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Electric Power Monthly

Data for June 2024 Release Date: August 23, 2024 Next Release Date: September 24, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 5.4.B. Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector,
by State, Year-to-Date through June 2024 and 2023 (Thousand Megawatthours)

  Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation All Sectors
Census Division
and State
June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD June 2024 YTD June 2023 YTD
New England 23,546 21,989 23,979 23,411 7,079 7,326 252 240 54,856 52,966
Connecticut 6,244 5,746 5,559 5,359 1,246 1,260 93 87 13,143 12,452
Maine 2,589 2,491 2,007 1,998 1,079 1,192 0 0 5,675 5,681
Massachusetts 9,865 9,125 11,704 11,435 2,794 2,979 147 140 24,509 23,679
New Hampshire 2,311 2,224 1,949 1,960 1,012 942 0 0 5,271 5,126
Rhode Island 1,430 1,338 1,808 1,736 312 313 13 12 3,563 3,399
Vermont 1,106 1,066 952 924 637 639 0 0 2,694 2,629
Middle Atlantic 68,870 60,813 70,644 68,165 35,357 35,021 1,812 1,642 176,683 165,641
New Jersey 13,870 12,469 17,678 17,050 3,062 2,971 228 112 34,837 32,601
New York 23,708 23,170 33,837 33,876 7,650 7,380 1,351 1,299 66,546 65,725
Pennsylvania 31,292 25,175 19,130 17,239 24,645 24,670 233 231 75,300 67,315
East North Central 90,683 86,312 87,052 84,295 92,693 90,590 257 234 270,685 261,430
Illinois 21,979 20,315 21,876 22,158 20,885 20,147 228 207 64,968 62,826
Indiana 16,298 15,290 11,122 10,965 20,956 20,135 8 7 48,384 46,396
Michigan 16,161 15,779 18,244 17,768 14,000 14,016 3 3 48,408 47,565
Ohio 25,544 23,988 24,375 22,077 25,401 24,842 17 17 75,338 70,924
Wisconsin 10,701 10,941 11,435 11,327 11,450 11,450 1 1 33,586 33,719
West North Central 52,939 53,523 51,971 50,404 50,236 49,586 21 21 155,168 153,534
Iowa 7,302 7,493 6,119 6,060 13,550 13,510 0 0 26,971 27,064
Kansas 6,640 6,326 7,747 7,627 5,599 5,587 0 0 19,986 19,539
Minnesota 11,145 11,889 10,864 11,049 9,897 9,978 8 10 31,914 32,926
Missouri 17,600 16,867 14,291 13,955 6,411 6,259 13 11 38,315 37,091
Nebraska 5,105 5,365 5,145 4,654 6,296 6,127 0 0 16,546 16,146
North Dakota 2,534 2,777 5,364 4,618 6,885 6,595 0 0 14,783 13,989
South Dakota 2,613 2,806 2,442 2,441 1,598 1,530 0 0 6,653 6,778
South Atlantic 183,571 170,923 165,152 157,053 68,999 68,732 600 548 418,322 397,255
Delaware 2,505 2,319 2,051 1,977 911 939 0 0 5,468 5,235
District of Columbia 1,142 1,102 3,446 3,321 93 84 154 139 4,835 4,646
Florida 62,937 61,462 47,571 46,627 8,630 8,451 35 35 119,173 116,575
Georgia 29,750 26,916 23,804 22,507 16,468 16,234 75 71 70,098 65,727
Maryland 13,425 12,282 13,356 12,734 1,681 1,667 216 202 28,677 26,885
North Carolina 30,183 27,219 24,286 22,947 12,914 13,169 6 6 67,389 63,342
South Carolina 15,657 14,075 12,599 11,738 12,420 12,602 0 0 40,676 38,415
Virginia 22,608 20,492 34,387 31,740 8,559 8,388 113 94 65,666 60,713
West Virginia 5,366 5,055 3,652 3,461 7,322 7,199 0 0 16,340 15,716
East South Central 59,538 54,677 44,544 42,422 47,678 47,115 0 0 151,760 144,213
Alabama 15,853 14,438 11,083 10,618 15,681 15,456 0 0 42,616 40,512
Kentucky 13,170 11,999 9,428 8,890 13,228 12,837 0 0 35,826 33,726
Mississippi 9,032 8,425 7,022 6,628 7,778 7,777 0 0 23,832 22,830
Tennessee 21,483 19,816 17,011 16,286 10,991 11,044 0 0 49,485 47,145
West South Central 108,804 103,945 101,973 98,750 111,780 116,031 10 89 322,568 318,816
Arkansas 9,031 8,539 5,600 5,461 9,499 9,044 0.12 0.13 24,130 23,044
Louisiana 14,318 13,774 11,231 11,070 20,469 19,931 5 5 46,023 44,780
Oklahoma 11,236 10,751 11,305 10,430 11,222 11,082 0 0 33,762 32,263
Texas 74,220 70,882 73,837 71,789 70,590 75,974 5 84 218,652 218,728
Mountain 51,222 49,784 51,482 48,711 43,299 41,387 80 82 146,083 139,965
Arizona 17,128 16,398 16,007 14,635 7,018 6,870 5 5 40,158 37,907
Colorado 9,859 9,502 10,063 9,910 7,547 7,470 45 47 27,515 26,929
Idaho 4,812 4,932 3,359 3,299 4,404 4,197 0 0 12,576 12,428
Montana 3,021 3,061 2,524 2,509 2,429 2,234 0 0 7,975 7,804
Nevada 6,171 5,813 6,050 5,906 6,243 5,852 4 3 18,468 17,575
New Mexico 3,408 3,351 4,483 4,359 6,462 5,789 0 0 14,353 13,499
Utah 5,240 5,104 6,693 6,260 4,277 4,071 27 27 16,237 15,462
Wyoming 1,583 1,625 2,301 1,833 4,918 4,903 0 0 8,802 8,361
Pacific Contiguous 67,543 69,677 76,947 75,853 38,170 37,503 402 426 183,062 183,460
California 37,176 38,091 53,767 52,836 19,808 19,423 347 362 111,098 110,712
Oregon 10,002 10,642 8,486 8,389 8,106 7,919 11 11 26,605 26,961
Washington 20,365 20,944 14,694 14,628 10,256 10,161 43 53 45,358 45,786
Pacific Noncontiguous 2,330 2,340 2,628 2,620 2,343 2,323 0 0 7,300 7,283
Alaska 1,082 1,061 1,316 1,294 701 682 0 0 3,099 3,038
Hawaii 1,247 1,279 1,313 1,325 1,642 1,641 0 0 4,202 4,245
U.S. Total 709,047 673,983 676,373 651,684 497,633 495,613 3,434 3,282 1,886,486 1,824,561

See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors.
Notes: - See Glossary for definitions. - Values are preliminary estimates based on a cutoff model sample.
See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-826.
Utilities and energy service providers may classify commercial and industrial customers based on either NAICS codes or demands or usage falling within specified limits by rate schedule.
Changes from year to year in consumer counts, sales and revenues, particularly involving the commercial and industrial consumer sectors, may result from respondent implementation of changes in the definitions of consumers, and reclassifications.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861M (formerly EIA-826), Monthly Electric Power Industry Report.