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Rocky Mountain (PADD 4) Receipts by Pipeline, Tanker, and Barge from Midwest (PADD 2) of Distillate Fuel Oil, 0 to 15 ppm Sulfur (Thousand Barrels)
Rocky Mountain (PADD 4) Receipts by Pipeline, Tanker, and Barge from Midwest (PADD 2) of Distillate Fuel Oil, 0 to 15 ppm Sulfur (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2006 0 0 0 81 476 675 750 712 747
  2007 804 735 581 570 741 471 617 684 790 961 991 708
  2008 649 614 861 771 846 727 749 806 650 545 556 529
  2009 397 492 484 449 722 488 569 268 385 386 366 309
  2010 382 593 364 439 454 368 471 773 535 443 612 434
  2011 403 533 662 765 792 378 442 550 916 797 858 473
  2012 480 372 521 515 379 503 472 662 806 711 624 209
  2013 343 494 625 578 465 616 510 571 369 617 664 612
  2014 630 632 635 541 632 492 619 720 569 507 585 568
  2015 373 468 371 369 303 683 504 579 475 602 554 541
  2016 384 343 630 596 581 483 529 543 538 624 506 510
  2017 326 310 640 520 629 730 904 1,063 611 688 617 663
  2018 355 375 721 673 737 810 619 662 787 665 723 694
  2019 498 457 614 650 671 546 638 595 518 789 578 547
  2020 552 534 542 536 661 544 449 727 765 645 1,138 822
  2021 692 819 813 906 930 942 881 791 702 847 1,131 870
  2022 572 852 735 750 983 812 611 860 728 796 867 881
  2023 1,006 759 641 585 894 809 548 780 847 772 813 691
  2024 724 851 645 562 636 744 553 511 457 741

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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