Nebraska State Energy Profile

Nebraska Quick Facts

  • Nebraska produces more than 13% of the nation's fuel ethanol and ranks second in the nation, after Iowa, in ethanol production and capacity.
  • In 2022, Nebraska obtained 49% of its total in-state electricity net generation from coal, 31% from wind, and 14% from nuclear power. Almost all of the rest was generated from natural gas (3%) and hydropower (3%).
  • Nebraska ranks sixth in the nation in per capita total energy consumption in part because of its small population, energy-intensive industrial sector, and because of the state’s hot summers and harsh winters.
  • In 2022, Nebraska ranked third in the nation, after Texas and California, in its number of industrial electricity customers. About 39% of electricity retail sales in the state went to the industrial sector, which includes agriculture, where electricity is used to run irrigation systems.
  • A larger share of the petroleum used in Nebraska is consumed as distillate fuel oil than in all other states except Wyoming and North Dakota.

Last Updated: July 20, 2023


Last Update: July 18, 2024 | Next Update: August 15, 2024

Energy Indicators  
Demography Nebraska Share of U.S. Period
Population 2.0 million 0.6% 2023  
Civilian Labor Force 1.1 million 0.6% May-24  
Economy Nebraska U.S. Rank Period
Gross Domestic Product $ 178.4 billion 34 2023  
Gross Domestic Product for the Manufacturing Sector $ 19,919 million 35 2023  
Per Capita Personal Income $ 67,800 20 2023  
Vehicle Miles Traveled 21,270 million miles 37 2022  
Land in Farms 44.0 million acres 4 2023  
Climate Nebraska U.S. Rank Period
Average Temperature 50.5 degrees Fahrenheit 32 2023  
Precipitation 24.7 inches 37 2023  
Petroleum Nebraska U.S. Average Period find more
Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase $ 78.43 /barrel $ 83.16 /barrel Apr-24  
Natural Gas Nebraska U.S. Average Period find more
City Gate $ 2.25 /thousand cu ft $ 3.43 /thousand cu ft Apr-24 find more
Residential $ 9.64 /thousand cu ft $ 14.93 /thousand cu ft Apr-24 find more
Coal Nebraska U.S. Average Period find more
Average Sales Price -- $ 54.46 /short ton 2022  
Delivered to Electric Power Sector $ 1.32 /million Btu $ 2.54 /million Btu Apr-24  
Electricity Nebraska U.S. Average Period find more
Residential 11.85 cents/kWh 16.88 cents/kWh Apr-24 find more
Commercial 9.43 cents/kWh 12.66 cents/kWh Apr-24 find more
Industrial 7.31 cents/kWh 7.82 cents/kWh Apr-24 find more
Reserves Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Crude Oil (as of Dec. 31) 13 million barrels * 2022 find more
Expected Future Production of Dry Natural Gas (as of Dec. 31) -- -- 2022 find more
Expected Future Production of Natural Gas Plant Liquids -- -- 2022 find more
Recoverable Coal at Producing Mines -- -- 2022 find more
Rotary Rigs & Wells Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Natural Gas Producing Wells 131 wells * 2020 find more
Capacity Nebraska Share of U.S. Period
Crude Oil Refinery Capacity (as of Jan. 1) 0 barrels/calendar day 0.0% 2023  
Electric Power Industry Net Summer Capacity 10,795 MW 0.9% Apr-24  
Supply & Distribution  
Production Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Total Energy 395 trillion Btu 0.4% 2022 find more
Crude Oil 4 thousand barrels per day * Apr-24 find more
Natural Gas - Marketed 295 million cu ft * 2022 find more
Coal -- -- 2022 find more
Total Utility-Scale Net Electricity Generation Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Total Net Electricity Generation 2,925 thousand MWh 0.9% Apr-24  
Utility-Scale Net Electricity Generation (share of total) Nebraska U.S. Average Period
Petroleum-Fired 0.1 % 0.3 % Apr-24 find more
Natural Gas-Fired 5.7 % 39.5 % Apr-24 find more
Coal-Fired 25.9 % 12.0 % Apr-24 find more
Nuclear 19.7 % 18.5 % Apr-24 find more
Renewables 48.5 % 29.3 % Apr-24  
Stocks Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Motor Gasoline (Excludes Pipelines) 39 thousand barrels 0.3% Apr-24  
Distillate Fuel Oil (Excludes Pipelines) 1,013 thousand barrels 1.1% Apr-24 find more
Natural Gas in Underground Storage 30,757 million cu ft 0.4% Apr-24 find more
Petroleum Stocks at Electric Power Producers NM NM Apr-24 find more
Coal Stocks at Electric Power Producers 3,885 thousand tons 2.8% Apr-24 find more
Fueling Stations Nebraska Share of U.S. Period
Motor Gasoline 954 stations 0.9% 2021  
Propane 24 stations 1.0% Jun-24  
Electric Vehicle Charging Locations 254 stations 0.4% Jun-24  
E85 116 stations 2.6% Jun-24  
Biodiesel, Compressed Natural Gas, and Other Alternative Fuels 21 stations 0.7% Jun-24  
Consumption & Expenditures  
Summary Nebraska U.S. Rank Period
Total Consumption 846 trillion Btu 34 2022 find more
Total Consumption per Capita 240 million Btu 35 2022 find more
Total Expenditures $ 12,714 million 36 2022 find more
Total Expenditures per Capita $ 4,303 47 2022 find more
by End-Use Sector Nebraska Share of U.S. Period
    »  Residential 143 trillion Btu 0.7% 2022 find more
    »  Commercial 123 trillion Btu 0.7% 2022 find more
    »  Industrial 381 trillion Btu 1.2% 2022 find more
    »  Transportation 200 trillion Btu 0.7% 2022 find more
    »  Residential $ 1,826 million 0.5% 2022 find more
    »  Commercial $ 1,330 million 0.5% 2022 find more
    »  Industrial $ 2,963 million 1.0% 2022 find more
    »  Transportation $ 6,595 million 0.8% 2022 find more
by Source Nebraska Share of U.S. Period
    »  Petroleum 46 million barrels 0.6% 2022 find more
    »  Natural Gas 188 billion cu ft 0.6% 2022 find more
    »  Coal 12,902 thousand short tons 2.5% 2022 find more
    »  Petroleum $ 8,060 million 0.8% 2022 find more
    »  Natural Gas $ 1,749 million 0.6% 2022 find more
    »  Coal $ 291 million 1.1% 2022 find more
Consumption for Electricity Generation Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Petroleum NM NM Apr-24 find more
Natural Gas 1,481 million cu ft 0.2% Apr-24 find more
Coal 467 thousand tons 2.2% Apr-24 find more
Energy Source Used for Home Heating (share of households) Nebraska U.S. Average Period
Natural Gas 59.3 % 46.2 % 2022  
Fuel Oil 0.3 % 3.9 % 2022  
Electricity 31.5 % 41.3 % 2022  
Propane 7.1 % 5.0 % 2022  
Other/None 1.8 % 3.5 % 2022  
Renewable Energy Capacity Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Total Renewable Energy Electricity Net Summer Capacity 3,854 MW 1.1% Apr-24  
Ethanol Plant Nameplate Capacity 2,345 million gal/year 13.3% 2023  
Renewable Energy Production Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Utility-Scale Hydroelectric Net Electricity Generation 64 thousand MWh 0.3% Apr-24  
Utility-Scale Solar, Wind, and Geothermal Net Electricity Generation 1,356 thousand MWh 1.8% Apr-24  
Utility-Scale Biomass Net Electricity Generation 6 thousand MWh 0.2% Apr-24  
Small-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Generation 5 thousand MWh 0.1% Apr-24  
Fuel Ethanol Production 48,362 thousand barrels 13.2% 2022  
Renewable Energy Consumption Nebraska U.S. Rank Period find more
Renewable Energy Consumption as a Share of State Total 19.9 % 7 2022  
Fuel Ethanol Consumption 2,069 thousand barrels 37 2022  
Total Emissions Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Carbon Dioxide 47.2 million metric tons 1.0% 2021  
Electric Power Industry Emissions Nebraska Share of U.S. Period find more
Carbon Dioxide 22,174 thousand metric tons 1.3% 2022  
Sulfur Dioxide 41 thousand metric tons 3.8% 2022  
Nitrogen Oxide 20 thousand metric tons 1.6% 2022  


Last Updated: July 20, 2023


Nebraska ranks among the 10 states with the highest per capita energy consumption.

Located in the center of the continental United States, Nebraska is a Plains state with rolling hills that include about 20,000 square miles of ancient sand dunes beneath the prairie grasses. Those sandhills cover more than one-fourth of the state and sit on top of a vast, shallow aquifer that extends beneath parts of eight states and provides crucial groundwater for agriculture in the region.1,2 The groundwater and the fertile soils of the prairie that cover much of Nebraska make it a leading agricultural state.3,4,5 Nebraska produces the nation's third-largest corn crop, and, using corn as a feedstock, the state has become the nation's second-largest producer of fuel ethanol.6,7,8 The broad plains that occupy much of Nebraska also have some of the nation's best wind energy resources.9 The wide rivers that cross the state provide hydropower, and the abundant sunshine, especially in western Nebraska, offers a good solar resource.10,11,12 Crop residues supply a plentiful biomass resource as well.13 Nebraska has modest fossil fuel resources and production, primarily crude oil.14 The state also produces small amounts of natural gas. Uranium, the source for nuclear reactor fuel, was mined in northwestern Nebraska, but the state's only in-situ uranium mine suspended operations in 2018.15,16,17

Industry, which includes agriculture, is the end-use sector that consumes the most energy in Nebraska. It accounts for about 45% of the state's total energy consumption.18 Nebraska is one of the world's major meatpacking centers, and the energy-intensive agricultural and food processing industries are leading contributors to the state's gross domestic product (GDP). Other energy-intensive industries in Nebraska are chemical manufacturing—particularly of pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and fertilizers—and machinery manufacturing.19,20,21 Transportation, Nebraska's second-largest energy user, accounts for about 22% of the state's total energy consumption. The residential sector accounts for 18% and the commercial sector accounts for 15%.22 Nebraska's weather varies greatly from season to season. Hot summer temperatures occasionally exceed 110°F and harsh winter temperatures can fall to minus 30°F, which can result in high seasonal energy consumption for air conditioning and heating.23 The state's relatively small population, energy-intensive industries, and weather extremes contribute to ranking Nebraska among the 10 states with the highest per capita energy consumption.24,25


Coal provides the largest share of Nebraska's electricity generation, and 4 of the state's 10 largest power plants by capacity and 5 by actual generation are coal-fired. Although coal-fired power plants fueled 49% of the state's total net generation in 2022, coal's contribution was at its lowest level since at least 1990.26 In 2022, wind, nuclear energy, hydroelectric power, and natural gas provided almost all the rest of Nebraska's in-state electricity generation. Wind surpassed nuclear power's contribution for the first time in 2019, and accounted for 31% of Nebraska's total net generation in 2022.27 The smaller of the state's two nuclear power plants—Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station, which was located along the Missouri River on the state's eastern border—was powered down in 2016 after a flood and fire.28 The state's remaining operating nuclear power plant, Cooper Nuclear Station, supplied 14% of the Nebraska's power in 2022, down from the 30% that the two nuclear plants provided in 2010.29 Hydroelectric power fueled about 3% of the state's net generation in 2022, and natural gas-fired generation provided 2.6%, down from 3.4% in 2019.30

Nebraska is one of the five states with the lowest average electricity prices in the nation.

Nebraska is the only state in which all electricity providers are publicly-owned—either public power districts, municipal power systems, or rural electric cooperatives. Nebraska's average electricity price is among the 5 lowest in the nation, while it is one of the top 10 states in per capita electricity sales.31,32,33 The largest share of annual electricity sales go to the industrial sector.34 Nebraska has the third-largest number of industrial electricity customers in the nation, after Texas and California.35 A significant amount of Nebraska's industrial consumption is seasonal demand from farms, where electricity is used to run irrigation systems. Large data centers also consume substantial amounts of power, and several of them rely on electricity generated from renewable resources.36,37 Electricity sales to the residential sector, where about 3 in 10 households rely on electricity for home heating, are less in Nebraska than in 36 of the states. However, per capita residential electricity sales are greater than in all but 16 other states.38,39 Overall, more electricity is produced in Nebraska than is consumed there. In 2021, almost one-tenth of the state's net generation was sent to the regional grid.40

Renewable energy

Renewable resources provided 35% of Nebraska's total electricity net generation in 2022.41 Wind energy potential is excellent across the entire state, and wind powers almost all of the state's renewable generation.42 In 2022, wind contributed nearly one-third of the state's total net generation.43 Almost all of the state's wind farms are in eastern Nebraska. Since 2020, six new wind projects with a combined capacity of almost 1,400 megawatts came online. Nebraska had more than 3,500 megawatts of installed wind capacity at the state's 34 utility-scale (1 megawatt or larger) wind farms as of early 2023.44,45

Hydroelectric facilities produce most of the rest of Nebraska's renewable electricity generation.46 There are 10 utility-scale conventional hydroelectric power plants in Nebraska, including one at the federal Gavins Point Dam on the Missouri River.47 The Gavins Point Dam straddles the border between South Dakota and Nebraska, but the hydroelectric power plant is on the Nebraska side. Gavins Point Dam plays an important role in controlling the water flow on the 800 miles of open river between Nebraska and St. Louis, Missouri.48 Hydroelectric power contributes less than 5% of Nebraska's total in-state electricity generation annually. In 2022, it supplied about 3% of the state's total electricity generation.49

Nebraska is the nation’s second-largest producer of fuel ethanol.

Western Nebraska has the state's greatest solar resources.50 Although solar energy contributed about 0.3% of the state's net generation in 2022, solar-powered generation has more than tripled since 2018.51 The largest solar power plant in the state as of April 2023 was a 5.8-megawatt facility that came online in December 2017.52 By early 2023, Nebraska had nearly 70 megawatts of solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity, including about 28 megawatts of customer-sited, small-scale (less than 1-megawatt) capacity.53 More utility-scale solar PV facilities are in development in the state.54 An 81-megawatt solar PV project is under construction in Saunders County in eastern Nebraska and is expected to be operational by the end of 2023.55

Nebraska has other renewable resources including biomass and geothermal energy. Power plants that use landfill gas and other waste biomass to generate electricity accounted for about 0.2% of the state's total electricity net generation in 2022.56 Moderate geothermal energy potential exists across much of the state, but there are only a few small areas in northern Nebraska with the high-temperature resources needed for power generation. Nebraska does not generate electricity from geothermal energy.57,58

Nebraska is a major biofuels manufacturer and is second only to Iowa in the production of fuel ethanol.59 There are about two dozen ethanol production plants in the state. Nebraska ethanol producers use more than 700 million bushels of corn and can make about 2.5 billion gallons of ethanol annually.60,61 In 2021, Nebraska accounted for more than 13% of the nation's fuel ethanol production. The state's ethanol plants produce much more fuel ethanol than is consumed in Nebraska, and most of the ethanol produced in the state is shipped to other states.62,63 Nebraska no longer has any biodiesel plants.64,65

Nebraska does not have a renewable energy standard.66 However, utilities are required to provide net metering and interconnections to qualifying customer systems with generating capacities of up to 25 kilowatts unless the total equals 1% of the utility's average peak demand for the year.67,68 Customer generators must pay for the costs of the interconnection, but the utility provides the metering system at no cost to the customer. To encourage renewable generation, a number of utility, state, and federal financial incentives, rebates, loans, tax incentives, and technical resources are also available.69


Nebraska's modest crude oil reserves account for about 0.03% of the nation's total.70 Wells in Nebraska have produced commercial quantities of crude oil since 1939. Annual production peaked at nearly 25 million barrels in 1962 but declined to about 1.6 million barrels by 2022.71,72 Almost all the state's crude oil production is from wells in western and southwestern Nebraska.73

Nebraska does not have any crude oil refineries, but pipelines that cross the state deliver crude oil to facilities in neighboring states.74 A crude oil pipeline that crosses southern Nebraska transports crude oil, primarily from Wyoming, to refineries in the Midwest.75 A second pipeline crosses the southwestern corner of the state, bringing crude oil from Wyoming to Cushing, Oklahoma.76 A third pipeline runs south across eastern Nebraska to a location near the Kansas border, where it splits. One section moves crude oil from Canada and North Dakota south to the Cushing, Oklahoma, hub and from there to Texas refineries. The other branch brings crude oil east to refineries in Illinois.77 A network of petroleum product pipelines and terminals supply refined products from refining centers in nearby states to Nebraska markets.78

Distillate fuel oil accounts for a larger share of Nebraska’s petroleum consumption than in all other states except Wyoming and North Dakota.

Nebraska consumes less petroleum than almost three-fourths of the states. However, on a per capita basis, it uses more petroleum than more than two-thirds of the states.79 The transportation sector accounts for almost four-fifths of the state's petroleum use, and most of it is consumed either as motor gasoline or as distillate fuel oil in almost equal amounts.80 Distillate fuel oil includes diesel fuel, used both on-highway for transportation and off-highway by agricultural machinery.81 Distillate fuel oil accounts for a larger share of Nebraska's petroleum consumption than in all other states except Wyoming and North Dakota.82 Most gasoline sold in Nebraska and other states is blended with at least 10% ethanol, but conventional motor gasoline without ethanol added can be sold statewide in Nebraska.83,84 In addition to the widespread availability of motor gasoline blended with 10% ethanol, the state has about 120 fueling stations that sell E85, a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% motor gasoline.85,86

The industrial sector is the second-largest petroleum-consuming sector in the state and accounts for most of the rest of the state's petroleum use, about 15%. Industrial use includes agriculture, where diesel fuel is used off-highway and propane is used to dry corn.87,88 The residential and commercial sectors combined account for about 6% of the state's petroleum consumption. About 1 in 13 Nebraska households heat their homes with petroleum products. Almost all of those households use hydrocarbon gas liquids in the form of bottled, tank, or liquid propane gas.89 Nebraska has several dozen power plants with petroleum-fired generators, some of which are non-operating backup units, but electricity generation accounts for a minimal amount of the state's petroleum consumption.90,91

Natural gas

Nebraska's industrial sector, which includes agriculture, uses more than half of the natural gas consumed in the state.

Nebraska does not have significant natural gas reserves.92 Production in the state declined from a peak of more than 28 billion cubic feet of natural gas in 1960 to less than 350 million cubic feet in 2021.93,94 Nebraska receives most of its natural gas from interstate pipelines, primarily from Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming. In 2021, 93% of the natural gas that entered Nebraska left the state and continued on to markets elsewhere, primarily through Iowa and Missouri. A smaller amount went to South Dakota.95 Typically, some of the natural gas that remains in Nebraska is stored in the state's one natural gas storage field, which has a total capacity of about 35 billion cubic feet.96,97

Nebraska's industrial sector accounts for more than half of the natural gas consumed in the state.98 Agriculture, a leading component of Nebraska's industrial sector, uses natural gas to run irrigation pumps, and the state's chemical industry uses natural gas in the manufacture of fertilizer.99 The residential sector, where about three in five homes use natural gas for heating, is the second-largest natural gas-consumer and accounts for about one-fifth of the natural gas used in Nebraska.100 The commercial sector uses slightly less than the residential sector. A small amount of natural gas is used for electric power generation.101 The amount of natural gas consumed by the electric power sector peaked at about 12.7 billion cubic feet in 2021.102


Coal fuels about half of Nebraska's total electricity generation, but the state does not have any significant coal reserves and has no coal production.103,104 The coal consumed in Nebraska arrives by rail and truck from the nearby low-sulfur coal fields in Wyoming's Powder River Basin.105,106 More than nine-tenths of the 12.6 million tons of coal consumed in Nebraska in 2021 was used for electricity generation.107 A small amount of coal went to industrial facilities in the state.108


1 NASA Earth Observatory, Sand Hills, Nebraska, accessed June 7, 2023.
2 Nebraska Corn Board, What is the Ogallala Aquifer?, accessed June 7, 2023
3 NETSTATE, Nebraska, The Geography of Nebraska, updated February 25, 2016.
4 Nebraska Game and Parks, Nebraska prairies, accessed June 7, 2023.
5 NETSTATE, Nebraska, Nebraska Economy, updated December 19, 2017.
6 U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Crop Production, 2021 Summary (January 2022), p. 11.
7 "U.S. Ethanol Plants, RINs, Operational," Ethanol Producer Magazine, updated April 26, 2023.
8 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), State Energy Data System, Table P4B, Primary Energy Production Estimates, Biofuels, in Thousand Barrels, Ranked by State, 2021.
9 U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, WINDExchange, Nebraska 80-Meter Wind Resource Map, accessed June 8, 2023.
10 Nebraska Energy Office, Annual Report 2017 (February 14, 2018), p. 33.
11 Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Comparison of Solar Power Potential by State, accessed June 8, 2023.
12 Roberts, Billy J., Global Horizontal Solar Irradiance, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (February 12, 2018).
13 Roberts, Billy J., Crop Residue in the United States, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (January 15, 2014).
14 U.S. EIA, Crude Oil Plus Lease Condensate Proved Reserves, Reserve Changes and Production, Nebraska, Annual, 2021.
15 U.S. EIA, Domestic Uranium Production Report, Annual, Table 5, U.S. uranium in-situ-leach plants by owner, location, capacity, and operating status at end of the year, 2018-22.
16 Nebraska Energy Office, Annual Report 2017 (February 14, 2018), p. 31.
17 Butterfield, Barry, ANALYSIS: Can once-thriving uranium industry come back to life in Nebraska?, Hays Post (May 9, 2022).
18 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table C1, Energy Consumption Overview: Estimates by Energy Source and End-Use Sector, 2021.
19 NETSTATE, Nebraska, Nebraska Economy, updated December 19, 2017.
20 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Interactive Data, Regional Data, GDP & Personal Income, Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by State, GDP in current dollars (SAGDP2), All statistics in table, Nebraska, 2021, 2022.
21 U.S. EIA, "Energy for growing and harvesting crops is a large component of farm operating costs," Today in Energy (October 17, 2014).
22 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table C1, Energy Consumption Overview: Estimates by Energy Source and End-Use Sector, 2021.
23 Dutcher, Al, "Nebraska: Home of the Whopper," Nebraska's Climate, The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network, ‘State Climates' Series, accessed June 8, 2023.
24 U.S. EIA, Nebraska Profile Data, Energy Indicators, Population, accessed June 8, 2023.
25 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table C14, Total Energy Consumption Estimates per Capita by End-Use Sector, Ranked by State, 2021.
26 U.S. EIA, Nebraska Electricity Profile 2021, Tables 2A, 2B, 5.
27 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, Fuel Type (Check All), Annual 2001-22.
28 King-Homan, Laura, "Timeline of Fort Calhoun Station history," The Wire, accessed June 8, 2023.
29 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nebraska, updated March 9, 2021.
30 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, Fuel Type (Check all), Annual, 2001-22.
31 Nebraska Power Association, Public Power, Benefits, accessed June 8, 2023.
32 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Average retail price of electricity, All sectors, Geography (Check all), Annual, 2022.
33 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table C17, Electricity Retail Sales, Total and Residential, Total and per Capita, Ranked by State, 2021.
34 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Retail sales of electricity, Nebraska, All sectors, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Annual, 2022.
35 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Number of customer accounts, Industrial, Geography (Check all), Annual, 2022.
36 Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Annual State Energy Report, 2022, p. 15-20.
37 U.S. EIA, "Many industrial electricity customers are farmers," Today in Energy (May 12, 2014).
38 U.S. Census Bureau, Nebraska, Table B25040, House Heating Fuel, 2021 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates.
39 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table C17, Electricity Retail Sales, Total and Residential, Total and per Capita, Ranked by State, 2021.
40 U.S. EIA, Nebraska Electricity Profile 2021, Table 10, Supply and disposition of electricity, 1990 through 2021.
41 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, All fuels, Conventional hydroelectric, Other renewables (total), Small-scale solar photovoltaic, Annual, 2022.
42 U. S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, WINDExchange, Nebraska 80-Meter Wind Resource Map, accessed June 8, 2023.
43 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, All fuels, Conventional hydroelectric, Other renewables (total), Wind, Small-scale solar photovoltaic, Annual, 2022.
44 U.S. EIA, Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory (based on Form EIA-860M as a supplement to Form EIA-860), Inventory of Operating Generators as of April 2023.
45 U.S. EIA, Electric Power Monthly (May 2023), Table 6.2.B.
46 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, All fuels, Conventional hydroelectric, Other renewables (total), Wind, All utility-scale solar, Biomass, Small-scale solar photovoltaic, Annual, 2021-22.
47 U.S. EIA, Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory (based on Form EIA-860M as a supplement to Form EIA-860), Inventory of Operating Generators as of April 2023.
48 U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Great Plains Region, Lewis and Clark: Big Dam Era, updated September 29, 2017.
49 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, All fuels, Conventional hydroelectric, Annual, 2001-22.
50 Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Solar Energy Generation in Nebraska, Community Solar Projects Map, accessed June 9, 2023.
51 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, All fuels, All solar, Small-scale solar photovoltaic, All utility-scale solar, 2001-22.
52 U.S. EIA, Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory (based on Form EIA-860M as a supplement to Form EIA-860), Inventory of Operating Generators as of April 2023.
53 U.S. EIA, Electric Power Monthly (May 2023), Table 6.2.B.
54 Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Solar Energy Generation in Nebraska, Projects Under Development, accessed June 12, 2023.
55 U.S. EIA, Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory (based on Form EIA-860M as a supplement to Form EIA-860), Inventory of Planned Generators as of April 2023.
56 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, All fuels, Biomass, Small-scale solar photovoltaic, Annual, 2021-22.
57 Roberts, Billy J., Geothermal Resources of the United States, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (February 22, 2018).
58 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, All fuels, Geothermal, Annual, 2020-22.
59 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), State Energy Data System, Table P4B, Primary Energy Production Estimates, Biofuels, in Thousand Barrels, Ranked by State, 2021.
60 Nebraska Ethanol Board, Nebraska Ethanol Plants, updated November 21, 2022.
61 U.S. EIA, U.S. Fuel Ethanol Plant Production Capacity, U.S. fuel ethanol plant count by state, January 2022.
62 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), State Energy Data System, Table P4B, Primary Energy Production Estimates, Biofuels, in Thousand Barrels, Ranked by State, 2021.
63 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F25, Fuel ethanol consumption estimates, 2021.
64 Nebraska Energy Office, Annual Report 2017 (February 14, 2018), p. 32.
65 U.S. EIA, U.S. Biodiesel Plant Production Capacity, U.S. biodiesel plant count by state, 2022.
66 National Conference of State Legislatures, State Renewable Portfolio Standards and Goals (August 13, 2021).
67 NC Clean Energy Technology Center, DSIRE, Nebraska, Interconnection Guidelines, updated December 18, 2020.
68 NC Clean Energy Technology Center, DSIRE, Nebraska, Net Metering, updated February 17, 2023.
69 NC Clean Energy Technology Center, DSIRE, Nebraska, Programs, accessed June 12, 2023.
70 U.S. EIA, Crude Oil Plus Lease Condensate Proved Reserves, Reserve Changes and Production, Proved Reserves as of December 31, 2021.
71 Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Nebraska Energy Statistics, Crude Oil Production in Nebraska, updated May 8, 2023.
72 U.S. EIA, Crude Oil Production, Annual-Thousand Barrels, 2022.
73 Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, Nebraska Energy Statistics, Crude Oil Production by County in Nebraska, updated December 14, 2022.
74 U.S. EIA, Number and Capacity of Petroleum Refineries, Total Number of Operable Refineries, Annual (as of January 1), 2022.
75 Enbridge, Interactive Map, Platte Pipeline, accessed June 13, 2023.
76 Tallgrass Energy, System Map, accessed June 13, 2023.
77 TC Energy, Keystone Pipeline System Map, accessed June 13, 2023.
78 U.S. EIA, Nebraska Profile Overview, Interactive GIS Data Viewer, Crude Oil Pipelines, Petroleum Product Pipelines, and Petroleum Product Terminals, accessed June 13, 2023.
79 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table C15, Petroleum Consumption Estimates, Total and per Capita, Ranked by State, 2021.
80 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F16, Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates, 2021.
81 U.S. EIA, Glossary, Distillate Fuel Oil, accessed June 13, 2023.
82 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table C2, Energy Consumption Estimates for Selected Energy Sources in Physical Units, 2021.
83 U.S. EIA, "Almost all U.S. gasoline is blended with 10% ethanol," Today in Energy (May 4, 2016).
84 Larson, B. K., U.S. Gasoline Requirements as of January 2018, ExxonMobil, accessed June 13, 2023.
85 U.S. EIA, "Almost all U.S. gasoline is blended with 10% ethanol," Today in Energy (May 4, 2016).
86 U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Alternative Fuels Data Center, Alternative Fueling Station Counts by State, updated June 13, 2023.
87 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F16, Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates, 2021.
88 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cropwatch, Harvesting, Drying, Storing Late-Maturing, High-Moisture Corn, accessed June 13, 2023.
89 U.S. Census Bureau, Nebraska, House Heating Fuel, American Community Survey, 2021: ACS 1-Year Estimates Detailed Tables, Table B25040, Occupied Housing Units.
90 U.S. EIA, Preliminary Monthly Electric Generator Inventory (based on Form EIA-860M as a supplement to Form EIA-860), Inventory of Operating Generators as of April 2023.
91 U.S. EIA, State Energy Data System, Table F16, Total Petroleum Consumption Estimates, 2021.
92 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Reserves Summary as of December 31, 2016-21.
93 Nebraska Energy Office, Annual Report 2017 (February 14, 2018), p. 31.
94 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Gross Withdrawals and Production, Nebraska, Annual-Million Cubic Feet, 2016-21.
95 U.S. EIA, International and Interstate Movements of Natural Gas by State, Nebraska, Annual, 2016-21.
96 U.S. EIA, Underground Natural Gas Storage Capacity, Total Number of Existing Fields, Annual, 2021.
97 U.S. EIA, Underground Natural Gas Storage Capacity, Total Storage Capacity, Annual, 2021.
98 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Consumption by End Use, Nebraska, Annual, 2017-22.
99 Nebraska Energy Office, Annual Report 2018, p. 13-14.
100 U.S. Census Bureau, Nebraska, House Heating Fuel, American Community Survey, 2021: ACS 1-Year Estimates Detailed Tables, Table B25040, Occupied Housing Units.
101 U.S. EIA, Natural Gas Consumption by End Use, Nebraska, Annual, 2017-22.
102 U.S. EIA, Nebraska Natural Gas Deliveries to Electric Power Consumers, 1967-2022.
103 U.S. EIA, Electricity Data Browser, Net generation for all sectors, Nebraska, All fuels, Coal, Small-scale solar photovoltaic, Annual, 2001-22.
104 U.S. EIA, Annual Coal Report 2021 (October 2022), Table 1, Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2021 and 2020, and Table 15, Recoverable Coal Reserves at Producing Mines, Estimated Recoverable Reserves, and Demonstrated Reserve Base by Mining Method, 2021.
105 U.S. EIA, Annual Coal Distribution Report 2021 (October 2022), By Coal Destination State, Nebraska Table DS-22, Domestic Coal Distribution, by Destination State, 2021.
106 Nebraska Energy Office, Annual Report 2017 (February 14, 2018), p. 31.
107 U.S. EIA, Annual Coal Report 2021 (October 2022), Table 26, U.S. Coal Consumption by End Use Sector, Census Division, and State, 2021 and 2020.
108 U.S. EIA, Annual Coal Distribution Report 2021 (October 2022), By Coal Destination State, Nebraska Table DS-22, Domestic Coal Distribution, by Destination State, 2021.

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