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Average Depth of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Wells
(Feet per Well)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 View
Exploratory and Development Wells
5,426 5,547 5,508 5,613 6,064 5,964 1949-2008
Crude Oil
4,783 4,829 4,836 4,846 5,111 5,094 1949-2008
Natural Gas
5,616 5,757 5,777 5,961 6,522 6,500 1949-2008
Dry Holes
5,744 5,848 5,405 5,382 5,578 5,540 1949-2008
Exploratory Wells
6,744 6,579 6,272 6,187 6,247 6,322 1949-2008
Crude Oil
6,950 8,136 8,011 7,448 7,537 7,778 1949-2008
Natural Gas
6,589 5,948 5,732 5,770 5,901 5,899 1949-2008
Dry Holes
6,809 6,924 6,437 6,340 6,307 6,232 1949-2008
Development Wells
5,309 5,442 5,428 5,554 6,040 5,923 1949-2008
Crude Oil
4,684 4,675 4,669 4,706 4,945 4,938 1949-2008
Natural Gas
5,566 5,742 5,780 5,977 6,594 6,558 1949-2008
Dry Holes
5,224 5,311 4,935 4,987 5,243 5,220 1949-2008
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Average depth may not equal averaging of components due to independent rounding.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025