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Kansas   Kansas Profile

State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

Table CT1. Energy consumption estimates for selected energy sources in physical units, 1960-2022, District of Columbia

Table CT1. Energy consumption estimates for selected energy sources in physical units, 1960-2022, District of Columbia



gas a

electric power

power g


ethanol h


fuel oil b


fuel d

gasoline e

fuel oil

Other f

short tons
cubic feet

Thousand barrels

Million kilowatthours

Thousand barrels
1960 1,051 13 2,894 2 0 4,957 2,428 292 10,573 0 3 0 NA NA
1961 977 13 2,730 2 0 4,983 1,974 278 9,967 0 5 0 NA NA
1962 854 14 2,806 2 0 5,071 2,239 256 10,375 0 6 0 NA NA
1963 708 15 2,781 2 0 5,106 2,544 253 10,686 0 4 0 NA NA
1964 690 16 2,879 3 (s) 5,269 3,897 205 12,252 0 5 0 NA NA
1965 526 17 3,435 2 (s) 5,469 6,749 194 15,850 0 3 0 NA NA
1966 925 17 3,348 3 (s) 5,570 7,041 150 16,112 0 2 0 NA NA
1967 873 21 3,369 3 1 5,501 8,401 173 17,448 0 2 0 NA NA
1968 911 22 3,944 3 (s) 5,611 8,798 158 18,513 0 1 0 NA NA
1969 1,264 25 4,311 3 10 5,655 10,277 111 20,368 0 (s) 0 NA NA
1970 1,128 26 4,934 4 (s) 5,688 11,144 119 21,889 0 1 0 NA NA
1971 625 27 3,837 4 1 5,673 10,854 161 20,531 0 1 0 NA NA
1972 510 29 3,354 5 3 5,636 10,589 113 19,698 0 1 0 NA NA
1973 564 28 3,569 5 1 5,976 11,068 110 20,728 0 1 0 NA NA
1974 502 27 3,592 4 (s) 5,699 7,421 143 16,858 0 1 0 NA NA
1975 418 26 3,157 4 0 5,748 4,174 190 13,273 0 1 0 NA NA
1976 242 29 3,418 5 0 5,500 4,250 199 13,372 0 1 0 NA NA
1977 167 26 3,598 5 0 5,215 5,358 354 14,528 0 0 0 NA NA
1978 83 26 3,309 5 (s) 5,124 5,059 347 13,844 0 0 0 NA NA
1979 119 30 2,773 3 3 4,544 2,419 388 10,130 0 0 0 NA NA
1980 134 28 2,284 4 329 3,881 1,612 345 8,455 0 0 0 NA NA
1981 99 29 1,475 5 566 3,978 1,074 150 7,247 0 0 0 (s) NA
1982 125 29 1,999 5 336 4,018 1,687 78 8,123 0 0 0 (s) NA
1983 123 29 2,304 5 108 3,978 1,310 96 7,801 0 0 0 (s) NA
1984 100 29 2,587 8 39 4,218 1,466 95 8,412 0 0 0 (s) NA
1985 140 29 2,394 4 7 3,802 740 151 7,098 0 0 0 (s) NA
1986 54 30 2,584 4 501 3,877 1,485 99 8,550 0 0 0 (s) NA
1987 70 31 2,134 4 (s) 4,246 1,355 106 7,845 0 0 0 1 NA
1988 31 33 2,021 5 5 4,358 1,168 107 7,664 0 0 0 1 NA
1989 60 33 1,895 5 0 4,200 1,443 147 7,690 0 0 0 1 NA
1990 69 29 1,652 4 5 4,043 1,020 104 6,829 0 0 0 0 NA
1991 66 31 1,696 4 0 4,023 664 86 6,474 0 0 0 1 NA
1992 50 33 1,700 7 0 4,024 469 86 6,286 0 0 0 0 NA
1993 51 33 1,686 6 101 4,185 647 97 6,724 0 0 0 0 NA
1994 47 31 1,981 6 0 4,099 735 99 6,919 0 0 0 0 NA
1995 6 33 1,839 5 0 4,142 532 224 6,742 0 0 0 0 NA
1996 23 34 2,004 6 0 3,862 337 187 6,396 0 0 0 0 NA
1997 40 34 1,474 7 0 4,066 160 307 6,015 0 0 0 0 NA
1998 6 30 1,284 3 0 4,031 454 393 6,165 0 0 0 0 NA
1999 6 32 1,380 3 0 3,979 442 326 6,130 0 0 0 0 NA
2000 7 33 1,710 7 0 4,070 210 340 6,337 0 0 0 0 NA
2001 30 30 1,660 5 0 3,890 285 293 6,134 0 0 0 0 (s)
2002 4 33 2,131 3 0 3,927 0 88 6,149 0 0 0 0 (s)
2003 7 33 1,909 5 0 3,497 0 77 5,488 0 0 0 0 (s)
2004 30 32 1,960 4 0 3,590 0 74 5,629 0 0 0 0 (s)
2005 38 32 1,873 4 0 3,366 0 78 5,322 0 0 0 62 (s)
2006 0 29 1,046 4 0 3,188 0 79 4,318 0 0 0 163 1
2007 20 33 1,030 5 0 3,057 0 87 4,178 0 0 0 196 1
2008 14 32 916 5 0 2,575 0 77 3,573 0 0 0 143 1
2009 12 33 884 5 0 2,684 0 649 4,221 0 0 0 163 1
2010 3 33 1,168 6 0 2,730 0 688 4,592 0 0 0 290 1
2011 2 33 846 5 0 2,806 0 629 4,287 0 0 0 290 3
2012 3 29 735 7 0 2,280 0 663 3,685 0 0 0 230 2
2013 (s) 33 609 7 0 2,311 0 674 3,600 0 0 0 238 8
2014 2 34 650 7 0 2,568 0 659 3,884 0 0 0 267 8
2015 2 32 666 17 0 2,646 0 629 3,958 0 0 0 276 9
2016 1 29 493 6 0 2,835 0 516 3,849 0 0 0 294 12
2017 1 29 317 3 0 2,474 0 538 [R ] 3,332 [R ] 0 0 0 257 8
2018 1 31 399 4 0 2,861 0 505 [R ] 3,768 [R ] 0 0 0 295 5
2019 (s) 31 478 5 0 2,787 0 428 [R ] 3,699 [R ] 0 0 0 293 5
2020 0 27 341 5 0 2,319 0 414 [R ] 3,079 [R ] 0 0 0 246 4
2021 0 27 628 [R ] 27 0 2,443 0 504 [R ] 3,602 [R ] 0 0 0 261 6 [R ]
2022 0 29 639 26 0 2,331 0 506 3,501 0 0 0 249 5
aIncludes supplemental gaseous fuels that are commingled with natural gas. hIncludes denaturant. Because of differences in data sources and estimation methods, the ratio of fuel ethanol
consumption and motor gasoline consumption should not be interpreted as the average ethanol blend rate.
bBeginning in 2009, includes biodiesel blended into distillate fuel oil. Beginning in 2011, includes renewable diesel
blended into distillate fuel oil. Excludes biofuels product supplied.
NA = Not available.
cHydrocarbon gas liquids, include natural gas liquids and refinery olefins. Where shown, R = Revised data and (s) = Value less than 0.5.
dThrough 2004, includes kerosene-type and naphtha-type jet fuel. Beginning in 2005, includes kerosene-type jet fuel
only; naphtha-type jet fuel is included in "Other petroleum." There is a discontinuity in this time series between 2009 and 2010
because of data source and methodology changes, see technical notes.
Notes: · Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. · The continuity of these data series
estimates may be affected by changing data sources and estimation methodologies. See the Technical Notes for each type
of energy.
eBeginning in 1993, includes fuel ethanol blended into motor gasoline. Web Page: All data are available at https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php.
fIncludes asphalt and road oil, aviation gasoline, kerosene, lubricants, petroleum coke, and the “other petroleum products”
category. See Technical Notes, Section 4.
Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System. See Technical Notes.
gConventional hydroelectric power. For 1960 through 1989, includes hydroelectric pumped-storage, which cannot be
separately identified.