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The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview
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  Introduction   Overview of NEMS
bullet gif  Introduction bullet gif Overview of NEMS
bullet gif  Purpose of NEMS bullet gif Major Assumptions
bullet gif Analytical Capability bullet gif NEMS Modular Structure
bullet gif  Representations of Energy Market Interactions bullet gif Integrating Module
bullet gif  Technology Representation    
bullet gif  External Availability    

Chapters in this Report:

Introduction/Overview of NEMS
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  International Energy
  Residential Demand
  Commercial Demand

  Industrial Demand
  Transportation Demand

  Electricity Market
  Renewable Fuels
  Oil and Gas Supply
  Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution
  Petroleum Market Module

  Coal Market Module
Introduction   back to top

The National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) is a computer-based, energy-economy modeling system of U.S. through 2030. NEMS projects the production, imports, conversion, consumption, and prices of energy, subject to assumptions on macroeconomic and financial factors, world energy markets, resource availability and costs, behavioral and technological choice criteria, cost and performance characteristics of energy technologies, and demographics. NEMS was designed and implemented by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 

The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview 2009 provides an overview of the structure and methodology of NEMS and each of its components. This chapter provides a description of the design and objectives of the system, followed by a chapter on the overall modeling structure and solution algorithm. The remainder of the report summarizes the methodology and scope of the component modules of NEMS. The model descriptions are intended for readers familiar with terminology from economic, operations research, and energy modeling. More detailed model documentation reports for all the NEMS modules are also available from EIA (Appendix, “Bibliography”).


Purpose of NEMS   back to top

NEMS is used by EIA to project the energy, economic, environmental, and security impacts on the United States of alternative energy policies and different assumptions about energy markets. The projection horizon is approximately 25 years into the future. The projections in Annual Energy Outlook 2009 (AEO2009) are from the present through 2030. This time period is one in which technology, demographics, and economic conditions are sufficiently understood in order to represent energy markets with a reasonable degree of confidence. NEMS provides a consistent framework for representing the complex interactions of the U.S. energy system and its response to a wide variety of alternative assumptions and policies or policy initiatives. As an annual model, NEMS can also be used to examine the impact of new energy programs and policies. 

Energy resources and prices, the demand for specific energy services, and other characteristics of energy markets vary widely across the United States. To address these differences, NEMS is a regional model. The regional disaggregation for each module reflects the availability of data, the regional format typically used to analyze trends in the specific area, geology, and other factors, as well as the regions determined to be the most useful for policy analysis. For example, the demand modules (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial and transportation) use the nine Census divisions, the Electricity Market Module uses 15 supply regions based on the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) regions, the Oil and Gas Supply Modules use 12 supply regions, including 3 offshore and 3 Alaskan regions, and the Petroleum Market Module uses 5 regions based on the Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. 

Baseline projections are developed with NEMS and published annually in the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO). In accordance with the requirement that EIA remain policy-neutral, the AEO projections are generally based on Federal, State, and local laws and regulations in affect at the time of the projection.  The potential impacts of pending or proposed legislation, regulations, and standards¾or of sections of legislation that have been enacted but that require implementing regulations or appropriations of funds that have not been provided or specified in the legislation itself¾are not reflected in NEMS.  The first version of NEMS, completed in December 1993, was used to develop the projections presented in the Annual Energy Outlook 1994.  This report describes the  version of NEMS used for the AEO2009.1 

The projections produced by NEMS are not considered to be statements of what will happen but of what might happen, given the assumptions and methodologies used. Assumptions include, for example, the estimated size of the economically recoverable resource base of fossil fuels, and changes in world energy supply and demand.  The projections are business-as-usual trend estimates, given known technological and demographic trends.


Analytical Capability   back to top

NEMS can be used to analyze the effects of existing and proposed government laws and regulations related to energy production and use; the potential impact of new and advanced energy production, conversion, and consumption technologies; the impact and cost of greenhouse gas control; the impact of increased use of renewable energy sources; and the potential savings from increased efficiency of energy use; and the impact of regulations on the use of alternative or  reformulated  fuels. 

In addition to producing the analyses in the AEO, NEMS is used for one-time analytical reports and papers, such as An Updated Annual Energy Outlook 2009 Reference Case Reflecting Provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and Recent Changes in the Economic Outlook,2  which updates the AEO2009 reference case to reflect the enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009 and to adopt a revised macroeconomic outlook for the U.S. and global economies. The revised AEO2009 reference case will be used as the starting point for pending and future analyses of proposed energy and environmental legislation. Other analytical papers, which either describe the assumptions and methodology of the NEMS or look at current energy markets issues, are prepared using the NEMS. Many of these papers are published in the Issues In Focus section of the AEO.  Past and current analyses are available at http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/otheranalysis/ aeo_analyes.html. 

NEMS has also been used for a number of special analyses at the request of the Administration, U.S. Congress, other offices of DOE and other government agencies, who specify the scenarios and assumptions for the analysis. Some recent examples include:

  • Energy Market and Economic Impacts of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009,3 requested by Chairman Henry Waxman and Chairman Edward Markey to analyze the impacts of H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACESA), which was passed by the House of Representatives on June 26, 2009.  ACESA is a complex bill that regulates emissions of greenhouse gases through market-based mechanisms, efficiency programs, and economic incentives. 
  • Impacts of a 25-Percent Renewable Electricity Standard as Proposed in the American Clean Energy and Security Act,4 requested by Senator Markey to analyze the effects of a 25-percent Federal renewable electricity standard (RES) as included in the discussion draft of broader legislation, the American Clean Energy and Security Act. 
  • Light-Duty Diesel Vehicles: Efficiency and Emissions Attributes and Market Issues,5 requested by Senator Sessions to analyze the environmental and energy efficiency attributes of diesel-fueled light-duty vehicles (LDV’s), including comparison of the characteristics of the vehicles with those of similar gasoline-fueled, E85-fueled, and hybrid vehicles, as well as a discussion of any technical, economic, regulatory, or other obstacles to increasing the use of diesel-fueled vehicles in the United States. 
  • The Impact of Increased Use of Hydrogen on Petroleum Consumption and Carbon Dioxide Emissions,6 requested by Senator Dorgan to analyze the impacts on U.S. energy import dependence and emissions reductions resulting from the commercialization of advanced hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in the transportation and distributed generation markets. 
  • Analysis of Crude Oil Production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,7 requested by Senator Stevens to access the impact of Federal oil and natural gas leasing in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. 
  • Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S.2191, the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act of 2007,8 requested by Senators Lieberman, Warner, Inhofe, Voinovich, and Barrasso to analyze the impacts of the greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program that would be established under Title I of S.2191. 
  • Energy Market and Economic Impacts of S.1766, the Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007,9 requested by Senators Bingaman and Specter to analyze the impact of the mandatory greenhouse gas allowance program under S.1766 designed to maintain covered emissions at approximately 2006 levels in 2020, 1990 levels in 2030, and at least 60 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.
Representations of Energy Market Interactions   back to top

NEMS is designed to represent the important interactions of supply and demand in U.S. energy markets. In the United States, energy markets are driven primarily by the fundamental economic interactions of supply and demand. Government regulations and policies can exert considerable influence, but the majority of decisions affecting fuel prices and consumption patterns, resource allocation, and energy technologies are made by private individuals who value attributes other than life cycle costs or companies attempting to optimize their own economic interests. NEMS represents the market behavior of the producers and consumers of energy at a level of detail that is useful for analyzing the implications of technological improvements and policy initiatives. 

Energy Supply/Conversion/Demand Interactions 

NEMS is a modular system.  Four end-use demand modules represent fuel consumption in the residential, commercial, transportation, and industrial sectors, subject to delivered fuel prices, macroeconomic influences, and technology characteristics. The primary fuel supply and conversion modules compute the levels of domestic production, imports, transportation costs, and fuel prices that are needed to meet domestic and export demands for energy, subject to resource base characteristics, industry infrastructure and technology, and world market conditions. The modules interact to solve for the economic supply and demand balance for each fuel. Because of the modular design, each sector can be represented with the methodology and the level of detail, including regional detail, appropriate for that sector. The modularity also facilitates the analysis, maintenance, and testing of the NEMS component modules in the multi-user environment. 

Domestic Energy System/Economy Interactions 

The general level of economic activity, represented by gross domestic product, has traditionally been used as a key explanatory variable or driver for projections of energy consumption at the sectoral and regional levels. In turn, energy prices and other energy system activities influence economic growth and activity. NEMS captures this feedback between the domestic economy and the energy system. Thus, changes in energy prices affect the key macroeconomic variables—such as gross domestic product, disposable personal income, industrial output, housing starts, employment, and interest rates—that drive energy consumption and capacity expansion decisions. 

Domestic/World Energy Market Interactions 

World oil prices play a key role in domestic energy supply and demand decision making and oil price assumptions are a typical starting point for energy system projections. The level of oil production and consumption in the U.S. energy system also has a significant influence on world oil markets and prices. In NEMS, an international module represents the response of world oil markets (supply and demand) to assumed world oil prices. The results/outputs of the module are international liquids consumption and production by region, and a crude oil supply curve representing international crude oil similar in quality to West Texas Intermediate that is available to U.S. markets through the Petroleum Market Module (PMM) of NEMS. The supply-curve calculations are based on historical market data and a world oil supply/demand balance, which is developed from reduced-form models of international liquids supply and demand, current investment trends in exploration and development, and long-term resource economics for 221 countries/territories. The oil production estimates include both conventional and unconventional supply recovery technologies. 

Economic Decision Making Over Time 

The production and consumption of energy products today are influenced by past investment decisions to develop energy resources and acquire energy-using capital stock. Similarly, the production and consumption of energy in a future time period will be influenced by decisions made today and in the past. 

Current investment decisions depend on expectations about future markets. For example, expectations of rising energy prices in the future increase the likelihood of current decisions to invest in more energy-efficient technologies or alternative energy sources. A variety of assumptions about planning horizons, the formation of expectations about the future, and the role of those expectations in economic decision making are applied within the individual NEMS modules.

Technology Representation   back to top

A key feature of NEMS is the representation of technology and technology improvement over time. Five of the sectors—residential, commercial, transportation, electricity generation, and refining—include extensive treatment of individual technologies and their characteristics, such as the initial capital cost, operating cost, date of availability, efficiency, and other characteristics specific to the particular technology. For example, technological progress in lighting technologies results in a gradual reduction in cost and is modeled as a function of time in these end-use sectors. In addition, the electricity sector accounts for technological optimism in the capital costs of first-of-a-kind generating technologies and for a decline in cost as experience with the technologies is gained both domestically and internationally. In each of these sectors, equipment choices are made for individual technologies as new equipment is needed to meet growing demand for energy services or to replace retired equipment. 

In the other sectors—industrial, oil and gas supply, and coal supply—the treatment of technologies is more limited due to a lack of data on individual technologies. In the industrial sector, only the combined heat and power and motor technologies are explicitly considered and characterized. Cost reductions resulting from technological progress in combined heat and power technologies are represented as a function of time as experience with the technologies grows.  Technological progress is not explicitly modeled for the industrial motor technologies. Other technologies in the energy-intensive industries are represented by technology bundles, with technology possibility curves representing efficiency improvement over time. In the oil and gas supply sector, technological progress is represented by econometrically estimated improvements in finding rates, success rates, and costs. Productivity improvements over time represent technological progress in coal production.

External Availability   back to top

In accordance with EIA requirements, NEMS is fully documented and archived. EIA has been running NEMS on four EIA terminal servers and several dual-processor personal computers (PCs) using the Windows XP operating system. The archive file provides the source language, input files, and output files to replicate the Annual Energy Outlook reference case runs on an identically equipped computer; however, it does not include the proprietary portions of the model, such as the IHS Global Insight, Inc. (formerly DRI-WEFA) macroeconomic model and the optimization modeling libraries. NEMS can be run on a high-powered individual PC as long as the required proprietary software resides on the PC.  Because of the complexity of NEMS, and the relatively high cost of the proprietary software, NEMS is not widely used outside of the Department of Energy. However, NEMS, or portions of it, is installed at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Oak Ridge  National Laboratory, the Electric Power Research Institute, the National Energy Technology Laboratory, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, several private consulting firms, and a few universities.

Overview of NEMS   back to top

NEMS explicitly represents domestic energy markets by the economic decision making involved in the production, conversion, and consumption of energy products. Where possible, NEMS includes explicit representation of energy technologies and their characteristics. Since energy costs, availability, and energy-consuming characteristics vary widely across regions, considerable regional detail is included. Other details of production and consumption are represented to facilitate policy analysis and ensure the validity of the results. A summary of the detail provided in NEMS is shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Characteristics of Selected Modules.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.


Major Assumptions   back to top

Each module of NEMS embodies many assumptions and data to characterize the future production, conversion, or consumption of energy in the United States. Two of the more important factors influencing energy markets are economic growth and oil prices. 

The AEO2009 includes five primary fully-integrated cases:  a reference case, high and low economic growth cases, and high and low oil price cases.  The primary determinant for different economic growth rates are assumptions about growth in the labor force and productivity, while the long-term oil price paths are based on access to and cost of oil from the non-Organization of  Petroleum  Exporting  Countries (OPEC), OPEC supply decisions, and the supply potential of unconventional liquids, as well as the demand for liquids. 

In addition to the five primary fully-integrated cases, AEO2009 includes 34 other cases that explore the impact of varying key assumptions in the individual components of NEMS. Many of these cases involve changes in the assumptions that impact the penetration of new or improved technologies, which is a major uncertainty in formulating projections of future energy markets. Some of these cases are run as fully integrated cases (e.g., integrated 2009 technology case, integrated high technology case, low and high renewables technology cost cases, slow and rapid oil and gas technology cases, and low and high coal cost cases).  Others exploit the modular structure of NEMS by running only a portion of the entire modeling system in order to focus on the first-order impacts of changes in the assumptions (e.g., 2009, high, and best available technology cases in the residential and commercial sectors, 2009 and high technology cases in the industrial sector and, low and high technology cases in the transportation sector).


NEMS Modular Structure   back to top

Overall, NEMS represents the behavior of energy markets and their interactions with the U.S. economy. The model achieves a supply/demand balance in the end-use demand regions, defined as the nine Census divisions (Figure 1), by solving for the prices of each energy type that will balance the quantities producers are willing to supply with the quantities consumers wish to consume. The system reflects market economics, industry structure, and existing energy policies and regulations that influence market behavior. 

NEMS consists of four supply modules (oil and gas, natural gas transmission and distribution, coal market, and renewable fuels); two conversion modules (electricity market and petroleum  market); four end-use demand modules (residential demand,  commercial demand, industrial demand, and transportation demand); one module to simulate energy/economy interactions (macroeconomic activity); one module to simulate international energy markets (international energy); and one module that provides the mechanism to achieve a general market equilibrium among all the other modules (integrating module). Figure 2 depicts the high-level structure of NEMS. 

Because energy markets are heterogeneous, a single methodology does not adequately represent all supply, conversion, and end-use demand sectors. The modularity of the NEMS design provides the flexibility for each component of the U.S. energy system to use the methodology and coverage that is most appropriate. Furthermore, modularity provides the capability to execute the modules individually or in collections of modules, which facilitates the development and analysis of the separate component modules. The interactions among these modules are controlled by the integrating module. 

The NEMS global data structure is used to coordinate and communicate the flow of information among the modules. These data are passed through common interfaces via the integrating module. The global data structure includes energy market prices and consumption; macroeconomic variables; energy production, transportation, and conversion information; and centralized model control variables, parameters, and assumptions. The global data structure excludes variables that are defined locally within the modules and are not communicated to other modules. 

A key subset of the variables in the global data structure is the end-use prices and quantities of fuels that are used to equilibrate the NEMS energy balance in the convergence algorithm. These delivered prices of energy and the quantities demanded are defined by product, region, and sector. The delivered prices of fuel encompass all the activities necessary to produce, import, and transport fuels to the end user. The regions used for the price and quantity variables in the global data structure are the nine Census divisions. The four Census regions (shown in Figure 1 by breaks between State groups) and nine Census divisions are a common, mainstream level of regionality widely used by EIA and other organizations for data collection and analysis.


Figure 1. Census Division.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
Click for a larger version
Figure 2. National Energy Modeling System.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
Click for a larger version
Integrating Module   back to top

The NEMS integrating module controls the entire NEMS solution process as it iterates to determine a general market equilibrium across all the NEMS modules. It has the following functions: 

  • Manages the NEMS global data structure 
  • Executes  all  or  any  of  the  user-selected modules in an iterative convergence algorithm 
  • Checks for convergence and reports variables that remain out of convergence 
  • Implements   convergence   relaxation   on selected variables between iterations to accelerate convergence 
  • Updates expected values of the key NEMS variables. 

The integrating module executes the demand, conversion, and supply modules iteratively until it achieves an economic equilibrium of supply and demand in all the consuming and producing sectors. Each module is called in sequence and solved, assuming that all other variables in the energy markets are fixed. The modules are called iteratively until the end-use prices and quantities remain constant within a specified tolerance, a condition defined as convergence. Equilibration is achieved annually throughout the projection period, currently through 2030, for each of the nine Census divisions. 

In addition, the macroeconomic activity and international energy modules are executed iteratively to incorporate the feedback on the economy and international energy markets from changes in the domestic energy markets. Convergence tests check the stability of a set of key macroeconomic and international trade variables in response to interactions with the domestic energy system. 

The NEMS algorithm executes the system of modules until convergence is reached. The solution procedure for one iteration involves the execution of all the component modules, as well as the updating of expectation variables (related to foresight assumptions) for use in the next iteration. The system is executed sequentially for each year in the projection period. During each iteration, the modules are executed in turn, with intervening convergence checks that isolate specific modules that are not converging. A convergence check is made for each price and quantity variable to see whether the percentage change in the variable is within the assumed tolerance. To avoid unnecessary iterations for changes in insignificant values, the quantity convergence check is omitted for quantities less than a user-specified minimum level. The order of execution of the modules may affect the rate of convergence but will generally not prevent convergence to an equilibrium solution or significantly alter the results. An optional relaxation  routine can be executed  to dampen swings in solution values between iterations. With this option, the current iteration values are reset partway between solution values from the current and previous iterations. Because of the modular structure of NEMS and the iterative solution algorithm, any single module or subset of modules can be executed independently. Modules not executed are bypassed in the calling sequence, and the values they would calculate and provide to the other modules are held fixed at the values in the global data structure, which are the solution values from a previous run of NEMS. This flexibility is an aid to independent development, debugging, and analysis.











Notes and Sources

Chapters in this Report:

Introduction/Overview of NEMS
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  International Energy
  Residential Demand
  Commercial Demand

  Industrial Demand
  Transportation Demand

  Electricity Market
  Renewable Fuels
  Oil and Gas Supply
  Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution
  Petroleum Market Module

  Coal Market Module