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The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview
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Residential Demand Module

bullet gif  Housing Stock Submodule
bullet gif  Appliance Stock Submodule
bullet gif  Technology Choice Submodule
bullet gif  Shell Integrity Submodule
bullet gif  Distributed Generation Submodule
bullet gif  Energy Consumption Submodule


Chapters in this Report:

Introduction/Overview of NEMS
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  International Energy
  Residential Demand
  Commercial Demand

  Industrial Demand
  Transportation Demand

  Electricity Market
  Renewable Fuels
  Oil and Gas Supply
  Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution
  Petroleum Market Module

  Coal Market Module
Residential Demand Module    

The residential demand module (RDM) projects energy consumption by Census division for seven marketed energy sources plus solar, wind, and geothermal energy. RDM is a structural model and its demand projections are built up from projections of the residential housing stock and energy-consuming equipment. The components of RDM and its interactions with the NEMS system are shown in Figure 5. NEMS provides projections of residential energy prices, population, disposable income, and housing starts, which are used by RDM to develop projections of energy consumption by end–use service, fuel type, and Census division. 

RDM incorporates the effects of four broadly-defined determinants of energy consumption: economic and demographic effects, structural effects, technology turnover and advancement effects, and energy market effects. Economic and demographic effects include the number, dwelling type (single-family, multifamily or mobile homes), occupants per household, disposable income, and location of housing units.Structural effects include increasing average dwelling size and changes in the mix of desired end-use services provided by energy (new end uses and/or increasing penetration of current end uses, such as the increasing popularity of electronic equipment and computers). Technology effects include changes in the stock of installed equipment caused by normal turnover of old, worn out equipment with newer versions that tend to be more energy efficient, the integrated effects of equipment and building shell (insulation level) in new construction, and the projected availability of even more energy-efficient equipment in the future. Energy market effects include the short-run effects of energy prices on energy demands, the longer-run effects of energy prices on the efficiency of purchased equipment and the efficiency of building shells, and limitations on minimum levels of efficiency imposed by legislated efficiency standards. 

Table describing RDM Outputs.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
Figure 5. Residential Demand Module Structure.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
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Housing Stock Submodule   back to top

The base housing stock by Census division and dwelling type is derived from EIA's 2005 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS).  Each element of the of the base stock is retired on the basis of a constant rate of decay for each dwellling type.  RDM receives as an input from the macroeconomic activity module projections of housing additions by type and Census division. RDM supplements the surviving stocks from the previous year with the projected additions by dwelling type and Census division. The average square footage of new construction is based on recent upward trends developed from the RECS and the Census Bureau’s Characteristics of New Housing.


Appliance Stock Submodule   back to top

The installed stock of appliances is also taken from the 2005 RECS. The efficiency of the appliance stock is derived from historical shipments by efficiency level over a multi-year interval for the following equipment: heat pumps, gas furnaces, central air conditioners, room air conditioners, water heaters, refrigerators, freezers, stoves, dishwashers, clothes washers, and clothes dryers. A linear retirement function with both minimum and maximum equipment lives is used to retire equipment in surviving housing units. For equipment where shipment data are available, the efficiency of the retiring equipment varies over the projection. In early years, the retiring efficiency tends to be lower as the older, less efficient equipment in the stock turns over first. Also, as housing units retire, the associated appliances are removed from the base appliance stock as well. Additions to the base stock are tracked separately for housing units existing in 2005 and for cumulative new construction. 

As appliances are removed from the stock, they are replaced by new appliances with generally higher efficiencies due to technology improvements, equipment  standards,  and  market  forces.  Appliances added due to new construction are accumulated and retired parallel to appliances in the existing stock. Appliance stocks are maintained by fuel, end use, and technology as shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2. NEMS Residential Module Equipment Summary.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.
Technology Choice Submodule   back to top

Fuel-specific equipment choices are made for both new construction and replacement purchases.  For new construction, initial heating system shares (taken from the most recently available Census Bureau survey data covering new construction, currently 2005) are adjusted based on relative life cycle costs for all competing technology and fuel combinations. Once new home heating system shares are established, the fuel choices for other services, such as water heating and cooking, are determined based on the fuel chosen for space heating. For replacement purchases, fuel switching is allowed for an assumed percentage of all replacements but is dependent on the estimated costs of fuel-switching (for example, switching from electric to gas heating is assumed to involve the costs of running a new gas line). 

For both replacement equipment and new construction, a “second-stage” of the equipment choice decision requires selecting from several available efficiency levels. The efficiency range of available equipment represents a “menu” of efficiency levels and installed cost combinations projected to be available at the time the choice is being made. Costs and efficiencies for selected appliances are shown in Table 3 below, derived from the report Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2009.12 At the low end of the efficiency range are the minimum levels required by legislated standards. In any given year, higher efficiency levels are associated with higher installed costs. Thus, purchasing higher than  the minimum  efficiency  involves  a trade-off between higher installation costs and future savings  in  energy expenditures. In RDM, these trade-offs are calibrated to recent shipment, cost, and efficiency data. Changes in purchases by efficiency level are based on changes in either the installed capital costs or changes in the first-year operating costs across the available efficiency levels. As energy prices increase, the incentive of greater energy expenditures savings will promote increased purchases of higher-efficiency equipment. In some cases, due to government programs or general projections of technology improvement, increases in efficiency or decreases in the installed costs of higher-efficiency equipment will also promote purchases of higher-efficiency equipment.

Table 3. Characteristics of Selected Equipment.  Need help, contact the National Energy Information Center at 202-586-8800.

Shell Integrity Submodule   back to top

Shell integrity is also tracked separately for the existing housing stock and new construction. Shell integrity for existing construction is assumed to respond to increases in real energy prices by becoming more efficient. There is no change in existing shell integrity when real energy prices decline. New shell efficiencies are based on the cost and performance of the heating and cooling equipment as well as the shell characteristics.  Several efficiency levels of shell characteristics are available throughout the projection period and can change over time based on changes in building codes. All shell efficiencies are subject to a maximum shell efficiency based on studies of currently available residential construction methods.

Distributed Generation Submodule   back to top

Distributed generation equipment with explicit technology characterizations is also modeled for residential customers. Currently, three technologies are characterized,  photovoltaics,  wind, and  fuel  cells.  The submodule  incorporates  historical  estimates  of photovoltaics (residential-sized fuel cells are not expected to be  commercialized until after 2005, the base year of the model) from its technology characterization and exogenous penetration input file. Program-based photovoltaic estimates for the Department of Energy’s Million Solar Roofs program are also input to the submodule from the exogenous penetration portion of the input file. Endogenous, economic purchases are based on a penetration function driven by a cash flow model that simulates the costs and benefits of distributed generation purchases. The cash flow calculations are developed from NEMS projected energy prices coupled with the technology characterizations provided from the input file. 

Potential  economic  purchases  are  modeled  by Census division and technology for all years subsequent to the base year. The cash flow model develops a 30-year cost-benefit horizon for each potential investment.  It includes considerations of annual costs (down payments, loan payments, maintenance costs and, for fuel cells, gas costs) and annual benefits (interest tax deductions, any applicable tax credits, electricity cost savings, and water heating savings for fuel cells) over the entire 30-year period.  Penetration  for  a  potential  investment  in  either photovoltaics, wind,  or fuel cells is a function of whether it achieves a cumulative positive discounted cash flow, and if so, how many years it takes to achieve it. 

Once the cumulative stock of distributed equipment is projected, reduced residential purchases of electricity are provided to NEMS.  For fuel cells, increased resi- dential natural gas consumption is also provided to NEMS based on the calculated energy input requirements of the fuel cells, partially offset by natural gas water heating savings from the use of waste heat from the fuel cell. 

Energy Consumption Submodule   back to top

The fuel consumption submodule modifies base year energy  consumption  intensities  in  each  projection year. Base year energy consumption for each end use is derived from energy intensity estimates from the 2005 RECS. The base year energy intensities are modified for the following effects: (1) increases in efficiency, based on a comparison of the appliance stock serving this end use relative to the base year stock, (2) changes in shell integrity for space heating and cooling end uses, (3) changes in real fuel prices—(short-run  price  elasticity  effects), (4) changes in square footage, (5) changes in the number of occupants per household, (6) changes in disposable income, (7) changes in weather relative to the base year, (8) adjustments in utilization rates caused by efficiency increases (efficiency “rebound” effects), and (9) reductions in purchased electricity and increases in natural gas consumption from distributed generation. Once these modifications are made, total energy use is computed across end uses and housing types and then summed by fuel for each Census division.











Preface and Contacts

Notes and Sources

Chapters in this Report:

Introduction/Overview of NEMS
Carbon Dioxide Emissions
  International Energy
  Residential Demand
  Commercial Demand

  Industrial Demand
  Transportation Demand

  Electricity Market
  Renewable Fuels
  Oil and Gas Supply
  Natural Gas Transmission & Distribution
  Petroleum Market Module

  Coal Market Module