Definitions, Sources and Explanatory Notes

 Category:   Natural Gas Consumption 
 Topic:   Delivered for the Account of Others


Key Terms Definition
Commercial Consumption Gas used by nonmanufacturing establishments or agencies primarily engaged in the sale of goods or services. Included are such establishments as hotels, restaurants, wholesale and retail stores and other service enterprises; gas used by local, State, and Federal agencies engaged in nonmanufacturing activities.
Delivered for the Account of Others Gas that is not owned by the company that delivers it to the consumer. These deliveries include quantities covered by long-term contracts and gas involved in short-term or spot market sales.
Industrial Consumption Natural gas used for heat, power, or chemical feedstock by manufacturing establishments or those engaged in mining or other mineral extraction as well as consumers in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. Also included in industrial consumption are generators that produce electricity and/or useful thermal output primarily to support the above-mentioned industrial activities.

For definitions of related energy terms, refer to the EIA Energy Glossary.


Form EIA-176, "Annual Report of Natural and Supplemental Gas Supply and Disposition" .

  • Background on "Natural Gas Annual" data
  • Natural Gas Survey Forms and Instructions

  •   Explanatory Notes

  • Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
  • Beginning in 1996, consumption of natural gas for agricultural use was classified as industrial use. In 1995 and earlier years, agricultural use was classified as commercial use.
  • Statistical Considerations (Sample Design, Estimation Procedures, Final Revisions, Reliability of Monthly Data).
  • Beginning in 2009 , Pipeline and distribution use volumes include line loss, defined as known volumes of natural gas resulting from leaks, damage, accidents, migration, and/or blowdowns. They also include fuel used in liquefaction and regasification.