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Spot Prices
(Crude Oil in Dollars per Barrel, Products in Dollars per Gallon)
Product by Area
02/03/25 02/04/25 02/05/25 02/06/25 02/07/25 02/10/25 View
Crude Oil
WTI - Cushing, Oklahoma
73.52 73.04 71.39 70.97 71.32 72.73 1986-2025
Brent - Europe
76.49 76.58 74.71 74.54 74.68 76.23 1987-2025
Conventional Gasoline
New York Harbor, Regular
2.194 2.174 2.126 2.148 2.181 2.181 1986-2025
U.S. Gulf Coast, Regular
2.102 2.114 2.074 2.088 2.108 2.099 1986-2025
RBOB Regular Gasoline
Los Angeles
2.464 2.444 2.501 2.533 2.576 2.626 2003-2025
No. 2 Heating Oil
New York Harbor
2.406 2.346 2.356 2.374 2.381 2.390 1986-2025
Ultra-Low-Sulfur No. 2 Diesel Fuel
New York Harbor
2.456 2.501 2.441 2.459 2.496 2.505 2006-2025
U.S. Gulf Coast
2.381 2.354 2.320 2.344 2.384 2.388 2006-2025
Los Angeles
2.496 2.461 2.421 2.439 2.471 2.490 1996-2025
Kerosene-Type Jet Fuel
U.S. Gulf Coast
2.358 2.301 2.271 2.294 2.301 2.293 1990-2025
Mont Belvieu, Texas
0.929 0.920 0.915 0.919 0.928 0.940 1992-2025
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Weekly, monthly, and annual prices are calculated by EIA from daily data by taking an unweighted average of the daily closing spot prices for a given product over the specified time period.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 2/12/2025
Next Release Date: 2/20/2025