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Area: Period-Unit:
 Show Data By:
Product Area
Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 View
315,415 319,376 331,236 327,428 336,861 317,258 1981-2024
Crude Oil
123,010 127,601 126,930 129,977 121,129 111,647 1920-2024
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
85,939 84,714 85,472 86,501 90,953 91,865 1981-2024
Natural Gas Liquids
85,939 84,714 85,472 86,501 90,953 91,865 2010-2024
13,953 13,252 14,721 14,891 13,040 16,913 2014-2024
50,345 52,161 52,305 51,129 57,251 55,144 2004-2024
Normal Butane
16,418 14,483 15,899 15,168 17,832 14,536 2004-2024
192 84 56 66 56 95 2015-2024
Natural Gasoline
5,031 4,735 2,491 5,247 2,775 5,177 1984-2024
Pentanes Plus
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1984-2024
Liquefied Petroleum Gases
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1981-2024
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1981-2024
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1981-2024
Normal Butane/Butylene
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1981-2024
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1984-2024
Other Liquids
17,212 17,147 15,454 16,011 14,847 15,106 1991-2024
Hydrogen/Biofuels/Other Hydrocarbons
5,536 4,189 3,961 3,874 3,955 4,026 1991-2024
Oxygenates (excl. Fuel Ethanol)
-- -- -- -- -- -- 2009-2024
Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)
-- -- -- -- -- -- 2004-2024
Other Oxygenates
-- -- -- -- -- -- 2004-2024
Biofuels (incl. Fuel Ethanol)
5,536 4,189 3,961 3,874 3,955 4,026 2010-2024
Fuel Ethanol
5,108 3,685 3,481 3,247 3,374 3,543 2010-2024
428 504 480 627 581 482 2011-2024
Renewable Diesel Fuel
NA NA   NA NA NA 2022-2024
Other Biofuels
NA NA   NA NA NA 2022-2024
Unfinished Oils
9,516 9,674 9,569 10,839 9,275 9,655 2013-2024
Naphthas and Lighter
8,380 8,545 8,248 9,558 7,963 8,307 2013-2024
Kerosene and Light Gas Oils
1,136 1,129 1,322 1,282 1,312 1,348 2014-2024
Motor Gasoline Blend. Comp.
2,161 3,284 1,923 1,297 1,617 1,425 1991-2024
40 10 2 6 2 0 2007-2024
2,121 3,274 1,922 1,292 1,615 1,425 2004-2024
Aviation Gasoline Blend. Comp.
Finished Petroleum Products
89,253 89,914 103,380 94,939 109,933 98,639 1981-2024
Finished Motor Gasoline
22,039 21,959 24,312 23,472 24,215 20,838 1945-2024
22,039 21,959 24,312 23,472 24,215 20,838 1993-2024
Finished Aviation Gasoline
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
5,784 4,895 7,227 5,385 6,834 6,173 1981-2024
19 26 98 28 3   1981-2024
Distillate Fuel Oil
36,855 39,549 43,695 41,664 46,982 43,787 1945-2024
15 ppm and under Sulfur
33,427 33,546 38,334 38,075 41,273 38,822 2009-2024
Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur
2,533 3,117 3,487 2,806 2,952 2,214 1994-2024
Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur
895 2,886 1,874 783 2,758 2,751 1994-2024
Residual Fuel Oil
4,966 3,469 4,648 4,655 4,255 5,289 1936-2024
Naphtha for Petro. Feed. Use
Other Oils Petro. Feed. Use
1,078 38 242   265 300 1981-2024
Special Naphthas
3,819 3,532 3,997 3,419 4,081 3,517 1981-2024
139 137 123 130 125 126 1981-2024
Petroleum Coke
14,000 15,776 18,280 15,167 22,438 17,826 1981-2024
Asphalt and Road Oil
520 481 714 968 687 747 1981-2024
Miscellaneous Products
34 53 44 51 49 36 1981-2024
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: On December 18, 2015, the U.S. enacted legislation authorizing the export of U.S. crude oil without a license. Exports to embargoed or sanctioned countries continue to require authorization. Prior to December 2015, crude oil exports were restricted to: (1) crude oil derived from fields under the State waters of Cook Inlet of Alaska; (2) Alaskan North Slope crude oil; (3) certain domestically produced crude oil destined for Canada; (4) shipments to U.S. territories; and (5) California crude oil to Pacific Rim countries. Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 11/29/2024
Next Release Date: 12/31/2024