for week ending December 4, 2007 | Release date: December 5, 2007 | Previous weeks
(Wednesday, December 5 to Wednesday, December 12)
Released: December 13
Next release: December 20, 2007
Spot natural gas prices generally increased in week-over-week
comparisons, with the largest increases in the Northeast and Rockies. As is
often the case during the start of the peak heating season, the direction of
spot price movements has been influenced by weather patterns, particularly in
market areas with a substantial potential heating load such as the Midwest and
Northeast. On the week, the spot price at the Henry Hub in Louisiana increased
$0.18 per MMBtu to $7.22, although the average price dipped below the $7-mark
to $6.98 on Monday. Other spot prices along the Gulf Coast in Louisiana registered
similar relatively small increases between $0.02 and $0.23 per MMBtu. Increases
were more substantial in Texas, particularly in the western portion of the
State. The average spot price in West Texas yesterday (December 12) was $6.85
per MMBtu, which was $0.50 per MMBtu higher than the previous Wednesday. As of
this writing, the National Hurricane Center is monitoring a tropical system in
the Atlantic. However, to date in this year, there has been little disruption
of supplies from tropical storm activity and the tropical depression, named
Olga, appears unlikely to have an impact on production.
Prices for Rockies supplies this week continued
to be higher than this summer and parts of the fall, when lack of demand in the
region, coupled with a lack of transportation outlets to the east, resulted in
very low prices. For the week, the
average Rockies price increased 41 cents per MMBtu to $6.62. The price for
supplies on the Questar system in Utah increased 58 cents per MMBtu, or 10
percent, to $6.25. Although the current price at this market location (as an
example of Rockies pricing generally) is substantially improved from prices of roughly
$1 per MMBtu or less in early October of this year, it is still almost $1 less
than the Henry Hub price. The opening of the Rockies Express Pipeline before
the end of the year (at least for some of the receipt and delivery points) is expected
to integrate this supply region with markets in other parts of the country and lessen
the difference between the Gulf and Rockies prices.
In the Northeast, the average price yesterday
was $11.58 per MMBtu, which was $1.48 higher than the previous Wednesday. Significant variability in pricing existed for much
of the week, including yesterday (December 12) as many markets in the region experienced
sharp increases during trading. The average spot price of natural gas off Algonquin
Gas Transmission in the Northeast increased $7.58 per MMBtu for the day to
$17.83, representing the largest increase in the region. Heating demand likely
provided the impetus for the increase, as a Nor'easter appears to be moving
into the region. As extreme weather conditions increase heating load in the
region, various natural gas transportation providers such as Transcontinental
Gas Pipe Line Corporation have been announcing constraints to pipeline
capacity. However, the reduction in transportation flexibility primarily affects
shippers who have purchased less expensive, non-firm capacity that often is
interrupted during peak demand periods.
prices increased at the NYMEX, likely owing to wintry weather expected in much
of the country. The price of the near-month contract (for January delivery) rose $0.223
per MMBtu this week to $7.408, with the largest price movement occurring
yesterday as the January contract jumped up about 32 cents, which offset the
cumulative decline of the previous 4 trading days. While expectations of colder
weather, including a Nor'easter this weekend, had an impact on trading, the
increase also likely was affected by a large-scale price increase in crude oil
futures during the day. On the week, price increases from pending cold weather
were likely contained by a perception of adequate storage supplies for this
winter season, now about 8.5 percent higher than the average for this time of
year. The current January contract price of $7.408 per MMBtu is significantly
higher than the January 2007 expiration price of $5.838 per MMBtu, but also a
great deal lower than the expiration price of $11.431 for the January 2006
the end of trading yesterday, the 12-month strip, which is the average
price for futures contracts over the next 12 months, was priced at $7.743 per
MMBtu, an increase of about 22 cents since last Wednesday. Currently,
the highest-priced contract for the remaining months of this heating season
(January 2008 to March 2008) is the February 2008 contract, which closed
yesterday at $7.506 per MMBtu, a premium of $0.386 to yesterday's Henry Hub
price. This premium provides an economic incentive to put natural gas into
storage for delivery later. However, the relationship between physical and
futures prices varied during the week. On Tuesday, the Henry Hub spot price
exceeded the near-month contract price and was only about $0.06 less than the
February price. Generally, the incentive to hold gas in storage is decreasing as
the heating season progresses, which is a typical pattern in the natural gas
market (although the precise timing can change from year to year).
Natural Gas Market Data
Working gas in storage decreased to 3,294
Bcf as of Friday, December 7, 2007, according to EIA's Weekly Natural Gas
Storage Report (see Storage Figure).
The implied net withdrawal was 146 Bcf, which leaves storage levels at 8.5
percent above the 5-year average. This report week's implied net withdrawal is
11 percent above the 5-year average withdrawal of 132 Bcf, but equals the net
withdrawal last year at the same time.
This week's above-average withdrawal reflects
the impact of the return of cold temperatures to major consuming regions in the
Lower 48 States. Temperatures across
the country were 10 percent colder than normal and about 2.1 percent colder
than last year, as measured by National Weather Service heating degree-days
(HDDs) for the week ended December 6 (see Temperature Maps).
HDDs in six Census Divisions were colder than normal, with the highest
deviations recorded in the New England and Middle Atlantic divisions (which
contain major consuming centers) of 29 and 26 percent, respectively. The East
North Central Division, which includes Chicago and other Midwestern cities,
recorded 18 percent more HDDs than normal (see Temperature Maps).
The small premium of the futures
contract prices to the Henry Hub spot price that prevailed for much of the week
also contributed to the higher-than-average withdrawal. As might be expected this time of year, the premium of
the futures over the Henry Hub spot price has decreased. In fact, the Henry Hub
spot price on December 4 exceeded the January futures contract price by more
than 11 cents per MMBtu. With the high natural gas volume in storage and the
small price premium, suppliers have an economic incentive to rely more on
natural gas from storage for current supplies.
Other Market Trends:
EIA Updates Its Residential Price
Brochure: The Energy Information
Administration (EIA) has released the 2007 update of the brochure entitled Residential Natural Gas Prices: What
Consumers Should Know.This brochure provides basic information to the residential consumers
concerning natural gas supplies and prices.It explains the factors that influence natural gas prices, summarizes EIA's projections for the coming heating season, and
suggests ways for consumers to save on their natural gas bills.Most of the natural gas used in the United
States comes from domestic production and the rest from imports, mostly from
Canada.Domestically produced andimported natural gas is usually more than
enough to supply gas during the summer allowing some gas to be placed in
storage facilities for withdrawal in the winter. The price paid by residential
customers has two main parts: transportation and distribution, and the
commodity cost.The transportation and
distribution cost is the charge that customers pay for the gas to be moved by
pipeline from where it is produced to the customer's local gas company, and to
bring the natural gas from the local gas company to their homes.The commodity cost refers to the cost of the
natural gas itself. In the past five winters (2002-2003 through last winter)
the cost of natural gas at the wellhead has made up more than 50 percent of the
residential price and this trend is expected to continue through the 2007-2008
EIA Releases the Annual Energy Outlook 2008 Reference Case: EIA released the Annual
Energy Outlook 2008 (AEO2008)
reference case on December 12, 2007, which presents long-term projections of
energy supply, demand, and prices through 2030 based on the results from EIA's
National Energy Modeling System (NEMS). The full publication, including
complete documentation and more than 30 additional cases examining energy
markets will be released in early 2008. According to the AEO2008 reference case:
EIA Releases December 2007 Short-Term Energy Outlook: According to its latest Short-Term
Energy Outlook (STEO)
released December 11, the Energy Information Administration estimates that the
Henry Hub spot price is expected to average about $7.21 per Mcf in 2007 and $7.78 per Mcf in 2008.Natural gas expenditures are expected to
increase 6.5 percent this winter compared with last year.Despite high levels of natural gas in storage
and relatively moderate temperatures, the onset of seasonal natural gas demand
for space heating has caused a steady increase in the monthly average spot
price since September.Total natural gas
consumption is expected to increase by 5.0 percent in 2007 mostly as a result
of the increases in the residential, commercial, and electric power sectors,
which occurred earlier in the year.Total
consumption is expected to continue to grow by 1.1 percent in 2008, assuming
near-normal weather conditions.U.S.
marketed natural gas production in 2007 is expected to increase by 2.1 percent
and by 1.6 percent in 2008.Total
Federal Gulf of Mexico production is expected to decline by 1.7 percent in
2007, but increase by 5.1 percent in 2008 resulting from developing deepwater
supply infrastructure.Liquefied natural
gas (LNG) imports have slowed in recent months because of complications with
key production and liquefaction facilities and an increase in global demand. Nevertheless,
LNG imports are expected to increase by 35 percent in 2007, reaching 790 Bcf,
and by 19 percent to 940 Bcf in 2008.As
of November 30, natural gas in storage was 3,440 Bcf, which was 273 Bcf above
the 5-year average and the second-highest level ever recorded for the end of
Natural Gas Transportation Update: