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Refinery & Blender Net Production
Area: Period-Unit:
 Show Data By:
Product Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
1,712,299 1,712,576 1,525,965 1,653,497 1,677,561 1,668,511 1981-2023
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
38,278 40,860 36,166 40,227 41,291 39,400 1981-2023
Natural Gas Liquids
22,063 25,392 21,066 23,634 26,220 24,768 2010-2023
26,766 26,825 25,671 26,245 27,693 27,227 1995-2023
Normal Butane
-3,123 -381 -2,293 -630 1,470 599 1993-2023
-1,580 -1,052 -2,312 -1,981 -2,943 -3,058 1993-2023
Refinery Olefins
16,215 15,468 15,100 16,593 15,071 14,632 2010-2023
15,544 14,638 14,490 16,135 14,437 13,294 1993-2023
Normal Butylene
698 785 610 458 634 1,338 1993-2023
-27 45         1995-2019
Liquefied Refinery Gases
38,278 40,860 36,166 40,227 -- -- 1981-2023
42,310 41,463 40,161 42,380 -- -- 1981-2023
Normal Butane/Butylene
-2,425 404 -1,683 -172 -- -- 1981-2023
-1,607 -1,007 -2,312 -1,981 -- -- 1982-2023
Finished Motor Gasoline
947,712 949,386 836,985 906,439 897,095 894,562 1981-2023
132,906 131,082 109,796 121,099 120,763 122,344 1993-2023
Reformulated Blended w/ Fuel Ethanol
132,906 131,082 109,796 121,097 120,745 122,334 2005-2023
      2 18 10 2021-2023
814,806 818,304 727,189 785,340 776,332 772,218 1993-2023
Conventional Blended w/ Fuel Ethanol
764,285 764,775 679,202 736,909 733,182 734,945 2005-2023
Ed55 and Lower
762,933 763,439 678,148 735,305 730,551 732,342 2010-2023
Greater than Ed55
1,352 1,336 1,054 1,604 2,631 2,603 2010-2023
50,521 53,529 47,987 48,431 43,150 37,273 2005-2023
Finished Aviation Gasoline
456 380 277 260 233 157 1981-2023
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
95,708 99,543 65,234 88,621 95,447 101,338 1981-2023
1,508 1,935 1,525 1,724 1,422 977 1981-2023
Distillate Fuel Oil
414,411 416,311 390,604 404,495 428,878 421,899 1981-2023
15 ppm Sulfur and under
414,911 416,382 391,064 404,582 428,776 421,739 2004-2023
Greater than 15 ppm to 500 ppm Sulfur
1,068 1,009 1,269 1,132 1,364 1,253 1993-2023
Greater than 500 ppm Sulfur
-1,568 -1,080 -1,729 -1,219 -1,262 -1,093 1993-2023
Residual Fuel Oil
17,596 16,285 11,231 12,926 13,473 11,902 1981-2023
Less Than 0.31 Percent Sulfur
539 826 766 1,019 934 707 1993-2023
0.31 to 1.00 Percent Sulfur
2,530 2,486 4,340 4,212 5,441 4,290 1993-2023
Greater Than 1.00 Percent Sulfur
14,527 12,973 6,125 7,695 7,098 6,905 1993-2023
Petrochemical Feedstocks
11,212 11,433 9,907 10,792 10,398 10,188 1981-2023
Naphtha For Petrochemical Feedstock Use
7,640 7,351 5,699 6,605 6,065 5,902 1993-2023
Other Oils For Petrochemical Feedstock Use
3,572 4,082 4,208 4,187 4,333 4,286 1993-2023
Special Naphthas
681 -166 -42 -67 -314 -264 1981-2023
2,399 2,089 2,230 2,456 2,454 2,151 1981-2023
354 322 340 426 426 395 1981-2023
Petroleum Coke
68,551 65,470 64,279 67,388 67,321 67,383 1981-2023
50,917 48,518 48,637 49,914 50,192 50,571 1993-2023
17,634 16,952 15,642 17,474 17,129 16,812 1993-2023
Asphalt and Road Oil
54,850 51,649 53,699 61,363 62,419 59,839 1993-2023
Still Gas
52,895 51,528 48,003 50,809 51,261 52,792 1981-2023
Miscellaneous Products
5,688 5,551 5,527 5,638 5,757 5,792 1981-2023
Processing Gain(-) or Loss(+)
-83,616 -80,472 -76,661 -84,250 -79,760 -82,199 1993-2023
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes:   See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025