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Electric Power Monthly

Data for June 2024 Release Date: August 23, 2024 Next Release Date: September 24, 2024 Full report PDF
SAS Output
Table 1.7.A. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Natural Gas
by State, by Sector, June 2024 and 2023 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
June 2024 June 2023 Percentage
June 2024 June 2023 June 2024 June 2023 June 2024 June 2023 June 2024 June 2023
New England 4,978 5,119 -2.7% NM NM 4,767 4,918 99 93 94 94
Connecticut 2,210 2,441 -9.5% 2 4 2,121 2,361 26 24 60 53
Maine 405 321 25.9% 0 0 392 305 3 3 10 14
Massachusetts 1,133 1,133 0.0% NM NM 1,043 1,048 64 62 11 12
New Hampshire 532 499 6.6% 0 0 531 496 0.31 0.40 0.14 2
Rhode Island 699 725 -3.6% 0 0 681 708 4 3 14 13
Vermont 0.19 0.01 NM 0.14 0 0 0 0.05 0.01 0 0
Middle Atlantic 22,488 20,512 9.6% 1,375 1,161 20,626 18,883 112 111 376 357
New Jersey 2,956 2,795 5.8% NM NM 2,879 2,716 25 24 38 39
New York 5,955 5,445 9.4% 1,359 1,144 4,462 4,180 77 74 57 47
Pennsylvania 13,578 12,272 10.6% 1 0.27 13,285 11,987 10 13 281 271
East North Central 20,837 20,306 2.6% 8,199 7,712 12,057 12,057 137 141 444 396
Illinois 2,864 2,694 6.3% 371 323 2,376 2,255 36 43 82 73
Indiana 3,307 3,490 -5.2% 1,644 1,710 1,441 1,569 18 18 203 193
Michigan 4,790 4,772 0.4% 2,646 2,378 2,043 2,300 53 50 48 44
Ohio 7,215 6,855 5.2% 964 946 6,197 5,863 25 25 29 21
Wisconsin 2,660 2,494 6.6% 2,573 2,354 0 70 4 5 83 65
West North Central 4,371 5,035 -13.2% 3,642 4,212 541 658 29 29 158 136
Iowa 922 1,132 -18.5% 843 1,058 NM NM 8 9 71 64
Kansas 599 559 7.1% 560 521 0 0 0 0 39 38
Minnesota 1,214 1,597 -24.0% 863 1,164 302 395 9 9 40 28
Missouri 1,090 999 9.0% 837 724 239 262 11 10 2 3
Nebraska NM 300 NM NM 300 0 0 1 0.03 1 0
North Dakota NM 185 NM NM 185 0 0 0 0 1 0.33
South Dakota NM 262 NM NM 259 0 0 0 0 NM NM
South Atlantic 39,727 37,725 5.3% 33,186 31,570 6,009 5,618 61 56 472 481
Delaware 504 366 37.8% 9 1 417 277 0 0 78 88
District of Columbia 12 10 29.5% 0 0 0 0 12 10 0 0
Florida 18,860 18,538 1.7% 17,798 17,542 921 839 NM NM 130 146
Georgia 5,538 5,991 -7.5% 4,362 4,673 1,082 1,243 0 0 94 75
Maryland 1,262 1,214 3.9% 297 408 935 779 26 23 4 4
North Carolina 5,578 4,272 30.6% 4,820 3,452 730 792 NM NM NM NM
South Carolina 1,949 2,027 -3.8% 1,853 1,958 86 53 0 0.00 10 16
Virginia 5,648 4,865 16.1% 4,000 3,405 1,570 1,381 1 1 77 77
West Virginia 375 443 -15.4% 47 132 269 255 0 0 59 56
East South Central 14,581 13,675 6.6% 11,508 10,178 2,767 3,198 18 17 289 282
Alabama 5,972 5,708 4.6% 3,094 2,401 2,752 3,178 0 0 125 129
Kentucky 1,763 1,287 36.9% 1,732 1,250 14 19 0 0 16 18
Mississippi 5,388 5,214 3.3% 5,346 5,169 0.01 0.39 0 0 42 45
Tennessee 1,459 1,466 -0.5% 1,336 1,359 0 0 18 17 105 90
West South Central 41,343 42,033 -1.6% 16,823 15,898 19,483 20,417 140 118 4,897 5,600
Arkansas 2,438 2,412 1.1% 2,296 2,283 121 110 NM NM 18 NM
Louisiana 6,883 7,043 -2.3% 4,656 4,421 497 565 NM NM 1,727 2,054
Oklahoma 4,880 4,875 0.1% 3,369 3,229 1,469 1,602 -0.02 -0.12 42 43
Texas 27,142 27,703 -2.0% 6,502 5,965 17,396 18,140 134 111 3,110 3,487
Mountain 12,098 9,763 23.9% 9,449 7,422 2,453 2,162 41 43 156 136
Arizona 5,183 4,330 19.7% 3,547 3,008 1,624 1,311 12 12 0 0
Colorado 1,492 1,255 18.9% 1,232 1,081 243 160 1 0.23 16 14
Idaho 414 382 8.3% 267 225 NM 146 3 3 14 NM
Montana NM 51 NM NM 51 NM NM 0 0 0.03 NM
Nevada 2,258 1,566 44.2% 2,068 1,356 141 162 6 6 43 43
New Mexico 1,188 1,118 6.3% 887 732 286 373 NM 9 7 4
Utah 960 889 8.0% 924 857 NM 9 11 14 17 10
Wyoming 533 171 211.6% 474 113 0.08 0.08 0 0 58 57
Pacific Contiguous 8,130 7,365 10.4% 3,218 2,919 3,984 3,503 108 120 819 824
California 5,650 4,714 19.9% 1,924 1,271 2,884 2,573 104 118 739 752
Oregon 1,613 1,628 -0.9% 785 964 817 654 4 2 8 NM
Washington 866 1,023 -15.4% 510 683 284 276 0.38 0.00 72 65
Pacific Noncontiguous 249 295 -15.7% 247 289 0 0 0.01 -0.00 2 6
Alaska 249 295 -15.7% 247 289 0 0 0.01 -0.00 2 6
Hawaii 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Total 168,803 161,827 4.3% 87,665 81,374 72,688 71,414 743 727 7,707 8,312

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are preliminary. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.