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Stocks by Type
Area: Period-Unit:
Stock Type:
 Show Data By:
Product Stock Type Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
4,150 4,257 6,539 6,668 6,476 6,680 2007-2023
All Oils (Excluding Crude Oil)
4,150 4,257 6,539 6,668 6,476 6,680 1993-2023
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
2,085 2,231 4,457 4,525 4,483 4,489 2008-2023
Natural Gas Liquids
2,085 2,231 4,457 4,525 4,483 4,489 2010-2023
465 550 928 1,293 1,032 1,075 1993-2023
837 879 1,773 1,639 1,717 1,723 1993-2023
Normal Butane
318 334 705 632 690 676 1993-2023
173 171 346 320 337 321 1993-2023
Natural Gasoline
292 297 705 641 707 694 1993-2023
Pentanes Plus
292 297 705 641 -- -- 1993-2023
Liquefied Petroleum Gases
1,793 1,934 3,752 3,884 -- -- 1993-2023
465 550 928 1,293 -- -- 1993-2023
837 879 1,773 1,639 -- -- 1993-2023
Normal Butane/Butylene
318 334 705 632 -- -- 1993-2023
173 171 346 320 -- -- 1993-2023
Other Liquids
900 910 937 1,030 1,038 1,093 2008-2023
Hydrogen/Biofuels/Other Hydrocarbons
3 4 5 5     1995-2021
Biofuels (incl. Fuel Ethanol)
3 4 5 5     2016-2021
Fuel Ethanol
3 4 5 5     1993-2021
Motor Gasoline Blending Components
897 906 932 1,025 1,038 1,093 1996-2023
          287 2023-2023
Reformulated - RBOB
          287 2023-2023
897 906 932 1,025 1,038 806 2006-2023
897 906 932 1,025 1,038 806 2006-2023
Finished Petroleum Products
1,165 1,116 1,145 1,113 955 1,098 2010-2023
Finished Motor Gasoline
250 214 349 169 159 192 1993-2023
250 214 349 169 159 192 1993-2023
250 214 349 169 159 192 2005-2023
Finished Aviation Gasoline
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
123 121 49 133 150 144 1993-2023
Distillate Fuel Oil
792 781 747 811 646 762 1993-2023
15 ppm and under Sulfur
790 779 745 811 646 762 2006-2023
Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur
2 2 2       1993-2020
Greater 500 ppm Sulfur
Miscellaneous Products
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Crude oil stocks in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve include non-U.S. stocks held under foreign or commercial storage agreements. Bulk terminal stocks include stocks held by merchant producers. Stocks are reported as of the last day of the month. RBOB with Ether, RBOB with Alcohol, and Reformulated GTAB Motor Gasoline Blending Components are discontinued as of the January 2010 reporting period. Beginning with data for January 2005 total crude oil and petroleum products stocks do not include lease stocks.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025