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Electric Power Monthly

Data for June 2024 Release Date: August 23, 2024 Next Release Date: September 24, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 5.1. Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers:
Total by End-Use Sector, 2014 - June 2024 (Thousand Megawatthours)

Period Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation All Sectors
Annual Totals
2014 1,407,208 1,352,158 997,576 7,758 3,764,700
2015 1,404,096 1,360,752 986,508 7,637 3,758,992
2016 1,411,058 1,367,191 976,715 7,497 3,762,462
2017 1,378,648 1,352,888 984,298 7,523 3,723,356
2018 1,469,093 1,381,755 1,000,673 7,665 3,859,185
2019 1,440,289 1,360,877 1,002,353 7,632 3,811,150
2020 1,464,605 1,287,440 959,082 6,548 3,717,674
2021 1,470,487 1,328,439 1,000,613 6,334 3,805,874
2022 1,509,233 1,390,873 1,020,464 6,599 3,927,169
2023 1,454,667 1,374,922 1,024,949 6,804 3,861,342
Year 2022
January 140,504 113,605 83,982 565 338,656
February 125,342 103,063 76,893 566 305,863
March 111,439 108,603 83,679 579 304,300
April 97,432 104,566 82,422 513 284,933
May 110,071 113,007 86,090 529 309,697
June 136,310 121,567 88,716 513 347,106
July 164,277 133,952 90,420 566 389,214
August 160,271 135,676 93,143 536 389,626
Sept 129,241 124,195 86,550 558 340,544
October 99,792 111,851 85,017 535 297,196
November 103,152 106,858 81,701 546 292,258
December 131,402 113,929 81,852 593 327,776
Year 2023
January 132,059 110,493 78,965 569 322,084
February 112,543 101,434 76,054 550 290,582
March 110,792 110,071 84,426 567 305,856
April 96,542 101,556 81,765 511 280,373
May 100,479 110,404 86,394 518 297,795
June 121,568 117,727 88,009 568 327,872
July 160,085 133,161 92,565 621 386,432
August 162,031 135,067 94,226 577 391,900
Sept 133,320 123,663 88,495 650 346,129
October 103,767 115,379 88,164 565 307,874
November 102,428 107,051 83,460 549 293,487
December 119,052 108,918 82,427 562 310,959
Year 2024
January 142,839 114,843 82,723 606 341,010
February 117,716 106,394 77,915 518 302,543
March 103,974 108,266 82,428 611 295,280
April 96,236 105,933 81,058 535 283,763
May 109,076 115,422 86,699 596 311,793
June 139,206 125,515 86,809 569 352,098
Year to Date
2022 721,098 664,411 501,781 3,265 1,890,555
2023 673,983 651,684 495,613 3,282 1,824,561
2024 709,047 676,373 497,633 3,434 1,886,486
Rolling 12 Months Ending in June
2023 1,462,118 1,378,146 1,014,295 6,616 3,861,175
2024 1,489,730 1,399,611 1,026,969 6,957 3,923,267

See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors. NA = Not available. See Glossary for definitions.
Geographic coverage is the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Values include energy service provider (power marketer) data.
Values for 2022 and prior years are final. Values for 2024 and 2023 are preliminary estimates based on a cutoff model sample. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-826. Utilities and energy service providers may classify commercial and industrial customers based on either NAICS codes or demands or usage falling within specified limits by rate schedule. Changes from year to year in consumer counts, sales and revenues, particularly involving the commercial and industrial consumer sectors, may result from respondent implementation of changes in the definitions of consumers, and reclassifications. Sales and net generation may not correspond exactly for a particular month for a variety of reasons (i.e., sales data may include purchases of electricity from nonutilities or imported electricity). Net generation is for the calendar month while sales and associated revenue accumulate from bills collected for periods of time (28 to 35 days) that vary dependent upon customer class and consumption occurring in and outside the calendar month.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861M (formerly EIA-826), Monthly Electric Industry Power Report.
Form EIA-826, Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions Report;
Form EIA-861, Annual Electric Power Industry Report; and Form EIA-861S, Annual Electric Power Industry Report (Short Form).