for week ending June 16, 2004 | Release date: June 17, 1994 | Previous weeks
Thursday, June 17 (next release 2:00 p.m. on June 24)
Summer heat in the West and a nuclear plant outage reversed
the recent downward trend in natural gas spot prices, resulting in across the
board increases this week (June 9–June 16). The Henry Hub spot price increased
34 cents per MMBtu on the week to $6.39, while gains
in the West ranged up to 71 cents. After dropping to a 6-week low of $6.082 per
MMBtu earlier in the week, the NYMEX futures contract
for July delivery increased in the last four consecutive trading sessions to
yesterday's (Wednesday, June 16) closing price of $6.489, a net gain of almost
41 cents per MMBtu. Natural gas in storage as of
Friday, June 11, totaled an estimated 1,760 Bcf,
which is 0.5 percent above the 5-year average. The spot price for West Texas
Intermediate (WTI) crude oil fell 27 cents per barrel on the week to
yesterday's price of $37.33 per barrel, or $6.44 per MMBtu.
Prices increased from 29 to 71 cents per MMBtu at spot market locations since last Wednesday, June
9, as hot weather in the West and a major nuclear plant outage likely spurred
increased natural gas demand to meet larger cooling requirements. Spot prices
increased this week despite declining crude oil prices, which have supported
higher energy prices in general this spring. The Henry Hub spot price increased
in three of the four trading sessions this week (there was no trading on
Friday, June 11, in observation of a day of mourning for the late President
Reagan), trading yesterday at $6.39 per MMBtu, or 34
cents higher than last Wednesday (June 9). Similar increases of 30 to 45 cents
per MMBtu occurred throughout most producing areas in
the Southwest and Mid-continent. Meanwhile, the largest price increase in the
Lower 48 States since last Wednesday occurred at the Southern California Border
market, where relatively warm weather resulted in a price increase of 71 cents
per MMBtu. Prices throughout the West rose on Monday
following the announcement of the outage of the Palo Verde nuclear plant in
Arizona after a regional "grid disturbance." In the Rockies, the spot price at
Opal, Wyoming, where gas transportation to Southern California is provided via
Kern River Gas Transmission, increased 56 cents per MMBtu
to $5.51. For the first time in June, Northeast prices rose above $7 per MMBtu as hotter weather moved into the region on Wednesday,
June 16. The largest week-to-week price increase in the Northeast occurred for
deliveries off Algonquin Gas Transmission, which serves the Boston area, as
well as points farther south in the Northeast. The Algonquin price increased 54
cents per MMBtu to $7.03.
At the NYMEX, the price of the futures contract for
July delivery at the Henry Hub increased by $0.407 per MMBtu
since Wednesday, June 9, to settle at $6.489 per MMBtu
yesterday. The near-month contract price last Wednesday reached its lowest
level ($6.082) since late April, before increasing in each of the following
four trading sessions. At a price of $6.489 per MMBtu,
the July contract is about $1.20 per MMBtu, or 23
percent, higher than the expiration price of the July 2003 contract. On the
week, contracts for winter delivery (December 2004 through February 2005) rose
slightly less than the near-month contract at an average of 33 cents per MMBtu. Currently, the highest priced contract over the next
year is the January 2005 contract, which closed yesterday at $7.077 per MMBtu, a nearly 69-cent premium to the spot Henry Hub
price, providing a strong incentive for industry to store gas for next winter.
Recent Natural Gas
Market Data
Estimated Average Wellhead Prices |
Nov-03 |
Dec-03 |
Jan-04 |
Feb-04 |
Mar-04 |
Apr-04 |
Price ($ per Mcf) |
4.34 |
5.08 |
5.53 |
5.15 |
4.97 |
5.20 |
Price ($ per MMBtu) |
4.22 |
4.94 |
5.38 |
5.01 |
4.83 |
5.06 |
Note: The
price data in this table are a pre-release of the average wellhead price that
will be published in forthcoming issues of the Natural Gas Monthly. Prices were converted from $ per Mcf to $ per MMBtu using an
average heat content of 1,027 Btu per cubic foot as published in Table A4 of
the Annual Energy
Review 2002. |
Energy Information Administration, Office of Oil and Gas. |
working gas in underground storage was 1,760 Bcf as
of June 11, which is 0.5 percent above the 5-year average inventory level for
the report week, according to EIA's Weekly Natural
Gas Storage Report (See
Storage Figure). The implied net
injection for the week was 94 Bcf, which is 13
percent greater than the 5-year average implied net injection of 83 Bcf. As a result of the relatively robust injection, total
inventories are now above the 5-year average for the first time since January
2004. During the report week, the weather for the country as a whole was about 21
percent warmer than normal, as measured by cooling degree days (CDDs) for the week ending June 12, according to the
National Weather Service (See
Temperature Map) (See Deviations Map). Temperatures in major market areas
for gas-fired electric generation were mixed. CDDs in
the Pacific census region (including California) were about 5.5 percent below
normal, while CDDs numbering more than 75 percent
above normal in the East North Central region likely increased demand during
the week.
Market Trends:
Importance of Natural Gas: Natural
gas is rapidly gaining in geopolitical importance and is emerging as the fuel
of choice worldwide for those seeking energy resources that will mitigate
environmental impact, especially for electric power generation. These are major
findings of a two-year study conducted by the James A. Baker III Institute for
Public Policy of Rice University and the Program on Energy and Sustainable
Development at Stanford University that was announced on May 27. A major
conclusion of the study is that a shift is taking place today from a world of
regionally isolated natural gas markets to an international, interdependent
global market. The shift to a global market will make each major consuming or
producing region vulnerable to events in other regions. Governments' role in
the coming decades regarding the development of a global gas market also will
change, and greater attention will be paid to supply security as the
geopolitical importance of natural gas increases. About three fourths of the
world's proven gas reserves are in the former Soviet Union and the Middle East,
but the demand for gas is expected to rise most rapidly in North America and
Europe, with new markets developing in China, South Asia, and Latin America.
Developments spurring the integration of gas markets include increasing demand,
technological advances, market liberalization, and cost reductions in producing
and delivering LNG to markets.
Gas Is Preferred Source of Home Heating: According to the Census Bureau's latest
report, "Characteristics of Housing," 67 percent of new housing in 2003 (which
includes single-family houses and multi-family units) has been equipped with
gas heat. Natural gas was the preferred
source of heating for seven out of ten new single-family houses and 51 percent
of new multi-family units in the United States.
The share of new gas-heated multi-family units is up from 45 percent in
2002. Last year was the first time since 1994 that
the percentage has been above 50 percent.
Natural gas is the fuel of choice for heating new single houses and new
multi-family units both regionally as well as nationwide. The shares of new single-family homes and new
multi-family units heated by natural gas have increased in all regions in the
United States. The largest increase, 7 percent, was in the Northeast region
where it reached 77 percent. The largest
share of gas-fired new home construction occurred in the West and Midwest,
where new homes utilizing gas reached 88 percent. In the South, new home construction heated by
natural gas was 43 percent, reflecting a 1 percent increase from 2002. According to Census data, nationwide, 52
percent of Americans heat their homes with gas, followed by electricity, and
then propane.
gas prices at spot market locations increased 29 to 71 cents per MMBtu owing to hotter temperatures and the outage of a
major nuclear power facility in the West. The NYMEX price for July delivery at
the Henry Hub climbed $0.407 per MMBtu to a close of
$6.489 on Wednesday, June 16. As of June 11, inventories were an estimated
1,760 Bcf, which is a net increase of 94 Bcf from the previous week. This week's storage report
marked the first time since January 2004 that inventories were above the 5-year
Gas Summary from the Short-Term Energy Outlook