for week ending May 16, 2007 | Release date: May 17, 2007 | Previous weeks
Overview:Thursday, May 17, 2007 (next release 2:00
p.m. on May 24, 2007)
gas spot and futures prices increased slightly this week (Wednesday-Wednesday,
May 9-16), despite the usual lull in demand during this shoulder period between
the winter heating and summer cooling seasons. The upward price trend likely
resulted from a variety of factors, including rising prices for competing
petroleum products (as evidenced by an increase in the underlying crude oil
price). Additionally, concerns over current and future supplies do not appear
to have eased. The official start of the
hurricane season is imminent, and the first named tropical storm appeared this
week.However, imports of liquefied
natural gas (LNG) have increased markedly in the past few months. On the week,
the Henry Hub spot price increased 16 cents per MMBtu,
or 2 percent, to $7.62. At the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), the contract
for June delivery increased 17.0 cents per MMBtu on
the week to a daily settlement of $7.890 yesterday (May 16). EIA's Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report
today reported natural gas storage supplies of 1,842 Bcf
as of Friday, May 11, reflecting an implied net injection of 95 Bcf. This level
of working gas in underground storage is 20.6 percent above the 5-year average
inventory for this time of year. The spot price for West Texas Intermediate
(WTI) crude oil increased $1.03 per barrel on the week to $62.57 per barrel, or
$10.79 per MMBtu.
moderate temperatures characterized the weather picture for most of the Lower
48 States, summer-like heat moved into the South and with intensity into the Southwest.
Hotter weather was at least partially responsible for the largest 1-day price
movement this report week, which occurred during trading on Monday, May 14, as
several spot markets had increases of more than 50 cents per MMBtu. For
example, at the Waha market in West Texas, the average price increased to $7.71
per MMBtu, 58 cents higher than in the previous trading session. However, for
the most part, prices were generally stable during the week and even decreased
in three of the five trading sessions at most market locations. For the week,
prices at production-area trading locations along the Gulf Coast in Louisiana
generally increased between 9 and 30 cents per MMBtu.
The Henry Hub spot price climbed to $7.62 per MMBtu,
which is 16 cents higher than last Wednesday's price. Two large price decreases
on the week occurred at market locations in the Rocky Mountain region. The
price at the El Paso Bondad and El Paso non-Bondad pools dropped 73 cents and
65 cents per MMBtu, respectively. This decline resulted from the closure of El
Paso Natural Gas Company's San Juan Crossover capacity, essentially eliminating
a key outlet to Southwest markets. Still, prices at the Bondad and non-Bondad
markets off the El Paso pipeline finished the week above $6 per MMBtu,
considerably higher than some other points in the Rockies. For example, the
price off Colorado Interstate Transmission gained 7 cents on the week, but
remained below $4 per MMBtu yesterday at an average price of $3.89 per MMBtu.
In contrast to this price level, prices in many Northeast markets still exceed
$8 per MMBtu, despite the dropoff in demand with the end of winter. Off
Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line in New York City, the average price yesterday
was $8.21 per MMBtu, or 18 cents higher on the week.
the NYMEX, the price of the futures contract for June delivery increased in four of five trading sessions this week,
resulting in a net increase of 17 cents per MMBtu (to $7.890). All futures
contracts through the end of the next heating season also increased on the week
(albeit in lesser amounts). As a result, the price of the 12-month strip, or
the average price for contracts over the next year, climbed 13.6 cents per
MMBtu, or 1.6 percent, to $8.819. The price of the near-month contract is $1.638
per MMBtu higher than last year's price at this time (on May 16, 2006, the June
2006 contract settled at $6.252 per MMBtu). At this time last year, the
difference between the Henry Hub price and the price for the NYMEX contract for
delivery the following January (the month that is normally the highest price in
the 12-month strip) had widened to $5.201 per MMBtu, a spread that was highly
unusual. The corresponding spread this year is still atypically high, but is
narrower at $2.375 per MMBtu. Currently, the January 2008 contract is priced at
$9.995 per MMBtu. The increases at the NYMEX this week (as well as the
increasing price in successive months through next January) reflect an
uncertainty in the market, as the possibility of an active hurricane season and
a tight supply/demand balance may have a significant impact on the futures
prices during the coming summer months and beyond.
Estimated Average Wellhead Prices |
Nov-06 |
Dec-06 |
Jan-07 |
Feb-07 |
Mar-07 |
Apr-07 |
6.43 |
6.65 |
5.92 |
6.66 |
6.56 |
6.84 |
Price ($ per MMBtu) |
6.26 |
6.48 |
5.76 |
6.48 |
6.39 |
6.66 |
Note: Prices were converted from $ per Mcf to $ per
MMBtu using an average heat content of 1,027 Btu per cubic foot as published
in Table A4 of the Annual Energy Review 2002. |
Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas. |
gas in underground storage was 1,842 Bcf as of May 11, which is 20.6 percent above
the 5-year average inventory level for the report week, according to EIA's Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report (see Storage Figure). The implied net injection for the week was 95
Bcf, or 23 percent higher than the 5-year average net injection of 77 Bcf, and
5 Bcf or 6 percent higher than last year's net injection of 90 Bcf. As a
result, current inventory levels now are 315 Bcf higher than the 5-year average
(2002-2006). Net injections for the past 3 weeks have exceeded volumes for the
comparable period of last year, so the volume of gas in storage is 225 Bcf
below the level at this time last year, which is down from the difference of
276 Bcf as of April 20. The latest heating and cooling degree-day statistics
published by the National Weather Service for the period roughly coinciding
with the week covered by this storage report show that weather-related gas
demand was minimal relative to the peak periods in the summer and winter,
limiting heating- or cooling-load demand (see Temperature
Maps). For the United States as a whole, heating
degree-days (HDDs) were lower than normal and below last year's. As for cooling
degree days (CDD), some Census Divisions showed large percentage differences
from normal, but the actual CDD levels were relatively low compared with summer
levels and therefore do not represent significant cooling demand.
of Canadian Natural Gas Markets in 2006:The National Energy Board (NEB), Canada's independent federal agency
responsible for regulating parts of Canada's energy industry, released a report
on May 10, 2007, describing Canadian energy trends and markets in 2006. According
to Canadian Energy Overview 2006, Canadian natural gas production averaged 17.1
billion cubic feet (Bcf) per day in 2006, which was roughly equal to production
in 2005. This was largely a function of
drilling activity that reached record highs during the first half of the year, but
declined significantly in the second half of the year, leaving the total number
of new gas wells completed in 2006 slightly below 2005 levels. Canadian natural gas consumption in 2006 was
8 Bcf per day, which is about 46 percent of Canadian production and about 1.2
percent less than consumption in 2005. This decrease relative to the previous year mainly reflects mild winter
temperatures as more than one-third of Canadian natural gas consumption is
directed toward residential and commercial uses, primarily space and water
heating. High and volatile prices also
may have moderated natural gas consumption in 2006, although prices for natural
gas were lower than the record highs in late 2005. Natural gas gross exports from Canada to the
United States were about 9.6 Bcf per day in 2006, which was about 16 percent of
estimated U.S. consumption. This is
about 4.8 percent less than in 2005, a year when more natural gas was needed to
offset U.S. natural gas supply losses from hurricanes. Because of lower export volumes and prices
compared with 2005 levels, Canadian revenues from gas exports decreased about
24 percent in 2006. The NEB report also
describes trends in crude oil, natural gas liquids, and electricity markets as
well as the energy industry's role in the Canadian economy. In 2006, the energy industry accounted for
almost 6 percent of Canada's Gross Domestic Product and 22 percent of the total
value of Canadian exports.
Natural Gas Transportation Update: