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Michigan   Michigan Profile

State Profile and Energy Estimates

Table E13. Transportation sector energy expenditure estimates, 2022
(million dollars)

Table E13. Transportation sector energy expenditure estimates, 2022 (million dollars)

Primary energy

Electricity f



gas a



fuel oil b

fuel d

gasoline e

fuel oil

Alabama 1 14 4,464 5 251 276 10,749 70 15,828 15,829 15,829
Alaska (s) 39 1,462 (s) 3,201 45 1,419 6,166 6,166 6,166
Arizona 25 32 4,881 7 1,925 266 12,326 19,436 19,461 1 19,462
Arkansas 1 9 3,275 (s) 163 161 5,059 8,668 8,669 (s) 8,669
California 414 73 29,964 17 12,259 1,147 64,698 4,884 113,043 113,457 94 113,551
Colorado 15 20 4,337 6 1,984 235 9,136 15,719 15,734 9 15,743
Connecticut 4 4 1,512 4 273 104 5,684 7,581 7,585 31 7,616
Delaware 2 371 8 265 32 1,820 5 2,503 2,503 2,503
Dist. of Col. 4 88 (s) 6 385 479 484 21 505
Florida 86 94 10,141 22 7,760 722 30,721 1,177 50,637 50,723 8 50,731
Georgia 26 27 6,404 19 3,334 394 15,032 182 25,392 25,417 13 25,431
Hawaii 2 544 2,234 33 2,145 158 5,115 5,115 5,115
Idaho 1 10 2,153 (s) 286 91 3,198 5,738 5,739 5,739
Illinois 1 17 9,187 8 4,024 404 14,764 1 28,404 28,405 33 28,438
Indiana 23 13 6,725 9 575 313 10,552 24 18,211 18,234 2 18,235
Iowa (s) 8 3,734 3 167 167 5,430 9,510 9,510 9,510
Kansas 16 11 3,640 1 212 149 4,235 8,248 8,264 8,264
Kentucky (s) 8 4,599 2 2,227 223 7,886 14,945 14,945 14,945
Louisiana 3 11 5,336 7 527 270 7,206 272 13,628 13,631 1 13,632
Maine (s) 4 1,064 1 105 56 2,454 8 3,692 3,692 3,692
Maryland 6 8 2,403 4 957 165 8,483 12 12,033 12,039 37 12,076
Massachusetts 2 13 2,320 1 1,650 172 9,480 20 13,657 13,659 21 13,680
Michigan 11 17 4,712 12 1,105 326 15,298 73 21,542 21,553 1 21,553
Minnesota 4 15 4,104 10 1,098 208 8,597 14,031 14,035 2 14,038
Mississippi (s) 12 3,518 (s) 189 180 5,730 40 9,667 9,668 9,668
Missouri 2 14 4,828 4 687 281 11,073 (s) 16,887 16,890 2 16,892
Montana (s) 9 1,573 1 187 65 2,174 4,008 4,008 4,008
Nebraska 13 7 3,051 1 159 118 3,247 6,582 6,595 6,595
Nevada 9 8 1,919 1 2,026 107 5,390 9,452 9,461 1 9,461
New Hampshire (s) 4 610 (s) 117 47 2,573 3,351 3,351 3,351
New Jersey 11 11 3,961 6 2,688 279 12,520 568 20,032 20,043 33 20,076
New Mexico 8 7 3,428 1 224 136 3,342 7,137 7,145 7,145
New York 35 15 8,435 6 6,564 449 18,356 348 34,172 34,208 360 34,567
North Carolina 10 22 5,663 7 2,127 372 16,813 4 25,008 25,018 1 25,019
North Dakota (s) 9 1,759 1 119 61 1,526 3,474 3,474 3,474
Ohio 38 17 7,986 9 1,396 422 16,771 1 26,603 26,640 3 26,643
Oklahoma 27 12 4,954 9 1,177 221 6,501 12,874 12,901 12,901
Oregon (s) 14 3,679 6 743 150 6,620 21 11,233 11,233 2 11,235
Pennsylvania 29 14 8,358 16 1,516 408 17,118 29 27,459 27,488 41 27,529
Rhode Island 2 1 407 (s) 57 27 1,370 1 1,863 1,865 4 1,869
South Carolina 1 13 3,926 7 436 243 8,993 199 13,816 13,818 13,818
South Dakota 5 1,242 1 98 55 1,803 3,204 3,204 3,204
Tennessee 13 19 5,585 2 2,212 312 12,020 1 20,151 20,164 20,164
Texas 23 72 29,999 29 7,398 1,605 48,309 2,318 89,729 89,752 12 89,764
Utah 6 11 2,948 1 1,284 132 4,862 9,239 9,245 6 9,251
Vermont (s) 2 330 (s) 35 21 1,084 (s) 1,472 1,472 1,472
Virginia 11 15 5,335 5 3,049 320 12,950 34 21,708 21,720 14 21,734
Washington 4 21 4,826 11 2,644 275 11,088 2,129 20,993 20,997 11 21,008
West Virginia (s) 3 2,366 1 25 98 2,853 5,345 5,345 5,345
Wisconsin 3 12 4,441 8 310 236 9,732 (s) 14,738 14,741 (s) 14,741
Wyoming (s) 4 1,881 (s) 55 64 1,128 3,133 3,133 3,133

United States
892 803 244,426 275 84,100 12,650 502,702 12,578 857,534 858,426 765 859,191
aTransportation use of natural gas as vehicle fuel only. — = No consumption, including cases where adjustments were made. See explanation of adjustments in
Section 7 of the Technical Notes.
bIncludes biodiesel and renewable diesel blended into distillate fuel oil. Includes biodiesel and renewable
diesel product supplied.
Where shown, (s) = Value less than 0.5 million dollars.
cHydrocarbon gas liquids, assumed to be propane only. Note: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.
dKerosene-type jet fuel only; naphtha-type jet fuel is included in "Industrial Sector, Other Petroleum." Web Page: All data are available at https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php.
eIncludes fuel ethanol blended into motor gasoline. Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System. See Technical Notes.
fElectricity sales to ultimate customers. Sales to public railroads and railway systems only. Excludes electric