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Natural Gas Delivered for the Account of Others
(Million Cubic Feet)
Area: Period:
 Show Data By:
Data Series Area
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 View
Residential Deliveries
0 0 0 0 0 0 1988-2023
% of All Resi. Deliveries for the Acct. of Others
-- -- -- -- -- -- 2007-2023
Commercial Deliveries
5,629 5,355 5,151 5,410 5,924 5,684 1987-2023
% of All Comm. Deliveries for the Acct. of Others
21.1 21.5 22.5 21.0 23.0 23.7 1989-2023
Industrial Deliveries
166,128 166,132 159,976 176,381 157,915 159,132 1982-2023
% of All Ind. Deliveries for the Acct. of Others
75.8 76.5 76.5 75.7 74.2 72.8 1989-2023
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Natural gas that is "delivered for the account of others" is gas that is not owned by the company that delivers it to the consumer.

Beginning in 1996, consumption of natural gas for agricultural use was classified as industrial use. In 1995 and earlier years, agricultural use was classified as commercial use.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 11/29/2024
Next Release Date: 12/31/2024