for week ending March 12, 2008 | Release date: March 13, 2008 | Previous weeks
Overview (Wednesday, March 5, to Wednesday, March 12)
Released: March 13, 2008
Next release: March 20, 2008
gas spot and futures prices generally increased this report week, as cold
weather continued but showed signs of easing. During the report week, the Henry
Hub spot price increased $0.32 per million Btu (MMBtu) to $9.69.
the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), prices for futures contracts increased
between 2 and 4 percent for the report week. The futures contract for April delivery
rose 27 cents per MMBtu on the week to $10.011.
of Friday, March 7, working gas in storage was 1,398 Bcf, which is 4.3 percent
above the 5-year (2003-2007) average.
spot price for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil increased $5.41 per
barrel on the week, trading yesterday at $109.86 per barrel or $18.94 per
From a recent low point of less than $6
per MMBtu before the beginning of winter, natural gas prices have now risen
about 70 percent or more. The Henry
Hub price traded at $9.69 on Wednesday, March 12, resulting in a weekly
increase of $0.32 per MMBtu, or 3.4 percent. Twice during the report week, the
Henry Hub average price exceeded $9.80 per MMBtu, representing the highest prices
at the hub since January 3, 2006, when the Henry Hub price traded just below
$10 as prices were easing off record highs following Hurricanes Katrina and
Rita. Other spot prices along the Gulf Coast in Louisiana and Texas also registered
increases between $0.07 and $0.32 per MMBtu, resulting in an average regional
price of $9.61 in Louisiana and $9.45 in East Texas yesterday (Wednesday, March
Even though the weather in much of the
country has become warmer in the past several days, a significant winter storm
moved through the middle of the country and buried the Ohio Valley in snow this
report week, likely providing price support in consuming areas in the Northeast
and Midwest. In the Northeast, the
average price yesterday was $10.37 per MMBtu, which was 20 cents higher than
the previous Wednesday. Significant variability in pricing occurred during much
of the report week, including a large decrease exceeding $0.50 per MMBtu at
several market locations on Monday, March 10, in response to warmer air moving
into the region. During the week, the average spot price in the Columbia
Appalachian pool increased $0.42 per MMBtu to $10.24, which was the highest net
change of any trading location in either the Northeast or Midwest regions. As
extreme weather conditions increased heating load in the Ohio Valley region, Columbia
Gas Transmission Corporation as well as various natural gas transportation
providers reported tight operating conditions. This reduction in transportation
flexibility primarily affects shippers who have purchased less expensive,
non-firm capacity that is subject to interruption during peak demand periods.
Lower 48 States continued to receive a relatively low level of imports of
liquefied natural gas (LNG). LNG imports
so far this month are about 44 percent below the level of last year. This reduction in supplies also is
contributing upward pressure on prices. LNG
imports during the report week averaged about 800 million cubic feel (MMcf) per
day, according to sendout data published on company websites. For this report week, the Trunkline LNG terminal in
Lake Charles, Louisiana, reported a relatively low average sendout volume of 30
MMcf per day in regasified LNG. Additionally, activity was limited at
Dominion’s terminal in Cove Point, Maryland with sendout averaging just 170
MMcf per day. Meanwhile, activity has not been affected as significantly at the
Suez North America LNG terminal in Everett, Massachusetts, where average sendout
volumes of more than 470 MMcf per day were reported. The reduction in U.S. LNG
imports reflects changes in LNG supply and demand across the world. LNG cargoes are heading to Europe and Asia, where
buyers continue to purchase LNG at much higher prices than have prevailed in
U.S. markets.
prices increased at the NYMEX, likely because of wintry weather in the Midwest
and East and higher prices for competing products. The price of the near-month
contract (for April delivery) rose by $0.27 per MMBtu this week to $10.011 at
the close of trading on Wednesday, March 12. During the week, higher crude oil
prices (including some intraday trading at more than $110 per barrel) likely
provided upward pressure on all energy commodities. The largest daily natural
gas price increase of the week ($0.25 per MMBtu) for the near-month contract occurred
on Monday, March 10, a day during which the price of crude oil advanced $2.75
per barrel ($0.47 per MMBtu) to $107.90. However, price increases likely also resulted
from continuing cold, which has boosted space-heating demand and a pattern of
large storage withdrawals this heating season. The current April contract price
of $10.011 per MMBtu is $1.08 per MMBtu higher than the monthly settlement
price for the January 2008 contract of $8.93. It is also significantly higher
than both the April 2007 expiration price of $7.558 per MMBtu and the April
2006 contract price of $7.233 at expiration.
for futures prices beyond the near-month contract all generally increased 30
cents per MMBtu or more during the week. At the end of trading yesterday, the 12-month strip, which is the average for futures
contracts over the next 12 months, was priced at $10.50 per MMBtu, an increase
of about 34 cents since last Wednesday.
Forward prices are steadily higher through the remaining months of 2008 and
January 2009. The highest-priced contract in the 12-month strip is the January
2009 contract, which closed at $11.131 per MMBtu on Wednesday, March 12.
Recent Natural Gas Market Data
Working gas in storage decreased to
1,398 Bcf as of Friday, March 7, 2008, according to EIA’s Weekly Natural Gas
Storage Report (see Storage Figure).
This report week’s implied net withdrawal of 86 Bcf is 8 percent higher than
the 5-year average withdrawal of 80 Bcf for the week. However, the size of the
net withdrawal is substantially less (17 percent) than the withdrawal of 104
Bcf for the comparable week last year. Storage levels as of March 7 were still
4.3 percent above the 5-year average, despite the continuing relatively large
withdrawals from storage in the past several weeks. If net withdrawals were to
equal the 5-year average for the remainder of the heating season, underground
storage levels would fall to a low of 1,299 Bcf before the end of the
traditionally heating season (April 1).
This week’s above-average withdrawal
came during a week when it was warmer than normal for the country as a whole,
but temperatures in the Midwest were significantly colder than normal. Temperatures across the country were 2.9 percent higher
than normal, as measured by National Weather Service heating degree-days (HDDs)
for the week ended March 6. However, in the East North Central Census Division,
which is home to a large population of natural gas users for space-heating, the
weather was 4 percent colder than normal, in terms of HDDs (see Temperature Maps and Data).
Other Market Trends:
EIA Releases March 2008 Short-Term Energy Outlook. The Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) latest Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO)
projects that the Henry Hub spot price will average about $8.18 per thousand
cubic feet (Mcf) in 2008 and $7.95 per Mcf in 2009. Furthermore, according to
the March 11 report, the February 2008 price averaged at $8.76 per Mcf, which
was 51 cents per Mcf more than the average January spot price. The relative
price increase in February was primarily the result of cold weather and higher
space heating demand, which exerted upward pressure on prices. Overall in 2008,
total natural gas consumption is expected to grow by 0.7 percent, slowing down
significantly from the 6.4-percent growth observed in 2007. In 2009, however,
natural gas consumption is expected to reach a record high of 23.4 trillion
cubic feet (Tcf), or about 0.8 percent higher than the 2008 total consumption.
Marketed natural gas production is projected to increase by 2.9 and 0.3 percent
in 2008 and 2009, respectively, with the domestic production increase driven by
new deepwater supply infrastructure that came online at the end of 2007.
Furthermore, development of unconventional supply sources in the Lower 48
States is expected to result in a 2.5-percent onshore production increase in
2008. Imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in 2008 are expected to be 770
Bcf, which is about the same level imported in 2007, increasing to 995 Bcf in
2009. The increase in the 2009 LNG imports is expected to occur as new
liquefaction capacity in Qatar, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, and Norway results
in an increase of LNG shipments to the United States.
GAO Releases Report on DOE R&D
Budget. The General Accountability
Office (GAO) released a report on the Department of Energy’s (DOE) renewable,
fossil, and nuclear energy research and development (R&D) programs, as well
as key challenges in developing and deploying advanced energy technologies.
DOE’s budget authority for renewable, fossil, and nuclear R&D fell 92
percent from its $6 billion peak in fiscal year 1978 to $505 million in fiscal
year 1998, adjusted for inflation. Since then, the R&D budget has increased
to $1.4 billion in fiscal year 2008. According to the GAO report, energy
R&D funding was high in the late 1970s as a result of the 1973 energy
crisis and the constricted oil supplies. However, the return of oil prices to
more moderate levels in the 1980s brought about a significant decrease in
R&D funding. DOE’s energy R&D program has so far focused on reducing
high up-front capital costs, improving the operating efficiency of advanced
energy technologies, and reducing emissions of carbon dioxide. With $57.5
billion spent over the past 30 years for R&D on these technologies, the
U.S. energy portfolio did not change significantly. Fossil energy continues to
provide the bulk of the nation’s energy at 85 percent compared with 93 percent
in 1973. With the lack of change in the energy portfolio, the GAO report
concluded that DOE’s energy R&D funding alone will not be sufficient to
deploy advanced technologies, and that coordinating energy R&D with other
Federal energy-related programs and policies will be necessary. Furthermore,
other governments and the private sector will have an important role in
developing and deploying advanced energy technologies that could result in a
change of the energy portfolio.
Natural Gas Transportation Update:
· Northwest Pipeline Company reduced the capacity at
its Sumas compressor station in Sumas, Washington, from 1,313,000 decatherms
(Dth) per day to 800,000 Dth per day as a result of engine damage that was
discovered during routine inspections on Units 7 and 8. Emergency repairs are
ongoing and both units are expected to return to full service by March 16.
· Northwest also announced that turbine replacement at
its Cisco compressor station in Utah was completed on March 6, ending the
associated declared deficiency period. Cisco compressor station was reset to
its design capacity of 395,000 Dth per day for Friday (March 7).
· ANR Pipeline Company reported that based on current
operating conditions along the Southwest Mainline, the receipt capacity at
Rockies Express West Interconnect will be limited to 200,000 Dth per day on
March 13 and until further notice. The capacity reduction likely will affect
firm secondary and interruptible transportation services.
· Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company declared a force
majeure event on Wednesday, March 12, for several meters located in South Marsh
Island 2 Area in South Marsh Island, Louisiana. The force majeure was
necessitated by an explosion that occurred late Tuesday in the engine room of a
commercial diving vessel that was in the process of decommissioning a small
segment of ANR Pipeline offshore Louisiana. Meanwhile, Tennessee requires
shippers to keep physical flows at zero until further notice.