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Weekly Stocks
(Thousand Barrels)
Product: Period:
 Show Data By:
Product Area
08/02/24 08/09/24 08/16/24 08/23/24 08/30/24 09/06/24 View
46,100 46,241 46,829 47,576 46,761 47,990 1982-2024
13,132 12,317 12,405 13,534 12,293 12,164 1990-2024
7,241 7,003 6,928 7,420 7,619 8,046 1990-2024
13,666 14,258 15,087 14,043 14,793 14,806 1990-2024
854 844 811 770 769 761 1990-2024
11,207 11,820 11,598 11,809 11,287 12,213 1990-2024
- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Notes: Stocks include those domestic and Customs-cleared foreign stocks held at, or in transit to, refineries and bulk terminals, and stocks in pipelines. Stocks held at natural gas processing plants are included in "Other Oils" and in totals. All stock levels are as of the end of the period. Data may not add to total due to independent rounding. Weekly data for RBOB with Ether, RBOB with Alcohol, and Reformulated GTAB Motor Gasoline Blending Components are discontinued as of the week ending June 4, 2010 reporting period. Monthly data for RBOB with Ether, RBOB with Alcohol, and Reformulated GTAB Motor Gasoline Blending Components are discontinued as of the January 2010 reporting period. Beginning with data for January 2005 total crude oil and petroleum products stocks do not include lease stocks. With the publication of the estimates for week ending April 10, 2020, propane/propylene inventories no longer include propylene inventories held at terminals. These volumes have been removed from the data back to the January 2, 2015 reporting period and are not included in any relevant U.S. totals, PADD sub-totals, or Total Inventory calculations.  See Definitions, Sources, and Notes link above for more information on this table.
Release Date: 9/11/2024
Next Release Date: 9/18/2024