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Natural Gas Summary
Area: Period:
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Data Series Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
(Dollars per Thousand Cubic Feet)
-- -- -- -- --   1967-2022
Pipeline and Distribution Use
3.74 3.48 3.02 6.36 6.77 5.13 1984-2023
8.60 8.06 8.84 10.04 13.40 13.72 1967-2023
6.61 6.30 6.58 7.65 11.07 11.23 1967-2023
3.92 3.91 4.16 5.76 8.60 6.53 1997-2023
Vehicle Fuel
Electric Power
W W W W W W 1997-2023
Dry Proved Reserves
(Billion Cubic Feet)
Proved Reserves as of 12/31
21,343 17,569 12,484 15,005     1977-2021
-2,027 -142 -140 -263     1977-2021
Revision Increases
1,290 633 871 2,231     1977-2021
Revision Decreases
1,089 3,346 4,869 125     1977-2021
329 40 19 630     2000-2021
2,618 51 28 2,026     2000-2021
Extensions and Discoveries
767 349 141 325     2016-2021
-- -- -- --     1977-2021
New Field Discoveries
-- -- -- --     1977-2021
New Reservoir Discoveries in Old Fields
-- -- -- --     1977-2021
Estimated Production
1,436 1,279 1,097 1,043     1977-2021
(Million Cubic Feet)
Number of Producing Gas Wells
21,969 20,494 19,641       1989-2020
Number of Gas Producing Oil Wells
9,366 9,255 9,010       2011-2020
Gross Withdrawals
1,720,897 1,547,504 1,472,873 1,375,454 1,298,566 1,252,829 1967-2023
From Gas Wells
1,481,356 1,284,614 1,236,649 1,146,873 1,074,824 1,030,841 1967-2023
From Oil Wells
20,665 30,436 32,277 30,796 30,721 42,822 1967-2023
From Shale Gas Wells
102,846 137,073 119,934 123,538 123,516 117,800 2007-2023
From Coalbed Wells
116,030 95,381 84,013 74,247 69,505 61,366 2002-2023
    266,751 266,038 265,175 282,333 2020-2023
37,088 15,953 99,605 86,824 96,163 116,422 1967-2023
Nonhydrocarbon Gases Removed
37,333 34,025 106,732 113,472 110,337 109,987 1980-2023
Vented and Flared
8,958 8,672 60,415 65,742 58,675 55,924 1967-2023
Marketed Production
1,637,517 1,488,854 1,206,122 1,109,416 1,033,391 970,496 1967-2023
Natural Gas Processed
1,292,523 1,162,036 1,010,928 903,706 843,768 843,884 1967-2023
NGPL Production, Gaseous Equivalent
65,003 55,048 56,332 53,711 51,109 51,573 1967-2023
Dry Production
1,572,514 1,433,806 1,149,790 1,055,705 982,282 918,923 1982-2023
Underground Storage
(Million Cubic Feet)
Total Capacity
155,995 139,947 155,995 155,995 155,995 155,995 1988-2023
16,783 32,195 37,420 27,365 27,711 43,685 1967-2023
19,694 21,979 26,078 33,146 31,121 20,347 1967-2023
Net Withdrawals
2,911 -10,216 -11,342 5,782 3,410 -23,338 1967-2023
(Million Cubic Feet)
Total Consumption
165,384 160,366 156,838 153,013 162,997 172,378 1997-2023
Lease and Plant Fuel
Lease Fuel
32,277 32,998 30,973 32,120 31,192 28,743 1983-2023
Plant Fuel
22,800 22,016 21,173 26,102 25,000 24,936 1983-2023
Pipeline & Distribution Use
15,218 13,256 13,348 13,016 12,510 13,221 1997-2023
Delivered to Consumers
95,090 92,097 91,344 81,774 94,295 105,478 1997-2023
13,142 14,057 12,968 12,845 13,434 13,504 1967-2023
13,787 12,996 12,269 12,294 12,977 13,654 1967-2023
66,272 61,755 60,368 48,702 57,776 63,451 1997-2023
Vehicle Fuel
16 19 12 11 16 13 1988-2023
Electric Power
1,873 3,271 5,727 7,922 10,091 14,856 1997-2023
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Prices are in nominal dollars. Through 2001, electric power price data are for regulated electric utilities only; beginning in 2002, data also include nonregulated members of the electric power sector. Monthly preliminary (from January 2018 to present) state-level data for the production series, except marketed production, are not available until after the final annual reports for this series is collected and processed. Final annual data are generally available in the third quarter of the following year. Gas volumes delivered for use as vehicle fuel are included in the State annual totals through 2010 but not in the State monthly components. Gas volumes delivered for vehicle fuel are included in the State monthly totals from January 2011 forward. As of report year 2021, well count data have been discontinued. The latest natural gas well count data can be found at U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Wells by Production Rate.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025