Definitions, Sources and Explanatory Notes

 Category:   Natural Gas Production
 Topic:   Offshore Gross Withdrawals


Key Terms Definition
Gas Well A well completed for the production of natural gas from one or more gas zones or reservoirs. Such wells contain no completions for the production of crude oil. As of report year 2021, well count data have been discontinued. The latest natural gas well count data can be found at U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Wells by Production Rate.
Gross Withdrawals Full well-stream volume, including all natural gas plant liquids and all nonhydrocarbon gases, but excluding lease condensate. Also includes amounts delivered as royalty payments or consumed in field operations.
Offshore Located in either State or Federal domains, seaward of the coastline.
Oil Well (Casinghead) Gas Natural gas produced along with crude oil from oil wells. It contains either dissolved or associated gas or both.

For definitions of related energy terms, refer to the EIA Energy Glossary.


Form EIA-895, "Monthly and Annual Quantity and Value of Natural Gas Production Report" , and EIA estimates based on U.S. Minerals Management Service well-level data (for federal offshore production), State of Texas well-level data, and other sources.

  • Background on "Natural Gas Annual" data
  • Natural Gas Survey Forms and Instructions

  •   Explanatory Notes

  • Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico production volumes are presented as a separate data series beginning in 2001. Production data for the Gulf of Mexico for years prior to 2001 are presented as part of the production volumes for the States of Alabama, Louisiana and Texas.