Delivered to Consumers
249,324 281,160 261,256 281,860 270,346 290,879 1997-2023
42,625 47,927 45,487 46,196 49,034 46,861 1967-2023
28,997 32,379 28,351 29,700 32,634 31,911 1967-2023
54,267 57,008 56,700 58,109 56,406 55,015 1997-2023
Vehicle Fuel
70 54 49 41 15 4 1988-2023
Electric Power
123,365 143,791 130,669 147,815 132,257 157,087 1997-2023
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Prices are in nominal dollars. Through 2001, electric power price data are for regulated electric utilities only; beginning in 2002, data also include nonregulated members of the electric power sector. Monthly preliminary (from January 2018 to present) state-level data for the production series, except marketed production, are not available until after the final annual reports for this series is collected and processed. Final annual data are generally available in the third quarter of the following year. Gas volumes delivered for use as vehicle fuel are included in the State annual totals through 2010 but not in the State monthly components. Gas volumes delivered for vehicle fuel are included in the State monthly totals from January 2011 forward. As of report year 2021, well count data have been discontinued. The latest natural gas well count data can be found at U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Wells by Production Rate.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025