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U.S. Field Production of Normal Butane (Thousand Barrels)
U.S. Field Production of Normal Butane (Thousand Barrels)
Decade Year-0 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 Year-4 Year-5 Year-6 Year-7 Year-8 Year-9
  1980's 80,954 77,340 78,076 74,340 62,493 57,156 57,480 61,300 54,968
  1990's 54,210 54,818 50,188 51,661 49,664 55,063 55,031 52,434 54,093 56,674
  2000's 58,448 48,363 47,743 47,244 55,525 48,862 49,627 46,833 48,976 49,528
  2010's 56,655 57,399 65,555 80,045 100,930 121,703 107,339 115,086 133,078 157,628
  2020's 169,143 184,873 204,295 227,337

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 8/29/2025

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