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New York

September 9, 2024

Trend toward electric utility rate increases in regulated markets continues in 2024

July 9, 2024

Cancellations reduce expected U.S. capacity of offshore wind facilities

April 18, 2024

U.S. hydropower generation expected to increase by 6% in 2024 following last year’s lows

September 14, 2023

Energy use for transportation increased from pre-pandemic levels in 2021 in only 12 states

September 11, 2023

Record U.S. small-scale solar capacity was added in 2022

September 23, 2022

State gasoline taxes varied widely across the United States in July

September 12, 2022

Distillate stocks in U.S. New England and Central Atlantic states fall to low levels

September 8, 2022

RGGI carbon dioxide emissions price reached new quarterly record in June 2022

December 20, 2021

New York’s Indian Point nuclear power plant closes after 59 years of operation

August 6, 2021

Per capita U.S. residential electricity use was flat in 2020, but varied by state

August 3, 2021

U.S. energy intensity has dropped by half since 1983, varying greatly by state

April 30, 2021

New York’s Indian Point nuclear power plant closes after 59 years of operation

January 27, 2021

Six states accounted for more than half of U.S. jet fuel consumption in 2019

December 21, 2020

EIA’s Hourly Electric Grid Monitor provides timely data about electricity usage patterns

November 23, 2020

New York generated the fourth most electricity from renewable sources of any state in 2019

August 31, 2020

More energy is used per person for transportation in states with low population density

May 22, 2020

Daytime electricity demand in New York City most affected by COVID-19 mitigation actions

May 6, 2020

Daily electricity demand in New York falls about 13% after COVID-19 mitigation efforts

April 6, 2020

EIA’s Hourly Electric Grid Monitor provides timely data about electricity usage patterns

February 11, 2020

About 13% of U.S. electricity generating capacity can switch between natural gas and oil

February 4, 2020

Coal-fired electricity generation in New England and New York has diminished

October 7, 2019

Five states have implemented programs to assist nuclear power plants

September 26, 2019

Maine and New York become the 6th and 7th states to adopt 100% clean electricity targets

September 4, 2019

North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming consume the most residential energy per capita

August 14, 2019

State-level average annual gasoline expenditures per capita ranged from $400 to $1,400

August 6, 2019

Energy expenditures per dollar of GDP are highest in energy-producing states

May 22, 2019

Con Edison limits natural gas service due to pipeline constraints into New York City area

April 1, 2019

Energy-related carbon dioxide emission profiles differ dramatically from state to state

January 14, 2019

Natural gas-burning power plant operations vary during periods of cold weather

September 4, 2018

Louisiana and Wyoming consume the most energy per capita; Rhode Island, New York the least

January 23, 2018

January’s cold weather affects electricity generation mix in Northeast, Mid-Atlantic

July 31, 2017

Wyoming, Texas, and Pennsylvania rank as the top net energy suppliers among states

March 7, 2017

FERC certificates several new natural gas pipelines in 2017

February 1, 2017

Indian Point, closest nuclear plant to New York City, set to retire by 2021

January 13, 2017

Natural gas prices in 2016 were the lowest in nearly 20 years

April 5, 2016

Mild weather, ample natural gas supply curb Northeast winter power and natural gas prices

December 2, 2015

EIA electricity data now include estimated small-scale solar PV capacity and generation

November 5, 2015

High distillate fuel oil inventories in Central Atlantic weighing on distillate spot price

January 12, 2015

Wholesale power prices increase across the country in 2014

November 24, 2014

Boston, New York City winter natural gas prices expected to remain high

June 3, 2014

Recent trends in energy-related CO2 emissions vary across regions and states

February 18, 2014

Peak-to-average electricity demand ratio rising in New England and many other U.S. regions

February 3, 2014

Lower emissions cap for Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative takes effect in 2014

January 31, 2014

NFL stadiums produce onsite energy with solar PV projects

January 21, 2014

Northeast and Mid-Atlantic power prices react to winter freeze and natural gas constraints

November 12, 2013

Northeast grows increasingly reliant on natural gas for power generation

October 30, 2013

Marcellus natural gas pipeline projects to primarily benefit New York and New Jersey

July 22, 2013

U.S. natural gas spot prices increased during first-half 2013

May 10, 2013

Heating oil futures contract now uses ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel

April 12, 2013

Winter natural gas price spikes in New England spur generation from other fuels

November 20, 2012

Rig count in Utica Shale doubles from year ago

November 9, 2012

Electricity restored to many in the Northeast but outages persist

November 5, 2012

EIA initiates daily gasoline availability survey for metropolitan New York

October 4, 2012

Combined heat and power technology fills an important energy niche

October 3, 2012

Key New England natural gas pipeline reflects seasonal flow changes

August 16, 2012

Energy needed to produce aluminum

July 3, 2012

New pipeline project could lower natural gas transportation costs to New York City

June 7, 2012

Northeast electricity markets react to hot weather in late May

April 19, 2012

Natural gas prices near 10-year low amid mild weather, higher supplies in winter 2011-12

April 18, 2012

Sulfur content of heating oil to be reduced in northeastern states

April 11, 2012

State-level retail gasoline taxes vary significantly

February 15, 2012

Warm weather, low natural gas prices hold down wholesale power prices this winter

January 27, 2012

New Northeast natural gas pipeline capacity comes on-line

December 9, 2011

Residual fuel consumption in the U.S. continues to decline

September 29, 2011

Markets indicate possible natural gas pipeline constraints in the Northeast this winter

September 26, 2011

Transmission congestion drives power price division between upstate and downstate New York