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Refinery Net Input
Area: Period-Unit:
 Show Data By:
Product Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
508,027 511,525 452,694 480,016 495,167 490,117 2005-2023
Crude Oil
891,941 893,503 813,350 883,054 893,196 914,932 2005-2023
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
23,507 21,215 17,721 18,756 23,892 26,141 2005-2023
Natural Gas Liquids
23,507 21,215 17,721 18,756 23,892 26,141 2010-2023
Normal Butane
4,778 3,714 3,696 3,425 3,887 3,982 2009-2023
13,133 12,462 11,153 12,243 15,468 16,096 2009-2023
Natural Gasoline
5,596 5,039 2,872 3,088 4,537 6,063 2005-2023
Pentanes Plus
5,596 5,039 2,872 3,088 -- -- 2005-2023
Liquefied Petroleum Gases
17,911 16,176 14,849 15,668 -- -- 2005-2023
Other Liquids
-407,421 -403,193 -378,377 -421,794 -421,921 -450,956 2005-2023
Hydrogen/Biofuels/Other Hydrocarbons
11,606 11,865 11,303 11,431 10,928 11,371 2005-2023
8,128 8,396 8,305 8,262 8,119 8,500 2009-2023
Biofuels (incl. Fuel Ethanol)
3,084 3,106 2,794 3,008 2,663 2,726 2009-2023
Fuel Ethanol
1,926 2,016 1,913 2,028 2,131 2,259 2005-2023
Biofuels (excl. Fuel Ethanol)
1,158 1,090 881 980 532 467 2011-2023
1,158 1,090 881 980 532 467 2011-2023
Biodiesel/Renewable Diesel Fuel
1,158 1,090 881 980 532 467 2011-2023
Other Hydrocarbons
394 363 204 161 146 145 2009-2023
Unfinished Oils (net)
2,845 -1,441 -3,406 -4,613 -8,858 -12,093 2005-2023
Naphthas and Lighter
5,465 2,923 989 1,406 1,672 1,349 2005-2023
Kerosene and Light Gas Oils
-640 -159 378 -2,226 -4,221 -4,091 2005-2023
Heavy Gas Oils
3,221 -2,261 -1,928 -1,904 -2,812 -6,214 2005-2023
-5,201 -1,944 -2,845 -1,889 -3,497 -3,137 2005-2023
Motor Gasoline Blending Components (net)
-421,872 -413,617 -386,274 -428,612 -423,991 -450,234 2005-2023
-99,542 -93,013 -81,034 -83,081 -80,336 -83,618 2005-2023
Reformulated - RBOB
-99,542 -93,013 -81,034 -83,081 -80,336 -83,618 2008-2023
RBOB for Blending with Alcohol
-322,330 -320,604 -305,240 -345,531 -343,655 -366,616 2005-2023
-318,213 -314,505 -299,861 -339,880 -338,040 -359,911 2005-2023
-4,117 -6,099 -5,379 -5,651 -5,615 -6,705 2005-2023
Aviation Gasoline Blending Components (net)
Alaskan Crude Oil Receipts
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: RBOB with Ether and RBOB with Alcohol are discontinued as of the January 2010 reporting period. "All Other Oxygenates" includes ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether (TAME), tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), and other aliphatic alcohols and ethers intended for motor gasoline blending (e.g., isopropyl ether (IPE) or n-propanol). Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025