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Exports by Destination
Destination: Period-Unit:
 Show Data By:
Destination Product
Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 View
Total Crude Oil and Products
25,578 21,667 23,634 26,841 22,541 24,335 1993-2024
Crude Oil
9,941 7,371 12,132 10,650 12,081 10,208 1993-2024
Total Products
15,637 14,296 11,502 16,191 10,460 14,127 2004-2024
Hydrocarbon Gas Liquids
7,087 6,851 4,595 8,201 3,638 6,562 2004-2024
Natural Gas Liquids
7,087 6,851 4,595 8,201 3,638 6,562 2010-2024
1,912 1,750 1,984 2,788 1,576 1,417 2014-2024
158 111 85 120 96 52 2004-2024
Normal Butane
79 385 112 421 130 326 2004-2024
5 3 4 2 2 3 2015-2024
Natural Gasoline
4,933 4,602 2,410 4,869 1,833 4,764 1993-2024
Pentanes Plus
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1993-2024
Liquefied Petroleum Gases
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1993-2024
Unfinished Oils
1,758 2,382 2,020 3,377 1,722 2,297 2013-2024
Finished Motor Gasoline
311 492 67 220 183 218 1993-2024
311 492 67 220 183 218 2004-2024
Motor Gasoline Blend. Comp.
1,055 1,207 404 164 299 180 2004-2024
1,055 1,207 404 164 299 180 2004-2024
-- -- -- -- -- -- 2004-2024
Other Oxygenates
-- -- -- -- -- -- 2004-2024
Fuel Ethanol
1,487 1,424 1,068 1,480 1,360 1,547 2010-2024
386 470 434 592 531 443 2011-2024
Distillate Fuel Oil
292 155 253 266 286 109 1993-2024
15 ppm and under Sulfur
1 1 195 1 1 0 2010-2024
Greater than 15 to 500 ppm Sulfur
253 79 25 223 218 32 2004-2024
Greater than 500 to 2000 ppm Sulfur
38 75 33 41 67 77 2004-2024
    90 0     1993-2024
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
1,395 292 1,356 358 1,346 888 2004-2024
Special Naphthas
Residual Fuel Oil
924 16 182 256 185 474 1993-2024
Other Oils for Petro. Feed. Use
  0         2022-2024
103 103 96 97 97 100 1993-2024
Petroleum Coke
305 417 409 613 338 878 1993-2024
Asphalt and Road Oil
149 87 211 263 177 161 1993-2024
380 396 313 301 294 265 1993-2024
Miscellaneous Products
4 4 5 4 5 4 2004-2024
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: On December 18, 2015, the U.S. enacted legislation authorizing the export of U.S. crude oil without a license. Exports to embargoed or sanctioned countries continue to require authorization. Prior to December 2015, crude oil exports were restricted to: (1) crude oil derived from fields under the State waters of Cook Inlet of Alaska; (2) Alaskan North Slope crude oil; (3) certain domestically produced crude oil destined for Canada; (4) shipments to U.S. territories; and (5) California crude oil to Pacific Rim countries. Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 11/29/2024
Next Release Date: 12/31/2024