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State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

Table N6: Estimated consumption of electricity by light-duty electric vehicles, 2022
(million kilowatthours)

Table N6: Estimated consumption of electricity by light-duty electric vehicles, 2022 (million kilowatthours)


Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) a

Battery electric vehicle (BEV) b

Alabama 8 12 20
Alaska 1 4 5
Arizona 34 103 136
Arkansas 4 6 9
California 574 1,273 1,846
Colorado 40 101 141
Connecticut 21 35 56
Delaware 4 8 12
Dist. of Col. 5 9 14
Florida 69 231 300
Georgia 28 81 109
Hawaii 9 29 38
Idaho 6 10 16
Illinois 49 107 155
Indiana 18 28 46
Iowa 10 10 20
Kansas 8 12 21
Kentucky 8 12 20
Louisiana 4 8 12
Maine 9 8 17
Maryland 36 69 106
Massachusetts 49 80 129
Michigan 47 56 103
Minnesota 24 44 68
Mississippi 3 3 6
Missouri 19 29 49
Montana 3 6 10
Nebraska 6 8 14
Nevada 14 48 63
New Hampshire 8 11 19
New Jersey 40 127 168
New Mexico 6 11 17
New York 93 138 231
North Carolina 30 66 96
North Dakota 1 1 2
Ohio 35 59 94
Oklahoma 19 23 42
Oregon 38 73 111
Pennsylvania 40 72 113
Rhode Island 5 6 11
South Carolina 10 18 28
South Dakota 2 2 4
Tennessee 16 34 50
Texas 67 201 268
Utah 17 44 61
Vermont 7 9 16
Virginia 34 76 110
Washington 54 162 216
West Virginia 2 3 5
Wisconsin 19 26 45
Wyoming 1 1 3

United States
1,657 3,594 5,252
aPlug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is a vehicle that can both (1) plug into an electric power source and store
power in a battery pack and (2) use petroleum-based or other liquid- or gas-based fuel to power an Internal combustion
engine (ICE). Data include electricity consumption only and exclude gasoline consumption.
Notes: · All data are estimates based on experimental models. Data are for on-road, light-duty vehicles less than or
equal to 8,500 pounds only (passenger cars and light trucks). · Electric vehicle electricity end-use consumption is
included across multiple end-use sectors in electricity sales to ultimate customers and not discretely allocated to any of
the end-use sectors. · Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
bBattery electric vehicle (BEV) is an all-electric vehicle that receives power by plugging into an electric power source
and storing the power in a battery pack. BEVs do not use any petroleum-based or other liquid- or gas-based fuel during
Data Source: The estimates published in these tables are based on a model that uses administrative and third-party
data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S.
Department of Transportation, S&P Global Mobility, Wards Intelligence, Alliance for Automotive Innovation, Hedges & Co,
and Geotab. See full data disclaimer in the Technical Notes. http://www.eia.gov/state/seds/
Where shown, (s) = value less than 0.05.