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State Profile and Energy Estimates

Table E11. Commercial sector energy expenditure estimates, 2022
(million dollars)

Table E11. Commercial sector energy expenditure estimates, 2022 (million dollars)

Primary energy

Electricity g

energy f


gas a
Petroleum Biomass

Total f
fuel oil


gasoline c
fuel oil

Total d
Wood and
waste e
Alabama 348 134 47 (s) 279 1 461 2 811 2,946 3,757
Alaska 42 163 235 16 (s) 47 298 9 511 517 1,028
Arizona 385 172 73 (s) 368 614 6 1,005 3,404 4,408
Arkansas 708 90 24 (s) 96 210 5 922 1,209 2,131
California 3,978 600 317 2 2,355 3,274 36 7,288 24,896 32,185
Colorado (s) 703 136 86 (s) 249 472 16 1,191 2,440 3,631
Connecticut 708 300 65 1 165 5 536 6 1,250 2,156 3,406
Delaware 135 33 18 (s) 42 (s) 93 (s) 229 472 701
Dist. of Col. 233 19 (s) (s) 14 33 1 267 1,137 1,404
Florida 899 301 173 (s) 917 1,392 8 2,299 10,842 13,141
Georgia 630 208 106 2 370 686 2 1,318 5,995 7,314
Hawaii 102 36 70 80 186 3 290 1,140 1,431
Idaho 164 72 28 (s) 75 176 18 358 565 924
Illinois 4 2,983 178 79 1 559 817 4 3,808 5,332 9,140
Indiana 9 910 118 79 2 264 (s) 464 11 1,394 3,020 4,414
Iowa 8 644 149 50 (s) 454 655 5 1,312 1,316 2,628
Kansas 567 58 31 (s) 97 186 2 756 1,817 2,572
Kentucky (s) 468 98 58 1 133 290 7 766 2,318 3,083
Louisiana 414 101 28 (s) 128 257 1 671 2,809 3,480
Maine 155 277 163 5 59 6 510 21 686 636 1,322
Maryland 1,044 233 75 2 305 1 615 6 1,664 3,495 5,159
Massachusetts 1,816 414 90 2 270 3 780 16 2,612 4,562 7,174
Michigan 1,793 196 137 2 341 (s) 676 21 2,491 4,658 7,148
Minnesota (s) 1,265 170 127 (s) 279 (s) 577 19 1,861 2,773 4,634
Mississippi 245 98 49 (s) 73 221 1 467 1,656 2,123
Missouri 1 742 114 81 (s) 217 413 15 1,172 2,846 4,017
Montana (s) 277 16 49 (s) 28 93 16 386 536 922
Nebraska 337 50 27 (s) 65 (s) 143 1 481 848 1,330
Nevada 308 63 43 (s) 180 286 3 596 1,261 1,857
New Hampshire 152 150 131 1 56 25 363 12 527 763 1,291
New Jersey 2,012 315 33 1 393 (s) 741 8 2,762 5,138 7,900
New Mexico 287 38 39 (s) 66 144 14 445 1,006 1,451
New York 3,133 1,473 224 8 609 23 2,337 43 5,513 13,133 18,646
North Carolina 7 727 199 178 2 1,000 (s) 1,379 7 2,120 4,308 6,427
North Dakota 1 165 102 33 (s) 18 153 1 319 709 1,028
Ohio 1,524 345 129 2 525 1,001 14 2,539 4,790 7,328
Oklahoma 528 115 47 (s) 168 330 4 863 2,296 3,159
Oregon 337 66 85 (s) 198 349 26 712 1,558 2,270
Pennsylvania (s) 2,046 568 181 6 515 (s) 1,271 35 3,353 3,995 7,348
Rhode Island 170 85 16 (s) 37 (s) 138 1 309 608 917
South Carolina 316 85 62 (s) 213 1 362 1 679 2,620 3,298
South Dakota 122 24 12 (s) 24 1 62 1 185 504 689
Tennessee 697 150 50 1 221 422 6 1,125 4,293 5,418
Texas 2,273 505 254 1 799 1,559 2 3,835 14,539 18,373
Utah 425 83 68 (s) 81 233 4 661 1,079 1,741
Vermont 64 106 82 1 25 2 216 15 296 331 627
Virginia 1 858 243 168 3 365 (s) 779 17 1,656 6,621 8,277
Washington 671 195 109 (s) 324 628 32 1,331 2,827 4,158
West Virginia 229 65 25 1 63 153 8 390 758 1,149
Wisconsin 1,114 113 107 1 204 425 18 1,557 2,775 4,332
Wyoming 1 144 47 24 (s) 60 131 6 281 345 626

United States
76 41,118 9,743 4,250 51 14,472 69 28,586 537 70,318 172,600 242,917
aIncludes supplemental gaseous fuels that are commingled with natural gas. gElectricity sales to ultimate customers.
bHydrocarbon gas liquids, assumed to be propane only. — = No consumption.
cIncludes fuel ethanol blended into motor gasoline. Where shown, (s) = Value less than 0.5 million dollars.
dIncludes small amounts of petroleum coke not shown separately. Notes: · Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. · The commercial sector
includes commercial combined-heat-and-power (CHP) and commercial electricity-only plants.
eWood, wood-derived fuels, and biomass waste. Web Page: All data are available at https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php.
fThere are no direct fuel costs for hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, or wind energy. Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System. See Technical Notes.