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Colorado Finished Motor Gasoline Stocks at Refineries, Bulk Terminals, and Natural Gas Plants (Thousand Barrels)
Colorado Finished Motor Gasoline Stocks at Refineries, Bulk Terminals, and Natural Gas Plants (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  1993 1,153 1,070 1,171 1,288 1,348 1,192 1,125 938 913 901 1,198 1,084
  1994 1,451 1,639 1,567 1,196 1,025 1,069 912 1,090 1,003 1,000 1,154 1,264
  1995 1,627 1,086 813 853 835 673 582 368 466 581 618 437
  1996 743 726 943 721 711 719 577 458 579 632 678 718
  1997 685 853 779 773 531 477 563 496 555 743 893 925
  1998 1,069 1,109 831 715 831 940 870 963 784 697 845 835
  1999 1,384 870 854 762 1,041 718 504 732 803 783 864 760
  2000 1,008 1,114 972 960 1,103 949 1,041 922 695 857 733 660
  2001 769 819 709 650 858 691 666 825 821 938 917 734
  2002 841 893 920 819 720 771 897 810 772 829 1,028 994
  2003 907 864 815 793 696 679 585 755 752 789 754 670
  2004 689 534 664 575 682 721 625 743 647 589 625 583
  2005 565 503 719 610 681 725 706 648 633 722 700 433
  2006 702 828 520 540 526 611 670 713 689 843 688 811
  2007 687 597 426 503 594 717 722 650 578 659 722 726
  2008 793 838 672 583 658 749 631 734 709 710 773 748
  2009 1,014 965 660 638 627 773 664 791 831 740 876 755
  2010 701 779 813 775 705 827 768 641 828 836 788 797
  2011 737 764 792 586 677 783 739 635 578 710 902 773
  2012 788 714 536 629 444 512 684 600 463 613 694 626
  2013 741 679 525 456 469 693 609 461 374 388 408 377
  2014 477 390 353 407 288 263 307 371 439 334 422 399
  2015 462 674 453 509 438 350 329 404 415 381 367 599
  2016 657 826 624 629 570 552 546 470 476 460 586 590
  2017 321 260 225 239 290 234 203 173 180 189 232 190
  2018 237 267 284 263 243 294 263 197 202 205 132 199
  2019 292 318 194 283 301 250 170 148 230 151 149 269
  2020 354 369 406 368 364 326 282 252 297 313 281 433
  2021 246 320 347 325 256 161 82 88 137 155 275 335
  2022 332 325 328 347 234 173 83 95 79 98 29 27
  2023 27 32 23 19 30 25 28 16 2 2 3 4
  2024 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 1/31/2025
Next Release Date: 2/28/2025

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