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State Profile and Energy Estimates

Changes to the State Energy Data System (SEDS) Notice: In October 2023, we updated the way we calculate primary energy consumption of electricity generation from noncombustible renewable energy sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal). Visit our Changes to 1960—2022 conversion factor for renewable energy page to learn more.

Table E16. Total energy price estimates by end-use sector, ranked by state, 2022

Table E16. Total energy price estimates by end-use sector, ranked by state, 2022

Residential Commercial Industrial a Transportation Total a

per million Btu

per million Btu

per million Btu

per million Btu

per million Btu
1 Hawaii 118.81 Hawaii 67.43 Hawaii 73.84 California 39.27 Hawaii 44.71
2 California 41.78 California 43.19 Massachusetts 25.97 Oregon 37.95 California 37.38
3 Florida 40.17 New Hampshire 33.27 Vermont 25.22 Montana 35.50 New Hampshire 34.11
4 New Hampshire 39.63 District of Columbia 32.70 New Hampshire 24.81 Idaho 35.38 Connecticut 33.33
5 Connecticut 37.39 Rhode Island 31.78 California 23.13 Arizona 35.33 Massachusetts 32.60
6 Maine 36.68 Alabama 31.34 New Jersey 22.38 North Dakota 35.08 Rhode Island 31.95
7 Alabama 36.02 Massachusetts 30.14 Arizona 22.33 Maine 34.94 Arizona 31.79
8 Massachusetts 35.92 Connecticut 29.78 Connecticut 22.16 Vermont 34.92 District of Columbia 30.85
9 South Carolina 33.97 Maine 29.61 Nevada 21.93 Washington 34.89 Vermont 30.85
10 Rhode Island 33.39 Georgia 29.05 Rhode Island 21.56 Connecticut 34.80 Maryland 30.00
11 Texas 33.29 Florida 28.92 New Mexico 21.42 Pennsylvania 34.73 Maine 29.46
12 Arizona 32.82 Louisiana 28.50 District of Columbia 21.08 Nevada 34.69 Florida 29.34
13 Louisiana 32.26 New York 28.37 Maryland 20.29 Utah 34.52 New York 29.12
14 Georgia 31.31 Mississippi 27.49 Colorado 18.92 Rhode Island 34.51 Nevada 28.94
15 Vermont 31.16 Tennessee 27.06 New York 18.21 West Virginia 34.33 Delaware 27.74
16 Mississippi 30.55 Arizona 26.91 Utah 17.57 Wyoming 34.29 New Mexico 27.69
17 Virginia 30.51 South Carolina 26.90 Missouri 17.21 District of Columbia 34.23 New Jersey 27.15
18 Maryland 30.21 Maryland 26.86 West Virginia 17.05 Nebraska 33.88 Alaska 26.92
19 Delaware 29.99 Vermont 26.76 Montana 16.91 Wisconsin 33.83 Washington 26.90
20 North Carolina 29.79 Kentucky 25.95 Delaware 16.87 South Dakota 33.61 Oregon 26.86
21 New York 29.06 New Jersey 24.79 Illinois 15.98 New Hampshire 33.40 North Carolina 26.13
22 Arkansas 28.87 Alaska 24.43 Minnesota 15.98 Massachusetts 33.34 Colorado 26.12
23 Kentucky 28.79 Delaware 23.93 Alaska 15.94 Maryland 33.32 Missouri 26.08
24 Pennsylvania 28.71 Kansas 23.74 Wisconsin 15.61 Iowa 32.89 Tennessee 25.78
25 Tennessee 27.75 Virginia 23.54 Florida 15.58 Hawaii 32.83 Virginia 25.61
26 West Virginia 27.06 Colorado 23.48 Kansas 15.24 New Mexico 32.75 Georgia 25.51
27 Oklahoma 26.87 Oklahoma 23.21 Ohio 15.12 Kansas 32.73 West Virginia 25.51
28 District of Columbia 26.76 North Carolina 23.09 Pennsylvania 14.99 Delaware 32.73 Montana 25.47
29 Alaska 26.39 Texas 22.77 Arkansas 14.72 Alaska 32.70 South Carolina 25.35
30 Nevada 26.38 New Mexico 22.01 Michigan 14.63 Illinois 32.68 Kentucky 25.28
31 Kansas 25.12 Indiana 21.76 Washington 14.61 Ohio 32.68 Pennsylvania 25.11
32 Missouri 24.93 Nevada 21.73 Wyoming 14.37 Minnesota 32.65 Utah 25.02
33 Indiana 24.85 Washington 21.62 Kentucky 14.33 Indiana 32.62 Kansas 24.66
34 Oregon 24.15 Oregon 21.59 Oregon 14.31 New York 32.12 Mississippi 24.06
35 South Dakota 23.68 Missouri 21.50 Nebraska 14.29 Colorado 32.01 Wisconsin 24.04
36 New Mexico 23.52 Pennsylvania 21.02 North Carolina 14.21 Kentucky 31.80 Illinois 23.98
37 New Jersey 23.50 Michigan 20.79 Maine 13.79 Michigan 31.63 Arkansas 23.83
38 Ohio 22.93 South Dakota 20.61 Idaho 13.62 New Jersey 31.56 Minnesota 23.81
39 Iowa 22.58 Illinois 20.49 South Dakota 13.52 Missouri 31.33 Idaho 23.79
40 Washington 22.40 Arkansas 20.43 Georgia 13.43 Oklahoma 31.28 Oklahoma 23.62
41 Wisconsin 22.39 Minnesota 20.37 South Carolina 13.26 North Carolina 31.26 Michigan 23.41
42 North Dakota 22.26 West Virginia 20.32 Texas 13.16 Arkansas 31.24 Alabama 23.36
43 Minnesota 22.06 Iowa 20.16 Indiana 13.15 Tennessee 31.21 South Dakota 23.36
44 Illinois 21.88 Wyoming 19.97 Tennessee 12.97 Mississippi 30.82 Ohio 23.28
45 Colorado 21.77 Wisconsin 19.68 Virginia 12.86 Alabama 30.38 Nebraska 22.68
46 Michigan 21.58 North Dakota 19.36 Iowa 12.83 Virginia 30.24 Indiana 22.01
47 Wyoming 21.52 Ohio 18.87 North Dakota 12.80 South Carolina 29.97 Wyoming 21.72
48 Nebraska 21.34 Nebraska 18.23 Oklahoma 12.79 Florida 29.48 Texas 20.78
49 Montana 20.94 Montana 18.22 Mississippi 11.95 Georgia 29.46 Iowa 20.48
50 Idaho 19.42 Idaho 16.98 Alabama 11.26 Texas 29.44 North Dakota 19.96
51 Utah 17.19 Utah 16.94 Louisiana 10.99 Louisiana 29.02 Louisiana 15.82
United States 28.88 United States 25.55 United States 14.50 United States 32.63 United States 25.66
aThe U.S. average includes coal coke net imports, which are not allocated to the states. Web Page: All data are available at https://www.eia.gov/state/seds/seds-data-complete.php.
Note: Rankings are based on unrounded data. Data Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, State Energy Data System. See Technical Notes.