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State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

Table C14. Total energy consumption estimates per capita by end-use sector, ranked by state, 2022

Table C14. Total energy consumption estimates per capita by end-use sector, ranked by state, 2022

Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation Total
State Million Btu State Million Btu State Million Btu State Million Btu State Million Btu
1 West Virginia 86.7 District of Columbia 123.1 Louisiana 643.1 Alaska 257.8 Alaska 987.4
2 Wyoming 86.5 North Dakota 115.5 Alaska 586.2 Wyoming 179.8 Louisiana 925.4
3 Missouri 83.0 Wyoming 92.4 Wyoming 495.7 North Dakota 174.5 North Dakota 861.0
4 North Dakota 82.0 Virginia 84.6 North Dakota 488.8 Louisiana 164.8 Wyoming 853.1
5 Montana 80.9 Alaska 75.6 Texas 244.4 Mississippi 120.1 West Virginia 471.0
6 Indiana 75.2 Montana 64.2 Iowa 241.1 Oklahoma 113.4 Texas 458.9
7 Michigan 75.1 Nebraska 62.4 West Virginia 216.4 South Dakota 112.1 Iowa 444.8
8 Kentucky 75.0 Missouri 62.1 Nebraska 193.8 Kentucky 110.2 Nebraska 430.1
9 Illinois 73.6 Wisconsin 61.7 South Dakota 182.3 Texas 108.9 South Dakota 393.9
10 Wisconsin 73.1 West Virginia 60.3 Indiana 172.7 New Mexico 108.8 Indiana 383.3
11 Nebraska 72.7 Kansas 59.7 Oklahoma 153.6 Alabama 108.7 Oklahoma 379.8
12 Ohio 71.8 Tennessee 59.6 Alabama 152.6 Hawaii 108.2 Alabama 374.9
13 Arkansas 71.7 Minnesota 59.1 Mississippi 137.9 West Virginia 108.0 Mississippi 374.2
14 Tennessee 71.7 Illinois 59.1 Kentucky 130.6 Montana 102.9 Kentucky 370.9
15 South Carolina 70.9 New Jersey 58.9 Kansas 126.0 Nebraska 101.5 Montana 352.0
16 Minnesota 70.4 Michigan 57.7 Arkansas 124.4 Tennessee 94.2 Arkansas 345.5
17 Alaska 68.2 Maryland 56.9 New Mexico 117.3 Iowa 93.1 Kansas 340.8
18 Pennsylvania 67.9 Arkansas 56.7 Pennsylvania 111.4 Arkansas 93.0 New Mexico 325.3
19 New Hampshire 67.3 Ohio 55.4 Montana 104.7 Kansas 90.9 Minnesota 308.0
20 Louisiana 65.8 Kentucky 55.3 Minnesota 99.3 Missouri 88.1 South Carolina 307.3
21 Alabama 65.6 South Carolina 54.7 Ohio 96.7 South Carolina 87.7 Wisconsin 300.2
22 Mississippi 65.2 Massachusetts 52.5 South Carolina 94.3 Idaho 87.6 Tennessee 298.2
23 Connecticut 65.2 Indiana 52.2 Wisconsin 90.8 Nevada 87.0 Ohio 297.9
24 Kansas 64.5 North Carolina 52.2 Illinois 88.1 Colorado 85.8 Illinois 292.1
25 Vermont 63.9 Utah 52.1 Delaware 79.0 Virginia 84.6 Pennsylvania 288.1
26 Georgia 63.9 Louisiana 52.0 Idaho 76.4 Indiana 83.3 Missouri 280.6
27 Idaho 63.6 Oklahoma 51.9 Tennessee 72.9 Utah 83.0 Virginia 279.7
28 Delaware 63.4 Texas 51.5 Georgia 67.7 Georgia 80.2 Michigan 269.8
29 North Carolina 62.9 Delaware 51.4 Michigan 66.2 Washington 79.8 Delaware 269.6
30 Virginia 62.7 Mississippi 51.3 Colorado 63.8 Minnesota 78.3 Idaho 267.7
31 Maine 62.5 Iowa 49.7 Maine 59.6 Florida 78.2 Georgia 259.9
32 New Jersey 61.2 Connecticut 49.3 Utah 59.5 Maine 77.5 Utah 251.0
33 Oklahoma 61.0 New York 49.3 Oregon 55.0 Arizona 77.0 Colorado 250.6
34 Iowa 60.4 New Mexico 48.6 North Carolina 49.9 Delaware 75.9 Maine 241.4
35 Maryland 60.1 Georgia 48.3 Washington 48.3 North Carolina 75.4 North Carolina 240.2
36 Colorado 58.1 Alabama 48.2 Virginia 48.1 California 74.7 Nevada 222.2
37 Utah 56.8 New Hampshire 46.3 Missouri 47.6 Wisconsin 74.7 New Jersey 217.5
38 Massachusetts 56.4 South Dakota 45.9 Nevada 45.0 Ohio 74.1 New Hampshire 212.5
39 Rhode Island 55.3 Arizona 45.8 California 39.4 Oregon 72.1 District of Columbia 210.2
40 Arizona 54.9 Colorado 43.3 Hawaii 33.2 New Hampshire 71.8 Arizona 207.3
41 Texas 54.4 Pennsylvania 43.1 Arizona 29.8 Illinois 71.0 Oregon 202.2
42 South Dakota 53.8 Rhode Island 42.8 New Jersey 27.9 Michigan 70.8 Washington 201.9
43 Florida 53.2 Maine 42.0 New Hampshire 27.2 New Jersey 69.7 Connecticut 196.1
44 District of Columbia 53.0 Florida 41.8 Vermont 24.7 Pennsylvania 65.7 Maryland 195.1
45 New York 52.1 Nevada 40.9 Florida 21.4 Vermont 65.1 Florida 194.4
46 New Mexico 51.0 Idaho 40.5 Rhode Island 20.2 Maryland 64.0 Vermont 192.8
47 Nevada 49.5 Vermont 39.1 Massachusetts 19.3 Connecticut 62.6 Massachusetts 188.3
48 Washington 43.0 Oregon 31.6 Connecticut 19.0 Massachusetts 60.2 Hawaii 187.8
49 Oregon 42.7 Washington 30.9 New York 16.7 New York 57.3 California 176.3
50 California 30.8 California 30.6 Maryland 14.2 Rhode Island 52.4 New York 175.5
51 Hawaii 20.9 Hawaii 25.4 District of Columbia 7.8 District of Columbia 26.4 Rhode Island 170.6
United States 58.6 United States 49.6 United States 93.2 United States 82.9 United States 284.4
Web Page: All data are available at https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php.
Data Source: Table by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System based on population data from the U.S. Census Bureau. See Technical Notes. http://www.eia.gov/state/seds/