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Net Receipts by Pipeline, Tanker, Barge and Rail between PAD Districts
Area: Period-Unit:
 Show Data By:
Product Type Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
Total Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
1,181,137 1,238,041 1,085,089 1,193,008 1,229,465 1,300,612 1986-2023
Crude Oil
576,705 646,101 490,702 516,992 531,223 578,687 1986-2023
Petroleum Products
604,431 591,940 594,387 676,016 698,242 721,925 1986-2023
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
316,062 317,913 363,345 414,278 458,443 480,552 2005-2023
Natural Gas Liquids
316,062 317,913 363,345 414,278 458,443 480,552 2009-2023
106,039 102,617 111,274 136,422 155,205 155,567 2009-2023
80,555 83,192 103,011 112,826 117,816 124,210 2009-2023
Normal Butane
30,278 31,063 38,380 41,845 45,271 48,990 2009-2023
21,324 21,122 25,125 28,985 32,256 31,210 2009-2023
Natural Gasoline
77,866 79,919 85,555 94,200 107,894 120,575 1986-2023
Refinery Olefins
0 0 0 0 0 0 2009-2023
0 0 0 0 0 0 2009-2023
Normal Butylene
0 0 0 0 0 0 2009-2023
0 0 0 0 0 0 2009-2023
Pentanes Plus
77,866 79,919 85,555 94,200 -- -- 1986-2023
Liquefied Petroleum Gases
238,196 237,994 277,790 320,078 -- -- 1986-2023
106,039 102,617 111,274 136,422 -- -- 1986-2023
80,555 83,192 103,011 112,826 -- -- 1986-2023
Normal Butane/Butylene
30,278 31,063 38,380 41,845 -- -- 1986-2023
21,324 21,122 25,125 28,985 -- -- 1986-2023
Unfinished Oils
6,009 3,807 1,633 5,058 4,759 3,780 1986-2023
Motor Gasoline Blending Components
157,073 158,321 122,709 130,620 123,915 128,970 1986-2023
33,781 38,209 19,349 23,217 15,389 23,034 2005-2023
Reformulated - RBOB
33,781 38,209 19,349 23,217 15,389 23,034 2008-2023
RBOB for Blending with Alcohol*
RBOB for Blending with Ether*
123,292 120,112 103,360 107,403 108,526 105,936 2005-2023
117,408 113,602 98,533 104,988 106,019 102,495 2005-2023
      0     2005-2021
5,884 6,510 4,827 2,415 2,507 3,441 2005-2023
Biofuels (incl. Fuel Ethanol)
62 0 58 268 344 129 2005-2023
Fuel Ethanol
41 0 0 0 0 0 2005-2023
21 0 58 268 179 88 2009-2023
Renewable Diesel Fuel
0 0 0 0 165 41 2009-2023
Other Biofuels
  0   0 0 0 2009-2023
Biodiesel/Renewable Diesel Fuel
21 0 58 268 344 129 2009-2023
Finished Motor Gasoline
14,190 15,905 12,474 17,370 18,665 13,294 1986-2023
0 0 0 0 0 0 1986-2023
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
0 0 0 0 0 0 2009-2023
      0 0 0 2009-2023
14,190 15,905 12,474 17,370 18,665 13,294 1993-2023
Blended with Fuel Ethanol
0 0 0 0 0 0 2009-2023
Ed55 and Lower
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2023
Greater than Ed55
0 0 0 0 0 0 2010-2023
14,190 15,905 12,474 17,370 18,665 13,294 2005-2023
Finished Aviation Gasoline
191 179 174 273 314 309 1986-2023
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
25,047 23,977 20,289 19,910 19,492 22,280 1986-2023
45 34 25 19 26 0 1986-2023
Distillate Fuel Oil
76,084 63,015 64,443 78,667 63,240 64,408 1986-2023
15 ppm and Under Sulfur
74,652 61,461 63,129 77,530 61,747 63,075 2004-2023
Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur
1,432 1,460 1,202 1,137 1,444 1,262 1986-2023
Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur
0 94 112 0 49 71 1986-2023
Residual Fuel Oil
205 0 85 0 36 0 1986-2023
Petrochemical Feedstocks
9 67 139 46 171 276 1986-2023
Naphtha for Petrochem. Feed. Use
0 47 71 46 136 276 2004-2023
Other Oils for Petrochem. Feed. Use
9 20 68 0 35 0 2004-2023
Special Naphthas
305 246 205 278 294 251 1986-2023
2,419 1,734 2,251 2,538 2,444 2,056 1986-2023
0 0 0 0 0 0 1986-2023
Asphalt and Road Oil
5,460 5,139 5,105 4,363 4,110 3,276 1986-2023
Petroleum Coke
1,178 1,579 1,409 2,249 1,899 2,231 2008-2023
Miscellaneous Products
92 24 43 79 90 113 1986-2023
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: RBOB with Ether and RBOB with Alcohol are discontinued as of the January 2010 reporting period.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025