for week ending February 15, 2006 | Release date: February 16, 2006 | Previous weeks
Overview: Thursday, February 16 (next release 2:00 p.m. on February 23, 2006)
conditions in much of the East this past weekend transitioned to above-normal
temperatures, contributing to a further decline in natural gas spot prices this
week (Wednesday, February 8 - Wednesday, February 15). On the week the Henry
Hub spot price declined 57 cents per MMBtu to $7.31. At the New York Mercantile
Exchange (NYMEX), prices for futures contracts also registered significant
declines. The futures contract for March delivery, which is the last contract
for the current heating season, declined 66.9 cents per MMBtu on the week to
$7.066. Relatively high levels of natural gas in working storage and falling
prices for competing fuels likely contributed to falling natural gas prices
this week. Working gas in storage as of Friday, February 10, was 2,266 Bcf,
which is 43.9 percent above the 5-year (2001-2005) average. The spot price for
West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil decreased $4.90 per barrel on the week
to $57.61, or $9.93 per MMBtu.
natural gas prices moved lower in three of five trading sessions this week as a
cold weather front in the Northeast last weekend and another currently in the
Midwest were not enough to offset several factors contributing to the lowest
prices since last summer. With only 6 weeks left in the traditional heating
season, storage supplies are viewed as ample. To date this winter, the weather
has yet to show sustained cold temperatures, and prices for competing fuels
have fallen. On Tuesday, February 14, the average price at the Henry Hub was
$7.03 per MMBtu, the lowest price since July 1, 2005. On the week, the price
declined more than 7 percent to an average of $7.31 per MMBtu. Price changes
were largest in the Northeast region, where the average price decrease was 86
cents per MMBtu. The price off Algonquin Gas Transmission in New England
registered the steepest decline, falling $1.09 per MMBtu to $8.03. Prices in
the West, including the Rockies, registered slightly lower declines at an
average of 20 cents per MMBtu as temperatures were moderate in parts of Nevada,
Arizona, and California. The Southern California Border price decreased 26
cents on the week to $6.72 per MMBtu.
Moderate temperatures this February and ample
storage supplies led to NYMEX futures prices falling this week by relatively
large amounts. The near-month contract (for March delivery) declined on the
week by 67 cents per MMBtu, or 8.6 percent, as it settled yesterday at $7.066,
the lowest settlement price for the near-month contract since the August 2005
contract settled at $6.981 on June 30. The March contract is trading $2.32 per
MMBtu lower than on the first day of its tenure as the near-month contract. The
March contract is also priced 54 percent less than its peak price of $15.287
per MMBtu on December 13, 2005. Nonetheless, at its settlement price yesterday,
the March contract was still $0.76 per MMBtu higher than the final settlement
price of $6.304 for the March 2005 contract. The 12-month strip, which is the average price for futures contracts over
the next 12 months, closed yesterday at $8.23 per MMBtu, a decrease of 67 cents
since last Wednesday. Prices for all
the contracts in the 12-month strip exhibited similar decreases. However,
because the contracts for the next winter heating season are priced
considerably higher than the near-term contracts, the percentage declines for
the next winter were much lower at 6 percent or less. Currently, the
highest-priced contract in the 12-month strip is the February 2007 contract,
which closed yesterday at $10.109 per MMBtu, a premium of $2.80 to yesterday's
Henry Hub price.
Natural Gas Market Data
Estimated Average Wellhead Prices |
Aug-05 |
Sept-05 |
Oct-05 |
Nov-05 |
Dec-05 |
Jan-06 |
($ per Mcf) |
7.68 |
9.76 |
10.97 |
9.54 |
10.02 |
8.66 |
($ per MMBtu) |
7.48 |
9.50 |
10.68 |
9.29 |
9.76 |
8.43 |
Prices were converted from $ per Mcf to $ per MMBtu using an average heat
content of 1,027 Btu per cubic foot as published in Table A4 of the Annual
Energy Review 2002. |
Source:Energy Information Administration, Office
of Oil and Gas. |
gas in underground storage was 2,266 Bcf as of February 10, which is 43.9
percent above the 5-year average inventory level for the report week, according
to EIA's Weekly Natural Gas Storage
Report (See
Storage Figure). Although
the net change was the largest withdrawal since the week ending December 23,
2005, it continued a string of low
net withdrawals relative to the 5-year average. The implied net change for the
week was a net withdrawal of 102 Bcf, which is 29 percent lower than the 5-year
average withdrawal of 144 Bcf. As a result, the difference between current
inventory levels and the 5-year average expanded to 691 Bcf. During the report
week, the weather for the country as a whole was about 12 percent warmer than
normal, as measured by heating degree days (HDDs) for the week ending February
9, according to the National Weather Service (See Temperature
Maps). Key markets
for space heating demand were considerably warmer than normal. In the Middle
Atlantic, HDDs were 20 percent lower than normal. In the East North Central,
which includes Chicago and other major population centers in the Midwest, HDDs
were 8 percent below normal. While the NYMEX futures contracts for March and
April 2006 delivery are trading at a discount to the Henry Hub spot price,
contracts for the months after April are trading at significant premiums
relative to the Henry Hub, up to an average premium of $2.38 per MMBtu for next
winter (November 2006 - March 2007). This appears to indicate a strong economic
incentive to purchase natural gas at spot markets for delivery to consumers and
to refrain from withdrawing natural gas from underground storage.
EIA Releases the Annual Energy Outlook 2006: According to the Energy Information Administration's (EIA)
newly-released annual long-term forecast, the Annual
Energy Outlook 2006 (AEO2006), future natural gas prices are
expected to be higher and demand will grow more slowly than in previous
projections. Total natural gas supply, including contributions from Alaska and
liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports, is projected to increase at an average
annual rate of 0.7 percent to 26.48 trillion cubic feet (Tcf)
in 2030. Domestic production is expected to increase to 20.8 Tcf in 2030, which is an average increase of 0.5 percent
per year.In 2025, domestic natural gas
production is projected to be 21.2 Tcf, compared with 21.8 trillion cubic feet
in the AEO2005 reference case. Previous net LNG import projections have
been revised downward, and are expected to reach 4.36 Tcf in 2030. More rapid
growth in worldwide demand for natural gas in the AEO2006 reference case
reduces the availability of LNG supplies to the United States and raises
worldwide natural gas prices, making LNG less economical in U.S. markets. LNG
imports, Alaskan natural gas production, and Lower 48 production from
unconventional sources are not expected to increase sufficiently to offset the
impacts of resource depletion and increased demand. Average natural gas wellhead
prices in 2004 dollars are projected to decline to $4.46 in 2016, increasing
thereafter to $5.92 in 2030, which amounts to an average annual increase of 0.3
percent. Total consumption for natural
gas is projected to increase at an average annual rate of 0.7 percent from 2004
to 2030, to 26.9 Tcf in 2030, primarily as a result
of increasing use for electricity generation and industrial applications, which
together account for about 57 percent of the projected consumption in natural
gas demand in 2030.
MMS Proposes 5-Year Plan for OCS Oil and
Gas Leasing Program: The Minerals Management Service (MMS) is
seeking comments on a draft proposal for its Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)
leasing plan for 2007-2012. The draft plan proposes 21 lease sales in 7 of the
26 OCS planning areas, some of which are also included in the current program
for 2002-2007. As part of the draft leasing program, MMS will study the
potential for oil and gas development in areas off the coast of Virginia and a
previously underdeveloped area in the North Aleutian Basin in offshore Alaska.
Currently, more than 85 percent of the OCS is under Presidential and
Congressional moratoria, and thus not available for energy development. MMS, in
order to comply with the Energy Policy Act of 2005, has conducted an inventory
of the oil and gas resources, and estimated that 85.9 billion barrels of oil
and 419.9 Tcf of natural gas are technically recoverable from all Federal
offshore areas. The draft plan is available at
GAO Testifies
on Natural Gas Prices: The U.S. Government
Accountability Office (GAO) presented testimony on February 13, 2006, to the
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations. The
testimony, "Natural Gas:Factors Affecting Prices and Potential
Impacts on Consumers," addresses three issues that Congress asked GAO to
examine after natural gas prices sharply increased in late 2005. Specifically, Congress asked about (1) the
factors causing the natural gas price increases, (2) how consumers are affected
by higher prices, and (3) the roles that Federal agencies play in the natural
gas market. In the testimony, GAO
explains that tight supplies have made the market susceptible to extreme price
spikes when demand or supply shifts suddenly such as in August 2005 when
hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast of the United States. GAO found that the extent to which consumers
are affected by these high prices depends partly on how much they depend on the
wholesale spot market for supplies. According to the testimony, some of the largest natural gas utilities in
a few States expect to buy at least 70 percent of their gas this winter at spot
market prices, and the utilities generally pass the costs on to the
consumers. Also, high gas prices in
general mean that particular consumers such as low-income households and
fertilizer manufacturers may potentially be hit hard. The testimony goes on to say that utilities
in more than half the States have hedged up to 50 percent of their supply this
winter in order to help stabilize prices for consumers. GAO mentions that the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC), the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), and the
Energy Information Administration (EIA) all play key roles in the natural gas
marketplace. GAO is currently conducting
additional research on the extent to which market manipulation affects
wholesale natural gas prices. The
results of this work are expected later this year.
Natural Gas Transportation Update: