Table 9.5. Emissions from Energy Consumption at
Conventional Power Plants and Combined-Heat-and-Power Plants,
by State, 2022 and 2023 (Thousand Metric Tons)

Census Division
and State
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022
New England 27,434 28,152 7 9 21 22
Connecticut 10,653 10,757 0.47 1 5 5
Maine 2,434 2,792 4 5 4 5
Massachusetts 8,263 9,098 2 2 8 7
New Hampshire 2,060 2,543 0.38 1 2 2
Rhode Island 4,014 2,949 0.04 0.04 2 2
Vermont 9 13 0.04 0.05 1 1
Middle Atlantic 114,738 124,234 33 49 63 74
New Jersey 15,112 15,891 1 1 8 8
New York 29,418 30,788 6 8 25 27
Pennsylvania 70,207 77,555 26 40 31 39
East North Central 249,331 287,484 149 229 155 188
Illinois 42,186 53,796 29 52 18 28
Indiana 61,252 70,490 23 31 43 50
Michigan 50,018 58,510 31 49 43 49
Ohio 63,226 71,710 59 85 31 42
Wisconsin 32,649 32,978 7 12 20 20
West North Central 161,366 183,329 170 201 133 159
Iowa 24,593 26,163 18 23 19 26
Kansas 20,280 23,881 3 4 14 18
Minnesota 20,842 22,327 11 14 18 21
Missouri 45,916 57,147 66 87 34 45
Nebraska 19,770 22,174 38 41 18 20
North Dakota 27,040 28,813 33 32 27 28
South Dakota 2,926 2,825 1 1 3 2
South Atlantic 281,059 297,954 147 179 176 194
Delaware 2,374 2,682 0.16 0.44 1 2
District of Columbia 73 64 0.00 0 0.45 0.42
Florida 93,735 97,615 21 34 44 50
Georgia 43,044 43,772 42 42 35 36
Maryland 9,138 11,240 2 3 5 5
North Carolina 36,765 41,255 18 23 36 40
South Carolina 25,599 24,857 19 21 15 16
Virginia 24,587 26,093 10 12 15 17
West Virginia 45,743 50,376 36 42 26 28
East South Central 148,514 161,158 86 100 78 82
Alabama 46,082 52,252 25 27 23 24
Kentucky 50,039 55,012 34 44 29 31
Mississippi 27,096 27,308 11 11 14 16
Tennessee 25,297 26,586 16 17 11 11
West South Central 310,377 319,796 165 209 241 251
Arkansas 28,363 31,303 32 37 17 20
Louisiana 42,944 48,266 24 33 53 52
Oklahoma 26,301 26,607 9 12 21 22
Texas 212,769 213,621 101 126 150 157
Mountain 162,426 175,133 58 66 119 135
Arizona 34,788 32,948 6 7 22 23
Colorado 27,579 29,739 9 9 15 18
Idaho 3,002 2,287 3 3 4 4
Montana 13,774 13,656 8 8 12 12
Nevada 12,540 13,509 3 3 10 10
New Mexico 13,542 18,112 2 2 7 11
Utah 20,620 26,262 4 8 21 29
Wyoming 36,580 38,619 22 25 28 30
Pacific Contiguous 66,670 63,109 14 19 94 91
California 43,360 44,448 1 1 59 63
Oregon 9,636 7,874 4 4 22 16
Washington 13,674 10,787 10 14 13 12
Pacific Noncontiguous 9,639 10,018 19 19 37 34
Alaska 3,605 3,592 2 2 20 18
Hawaii 6,035 6,427 17 17 16 16
U.S. Total 1,531,554 1,650,367 848 1,079 1,117 1,230

The emissions data presented include total emissions from both electricity generation and the production of useful thermal output.
See Appendix A, Technical Notes, for a description of the sources and methodology used to develop the emissions estimates.
Displayed values of zero may represent small values that round to zero. The Excel version of this table provides additional precision which may be accessed by selecting individual cells.

Source: Calculations made by the Office of Energy Production Conversion and Delivery, U.S. Energy Information Administration.