\r\n \"\"\r\n

Natural Gas Storage Dashboard

\r\n Dashboard last updated: {{dashboardLastUpdated | date : \"MMMM d, y\"}}\r\n Next update: {{dashboardNextUpdate | date : \"MMMM d, y\"}}\r\n Commentary last updated: {{commentaryLastUpdated | date : \"MMMM d, y\"}}\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
\r\n \r\n
Weekly Natural Gas
\r\n \r\n

EIA’s Weekly Natural Gas Dashboard title page provides summary information including:

  • The date of the latest report
  • \r\n
  • The date of the most recent blog or commentary
  • \r\n
  • Navigation to archived reports
  • \r\n
  • Tabs for report features
  • \r\n
  • The most recent estimate of Lower 48 working gas stocks
  • \r\n
  • An arrow indicating whether the weekly net change was a net injection (up arrow) or net withdrawal (down arrow) for the week ending on the specified date.
  • \r\n
Commentary Section
\r\n \r\n

Occasionally, EIA will include short posts that discuss changes in natural gas storage activity or related natural gas market conditions.

Lower 48 Working Gas Storage Summary
\r\n \r\n

This chart shows current working gas stocks and estimated storage capacity utilization by storage region (shown on the map) and for the Lower 48 states. For stocks, it also provides data on the 52 week min/max levels and the five-year min/max levels by region and for the Lower 48. Users can download the image or data for this and other graphics in the dashboard.

Weather Map

The heat map displays weekly and daily average temperatures based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) population-weighted heating degree and cooling degree data, calculated by NOAA state climate divisions with storage region overlays. This feature has three options:

  • A map of average temperatures for the current storage reporting week compared with the thirty-year (e.g., 1981-2010) normal for the same time period
  • \r\n
  • A map showing how average temperatures varied for the current storage reporting week compared with the prior week
  • \r\n
  • An animation showing the daily absolute temperatures during the past two weeks
  • \r\n
Lower 48 Underground Working Gas Stocks

This chart shows EIA’s latest Lower 48 weekly estimates of working gas in underground natural gas storage facilities. The chart shows storage inventories for different time periods:

  • Current year (blue line)
  • \r\n
  • Prior year (green line)
  • \r\n
  • Most recent five-year average (black line)
  • \r\n
  • Most recent five-year minimum/maximum range (gray band).
  • \r\n
\r\n \r\n
Lower 48 Daily Temperatures
\r\n \r\n

This chart shows recent and near-future forecasts of daily average temperatures for the United States compared with the normal and record high/low average for each day.


For the winter, temperatures are a good measure of likely furnace load for space heating needs and for the summer, warmer-than-normal temperatures can affect working gas storage activity.


The daily data are population-weighted. The dashed vertical line indicates the report week versus the upcoming storage week (current week).

Net Inventory Change
\r\n \r\n

This chart highlights week-over-week changes in storage activity. Weekly net change in storage inventory is shown several ways:

  • Storage inventory from the prior week (blue dot)
  • \r\n
  • Average storage inventory activity for this week over the past five years (the dark gray diamond)
  • \r\n
  • Minimum/maximum range for this storage report week over the past five-years (the gray area)
  • \r\n
Key Sources of Natural Gas Consumption
\r\n \"Key\r\n
\r\n \r\n

These charts show daily changes in natural gas consumption for the 14-day period of the current storage report week and the upcoming storage report week.


Changes in natural gas consumption in the residential/commercial and electricity generation sectors can affect seasonal storage balances. Both charts show trends for the current year, the prior year, and the most recent five-year minimum/maximum range.


These charts are based on third-party estimates. The dashed vertical line indicates the report week versus the upcoming storage week (current week).

Working Gas Stocks and Futures Prices
\r\n \"Working\r\n
\r\n \r\n

The scatterplot shows the relationship between EIA’s reported Lower 48 natural gas inventories each week and the near-month NYMEX natural gas futures settlement price at Henry Hub.

  • The x-axis indicates the current working gas level compared with the most recent five-year average.
  • \r\n
  • Values to the left of the zero market on the x-axis indicate stocks are lower than the current five-year average.
  • \r\n
  • Values to the right of the zero marker on the x-axis indicate stocks are higher than the current five-year average.
  • \r\n
  • The y-axis shows the near-month futures price of gas.
  • \r\n
Nuclear Plant Availability
\r\n \"Nuclear\r\n
\r\n \r\n

This chart shows daily nuclear generating capacity outages (planned and unplanned) based on information from the\r\n U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

  • Outages at nuclear generating plants can affect the fuels needed to meet regional power loads.
  • \r\n
  • Natural gas-fired plants may be dispatched when nuclear outages occur, which can affect natural gas storage requirements.
  • \r\n
  • Data cover the current year, prior year, and most recent five-year minimum/maximum range.
  • \r\n
Regional Natural Gas Stocks
\r\n \"Regional\r\n

For each natural gas storage reporting region, the dashboard shows a chart of the weekly underground natural gas\r\n inventories for the

  • Current Year and Prior Year
  • \r\n
  • The Average and Minimum/Maximum range for the most current five-year period.
  • \r\n

EIA provides charts for these estimates for each of the five storage regions, including breakouts for Salt and\r\n Nonsalt facilities in the South Central region.

Net Inventory Change by Region
\r\n \"Net\r\n
\r\n \r\n

EIA provides charts for the weekly net change in natural gas stocks by storage region, which includes a breakout\r\n of the change in stocks for the salt and nonsalt facilities within the South Central region.


Net change is the absolute change in storage working gas levels measured week over week. The chart reports three\r\n kinds of regional net changes:

  • Current-year values (blue dot)
  • \r\n
  • The five-year average (dark gray diamond)
  • \r\n
  • The five-year range for a given reporting week (gray area)
  • \r\n

Ranges are usually wider in the winter and narrower in the summer.

Net Exports of Natural Gas
\r\n \"Net\r\n
\r\n \r\n

This chart summarizes the net natural gas export position of the Lower 48 states each day. It shows the sum of\r\n all natural gas exports to Canada and Mexico by pipeline and natural gas feedstock delivered to U.S. liquefied\r\n natural gas (LNG) export terminals (treated as a proxy for LNG exports) minus any pipeline imports from Canada\r\n and Mexico and LNG imports.


Send-out to U.S. LNG regasification terminals is a proxy for daily LNG imports. The net of total exports and imports\r\n indicates whether the United States is a net exporter or importer of natural gas. EIA provides this data for the current\r\n two-week period, for the current year, the previous year, and the current five-year minimum/maximum range.


The disposition of natural gas exports can affect natural gas storage balances. The dashed vertical line indicates\r\n the report week versus the upcoming storage week (current week).

Heat Table
\r\n \"Heat\r\n
\r\n \r\n

The heat table shows actual and forecasted daily temperatures and how they varied from thirty-year (e.g., 1981–2010)\r\n normal average temperatures based on NOAA data.


Data are aggregated and averaged based on storage regions in the\r\n Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report.


Temperatures that have been warmer than normal appear as a shade of brown, and temperatures that have been cooler\r\n than normal appear as a shade of blue.

Natural Gas Futures Prices
\r\n \"Natural\r\n
\r\n \r\n

This chart presents NYMEX natural gas futures settlement prices for the next 12 months (also referred to as a strip)\r\n following the current WNGSR release.


The natural gas futures price curves partly reflect changes in weekly natural gas storage inventories as a result\r\n of shifts in natural gas supply and demand.


Three lines show the 12-month strip of settlement prices:

  • Formed on the day before the current WNGSR release
  • \r\n
  • From the previous week’s WNGSR release day
  • \r\n
  • Established a year ago on the WNGSR release day
  • \r\n
\r\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/app.component.html","import { Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit} from '@angular/core';\nimport {environment} from '../environments/environment';\nimport { ApiService } from './services/api.service';\nimport { DashboardService } from './dashboard/services/dashboard.service';\nimport {CommentaryService} from \"./commentary/services/commentary.service\";\nimport { PdfSelectorComponent } from \"./pdf-selector/pdf-selector.component\"\ndeclare var $:any;\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-root',\n templateUrl: './app.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']\n})\nexport class AppComponent implements OnInit{\n title: string = 'Natural Gas Storage Dashboard';\n dashboardLastUpdated: Date = null;\n dashboardNextUpdate: Date = null;\n commentaryLastUpdated: Date = null;\n lastUpdateSubscription:any;\n commentaryLastUpdateSubscription:any;\n archiveReportSubscription:any;\n latestReport: any;\n justText: string = \"Lorem ipsum homie. Just random text\";\n\n\n constructor(private apiService: ApiService, private dashboardService: DashboardService, private commentaryService: CommentaryService){\n this.apiService.baseUrl = environment.apiUrl;\n this.apiService.contextPath = '';\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n\n $('.tourBox').fancybox({\n maxWidth\t: 800,\n maxHeight\t: '80%',\n minHeight: 400,\n fitToView\t: false,\n width\t\t: '70%',\n //height\t: '85%',\n //autoSize\t: false,\n autoHeight: true,\n closeClick\t: false,\n openEffect\t: 'none',\n closeEffect\t: 'none',\n loop : false\n\n\n /* margin: [40, 0, 20, 0],\n maxWidth\t: 800,\n maxHeight\t: 600,\n fitToView\t: false,\n width\t\t: '70%',\n height\t\t: '70%',\n autoSize\t: false,\n closeClick\t: false,\n openEffect\t: 'none',\n closeEffect\t: 'none',\n scrolling: 'visible',\n type: 'inline',\n width: 980,\n maxHeight: 2000,\n autoSize: false, // required for width\n margin: [40, 0, 20, 0],\n height: 'auto',\n padding: 0,\n fitToView: false,\n topRatio: 0,\n autoDimension: false*/\n });\n\n\n\n this.lastUpdateSubscription = this.dashboardService.getLastUpdated().subscribe(\n json =>{\n this.dashboardLastUpdated = new Date(json.dataLastUpdated);\n this.dashboardNextUpdate = new Date(json.dataNextUpdate);\n }, null, () =>{\n\n }\n )\n\n this.commentaryLastUpdateSubscription = this.commentaryService.getLastUpdated().subscribe(\n json =>{\n this.commentaryLastUpdated = new Date(json.lastUpdated);\n }, null, () =>{\n\n }\n )\n this.archiveReportSubscription = this.dashboardService.getArchiveReportByDate().subscribe(\n json => {\n this.latestReport = json;\n this.latestReport = json.length > 0 ? json[0] : null;\n }\n )\n }\n\n public printPage(){\n window.print();\n }\n\n public openLatestPDF() {\n window.open(this.apiService.baseUrl + this.latestReport.path, \"_blank\");\n this.dashboardService.getArchiveReportByDate()\n }\n\n\n ngAfterViewInit(){\n\n }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/app.component.ts","//baseline\nimport { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';\nimport { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';\nimport { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';\nimport { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/map';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/debounceTime';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/distinctUntilChanged';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/do';\n\n//entry point\nimport { AppComponent } from './app.component';\nimport { routing } from './app.routing'\n\n//eia services\nimport { ApiService } from './services/api.service';\nimport { ErrorInterceptor } from './services/error.interceptor';\nimport { EiaChartsService } from '../app/share-modules/eia-charts/eia-charts.service';\n//eia custom modules\nimport { DashboardModule } from './dashboard/dashboard.module';\nimport { CommentaryModule } from './commentary/commentary.module';\nimport { RelatedLinksModule } from './related-links/related-links.module';\nimport {CommentaryService} from \"./commentary/services/commentary.service\";\nimport { DatePipe } from '@angular/common'\nimport { MyDateRangePickerModule } from 'mydaterangepicker';\nimport {PdfSelectorComponent} from \"./pdf-selector/pdf-selector.component\";\n\n\n\n@NgModule({\n declarations: [\n AppComponent,\n PdfSelectorComponent\n ],\n imports: [\n BrowserModule,\n BrowserAnimationsModule,\n RouterModule,\n HttpClientModule,\n routing,\n DashboardModule,\n CommentaryModule,\n RelatedLinksModule,\n MyDateRangePickerModule,\n ],\n providers: [\n ApiService,\n {\n provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS,\n useClass: ErrorInterceptor,\n multi: true\n },\n EiaChartsService,\n CommentaryService,\n DatePipe\n ],\n bootstrap: [AppComponent]\n})\nexport class AppModule { }\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/app.module.ts","import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { DisplayCommentaryComponent } from './display-commentary/display-commentary.component';\n@NgModule({\n imports: [\n CommonModule\n ],\n declarations: [DisplayCommentaryComponent]\n})\nexport class CommentaryModule { }\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/commentary/commentary.module.ts","
\n {{commentary.date | date : 'longDate'}}\n


\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/commentary/display-commentary/display-commentary.component.html","import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CommentaryService } from '../services/commentary.service';\nimport { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';\n\n//declare var $: any;\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-commentary',\n templateUrl: './display-commentary.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./display-commentary.component.less']\n})\nexport class DisplayCommentaryComponent implements OnInit {\n\n data:any = [];\n subscription: any;\n openCommentaryId: any; //track id of the most recent\n theOpenBody: any;\n id: number;\n\n\n constructor(public commentaryService: CommentaryService, public route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n\n var controller: any = this;\n\n this.commentaryService.getCommentary().subscribe(json=>{\n this.data = json;\n },()=>{},\n ()=>{\n\n this.id = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id') ? this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id') : this.data[0].id;\n\n if (this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id')) {\n controller.openCommentaryId = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id')\n this.getBody(this.id);\n }\n else{\n controller.goToNewRoute(controller.id);\n }\n\n });\n\n }\n\n\n getBody(id){\n this.commentaryService.getCommentaryById(id).subscribe(\n json=>{ this.theOpenBody = json.html;\n\n this.data.forEach((element)=>{\n if(element.id == this.openCommentaryId ){\n element.body = this.theOpenBody;\n }\n });\n });\n }\n\n goToNewRoute(id){\n if(this.openCommentaryId == id){return;}\n\n this.router.navigate(['commentary/' + id]).then(()=>{\n this.openCommentaryId = id;\n this.id = id;\n this.getBody(id);\n });\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy(){\n if(this.subscription){\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n }\n\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/commentary/display-commentary/display-commentary.component.ts","import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport {ApiService} from \"../../services/api.service\";\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class CommentaryService {\n\n constructor(private apiService: ApiService) {\n this.apiService = apiService;\n }\n\n getLastUpdated() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('commentary/updated', {});\n }\n\n getCommentary() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('commentary', {});\n }\n\n getCommentaryById(id) {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('commentary/' + id, {});\n }\n // logic here to get the commentary from wherever it is and return it as an array of html\n getCommentaryItems(commentaryId){ //commentary could be pulled based on a id\n var data: any = [];\n var testItem1 = {\n id : 1,\n header:`EIA projects lower natural gas stocks for the start of the 2018-2019 winter heating season compared with recent years despite the expected typical summer injections`,\n date: `May 31, 2018`,\n body: `\n \"Seasonal\n

Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report; Short-Term Energy Outlook, May 2018; Natural Gas Monthly, May 2018.


EIA projects that Lower 48 underground natural gas storage inventories may be only 3,491 billion cubic feet (Bcf) at the start of the 2018–19 winter heating season—the lowest level for the start of winter since 2006. Current Lower 48 underground natural gas storage inventories are 1,725 Bcf, or about 23% below the five-year (2013–17) average and about 31% below last summer’s natural gas storage levels at this time. Natural gas injections between now and October 31 will need to be almost 1,800 Bcf to bring pre-winter inventories above 3,500 Bcf.


Although April 1 (the start of injection season) inventories were low this year (1,389 Bcf), they were not as low as in 2014 when much colder-than-normal temperatures associated with the Polar Vortex resulted in end-of-winter inventories of less than 900 Bcf. EIA estimates that weekly net injections will need to average about 80 Bcf between now and October 31 to reach EIA’s current start-of-winter inventory estimate or about 90 Bcf to reach the most recent five-year average.


\n Several factors could influence the pace of natural gas injections this summer including:\n

\n \n\n

Check EIA’s Natural Gas Storage Dashboard every week for updated information on this summer’s injection profile.

`\n };\n\n\n var testItem2 = {\n id : 2,\n header:`EIA projects lower natural gas stocks for the start of the 2018-2019 winter heating season compared with recent years despite the expected typical summer injections`,\n date: `June 1, 2018`,\n body: `\n \"Seasonal\n

Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration: Weekly Natural Gas Storage Report; Short-Term Energy Outlook, May 2018; Natural Gas Monthly, May 2018.


EIA projects that Lower 48 underground natural gas storage inventories may be only 3,491 billion cubic feet (Bcf) at the start of the 2018–19 winter heating season—the lowest level for the start of winter since 2006. Current Lower 48 underground natural gas storage inventories are 1,725 Bcf, or about 23% below the five-year (2013–17) average and about 31% below last summer’s natural gas storage levels at this time. Natural gas injections between now and October 31 will need to be almost 1,800 Bcf to bring pre-winter inventories above 3,500 Bcf.


Although April 1 (the start of injection season) inventories were low this year (1,389 Bcf), they were not as low as in 2014 when much colder-than-normal temperatures associated with the Polar Vortex resulted in end-of-winter inventories of less than 900 Bcf. EIA estimates that weekly net injections will need to average about 80 Bcf between now and October 31 to reach EIA’s current start-of-winter inventory estimate or about 90 Bcf to reach the most recent five-year average.


\n Several factors could influence the pace of natural gas injections this summer including:\n

\n \n\n

Check EIA’s Natural Gas Storage Dashboard every week for updated information on this summer’s injection profile.

`\n };\n\n data.push(testItem1);\n data.push(testItem2);\n\n\n return data;\n }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/commentary/services/commentary.service.ts","import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\n\n\n/**\n * Local components & Services\n */\nimport { DisplayDashboardComponent } from './display-dashboard/display-dashboard.component';\nimport { DashboardService } from './services/dashboard.service';\n\n\n/**\n * Share Eia Components\n */\nimport { EiaChartsModule} from '../share-modules/eia-charts/eia-charts.module';\n//import { MyDateRangePickerModule } from 'mydaterangepicker';\n\n//import { PdfSelectorComponent} from \"../pdf-selector/pdf-selector.component\";\n\n\n@NgModule({\n imports: [\n CommonModule,\n EiaChartsModule\n ],\n providers: [\n DashboardService\n ],\n declarations: [DisplayDashboardComponent]\n})\nexport class DashboardModule { }\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/dashboard/dashboard.module.ts","\r\n\t
\r\n\t\t\t\tLower 48 working gas in underground storage as of {{latestInventory.date | date:'longDate'}}: \r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\t{{latestInventory.inventory}} Bcf  | Weekly net change: \r\n\t\t\t\t\t{{getAbsoluteNetChange()}} Bcf\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t

Regional Natural Gas Storage Stocks


Prices and Other Indicators


Other Indicators

\r\n\t\t\t \r\n\t\t\t\tNotes, sources, and related links\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t

Have a question, comment, or suggestion? Send your feedback to natgasstoragedashboard@eia.gov

\r\n\r\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/dashboard/display-dashboard/display-dashboard.component.html","import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';\nimport { Router } from '@angular/router';\nimport { DashboardService } from '../services/dashboard.service';\n\nimport { indexOf } from \"lodash\";\n\ndeclare var Highcharts: any;\ndeclare var $: any;\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-dashboard',\n templateUrl: './display-dashboard.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./display-dashboard.component.css']\n})\nexport class DisplayDashboardComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy{\n\n constructor(public dashboardService: DashboardService, private router:Router) {\n this.futureCurveImageURL = dashboardService.getFutureCurveImageURL();\n }\n currentRoute: string = '';\n date:any;\n isPrint: boolean = false;\n displayChart: boolean = false;\n latestInventory: any;\n subscription: any;\n gaugeData: any;\n mapShown: string = 'Departure From Normal';\n _chartOptions : any;\n heatMapColors = ['#003c56','#006997','#0096d7','#4db6e3','#99d5ef','#AFAFAF','#e5c799','#d19d69','#bd732a','#84511d','#4c2e11']; //used in the view to render legend color boxes\n //heatMapColors = ['#1D3159','#305194','#4B74C5','#84A0D8','#BFCEEB','#AFAFAF','#F8D1B6','#F2A36E','#EB7829','#B75411','#70330A']; //used in the view to render legend color boxes\n futureCurveImageURL : string;\n departureHeatMap: any;\n departurePriorHeatMap: any;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.isPrint = window.matchMedia('print').matches;\n this.currentRoute = this.router.url;\n if(this.currentRoute.indexOf('?') > -1) {\n this.currentRoute = this.currentRoute.split('?')[0];\n }\n\n this.departureHeatMap = [\n {color : '#003c56', label : \"<= -20\" , topLabel : '°F below normal', upper: \"<= -20\", lower: \"\"},\n {color : '#006997', label : \"-19 - -15\" ,lower: \"-19\", upper: \"-15\" },\n {color : '#0096d7', label : \"-14 to -10\",lower: \"-14\", upper: \"-10\" },\n {color : '#4db6e3', label : \"-9 to -5\",lower: \"-9\", upper: \"-5\" },\n {color : '#99d5ef', label : \"-4 to -1\" ,lower: \"-4\", upper: \"-1\"},\n {color : '#AFAFAF', label : \"0\" , topLabel : 'normal', lower: '', upper: '0' },\n {color : '#e5c799', label : \"1 to 5\" ,lower: \"1\", upper: \"4\"},\n {color : '#d19d69', label : \"6 to 10\" ,lower: \"5\", upper: \"9\"},\n {color : '#bd732a', label : \"11 to 15\" ,lower: \"10\", upper: \"14\"},\n {color : '#84511d', label : \"16 to 19\" ,lower: \"15\", upper: \"19\"},\n {color : '#4c2e11', label : \">= 20\" , topLabel : '°F above normal' ,lower: \">= 20\", upper: \"\"}\n ];\n\n this.departurePriorHeatMap = [\n {color : '#003c56', label : \"<= -20\" , topLabel : ' ', upper: \"<= -20\", lower: \"\"},\n {color : '#006997', label : \"-19 - -15\" ,lower: \"-19\", upper: \"-15\" },\n {color : '#0096d7', label : \"-14 to -10\",lower: \"-14\", upper: \"-10\" },\n {color : '#4db6e3', label : \"-9 to -5\",lower: \"-9\", upper: \"-5\" },\n {color : '#99d5ef', label : \"-4 to -1\" ,lower: \"-4\", upper: \"-1\"},\n {color : '#AFAFAF', label : \"0\" , lower: '', upper: '0' },\n {color : '#e5c799', label : \"1 to 5\" ,lower: \"1\", upper: \"4\"},\n {color : '#d19d69', label : \"6 to 10\" ,lower: \"5\", upper: \"9\"},\n {color : '#bd732a', label : \"11 to 15\" ,lower: \"10\", upper: \"14\"},\n {color : '#84511d', label : \"16 to 19\" ,lower: \"15\", upper: \"19\"},\n {color : '#4c2e11', label : \">= 20\" , topLabel : 'weekly difference (°F)' ,lower: \">= 20\", upper: \"\"}\n ];\n\n\n $('.notesAndSources').fancybox({\n maxWidth\t: 800,\n maxHeight\t: 800,\n fitToView\t: false,\n width\t\t: '70%',\n type: 'iframe',\n //height\t: '85%',\n //autoSize\t: false,\n //autoHeight: true,\n closeClick\t: false,\n openEffect\t: 'none',\n closeEffect\t: 'none',\n });\n\n Highcharts.setOptions({\n exporting : {\n buttons : {\n contextButton : {\n text : null\n }\n }\n }\n });\n this.latestInventory = {};\n this.gaugeData = [];\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getLatestInventory().subscribe(\n json =>{\n this.latestInventory = json;\n }, null, () =>{\n this.displayChart = true;\n });\n }\n\n public getAbsoluteNetChange() {\n return Math.abs(this.latestInventory.net_change);\n }\n\n public getNetChangeSign() {\n return (this.latestInventory.net_change > 0) ? 'positive' : (this.latestInventory.net_change < 0 ? 'negative' : '');\n }\n\n public showMap(id) {\n this.mapShown = id;\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy(){\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n public showNational() {\n return this.isPrint || this.currentRoute == '/';\n }\n\n public showRegional() {\n return this.isPrint || this.currentRoute == '/regional';\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/dashboard/display-dashboard/display-dashboard.component.ts","declare var Highcharts: any;\nimport { Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { ApiService } from '../../services/api.service';\n@Injectable()\nexport class DashboardService {\n\n constructor(private apiService: ApiService) {\n this.apiService = apiService;\n }\n\n getLastUpdated() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('last_updated', {});\n }\n\n getNuclearOutages() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('nuclear_outages', {});\n }\n\n getTemperatureData(){\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('temperatures_us_daily_average', {});\n }\n\n getChartData() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('', {});\n }\n\n getHeatMapData(){\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('temperatures_departure_from_normal', {});\n }\n\n getGasConsumptionElectricPower(consumptionSource){\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('gas_consumption', {'source' : consumptionSource});\n }\n\n getStorageWeeklyWorking(storageSource){\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('gas_storage_weekly_working', {'region' : storageSource});\n }\n\n getLatestInventory() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('latest_inventory', {});\n }\n\n getStorageWeeklyNetChange(netChangeStorage){\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('gas_storage_weekly_net_change', {'region' : netChangeStorage});\n }\n\n getGasTradeDisposition(){\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('gas_trade_disposition',{});\n }\n\n getLatestDayNaturalGasStorage(){\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('current_natural_gas_storage', {});\n }\n\n getTemperatureDepartureByClimateDivision() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('temperature_departure_by_climate_division', {});\n }\n\n getTemperatureDepartureFromPriorWeek() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('temperature_change_by_climate_division', {});\n }\n\n\n getTemperatureDepartureDailyAnimation() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('temperature_animation_by_climate_division', {});\n }\n\n getHenryHubGasPricesData() {\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('inventory_disposition_futures', {});\n }\n\n getFutureCurveImageURL() {\n return this.apiService.baseUrl + '/natural_gas_forward_curves_svg';\n }\n\n getArchiveReportByDate(){\n return this.apiService.getEiaUrl('archives', {} );\n }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/dashboard/services/dashboard.service.ts","
\r\n Archived Reports\r\n
\r\n \r\n
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/pdf-selector/pdf-selector.component.html","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { IMyDrpOptions, IMyDateRangeModel } from 'mydaterangepicker';\nimport { DashboardService} from \"../dashboard/services/dashboard.service\";\nimport { Utils} from \"../share-modules/Utils\";\nimport { ApiService } from '../services/api.service';\n\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-pdf-selector',\n templateUrl: './pdf-selector.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./pdf-selector.component.less']\n})\nexport class PdfSelectorComponent implements OnInit {\n\n\n openPicker: boolean = false;\n archiveDates:any = [];\n pdf: any;\n myDateRangePickerOptions: IMyDrpOptions = {\n dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy',\n firstDayOfWeek: 'mo',\n sunHighlight: true,\n //height: '34px',\n //width: '260px',\n inline: true,\n alignSelectorRight: false,\n indicateInvalidDateRange: true,\n showClearBtn: false,\n showApplyBtn:false,\n showWeekNumbers: true,\n showSelectDateText:false\n\n //openSelectorOnInputClick: true,\n //editableDateRangeField: false\n\n }\n\n constructor(public dashboardService: DashboardService, public apiService: ApiService) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n }\n\n\n // closePicker(){\n // console.log('blurred');\n // this.openPicker == false;\n // }\n\n togglePicker(){\n this.openPicker = !this.openPicker;\n }\n\n\n\n\n\n // dateRangeChanged callback function called when the user apply the date range. This is\n // mandatory callback in this option. There are also optional inputFieldChanged and\n // calendarViewChanged callbacks.\n onDateRangeChanged(event: IMyDateRangeModel) {\n //console.log('changed');\n // event properties are: event.beginDate, event.endDate, event.formatted,\n // event.beginEpoc and event.endEpoc\n }\n\n\n\n onDateSelected(event: IMyDateRangeModel){\n let that = this;\n let selectedWeek = Utils.getWeek(event['jsdate']);\n this.pdf = null;\n\n this.dashboardService.getArchiveReportByDate().subscribe(\n json =>{\n this.archiveDates = json;\n },null,()=>{\n this.archiveDates.forEach(function(element){\n if(element.week.split('-')[0] == selectedWeek && (event['jsdate'].toString().split(' ')[3] == element.week.split('-')[1])){\n that.pdf = element.path;\n }\n });\n\n if(!this.pdf){\n alert(\"No archive exists for the selected week.\");\n return;\n }\n window.open(this.apiService.baseUrl + this.pdf, \"_blank\");\n }\n );\n\n this.openPicker = false;\n }\n\n\n\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/pdf-selector/pdf-selector.component.ts","

Energy Information Administration

\n \n

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

\n \n

Department of Energy

\n \n

Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

\n \n

State Government Resources

\n \n
\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/related-links/display-related-links/display-related-links.component.html","import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-commentary',\n templateUrl: './display-related-links.component.html'\n})\nexport class DisplayRelatedLinksComponent implements OnInit {\n\n constructor() { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/related-links/display-related-links/display-related-links.component.ts","import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { DisplayRelatedLinksComponent } from './display-related-links/display-related-links.component';\n@NgModule({\n imports: [\n CommonModule\n ],\n declarations: [DisplayRelatedLinksComponent]\n})\nexport class RelatedLinksModule { }\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/related-links/related-links.module.ts","/**\n * This is a base class for calling api\n */\nimport {Injectable} from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders, HttpResponse } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport {Router} from '@angular/router';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/map';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/debounceTime';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/distinctUntilChanged';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/do';\n\n\n\n\n\nconst API_CALL_TYPE = {\n GET: 'GET',\n POST: 'POST',\n PUT: 'PUT',\n PATCH: 'PATCH',\n DELETE: 'DELETE'\n}\n\n\nconst HTTP_OPTIONS = {\n headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })\n};\n\n\n/**\n * This is a generic data call to api. Support the following: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE\n * get(url, [config]);\n delete(url, [config]);\n head(url, [config]);\n jsonp(url, [config]);\n post(url, data, [config]);\n put(url, data, [config]);\n patch(url, data, [config]);\n */\n\n@Injectable()\n\nexport class ApiService {\n\n baseUrl: string;\n contextPath: string;\n constructor(private http: HttpClient, private router: Router) {\n\n }\n\n\n getEiaQueryString(\n action,\n params = null\n ){\n\n return this.getCall(\n this.buildUrl(this.baseUrl, action, null)\n )\n\n }\n\n getApiUrl(url){\n return this.getCall(url);\n }\n\n\n getEiaUrl(action, params, isJson:boolean = true){\n return this.getCall(this.buildUrl(this.baseUrl, action, params), null, isJson);\n }\n\n postEia(\n action,\n data = null\n ) {\n return this.postCall(\n this.buildUrl(this.baseUrl, action, null),\n data\n );\n }\n\n\n\n\n /**\n * Build url to be passed to api service class\n * @param base_url\n * @param action\n * @param nice_url_params\n * @returns {string}\n */\n private buildUrl(base_url, action, nice_url_params = null){\n //prepare nice url string\n\n let nice_url: string = '';\n //convert nice url array to string\n if (nice_url_params) {\n //Sample url///\n if (Array.isArray(nice_url_params)) {\n nice_url = '/' + nice_url_params.join('/');\n }else if (typeof nice_url_params === 'string' || nice_url_params instanceof String){\n nice_url = '/' + nice_url_params;\n }else if (typeof(nice_url_params) === 'object') {\n let params = [];\n for(let key in nice_url_params) {\n params.push(key + '=' + nice_url_params[key]);\n }\n\n nice_url = '?' + params.join('&');\n }\n }\n return base_url + '/' + action + nice_url;\n }\n\n\n\n\n /**\n * Get API\n * @param url\n * @param isExternal\n * @param withToken\n * @param params\n * @param extraCallParameters\n * @returns {*}\n */\n getCall(url, params = null, isJson: boolean = true, extraCallParameters = null, isExternal: boolean = false, withToken: boolean = true) {\n return this.apiCall(API_CALL_TYPE.GET, url, null, isExternal, withToken, params, isJson, extraCallParameters);\n }\n\n\n /**\n * DELETE API\n * @param url\n * @param isExternal\n * @param withToken\n * @returns {*}\n */\n deleteCall(url, isExternal: boolean = false, withToken: boolean = true) {\n return this.apiCall(API_CALL_TYPE.DELETE, url, null, isExternal, withToken);\n }\n\n /**\n * Post API\n * @param url\n * @param data\n * @param isExternal\n * @param withToken\n * @param isJson\n * @returns {*}\n */\n postCall(url, data, isExternal: boolean = false, withToken: boolean = true, isJson: boolean = false) {\n return this.apiCall(API_CALL_TYPE.POST, url, data, isExternal, withToken, null, isJson);\n }\n\n /**\n * PUT API\n * @param url\n * @param data\n * @param isExternal\n * @param withToken\n * @param isJson\n * @returns {*}\n */\n putCall(url, data, isExternal: boolean = false, withToken: boolean = true, isJson: boolean = false) {\n return this.apiCall(API_CALL_TYPE.PUT, url, data, isExternal, withToken, null, isJson);\n }\n\n\n\n /**\n * Patch API call\n * @param url\n * @param data\n * @param isExternal\n * @param withToken\n * @param isJson\n * @returns {*}\n */\n patchCall(url, data, isExternal: boolean = false, withToken: boolean = true, isJson: boolean = false) {\n return this.apiCall(API_CALL_TYPE.PATCH, url, data, isExternal, withToken, null, isJson);\n }\n\n /**\n * Generic api call\n * @param type\n * @param url\n * @param data\n * @param isExternal\n * @param withToken\n * @param params\n * @param isJson\n * @param extraCallParameters\n * @returns {any}\n */\n private apiCall(type, url, data, isExternal: boolean = false, withToken: boolean = true, params = null, isJson = false, extraCallParameters = null) {\n //if (!isExternal) {\n //url = this.baseUrl + this.contextPath + url;\n //}\n\n let return_call: any = null;\n let call: any = null;\n switch (type) {\n case API_CALL_TYPE.POST:\n call = this.http.post(url, data, this.getOptions(withToken, isJson));\n break;\n case API_CALL_TYPE.PUT:\n call = this.http.put(url, data, this.getOptions(withToken, isJson));\n break;\n case API_CALL_TYPE.PATCH:\n call = this.http.patch(url, data, this.getOptions(withToken, isJson));\n break;\n case API_CALL_TYPE.DELETE:\n call = this.http.delete(url, this.getOptions(withToken));\n break;\n case API_CALL_TYPE.GET:\n\n call = this.http.get(url, this.getOptions(withToken, isJson));\n break;\n }\n return call;\n }\n\n private getOptions(withToken: boolean = true, isJson: boolean = false, params = null, extraCallParameters = null) {\n let ret = {};\n if(!isJson) {\n ret['responseType'] = 'text';\n }\n return ret;\n }\n\n isArray(obj: any) {\n return Array.isArray(obj);\n }\n\n isObject(val) {\n if (val === null) {\n return false;\n }\n return ((typeof val === 'object') && !(Array.isArray(val)));\n }\n\n arraysIdentical(a, b) {\n let i = a.length;\n if (i !== b.length) {\n return false;\n }\n while (i--) {\n if (a[i] !== b[i]) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n }\n\n objectsIdentical(obj1, obj2) {\n return JSON.stringify(obj1) === JSON.stringify(obj2) ;\n }\n\n copyObject(object: Object) {\n return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));\n }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/services/api.service.ts","import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpErrorResponse} from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';\nimport 'rxjs/add/observable/throw'\nimport 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class ErrorInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {\n\n intercept(req: HttpRequest, next: HttpHandler): Observable> {\n\n return next.handle(req)\n .catch((response: any) => {\n if (response.status >= 400){\n return this.handle400(response);\n }\n\n if (response.status >= 500){\n return this.handle500(response);\n }\n\n return Observable.throw(response);\n });\n }\n\n /**\n * Validation failed - Will need to show validation messages\n * @param response\n * @returns {ErrorObservable}\n */\n private handle400(response){\n return Observable.throw(response);\n }\n\n /**\n * Something went wrong inside the script\n * @param response\n */\n private handle500(response){\n return Observable.throw(response);\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/services/error.interceptor.ts","declare var Highcharts: any;\r\nexport class Utils{\r\n\r\n //static rangeColor: string = '#C7C7C7';\r\n static monthsInYear: any = {\r\n 'Jan': 'January',\r\n 'Feb': 'February',\r\n 'Mar': 'March',\r\n 'Apr': 'April',\r\n 'May': 'May',\r\n 'Jun': 'June',\r\n 'Jul': 'July',\r\n 'Aug': 'August',\r\n 'Sep': 'September',\r\n 'Oct': 'October',\r\n 'Nov': 'November',\r\n 'Dec': 'December',\r\n 'jan': 'January',\r\n 'feb': 'February',\r\n 'mar': 'March',\r\n 'apr': 'April',\r\n 'may': 'May',\r\n 'jun': 'June',\r\n 'jul': 'July',\r\n 'aug': 'August',\r\n 'sep': 'September',\r\n 'oct': 'October',\r\n 'nov': 'November',\r\n 'dec': 'December'\r\n };\r\n\r\n static monthsInYearNumbers: any = {\r\n 'jan': 1,\r\n 'feb': 2,\r\n 'mar': 3,\r\n 'apr': 4,\r\n 'may': 5,\r\n 'jun': 6,\r\n 'jul': 7,\r\n 'aug': 8,\r\n 'sep': 9,\r\n 'oct': 10,\r\n 'nov': 11,\r\n 'dec': 12\r\n };\r\n\r\n static areaPlotColors: any = {\r\n current : \"#0096d7\",\r\n previous: \"rgb(93,151,50)\",\r\n range : \"#C7C7C7\",\r\n average: Highcharts.eia_grey\r\n }\r\n\r\n static regionCodes: any = {\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R31_BCF\" : 'East',\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R32_BCF\" : 'Midwest',\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R33_BCF\" : 'South Central',\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SNO_R33_BCF\" : 'South Central Nonsalt',\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SSO_R33_BCF\" : 'South Central Salt',\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R34_BCF\" : 'Mountain',\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R35_BCF\" : 'Pacific',\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R48_BCF\" : 'Lower 48'\r\n };\r\n\r\n static regionColors: any = {\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R31_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_green,\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R32_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_yellow,\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R33_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_dk_blue,\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SNO_R33_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_dk_blue,\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SSO_R33_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_dk_blue,\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R34_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_red,\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R35_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_tan,\r\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R48_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_grey\r\n };\r\n\r\n static getWeek(d){\r\n // Returns the ISO week of the date.\r\n\r\n var date = new Date(d.getTime());\r\n date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);\r\n // Thursday in current week decides the year.\r\n date.setDate(date.getDate() + 3 - (date.getDay() + 6) % 7);\r\n // January 4 is always in week 1.\r\n var week1 = new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 4);\r\n // Adjust to Thursday in week 1 and count number of weeks from date to week1.\r\n return 1 + Math.round(((date.getTime() - week1.getTime()) / 86400000\r\n - 3 + (week1.getDay() + 6) % 7) / 7);\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n // returns date as MMM DD\r\n static getMonths(){\r\n return ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May', 'Jun', 'Jul','Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @name oracleDateStringToDate\r\n * @methodOf Utils\r\n * @static\r\n * @description Takes a date string in the default Oracle format (DD-MMM-YYYY, ex. 3-MAR-2018) and converts it into a\r\n * javascript date.\r\n * @param {string} Date string to convert into a javascript date. In the format (DD-MMM-YYYY, ex. 3-MAR-2018).\r\n * @returns {Date} passed string as a javascript Date object.\r\n */\r\n static oracleDateStringToDate(dateString) {\r\n let dateStringParts = dateString.split('-');\r\n dateStringParts[1] = dateStringParts[1].toLowerCase();\r\n dateStringParts[1] = dateStringParts[1].substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + dateStringParts[1].toLowerCase().substr(1,2);\r\n let m = this.getMonths().indexOf(dateStringParts[1]) + 1;\r\n let d = dateStringParts[0];\r\n let yy = dateStringParts[2];\r\n\r\n return new Date(m + '/' + d + '/' + yy);\r\n }\r\n\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @name dateAsOracleDateString\r\n * @methodOf Utils\r\n * @static\r\n * @description Takes a date and returns it as a string in the default Oracle format (DD-MMM-YYYY, ex. 3-MAR-2018)\r\n * @param {Date} javascript Date object\r\n * @returns {string} Date string in the format (DD-MMM-YYYY, ex. 3-MAR-2018).\r\n */\r\n static dateAsOracleDateString(date) {\r\n let d = date.getUTCDate().toString();\r\n d = d < 10 ? '0' + d : d;\r\n return d + '-' + this.getMonths()[date.getUTCMonth()].toUpperCase() + '-' + date.getUTCFullYear();\r\n }\r\n\r\n static dateAsMMMDD(date){\r\n var dateArr = date.toUTCString().split(\" \");\r\n var newDate = dateArr[2] + \" \" + dateArr[1];\r\n return newDate;\r\n }\r\n\r\n static dateAsDDMMMYY(date){ //dd-mmm-yy\r\n var dateArr = date.toUTCString().split(\" \");\r\n var newDate = dateArr[1] + \"-\" + dateArr[2].toUpperCase() + \"-\" + dateArr[3].substring(2,4);\r\n return newDate;\r\n }\r\n\r\n static getDaysBetweenDates(startDate, endDate){\r\n var one_day=1000*60*60*24;\r\n var numberOfdays = endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime();\r\n var daysBetween = Math.floor(numberOfdays/one_day);\r\n return daysBetween;\r\n\r\n }\r\n static dateAsMM(date){\r\n var dateArr = date.toUTCString().split(\" \");\r\n var newDate = dateArr[2];\r\n return newDate;\r\n }\r\n static dateAsPlainString(date){ // ex. February 05, 1942\r\n var dateArr = date.toUTCString().split(\" \");\r\n var newDate = this.monthsInYear[dateArr[2]] + \" \" + dateArr[1] + \", \" + dateArr[3];\r\n return newDate;\r\n }\r\n static numberWithComma(x){\r\n return x.toString().replace(/\\B(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/g, \",\");\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/Utils.ts","
\n\n \n
Daily regional average temperatures and departure from normal
degrees Fahrenheit
\n\n \n
\n\n \n\n
\n\n \n \n \n\n
\n\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-eia-heatmap/display-eia-heatmap.component.html","declare var Highcharts: any;\n\nimport { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';\nimport { DashboardService } from '../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service';\nimport { Utils } from '../../Utils'\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-eia-heatmap',\n templateUrl: './display-eia-heatmap.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./display-eia-heatmap.component.css']\n})\nexport class DisplayEiaHeatmapComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n subscription: any;\n theData: any;\n heatMapData = [];\n heatMapTopLabels = [];\n //heatMapColors = ['#003c56','#006997','#0096d7','#4db6e3','#99d5ef','#AFAFAF','#e5c799','#d19d69','#bd732a','#84511d','#4c2e11']; //used in the view to render legend color boxes\n // heatMapColors = [\n // {color : '#003c56', label : \"<= -20\" , topLabel : '°F below normal'},\n // {color : '#006997', label : \"<= -15\" },\n // {color : '#0096d7', label : \"<= -10\" },\n // {color : '#4db6e3', label : \"<= -5\" },\n // {color : '#99d5ef', label : \"< 0\" },\n // {color : '#AFAFAF', label : \"0\" , topLabel : 'normal' },\n // {color : '#e5c799', label : \"< 5\" },\n // {color : '#d19d69', label : \"< 10\" },\n // {color : '#bd732a', label : \"< 15\" },\n // {color : '#84511d', label : \"< 20\" },\n // {color : '#4c2e11', label : \">= 20\" , topLabel : '°F above normal' }\n // ];\n heatMapColors = [\n {color : '#003c56', label : \"<= -20\" , topLabel : '°F below normal', upper: \"<= -20\", lower: \"\"},\n {color : '#006997', label : \"-19 - -15\" ,lower: \"-19\", upper: \"-15\" },\n {color : '#0096d7', label : \"-14 to -10\",lower: \"-14\", upper: \"-10\" },\n {color : '#4db6e3', label : \"-9 to -5\",lower: \"-9\", upper: \"-5\" },\n {color : '#99d5ef', label : \"-4 to -1\" ,lower: \"-4\", upper: \"-1\"},\n {color : '#AFAFAF', label : \"0\" , topLabel : 'normal', lower: '', upper: '0' },\n {color : '#e5c799', label : \"1 to 4\" ,lower: \"1\", upper: \"4\"},\n {color : '#d19d69', label : \"5 to 9\" ,lower: \"5\", upper: \"9\"},\n {color : '#bd732a', label : \"10 to 14\" ,lower: \"10\", upper: \"14\"},\n {color : '#84511d', label : \"15 to 19\" ,lower: \"15\", upper: \"19\"},\n {color : '#4c2e11', label : \">= 20\" , topLabel : '°F above normal' ,lower: \">= 20\", upper: \"\"}\n ];\n lower48Data = [];\n heatMapOrder: any = ['East', 'Midwest', 'South Central', 'Mountain', 'Pacific','Lower 48'];\n displayRegionsArray: any = [];\n constructor(public dashboardService: DashboardService) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n var controller = this;\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getHeatMapData().subscribe(\n json =>{\n var endDate = controller.changeDateFormat(json.endDate); //change endDate to a format acceptable by firefox (data as mmm dd yy)\n\n controller.heatMapOrder.forEach(function(e){\n let newRegion1:any = {};\n newRegion1.name = e;\n newRegion1.data = [];\n\n for (let [date,dataItem] of Object.entries(json.data[e].data)) {\n let newDataItem1:any = {};\n newDataItem1 = dataItem;\n newDataItem1.date = date;\n newRegion1.data.push(newDataItem1);\n }\n controller.orderByDate(newRegion1.data);\n controller.heatMapData.push(newRegion1);\n });\n\n\n controller.heatMapData[0].data.forEach(function(element,index){\n var plotDate = new Date(endDate);\n plotDate.setDate(endDate.getDate()-index);\n controller.heatMapTopLabels.push(Utils.dateAsMMMDD(plotDate));\n });\n\n this.heatMapTopLabels.reverse();\n }\n );\n }\n\n // used to order dates ascending\n orderByDate(arr){\n let dateA: any;\n let dateB: any;\n arr.sort(function(a,b){\n dateA = new Date(a.date);\n dateB = new Date(b.date);\n return dateA - dateB;\n });\n }\n\n //used in view to render heatmap data colors\n getHeatmapDataColor(num){\n\n var color;\n switch(true){\n case (num == null):\n color = 'white';\n break;\n case (num >= 20):\n color = '#4c2e11';\n break;\n case (num >= 15):\n color = '#84511d';\n break;\n case (num >=10):\n color = '#bd732a';\n break;\n case (num >=5):\n color = '#d19d69';\n break;\n case (num >0):\n color = '#e5c7aa';\n break;\n case (num == 0):\n color = '#AFAFAF';\n break;\n case (num <= -20):\n color = '#003c56';\n break;\n case (num<= -15):\n color = '#006997';\n break;\n case (num <= -10):\n color = '#0096d7';\n break;\n case (num <=-5):\n color = '#4db6e3';\n break;\n case (num <0):\n color = '#99d5ef';\n break;\n default:\n color = 'white';\n break;\n\n }\n\n return color;\n }\n\n getHeatmapTextColor(num) {\n let color;\n\n switch (true) {\n case (num >= 20):\n color = 'white';\n break;\n case (num <= -20):\n color = 'white';\n break;\n default:\n color = 'black';\n break;\n\n }\n\n return color;\n }\n\n changeDateFormat(date){\n var splitDate = date.split('-');\n var dateString = Utils.monthsInYearNumbers[splitDate[1].toLowerCase()] + \"/\" + splitDate[0] + \"/\" + splitDate[2];\n var newDate = new Date(dateString);\n return newDate;\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-eia-heatmap/display-eia-heatmap.component.ts","
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-eia-highchart/display-eia-highchart.component.html","declare var Highcharts: any;\nimport {\n Component,\n Input,\n ElementRef,\n OnInit,\n AfterViewInit,\n OnDestroy,\n ViewChild\n} from '@angular/core';\nimport {merge} from 'lodash';\n\n\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-eia-highchart',\n templateUrl: './display-eia-highchart.component.html'\n})\nexport class DisplayEiaHighchartComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {\n\n @Input() inputChart;\n @Input() chartId;\n //chart: any;\n elementId = 'chart-';\n _chart: any;\n @ViewChild('chart') public chartEl: ElementRef;\n\n\n constructor() { }\n\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.elementId += this.chartId;\n }\n\n public ngAfterViewInit(){\n if (this.chartEl && this.chartEl.nativeElement) {\n\n this.inputChart.chart = merge({}, this.inputChart.chart, {\n renderTo: this.chartEl.nativeElement\n });\n this._chart = new Highcharts.Chart(this.inputChart);\n }\n \n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this._chart.destroy();\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-eia-highchart/display-eia-highchart.component.ts","
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-eia-pareto/display-eia-pareto.component.html","declare var Highcharts: any;\nimport { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterViewInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { DashboardService } from '../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service';\nimport { Utils } from '../../Utils';\nimport {merge} from 'lodash';\nimport { DatePipe} from \"@angular/common\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-eia-pareto',\n templateUrl: './display-eia-pareto.component.html'\n})\nexport class DisplayEiaParetoComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n //@Input() inputChart;\n @Input() chartId;\n elementId = 'chart-';\n _chart: any;\n theChart: any;\n subscription: any;\n temperatureArr: any;\n plots: any;\n recordRange: any;\n normalRange: any;\n temperatureForecastArr = [];\n recordLow: any;\n \n\n @ViewChild('chartTable') public chartEl: ElementRef;\n constructor(public dashboardService: DashboardService) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.elementId += this.chartId;\n\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getTemperatureData().subscribe(\n json=> {\n /*map forecast and actual data plot objects*/\n let getMapFunction = function(type) {\n return function(element) {\n return {\n y: element[1],\n temperatureType: type\n }\n };\n };\n\n var actualItems = json[0].data.map(getMapFunction('actual'));\n var forecastItems = json[1].data.map(getMapFunction('forecast'));\n\n this.temperatureArr = actualItems;\n this.temperatureForecastArr = forecastItems;\n\n var plotsTemp = [];\n var startDate = new Date(json[3].data[0][0]);\n this.temperatureArr.forEach(function(element,index){\n var plotDate = new Date(startDate);\n plotDate.setDate(startDate.getDate()+index);\n plotsTemp.push(Utils.dateAsMMMDD(plotDate));\n });\n\n this.plots = plotsTemp;\n\n\n //set the column ranges for record\n var recordRanges = [];\n json[3].data.forEach(function(element){\n var tempArray = [element[1],element[2]];\n recordRanges.push(tempArray);\n });\n this.recordRange = recordRanges;\n\n //set the column ranges for normal range\n var normalRanges = [];\n json[2].data.forEach(function(element){\n var tempArray = [element[1],element[2]];\n normalRanges.push(tempArray);\n });\n this.normalRange = normalRanges;\n\n\n //set low value for y axis\n var recordlows = this.recordRange.map(function(element){\n return element[0];\n });\n this.recordLow = Math.min.apply(Math, recordlows);\n\n },\n null,\n ()=>{\n\n this.theChart = {\n \n chart: {\n logo : Highcharts.logos.none,\n height: '225'\n },\n credits: {\n enabled: false\n },\n\n title: {\n text: 'Daily Lower 48 average temperatures'\n },\n legend: {\n layout: 'horizontal',\n align: 'center',\n verticalAlign: 'bottom'\n },\n\n xAxis: {\n categories:this.plots,\n plotLines: [{\n color: Highcharts.eia_grey,\n width: 2,\n value: 6.5,\n dashStyle: 'Dash',\n label: {\n text: 'report week',\n align: 'right',\n rotation: 0,\n y: -5,\n x:-10\n }\n },\n {\n color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',\n width: 2,\n value: 6.5,\n dashStyle: 'Dash',\n label: {\n text: 'current week',\n align: 'left',\n rotation: 0,\n y: -5,\n x:10\n }\n }]\n },\n\n yAxis: {\n title: {\n text: 'degrees Fahrenheit'\n },\n min: null,\n max: null,\n tickInterval : 5\n },\n tooltip: {\n shared: true,\n formatter: function(){\n var formatter= this;\n var splitDate = formatter.x.split(' ');\n\n var toolTipString = '';\n toolTipString += '
'+ Utils.monthsInYear[splitDate[0]] + ' ' + splitDate[1] +'

';\n\n formatter.points.forEach(function(element){\n if(element.series.name.indexOf('range') > -1){\n toolTipString += '
'+ element.series.name.toLowerCase() + ': ' + element.point.low + ' to ' + element.point.high +\n '°F

';\n }\n else{\n toolTipString += '
'+element.point.temperatureType+': ' + element.point.y + '°F
';\n\n }\n });\n return toolTipString;\n }\n },\n\n plotOptions: {\n columnrange: {\n grouping: false\n },\n spline: {\n // dataLabels:{\n // //enabled:false\n // },\n color:'rgb(135, 1, 19)',\n lineWidth:0,\n states: {\n hover: {\n enabled:false,\n lineWidthPlus:0\n }\n }\n }\n },\n\n series: [{\n name: 'record range',\n type: 'columnrange',\n pointPadding: 0,\n color: 'rgb(200, 200, 200)',\n borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',\n data: this.recordRange\n },\n\n {\n name: 'normal range',\n type:'columnrange',\n pointPadding: 0.2,\n color: 'rgb(146, 146, 146)',\n borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',\n data: this.normalRange\n },\n\n {\n name: 'actual',\n type: 'spline',\n data:this.temperatureArr,\n // tooltip: {\n // pointFormat: '{point.temperatureType}:{point.y:.1f}°F' // point.forecast\n // },\n marker: {\n radius: 8,\n symbol: 'diamond',\n lineColor: null,\n lineWidth: '2',\n fillColor: '#0096D7',\n\n },\n label:{\n enabled:false\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"forecast\",\n type: \"spline\",\n data:this.temperatureForecastArr,\n marker: {\n radius: 8,\n symbol: 'diamond',\n lineColor: '#0096D7',\n fillColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',\n lineWidth: '2'\n\n }\n }\n ]\n };\n\n this.setupChart();\n }\n );\n }\n\n private setupChart(){\n if (this.chartEl && this.chartEl.nativeElement) {\n\n this.theChart.chart = merge({}, this.theChart.chart, {\n logo: Highcharts.logos.none,\n renderTo: this.chartEl.nativeElement\n });\n\n this._chart = new Highcharts.Chart(this.theChart);\n }\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n if(this._chart !== undefined) {\n this._chart.destroy();\n this._chart = undefined;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-eia-pareto/display-eia-pareto.component.ts","
\n \n \n
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-eia-single-day-storage-with-gauges/display-eia-single-day-storage-with-gauges.component.html","import {Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input, Inject} from '@angular/core';\nimport {Utils} from \"../../Utils\";\nimport {DashboardService} from \"../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service\";\nimport { indexOf } from \"lodash\";\nimport { Router } from \"@angular/router\";\n\ndeclare var Highcharts: any;\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-eia-single-day-storage-with-gauges',\n templateUrl: './display-eia-single-day-storage-with-gauges.component.html'\n})\nexport class DisplayEiaSingleDayStorageWithGaugesComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n @Input() title;\n data: any;\n _chartOptions: any;\n displayChart: boolean = false;\n subscription: any;\n gaugeSubscription:any;\n latestInventory: any;\n gaugeData: any;\n regionColors: any;\n storageCategories : any = [];\n storageData : any;\n mapImagePaths: any;\n constructor(private dashboardService: DashboardService, private router: Router) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n let path = window.location.protocol + \"//\" + window.location.hostname + window.location.pathname.replace(this.router.url, \"\");\n\n let imageAdded = false;\n\n let columnRangeDataLabels = {\n enabled : true,\n x : 35, verticalAlign: 'middle',\n useHTML : false,\n allowOverlap : true,\n formatter : function() {\n var label = '';\n var is52Week = false;\n if(this.series.name == '52-week-range-lower-48') {\n label += '52-week';\n }\n else if(this.series.name == '5-year-range-lower-48') {\n label += '5-year';\n }\n\n if(this.y == this.point.high) {\n label += ' max' + is52Week ? '' : '';\n }\n else if(this.y == this.point.low) {\n label += ' min' + is52Week ? '' : '';\n }\n\n return label;\n }\n };\n\n let lineDataLabels = {\n enabled : true,\n x : 35, y : -12, verticalAlign: 'middle',\n useHTML : false,\n formatter : function() {\n return 'current';\n }\n };\n\n let pieDataLabels = {\n enabled : true,\n formatter : function() {\n return Highcharts.numberFormat((this.y / this.total)*100, 0, null,null) + '%';\n },\n style : {\n fontSize : 16,\n color : 'black'\n },\n connectorWidth : 0,\n distance : -20,\n x : 6,\n y : -40\n };\n\n this.regionColors = {\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R31_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_green,\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R32_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_yellow,\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R33_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_dk_blue,\n \"NW2_EPG0_SNO_R33_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_dk_blue,\n \"NW2_EPG0_SSO_R33_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_dk_blue,\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R34_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_red,\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R35_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_tan,\n \"NW2_EPG0_SWO_R48_BCF\" : Highcharts.eia_grey\n };\n this.storageCategories = ['Pacific', 'Mountain', 'South Central Salt', 'South Central Nonsalt', 'Midwest', 'East', ' ', 'Lower 48'];\n this.latestInventory = {};\n this.gaugeData = [];\n\n this.latestInventory = {};\n this.gaugeData = [];\n this.mapImagePaths = [\n {points : \"79.64 49.43 78.88 48.86 78.16 48.57 77.58 47.66 77.39 46.75 63.18 43.5 62.17 43.78 61.41 43.78 60.69 43.5 59.78 43.5 59.35 43.21 58.44 43.21 57.72 43.5 56.67 43.21 55.76 43.21 54.75 43.78 53.99 43.98 52.22 43.64 51.78 43.5 50.73 42.92 47.48 43.35 46.9 42.49 44.22 41.73 42.88 41.44 41.26 41.73 38.77 41.44 36.66 40.53 36.37 39.67 36.37 37.13 36.66 36.56 36.37 35.22 34.89 33.88 33.69 33.88 33.55 33.45 32.98 32.82 31.63 32.25 31.2 32.39 30.29 32.25 29.72 32.39 29.72 32.82 29.39 34.16 28.81 35.65 27.47 40.1 26.27 43.5 24.98 46.03 23.02 51.49 21.39 54.6 20.53 56.85 18.62 59.05 18.28 59.2 17.99 60.68 17.71 61.01 17.28 62.02 16.94 62.64 16.22 62.93 15.79 63.65 16.08 66.76 15.51 68.39 15.51 69.3 15.03 70.35 15.51 72.41 15.94 72.84 46.14 81.17 67.77 86.33 71.79 68.24 72.8 66.9 72.8 65.75 73.13 65.75 73.28 65.27 73.56 64.7 72.99 63.93 71.94 63.36 71.65 62.79 71.94 61.59 73.71 58.77 74.9 58.33 75.62 57.42 75.77 56.85 76.39 56.09 79.79 50.77 79.64 49.43\", fill : \"#bd732a\", id : \"OR\"},\n {points : \"73.42 166.94 72.99 166.65 72.65 165.45 72.37 164.68 72.37 163.68 71.79 162.48 71.79 162.05 71.79 161.57 71.79 160.09 38.43 111.08 46.14 81.17 15.94 72.84 15.51 73.46 14.88 74.75 15.51 76.09 15.17 78.77 14.6 80.11 14.02 80.54 13.69 81.88 13.69 82.46 10.91 85.57 9.86 87.39 9.86 88.39 9.71 88.68 9.86 90.02 10.14 90.93 10.57 91.36 10.91 92.13 10.91 92.7 11.91 94.76 12.06 96.86 11.91 97.44 11.2 98.49 10.57 100.69 10.57 101.6 10.91 102.46 10.29 103.52 11.48 106.63 12.2 107.97 13.69 109.59 13.69 113.42 13.11 114.48 14.31 114.91 15.51 116.68 16.51 117.16 16.8 116.53 16.94 115.96 17.71 115.05 17.99 115.19 17.85 116.68 17.99 117.73 18.62 119.65 18.42 120.41 18.28 120.84 17.13 119.98 16.8 119.5 16.94 118.16 16.51 117.73 16.22 117.73 15.94 119.5 15.65 119.65 15.79 120.41 15.51 120.99 15.51 124.24 15.94 125.44 17.28 126.64 18.42 127.21 19.05 127.83 18.9 129.6 17.99 130.46 17.56 130.46 17.13 131.09 16.94 133.72 18.76 136.25 18.9 137.16 19.33 138.17 19.48 139.37 21.87 143.67 22.88 144.39 22.73 145.44 22.59 145.44 22.3 145.73 22.45 146.93 23.36 147.36 23.64 148.7 23.5 149.13 23.16 150.18 22.88 151.95 22.3 152.72 22.3 153.58 23.16 154.49 24.84 155.35 25.99 155.35 29.58 156.98 30.87 157.31 32.07 158.32 32.98 160.57 34.46 161.91 35.66 162.34 37.71 162.63 38.29 163.39 38.29 163.97 38.58 164.54 38.14 165.45 38.91 166.17 40.06 166.17 42.02 167.94 42.74 169.28 43.79 170.33 45.56 173.73 45.56 176.99 45.56 177.27 45.71 178.18 45.99 178.18 46.28 178.47 45.99 178.61 45.85 179.09 45.99 180.1 46.28 180.38 65.86 182.35 67.2 182.49 67.48 182.63 68.25 181.87 68.39 181.29 68.68 180.86 68.54 180.38 67.34 179.38 67.2 178.95 67.48 177.61 67.63 176.99 67.34 176.27 67.48 175.65 68.25 175.65 69.88 173.59 70.45 170.91 71.51 169.9 72.65 169.43 73.56 168.56 74 168.85 74 168.56 74 167.51 73.42 166.94\", fill : \"#bd732a\", id : \"CA\"},\n {points : \"115.2 69.01 114.92 67.67 113.86 66.61 112.95 67.38 113.1 68.24 111.04 68.1 110.75 68.39 109.84 67.95 107.93 67.81 107.5 67.38 107.07 67.52 106.3 68.1 105.58 67.95 104.1 67.38 103.48 67.67 103.05 68.67 102.14 68.1 101.56 66.9 101.56 66.61 101.85 65.27 101.71 64.7 100.99 63.65 100.08 63.65 99.36 62.45 99.79 61.59 99.94 60.82 99.03 59.67 98.59 58.33 98.59 56.42 98.74 55.08 98.45 54.79 98.17 54.6 97.88 53.88 97.54 53.6 97.25 53.88 95.2 55.51 94.77 55.65 93.28 54.31 93.71 53.45 93.57 52.83 93.57 51.97 94.77 51.2 94.77 50.34 94.62 50.2 94.77 48.57 95.34 48.09 95.2 47.52 96.82 44.26 96.39 43.64 94.77 43.5 94.77 42.63 93.71 42.63 93.14 41.3 92.8 40.1 91.66 37.42 89.84 35.65 89.12 34.64 88.55 34.02 88.97 33.59 89.41 32.54 88.97 30.91 87.92 28.23 89.55 18.46 83.32 16.87 77.58 42.49 77.25 42.78 77.25 43.21 77.25 43.64 77.58 43.98 77.87 44.55 77.73 44.84 77.58 44.98 77.25 45.41 77.39 46.75 77.58 47.66 78.16 48.57 78.88 48.86 79.64 49.43 79.79 50.77 76.39 56.09 75.77 56.85 75.62 57.42 74.9 58.33 73.71 58.77 71.94 61.59 71.65 62.79 71.94 63.36 72.99 63.93 73.56 64.7 73.28 65.27 73.13 65.75 72.8 65.75 72.8 66.9 71.79 68.24 67.77 86.33 89.84 90.78 112.23 94.76 115.92 69.58 115.2 69.01\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"ID\"},\n {points : \"137.99 26.75 117.26 23.2 97.11 19.8 89.55 18.46 87.92 28.23 88.97 30.91 89.41 32.54 88.97 33.59 88.55 34.02 89.12 34.64 89.84 35.65 91.66 37.42 92.8 40.1 93.14 41.3 93.71 42.63 94.77 42.63 94.77 43.5 96.39 43.64 96.82 44.26 95.2 47.52 95.34 48.09 94.77 48.57 94.62 50.2 94.77 50.34 94.77 51.2 93.57 51.97 93.57 52.83 93.71 53.45 93.28 54.31 94.77 55.65 95.2 55.51 97.25 53.88 97.54 53.6 97.88 53.88 98.17 54.6 98.45 54.79 98.74 55.08 98.59 56.42 98.59 58.33 99.03 59.67 99.94 60.82 99.79 61.59 99.36 62.45 100.08 63.65 100.99 63.65 101.71 64.7 101.85 65.27 101.56 66.61 101.56 66.9 102.14 68.1 103.05 68.67 103.48 67.67 104.1 67.38 105.58 67.95 106.3 68.1 107.07 67.52 107.5 67.38 107.93 67.81 109.84 67.95 110.75 68.39 111.04 68.1 113.1 68.24 112.95 67.38 113.86 66.61 114.92 67.67 115.2 69.01 115.92 69.58 116.69 64.56 166.9 70.78 167.66 60.82 170.15 30.05 137.99 26.75\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"MT\"},\n {points : \"116.69 64.56 115.92 69.58 112.23 94.76 110.61 104.57 125.54 106.92 163.35 111.08 165.13 90.78 166.9 70.78 116.69 64.56\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"WY\"},\n {points : \"67.77 86.33 46.14 81.17 38.43 111.08 71.79 160.09 71.79 159.52 72.08 158.8 72.65 156.84 72.37 155.97 72.8 151.24 72.51 149.27 72.8 148.84 74 148.56 75.62 148.99 76.24 149.75 76.24 150.04 76.82 150.61 77.73 150.61 79.21 146.35 80.07 140.99 89.84 90.78 67.77 86.33\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"NV\"},\n {points : \"80.07 141.14 80.07 140.99 79.21 146.35 77.73 150.61 76.82 150.61 76.24 150.04 76.24 149.75 75.62 148.99 74 148.56 72.8 148.84 72.51 149.27 72.8 151.24 72.37 155.97 72.65 156.84 72.08 158.8 71.79 159.52 71.79 160.09 71.79 161.57 71.79 162.05 71.79 162.48 72.37 163.68 72.37 164.68 72.65 165.45 72.99 166.65 73.42 166.94 74 167.51 74 168.56 74 168.85 73.56 168.56 72.65 169.43 71.51 169.9 70.45 170.91 69.88 173.59 68.25 175.65 67.48 175.65 67.34 176.27 67.63 176.99 67.48 177.61 67.2 178.95 67.34 179.38 68.54 180.38 68.68 180.86 68.39 181.29 68.25 181.87 67.48 182.63 67.2 182.49 65.86 182.35 65.14 184.69 94.77 201.83 111.95 204.51 120.09 147.36 80.07 141.14\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"AZ\"},\n {points : \"120.09 147.36 111.95 204.51 119.32 205.42 119.94 200.82 133.87 202.59 133.87 202.45 133.44 201.68 133.87 201.11 133.73 200.82 133.44 200.49 133.58 200.34 163.93 203.31 167.66 157.75 168.09 157.75 168.38 152.72 120.09 147.36\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"NM\"},\n {points : \"163.35 111.08 125.54 106.92 120.09 147.36 168.38 152.72 176.23 153.29 178 122.47 178.62 112.42 163.35 111.08\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"CO\"},\n {points : \"220.5 60.25 219.16 56.56 219.02 55.8 219.02 54.03 218.88 52.97 218.73 47.95 218.11 44.98 217.25 44.12 216.63 40.86 216.48 37.9 216.63 36.27 216.91 35.5 216.19 33.16 216.19 32.39 193.55 31.68 170.15 30.05 167.66 60.82 220.36 63.22 220.17 61.59 220.5 60.25\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"ND\"},\n {points : \"221.22 88.11 221.22 69.58 218.73 67.24 218.54 66.33 219.88 64.99 220.36 63.93 220.36 63.22 167.66 60.82 166.9 70.78 165.13 90.78 206.1 92.99 207.15 94.47 208.35 94.47 209.4 94.18 210.26 94.76 210.83 96.1 211.89 96.39 212.94 96.1 213.94 95.38 215.43 95.38 216.19 95.67 219.45 97.72 220.93 98.78 221.08 98.49 220.79 97.58 220.17 95.67 220.79 93.9 220.65 92.99 221.22 92.41 220.93 90.93 220.5 90.5 220.79 89.44 220.5 88.82 220.17 88.25 220.79 88.11 221.22 88.11\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"SD\"},\n {points : \"229.21 122.04 228.06 120.7 227.87 119.36 227.01 118.5 226.58 117.59 226.25 117.16 225.96 116.11 226.25 115.19 225.67 114.48 225.38 113.57 225.96 112.85 225.67 112.08 224.62 111.51 224.95 109.88 225.1 109.17 224.95 108.25 223.76 107.54 223.47 106.63 223.76 105.86 222.99 105 222.42 103.37 221.65 102.61 222.13 101.27 222.13 100.55 221.08 99.97 220.93 98.78 219.45 97.72 216.19 95.67 215.43 95.38 213.94 95.38 212.94 96.1 211.89 96.39 210.83 96.1 210.26 94.76 209.4 94.18 208.35 94.47 207.15 94.47 206.1 92.99 165.13 90.78 163.35 111.08 178.62 112.42 178 122.47 229.5 123.67 229.5 123.52 229.69 122.33 229.21 122.04\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"NE\"},\n {points : \"110.61 104.57 112.23 94.76 89.84 90.78 80.07 140.99 80.07 141.14 120.09 147.36 125.54 106.92 110.61 104.57\", fill : \"#a33340\", id : \"UT\"},\n {points : \"77.25 42.78 77.58 42.49 83.32 16.87 83.33 16.84 83.18 16.84 66.58 13.01 56.38 10.47 45.71 7.5 45.71 9.28 45.99 10.18 46.76 10.33 46.9 11.67 46.28 13.01 45.71 12.82 45.28 13.01 45.42 13.44 46.42 16.26 47.05 18.32 46.9 18.75 45.56 20.09 45.28 21.14 44.65 21.57 44.22 23.82 43.17 24.4 42.74 23.97 42.74 23.49 42.88 23.06 43.03 22.63 42.88 22.2 42.88 21.29 43.17 20.23 44.08 19.66 44.22 19.04 44.08 16.55 43.79 15.93 43.17 15.78 42.16 15.78 40.97 14.92 39.05 14.49 36.37 13.01 31.35 9.42 31.06 10.9 30.73 11.96 30.73 13.87 31.63 16.69 31.35 17.41 31.2 19.66 31.35 20.52 31.35 21.43 31.2 22.63 31.2 23.35 31.2 24.4 31.92 23.97 32.07 24.11 32.07 24.26 32.83 24.97 31.92 25.31 31.63 25.45 31.2 25.31 30.87 25.45 30.87 26.94 31.49 27.08 31.78 27.65 31.35 28.23 31.35 28.71 31.49 28.99 30.58 29.86 30.44 29.57 30.58 29.28 30.73 28.85 30.58 28.23 30.44 28.09 30.15 28.23 30.15 28.56 30.15 28.99 30.01 29.57 29.58 30.77 29.58 31.05 29.86 31.2 30.29 31.34 31.63 32.25 32.98 32.82 33.55 33.45 33.69 33.88 34.89 33.88 36.37 35.22 36.66 36.56 36.37 37.13 36.37 39.67 36.66 40.53 38.77 41.44 41.26 41.73 42.88 41.44 44.22 41.73 46.9 42.49 47.48 43.35 50.73 42.92 51.78 43.5 52.22 43.64 53.99 43.98 54.75 43.78 55.76 43.21 56.67 43.21 57.72 43.5 58.44 43.21 59.35 43.21 59.78 43.5 60.69 43.5 61.41 43.78 62.17 43.78 63.18 43.5 77.39 46.75 77.25 46.18 77.25 45.41 77.58 44.98 77.73 44.84 77.87 44.55 77.58 43.98 77.25 43.64 77.25 43.21 77.25 42.78\", fill : \"#bd732a\", id : \"WA\"},\n {points : \"235.44 132.57 235.15 132.24 234.43 132.09 233.52 131.52 233.09 129.75 232.18 129.46 231.75 128.69 231.89 127.5 232.95 126.35 229.5 123.67 178 122.47 176.23 153.29 235.72 154.49 235.44 132.57\", fill : \"#003953\", id : \"KS\"},\n {points : \"235.72 159.52 235.72 154.49 176.23 153.29 168.38 152.72 168.09 157.75 192.41 159.09 191.64 178.61 192.55 178.76 192.98 179.09 194.18 180.72 194.7 180.86 196.33 180.72 196.91 180.24 197.82 180.72 198.1 181.29 198.1 181.58 198.58 182.49 198.72 182.63 200.93 182.92 201.84 183.35 202.27 183.35 202.41 183.21 203.13 183.06 203.61 183.83 204.47 184.26 205.09 183.69 207.15 183.83 207.29 184.26 208.06 184.98 208.35 185.17 208.35 186.18 209.83 186.56 210.12 185.46 210.83 185.31 212.94 186.75 213.08 186.75 214.14 186.18 214.71 186.18 214.85 186.56 214.71 187.32 215 187.9 215.62 187.61 215.43 187.04 216.05 186.18 216.91 185.75 217.25 185.75 217.39 186.42 218.25 186.75 218.73 186.75 219.02 186.32 219.59 186.42 219.74 186.56 219.74 186.75 220.65 187.18 221.84 188.04 223.13 187.04 223.76 186.75 225.53 186.56 227.01 186.03 227.59 185.89 228.35 185.89 230.12 186.18 231.32 185.89 231.61 185.75 235.58 187.76 236.34 187.9 236.63 188.38 237.06 188.38 237.21 170.48 235.72 159.52\", fill : \"#003953\", id : \"OK\"},\n {points : \"245.53 213.27 244.91 212.21 244.62 211.93 244.62 211.3 244.48 210.87 244.05 210.01 243.43 209.53 243.14 209.1 243.62 208.05 242.85 206.56 241.66 205.56 241.23 204.79 241.08 194.74 240.94 189.24 239.74 188.95 238.55 189.38 238.26 189.38 237.06 188.38 236.63 188.38 236.34 187.9 235.58 187.76 231.61 185.75 231.32 185.89 230.12 186.18 228.35 185.89 227.59 185.89 227.01 186.03 225.53 186.56 223.76 186.75 223.13 187.04 221.84 188.04 220.65 187.18 219.74 186.75 219.74 186.56 219.59 186.42 219.02 186.32 218.73 186.75 218.25 186.75 217.39 186.42 217.25 185.75 216.91 185.75 216.05 186.18 215.43 187.04 215.62 187.61 215 187.9 214.71 187.32 214.85 186.56 214.71 186.18 214.14 186.18 213.08 186.75 212.94 186.75 210.83 185.31 210.12 185.46 209.83 186.56 208.35 186.18 208.35 185.17 208.06 184.98 207.29 184.26 207.15 183.83 205.09 183.69 204.47 184.26 203.61 183.83 203.13 183.06 202.41 183.21 202.27 183.35 201.84 183.35 200.93 182.92 198.72 182.63 198.58 182.49 198.1 181.58 198.1 181.29 197.82 180.72 196.91 180.24 196.33 180.72 194.7 180.86 194.18 180.72 192.98 179.09 192.55 178.76 191.64 178.61 192.41 159.09 168.09 157.75 167.66 157.75 163.93 203.31 133.58 200.34 133.44 200.49 133.73 200.82 133.87 201.11 133.44 201.68 133.87 202.45 133.87 202.59 135.5 203.6 135.78 204.79 136.55 206.13 138.18 207.19 142.77 212.79 146.75 215.9 147.03 216.52 147.37 217.24 147.18 218.15 147.51 218.58 148.52 220.06 148.37 223.17 148.66 224.37 150 226.57 155.94 230.88 160.1 233.42 161.1 233.56 161.87 233.27 162.92 232.08 163.5 231.65 165.27 227.48 166.18 226.28 166.75 226 168.09 226.28 168.38 226.28 168.67 225.71 169.15 225.23 169.86 225.57 170.58 226 172.97 226.28 173.41 226.57 175.03 227.05 175.8 226.72 177.57 227.77 178 228.82 178.29 228.82 178.48 229.25 178.77 229.4 179.48 229.83 180.68 231.31 182.31 232.79 183.22 234.13 183.36 234.76 185.99 241.12 186.33 242.27 189.29 245.72 189.44 246.44 191.35 248.49 191.93 248.97 192.84 249.84 192.98 250.46 192.84 252.51 193.41 253.23 193.7 255.77 194.46 256.54 196.33 260.36 196.62 261.56 197.96 261.7 199.59 262.76 201.36 263.33 204.18 265.1 208.06 265.39 208.78 265.68 210.83 267.02 211.89 267.5 212.94 266.3 213.8 266.44 213.94 266.15 213.94 265.68 213.08 265.25 213.23 264.96 212.32 263.91 211.17 259.17 210.55 257.25 211.46 254.43 211.46 253.57 211.03 253.23 210.83 253.23 210.69 252.95 210.69 252.8 210.83 252.66 212.18 251.75 212.94 249.26 212.32 248.97 212.03 247.78 212.65 247.01 213.51 247.63 215 246.58 215.28 245.09 214.71 244.66 215 244.09 215.28 244.09 215.76 244.23 216.05 243.9 216.48 244.09 216.91 244.09 217.39 243.9 217.39 243.61 217.39 242.61 217.68 242.13 217.97 242.13 218.25 242.27 218.54 242.27 220.65 241.84 220.93 241.7 220.93 241.41 220.79 241.12 219.74 240.36 219.74 239.93 221.65 239.3 221.99 239.02 222.7 238.87 222.7 239.02 222.56 239.3 222.85 239.78 223.13 239.78 223.47 239.49 226.58 238.59 231.75 235.19 232.04 233.85 234.43 231.93 234.57 231.65 233.52 230.16 233.66 228.97 235.29 228.2 235.58 228.34 235.29 229.54 235.58 229.97 237.4 229.83 237.69 230.31 241.37 228.68 243.43 228.53 243.62 228.34 243.43 228.2 243.14 227.77 242.85 227.05 243.14 226.72 243.43 226.14 244.05 225.42 244.77 223.17 244.19 222.31 244.19 221.55 244.34 221.12 244.34 220.49 244.62 219.34 245.25 218.72 245.53 217.72 245.97 215.9 245.97 214.89 245.53 213.27\", fill : \"#003953\", id : \"TX\"},\n {points : \"286.27 231.31 283.3 230.16 281.53 229.11 281.24 228.34 281.24 227.48 282.58 226.57 283.73 224.8 284.64 224.37 284.78 223.6 284.5 223.32 284.78 222.6 284.35 221.98 283.92 221.98 283.3 222.46 281.53 223.03 280.95 224.37 280.47 224.66 279.9 224.51 279.33 224.23 279.13 223.6 279.76 223.03 280.04 222.6 280.04 222.31 279.47 222.31 278.42 222.31 277.84 222.74 276.79 223.32 275.16 223.46 274.25 223.17 273.68 222.46 273.82 221.69 275.31 220.35 275.88 219.92 276.36 220.21 278.42 221.12 280.81 221.55 280.33 219.63 278.7 218 278.56 215.61 278.99 214.13 278.7 213.7 262.86 214.27 262.86 211.16 264.34 206.9 265.83 204.51 266.4 202.31 266.69 201.97 267.89 201.25 267.74 200.34 267.17 199.91 266.69 198.72 266.55 196.8 265.4 194.89 265.54 193.98 241.08 194.74 241.23 204.79 241.66 205.56 242.85 206.56 243.62 208.05 243.14 209.1 243.43 209.53 244.05 210.01 244.48 210.87 244.62 211.3 244.62 211.93 244.91 212.21 245.53 213.27 245.97 214.89 245.97 215.9 245.53 217.72 245.25 218.72 244.62 219.34 244.34 220.49 244.34 221.12 244.19 221.55 244.19 222.31 244.77 223.17 244.05 225.42 243.43 226.14 243.14 226.72 242.85 227.05 243.14 227.77 243.43 228.2 249.51 227.34 252.04 228.2 256.64 229.11 259.32 228.97 259.61 228.82 258.7 227.77 260.32 226.28 260.94 226.28 261.23 226.86 261.38 227.05 262.29 227.34 262.57 227.05 263.15 227.34 263.15 227.77 263.15 227.91 263.29 228.06 263.58 228.06 264.06 228.82 265.21 229.4 266.55 229.54 268.65 232.36 269.99 232.51 270.42 232.94 271.91 232.79 273.1 231.65 273.39 231.46 273.82 231.93 274.73 231.65 275.16 231.65 275.88 232.65 276.36 232.79 277.7 231.79 277.7 231.46 277.36 231.17 277.84 229.4 278.56 229.11 278.99 229.4 279.33 230.31 281.96 231.31 283.3 231.79 283.59 233.7 285.84 232.79 286.41 232.51 286.7 231.93 286.27 231.31\", fill : \"#003953\", id : \"LA\"},\n {points : \"289.38 204.22 289.24 202.74 289.81 173.01 289.09 172.1 271.91 173.3 271.91 173.88 270.28 175.22 269.66 176.84 269.8 178.33 269.66 179.38 268.17 180.24 267.17 181.72 266.69 182.2 266.69 183.5 265.97 184.41 265.97 185.46 265.4 186.75 264.63 188.24 264.92 189.67 265.68 190.44 265.83 191.49 266.12 191.78 266.12 192.21 265.68 192.49 265.4 193.4 265.54 193.98 265.4 194.89 266.55 196.8 266.69 198.72 267.17 199.91 267.74 200.34 267.89 201.25 266.69 201.97 266.4 202.31 265.83 204.51 264.34 206.9 262.86 211.16 262.86 214.27 278.7 213.7 278.99 214.13 278.56 215.61 278.7 218 280.33 219.63 280.81 221.55 281.81 221.55 283.59 220.21 287.46 219.01 288.32 219.34 289.81 218.87 289.95 219.15 290.86 219.49 291.15 219.34 289.38 204.22\", fill : \"#003953\", id : \"MS\"},\n {points : \"299.29 217.24 299.29 216.95 299.76 216.04 299.62 215.61 299 215.18 298.71 215.18 298.28 214.75 297.51 213.7 297.51 212.93 297.66 212.79 297.66 212.5 297.66 212.07 320.06 209.82 319.91 209.25 318.86 207.62 319 205.08 318.14 202.88 317.81 201.11 318.43 199.77 318.43 198.43 319.15 197.38 319.29 197.09 318.57 196.23 318.86 195.32 318.43 194.74 317.52 194.26 317.23 193.55 316.8 192.06 316.18 191.49 310.29 170.33 289.09 172.1 289.81 173.01 289.24 202.74 289.38 204.22 291.15 219.34 291.58 219.01 292.06 218.72 293.4 219.15 293.68 218.58 293.97 216.38 294.55 214.89 295.31 216.38 295.17 216.95 295.74 218.15 296.65 219.49 297.51 219.49 298.28 219.49 299.29 218.44 299.48 218.29 299.91 217.86 299.91 217.72 299.76 217.38 299.29 217.24\", fill : \"#003953\", id : \"AL\"},\n {points : \"275.88 162.91 270.42 163.39 270.57 162.63 271.62 161.43 272.63 160.57 272.77 159.8 272.48 158.94 271.76 158.46 271.91 158.03 235.72 159.52 237.21 170.48 237.06 188.38 238.26 189.38 238.55 189.38 239.74 188.95 240.94 189.24 241.08 194.74 265.54 193.98 265.4 193.4 265.68 192.49 266.12 192.21 266.12 191.78 265.83 191.49 265.68 190.44 264.92 189.67 264.63 188.24 265.4 186.75 265.97 185.46 265.97 184.41 266.69 183.5 266.69 182.2 267.17 181.72 268.17 180.24 269.66 179.38 269.8 178.33 269.66 176.84 270.28 175.22 271.91 173.88 271.91 173.3 272.91 172.39 273.25 172.39 273.25 170.48 272.91 169.28 274.11 167.94 274.4 165.88 275.45 164.83 275.88 163.97 275.74 163.39 275.88 162.91\", fill : \"#003953\", id : \"AR\"},\n {points : \"267.31 40.67 266.55 41.15 265.54 40.38 264.92 40.1 264.34 39.95 260.32 40.1 259.75 39.19 259.32 38.9 256.64 40.67 255.59 41.01 254.58 41.01 253.81 40.38 253.38 39.81 251.9 39.38 251.32 38.47 250.56 38.18 250.13 38.47 249.36 39.38 248.65 39.05 248.36 37.75 248.02 37.42 247.74 37.42 247.16 36.99 247.31 36.41 246.87 36.41 244.91 35.79 242.14 36.08 241.37 36.7 239.46 36.84 239.46 36.56 239.17 35.93 237.83 35.79 236.78 35.93 236.2 35.36 235.15 35.22 234.57 35.36 233.09 34.31 233.23 32.82 232.8 31.34 232.61 29.14 231.32 28.56 230.12 28.56 229.98 30.05 229.98 32.39 216.19 32.39 216.19 33.16 216.91 35.5 216.63 36.27 216.48 37.9 216.63 40.86 217.25 44.12 218.11 44.98 218.73 47.95 218.88 52.97 219.02 54.03 219.02 55.8 219.16 56.56 220.5 60.25 220.17 61.59 220.36 63.22 220.36 63.93 219.88 64.99 218.54 66.33 218.73 67.24 221.22 69.58 221.22 88.11 259.46 86.91 259.32 85.14 259.32 83.8 258.98 83.22 256.78 81.6 254.72 80.11 253.96 78.63 251.76 77.58 251.32 77.29 251.13 76.86 250.85 76.57 249.08 76.23 248.79 75.81 248.02 75.23 247.59 74.61 247.59 71.97 247.88 70.16 247.74 69.3 248.36 68.1 247.59 66.9 246.54 66.33 247.02 64.7 247.31 64.56 247.45 63.65 249.51 61.88 250.13 61.59 250.7 61.01 250.56 55.51 250.99 55.08 251.47 54.31 256.35 50.01 259.61 46.32 260.66 45.6 262.57 44.69 263.58 43.64 264.49 43.35 265.83 42.92 268.17 41.58 269.23 40.67 267.31 40.67\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"MN\"},\n {points : \"267.89 100.41 266.55 99.5 266.4 98.64 264.78 97.58 264.49 97.01 264.2 96.1 263.44 95.52 261.23 94.61 260.47 91.79 260.04 90.5 260.66 89.59 260.8 89.01 259.89 88.11 259.46 86.91 221.22 88.11 220.79 88.11 220.17 88.25 220.5 88.82 220.79 89.44 220.5 90.5 220.93 90.93 221.22 92.41 220.65 92.99 220.79 93.9 220.17 95.67 220.79 97.58 221.08 98.49 220.93 98.78 221.08 99.97 222.13 100.55 222.13 101.27 221.65 102.61 222.42 103.37 222.99 105 223.76 105.86 223.47 106.63 223.76 107.54 224.95 108.25 225.1 109.17 224.95 109.88 224.62 111.51 225.67 112.08 225.96 112.85 225.38 113.57 225.67 114.48 226.25 115.19 225.96 116.11 226.25 117.16 226.58 117.59 257.21 116.68 259.61 118.93 260.04 118.16 260.04 117.3 260.32 116.53 261.52 115.82 262.72 113.28 263 111.8 262.72 111.08 261.81 110.17 261.66 109.31 262.1 108.25 262.86 107.83 264.49 107.83 264.78 107.35 266.12 106.92 267.46 105.43 267.46 104.57 267.89 104.09 268.51 103.09 268.51 102.18 267.89 100.41\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"IA\"},\n {points : \"280.19 152.86 279.76 152.58 279.47 152.58 279.33 152.24 279.13 151.95 278.56 151.95 278.56 152.58 278.27 152.58 276.5 149.9 276.64 149.47 277.22 148.84 277.22 148.41 276.5 147.5 276.02 145.73 273.82 143.82 272.63 143.39 270.42 142.05 269.23 140.71 268.65 139.51 268.94 138.94 270.42 137.16 270.14 135.82 270.57 134.49 270.28 133.91 268.36 132.86 267.74 133.29 267.02 134.05 266.55 133.57 265.21 129.89 264.63 129.31 262.43 127.5 260.04 124.86 259.89 124.1 259.32 122.33 259.18 120.41 259.61 119.5 259.61 118.93 257.21 116.68 226.58 117.59 227.01 118.5 227.87 119.36 228.06 120.7 229.21 122.04 229.69 122.33 229.5 123.52 229.5 123.67 232.95 126.35 231.89 127.5 231.75 128.69 232.18 129.46 233.09 129.75 233.52 131.52 234.43 132.09 235.15 132.24 235.44 132.57 235.72 154.49 235.72 159.52 271.91 158.03 271.76 158.46 272.48 158.94 272.77 159.8 272.63 160.57 271.62 161.43 270.57 162.63 270.42 163.39 275.88 162.91 276.36 161.43 276.21 160.86 276.64 159.23 277.22 157.75 277.7 156.84 278.7 156.55 279.13 156.69 279.61 156.41 280.47 153.87 280.19 152.86\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"MO\"},\n {points : \"288.8 66.76 288.32 66.76 288.04 67.05 287.75 67.67 287.46 67.95 287.32 68.53 287.32 69.3 287.18 69.87 286.55 70.49 286.27 70.92 285.69 71.21 284.5 72.26 283.3 74.46 282.25 75.09 281.81 74.75 281.96 74.32 282.44 72.98 283.3 70.92 284.78 69.44 284.93 69.3 283.92 68.53 283.59 67.52 284.06 67.05 284.06 66.47 283.92 66.33 282.72 66.61 282.44 66.47 282.87 63.93 282.72 63.07 281.38 62.45 280.33 62.16 280.33 61.73 280.47 61.45 280.04 61.16 278.99 60.68 277.51 60.39 276.93 60.54 276.5 60.82 276.36 60.39 275.31 60.39 273.97 59.2 273.1 59.2 266.4 57.9 265.97 57.57 265.68 56.56 265.06 56.09 264.2 55.94 263.77 55.37 262.86 55.51 262.1 54.79 261.38 54.79 260.04 55.37 260.32 54.03 260.47 53.6 260.8 52.97 260.8 52.11 260.47 51.83 259.89 51.97 256.35 53.74 254.44 54.79 253.24 54.94 252.19 54.79 251.47 54.31 250.99 55.08 250.56 55.51 250.7 61.01 250.13 61.59 249.51 61.88 247.45 63.65 247.31 64.56 247.02 64.7 246.54 66.33 247.59 66.9 248.36 68.1 247.74 69.3 247.88 70.16 247.59 71.97 247.59 74.61 248.02 75.23 248.79 75.81 249.08 76.23 250.85 76.57 251.13 76.86 251.32 77.29 251.76 77.58 253.96 78.63 254.72 80.11 256.78 81.6 258.98 83.22 259.32 83.8 259.32 85.14 259.46 86.91 259.89 88.11 260.8 89.01 260.66 89.59 260.04 90.5 260.47 91.79 261.23 94.61 263.44 95.52 264.2 96.1 264.49 97.01 285.55 95.67 285.36 94.47 285.55 94.04 285.36 93.61 285.69 93.13 284.64 90.64 284.06 86.77 284.93 84.28 285.21 83.8 285.21 81.31 284.93 79.83 285.07 79.35 286.12 78.34 286.12 77 286.12 75.23 287.18 72.98 287.03 72.55 287.32 71.64 287.89 70.92 288.95 68.39 288.95 67.24 288.8 66.76\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"WI\"},\n {points : \"290.86 131.81 289.95 129.89 290.29 128.69 290.14 127.83 290.43 127.35 288.32 103.23 288.04 103.09 287.75 102.46 287.32 100.26 286.84 99.5 286.27 98.92 285.55 97.44 285.55 95.67 264.49 97.01 264.78 97.58 266.4 98.64 266.55 99.5 267.89 100.41 268.51 102.18 268.51 103.09 267.89 104.09 267.46 104.57 267.46 105.43 266.12 106.92 264.78 107.35 264.49 107.83 262.86 107.83 262.1 108.25 261.66 109.31 261.81 110.17 262.72 111.08 263 111.8 262.72 113.28 261.52 115.82 260.32 116.53 260.04 117.3 260.04 118.16 259.61 118.93 259.61 119.5 259.18 120.41 259.32 122.33 259.89 124.1 260.04 124.86 262.43 127.5 264.63 129.31 265.21 129.89 266.55 133.57 267.02 134.05 267.74 133.29 268.36 132.86 270.28 133.91 270.57 134.49 270.14 135.82 270.42 137.16 268.94 138.94 268.65 139.51 269.23 140.71 270.42 142.05 272.63 143.39 273.82 143.82 276.02 145.73 276.5 147.5 277.22 148.41 277.22 148.84 276.64 149.47 276.5 149.9 278.27 152.58 278.56 152.58 278.56 151.95 279.13 151.95 279.33 152.24 279.76 150.47 280.81 150.04 282.1 150.18 283.15 150.76 284.06 151.52 285.21 150.9 284.78 148.99 284.64 147.79 285.36 147.5 287.75 146.78 287.89 146.5 287.18 145.59 287.18 145.16 287.32 145.01 287.61 144.1 287.89 143.67 287.75 143.53 287.61 143.24 287.61 142.62 288.04 140.85 288.04 139.37 289.38 138.17 290.14 136.54 290.14 135.97 291.15 133.91 290.86 131.81\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"IL\"},\n {points : \"324.51 85.9 323.89 84.71 323.74 82.31 321.4 76.57 319.15 75.81 318.43 76.38 317.38 77.43 314.7 81.31 314.41 81.31 314.26 81.17 313.07 80.69 312.78 80.4 312.5 79.49 312.78 77.86 313.21 77.29 314.55 76.38 314.84 75.81 314.84 75.23 315.18 74.46 315.61 74.03 316.18 72.84 316.18 70.35 315.89 69.01 315.46 68.39 314.7 67.38 314.41 66.9 314.55 66.33 315.46 66.04 315.61 65.75 314.55 63.79 313.69 63.36 311.15 62.45 309.24 62.02 308.47 61.3 306.99 60.82 305.7 60.54 304.5 59.67 304.07 60.39 303.16 60.68 302.39 62.02 302.25 63.22 302.39 63.65 302.88 63.65 303.02 64.13 302.73 64.27 301.96 64.56 301.53 64.84 300.96 65.75 300.48 66.61 300.63 67.67 300.77 68.86 300.19 70.01 299.29 70.49 299.14 69.58 299.48 68.53 299.14 67.52 299.29 66.9 299.14 66.76 298.71 66.9 298.28 67.67 298.14 68.67 297.85 69.3 297.23 69.3 296.37 70.01 295.89 70.78 295.89 71.35 295.03 72.26 295.03 73.89 294.88 75.66 294.74 76.86 294.12 78.2 293.68 78.92 293.68 79.83 294.4 82.03 293.97 83.37 294.55 84.56 296.03 87.53 297.08 90.02 297.08 92.13 297.51 92.56 297.51 92.84 297.23 93.13 296.94 95.38 296.65 96.86 295.89 98.35 294.74 101.27 293.68 102.32 293.25 102.61 308.81 100.69 308.95 101.12 318.72 99.83 318.86 99.35 320.06 97.01 320.49 96.39 320.34 94.76 320.92 93.42 322.12 92.41 322.12 91.22 322.26 90.93 322.4 90.16 323.17 89.59 323.45 90.16 323.74 90.31 324.22 90.02 324.37 89.59 324.51 89.01 324.22 87.67 324.51 85.9\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"MI\"},\n {points : \"312.35 56.09 311.92 56.09 310.29 56.42 308.62 55.8 308.04 55.08 307.33 53.6 306.42 52.97 304.36 53.12 303.88 53.45 302.88 53.31 302.39 53.6 301.96 53.31 301.25 51.83 301.25 51.35 301.68 50.48 301.39 50.01 300.63 50.34 299 51.2 292.63 52.83 290.72 54.31 290.29 54.94 289.81 55.22 289.81 54.94 289.24 54.6 289.09 54.79 288.47 54.79 287.89 54.31 286.84 54.31 285.21 54.6 283.01 52.11 280.19 50.77 279.61 51.06 278.7 51.06 277.51 52.11 277.22 52.69 276.93 51.68 277.22 50.2 277.7 49.72 278.42 49 279.9 47.37 280.33 46.46 280.62 46.32 281.81 45.6 281.67 45.27 281.24 45.12 278.99 45.41 277.84 46.18 275.88 48.23 275.31 48.38 272.91 50.77 271.14 51.83 268.36 52.69 267.74 52.83 267.46 53.6 265.83 54.46 265.21 54.94 263.77 55.37 264.2 55.94 265.06 56.09 265.68 56.56 265.97 57.57 266.4 57.9 273.1 59.2 273.97 59.2 275.31 60.39 276.36 60.39 276.5 60.82 276.93 60.54 277.51 60.39 278.99 60.68 280.04 61.16 280.47 61.45 280.33 61.73 280.33 62.16 281.38 62.45 282.72 63.07 282.87 63.93 282.44 66.47 282.72 66.61 283.92 66.33 284.06 66.47 284.06 67.05 283.59 67.52 283.92 68.53 284.93 69.3 285.07 68.86 285.07 67.81 286.12 66.18 286.55 65.27 287.18 63.79 287.89 62.45 288.18 61.01 288.32 60.82 288.66 61.88 289.09 62.64 289.52 62.02 289.95 60.82 291.15 60.82 291.29 61.45 290.43 62.79 290.57 63.07 290.86 63.22 293.06 61.16 293.4 60.68 293.54 59.82 294.55 59.67 295.6 59.82 295.89 59.67 296.17 59.34 296.94 58.91 297.37 58.91 299.14 57.57 299.76 57.9 300.34 57.71 303.02 58.19 304.07 59.05 304.5 59.2 304.79 58.91 304.5 57.9 304.93 57.57 305.99 57.9 307.76 57.57 308.33 57.57 309.1 57.9 310.1 57.28 310.44 57.28 310.58 57.57 311.01 57.71 312.06 57.57 312.78 56.99 312.78 56.42 312.35 56.09\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"MI2\"},\n {points : \"311.58 128.84 311.58 128.26 311.92 127.5 308.95 101.12 308.81 100.69 293.25 102.61 292.78 103.09 291.58 103.52 290.86 103.8 289.52 104.09 288.32 103.23 290.43 127.35 290.14 127.83 290.29 128.69 289.95 129.89 290.86 131.81 291.15 133.91 290.14 135.97 290.14 136.54 289.38 138.17 288.04 139.37 288.04 140.85 287.61 142.62 287.61 143.24 287.75 143.53 288.32 143.67 289.09 143.39 288.95 143.24 289.24 142.33 290.72 142.48 292.63 141.76 295.03 142.76 295.17 143.05 295.74 142.91 296.17 141.42 297.51 140.85 297.99 141.57 298.85 142.19 299.48 141.57 300.05 139.51 300.63 138.94 301.25 138.94 302.11 139.94 304.07 139.94 304.5 138.17 307.76 133.91 307.76 132.43 308.47 132.09 309.81 132.24 310.87 131.37 311.73 131.23 312.06 130.46 311.58 128.84\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"IN\"},\n {points : \"335.75 140.71 335.32 140.28 334.99 140.13 334.85 139.94 333.99 139.51 333.7 139.65 333.36 139.37 332.36 137.88 330.73 135.82 330.59 135.06 330.59 134.49 330.59 133.57 330.44 132.24 329.96 131.95 329.25 131.37 328.19 131.09 327.48 129.89 327.14 129.31 326.13 130.03 325.99 130.46 325.23 130.75 325.08 131.09 323.89 131.23 322.55 130.46 321.97 130.75 321.4 131.52 319.63 130.32 318.14 130.46 316.95 130.03 316.18 128.55 314.55 127.35 313.83 127.97 313.4 127.97 312.64 127.5 311.92 127.5 311.58 128.26 311.58 128.84 312.06 130.46 311.73 131.23 310.87 131.37 309.81 132.24 308.47 132.09 307.76 132.43 307.76 133.91 304.5 138.17 304.07 139.94 302.11 139.94 301.25 138.94 300.63 138.94 300.05 139.51 299.48 141.57 298.85 142.19 297.99 141.57 297.51 140.85 296.17 141.42 295.74 142.91 295.17 143.05 295.03 142.76 292.63 141.76 290.72 142.48 289.24 142.33 288.95 143.24 289.09 143.39 288.32 143.67 287.75 143.53 287.89 143.67 287.61 144.1 287.32 145.01 287.18 145.16 287.18 145.59 287.89 146.5 287.75 146.78 285.36 147.5 284.64 147.79 284.78 148.99 285.21 150.9 284.06 151.52 283.15 150.76 282.1 150.18 280.81 150.04 279.76 150.47 279.33 152.24 279.47 152.58 279.76 152.58 280.19 152.86 280.47 153.87 279.61 156.41 279.13 156.69 278.7 156.55 277.7 156.84 277.22 157.75 289.09 156.84 289.09 155.83 288.8 155.21 290.14 155.06 290.57 155.35 324.03 152.38 324.65 151.81 325.23 151.38 328.05 150.04 328.48 149.27 329.96 148.13 330.11 147.36 330.25 147.07 331.16 146.64 331.16 145.73 332.07 145.01 336.04 141.42 336.33 140.71 335.75 140.71\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"KY\"},\n {points : \"338.1 150.18 324.65 151.81 324.03 152.38 290.57 155.35 290.14 155.06 288.8 155.21 289.09 155.83 289.09 156.84 277.22 157.75 276.64 159.23 276.21 160.86 276.36 161.43 275.88 162.91 275.74 163.39 275.88 163.97 275.45 164.83 274.4 165.88 274.11 167.94 272.91 169.28 273.25 170.48 273.25 172.39 272.91 172.39 271.91 173.3 289.09 172.1 310.29 170.33 318.57 169.43 318.72 166.94 319.43 167.08 319.91 166.94 320.49 166.31 320.49 165.74 320.49 165.16 320.63 164.54 321.4 163.82 323.02 163.2 324.94 162.63 326.85 161 327.62 160.71 328.77 159.66 328.96 158.61 329.25 158.61 329.68 158.61 329.96 158.18 330.11 157.89 330.87 157.31 331.02 157.31 331.59 157.75 332.21 157.31 332.36 156.98 333.22 156.26 333.99 155.97 335.32 155.83 336.67 153.58 337.81 152.86 337.81 152.24 338.1 151.67 337.81 150.9 338.1 150.18\", fill : \"#ffc702\", id : \"TN\"},\n {points : \"342.27 109.31 341.83 108.25 342.41 107.83 342.55 107.83 340.35 94.47 336.47 96.39 334.85 97.44 334.13 98.01 331.88 100.41 331.16 100.69 330.59 100.69 329.39 100.69 328.62 100.84 326.85 102.32 326.13 102.32 324.65 101.75 324.22 102.03 323.74 101.89 324.22 101.27 323.74 101.12 322.74 100.98 320.34 100.26 319.91 99.97 318.72 100.26 318.72 99.83 308.95 101.12 311.92 127.5 312.64 127.5 313.4 127.97 313.83 127.97 314.55 127.35 316.18 128.55 316.95 130.03 318.14 130.46 319.63 130.32 321.4 131.52 321.97 130.75 322.55 130.46 323.89 131.23 325.08 131.09 325.23 130.75 325.99 130.46 326.13 130.03 327.14 129.31 327.48 129.89 328.19 131.09 329.25 131.37 329.96 131.95 330.44 132.24 331.45 132.24 332.21 130.75 332.79 130.46 332.79 129.31 332.79 128.12 333.55 125.72 334.13 125.72 334.85 126.92 335.75 125.87 335.47 124.72 336.19 122.9 336.95 122.33 336.95 121.9 337.53 121.13 338.29 121.27 339.15 120.99 339.3 120.7 340.78 118.93 341.07 118.78 341.98 118.02 341.83 116.87 341.69 116.25 341.69 115.53 342.12 114.62 342.55 110.94 341.07 110.17 342.27 109.31\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"OH\"},\n {points : \"405.97 89.44 405.25 90.16 404.34 90.5 403.29 90.93 402.86 91.36 402.57 91.93 401.66 92.41 401.52 92.13 401.86 91.5 402.43 90.78 403.15 89.59 402.86 89.44 402.29 90.02 402 90.64 401.38 91.22 399.32 92.41 396.64 93.61 394.58 94.76 393.67 95.24 392.81 96.24 392.33 95.95 392.33 95.05 392.67 94.18 393.38 93.61 392.52 92.7 393.67 91.5 393.81 91.07 393.24 90.5 392.33 82.94 392.04 82.6 392.04 75.66 391.32 74.03 390.7 72.26 390.7 70.92 390.27 68.39 389.55 67.05 389.07 67.24 389.07 67.52 388.93 67.52 388.64 67.05 388.79 65.75 387.59 62.93 387.45 61.88 387.93 60.68 387.59 58.62 386.44 55.65 386.3 55.37 385.96 54.94 386.11 54.46 385.68 53.45 376.06 55.8 375.91 55.65 375.63 55.65 374.72 56.09 372.51 58.48 370.12 61.59 369.83 62.16 369.98 62.79 369.69 63.93 369.07 64.41 366.72 66.76 366.58 67.24 366.87 68.24 367.15 68.39 367.58 68.24 368.21 68.67 368.35 69.15 367.92 69.58 368.06 70.49 368.64 71.35 368.49 72.69 367.01 73.46 364.81 75.81 363.04 76.38 359.3 77.43 357.96 77 356.81 76.86 354.85 77 352.8 77.43 350.4 78.34 349.4 78.92 349.11 80.26 349.11 80.97 350.88 82.94 351.02 83.8 350.74 84.42 350.12 84.71 349.68 86.33 346.43 89.3 345.38 90.16 346 92.84 378.4 86.33 379.02 86.77 379.17 87.39 379.45 87.67 379.74 87.53 380.08 87.82 380.65 87.96 381.51 89.88 381.7 90.64 382.14 90.93 382.14 91.22 384.05 91.36 384.82 91.79 391.32 94.18 391.76 95.24 391.32 95.67 391.04 96.1 390.85 96.86 390.85 97.87 390.56 98.01 390.13 98.16 389.55 99.5 389.55 99.97 389.84 99.97 390.13 99.83 390.27 99.5 391.32 98.49 391.9 98.64 393.38 98.64 393.81 98.16 395.15 97.87 396.35 97.44 397.07 97.01 397.83 96.1 401.52 93.61 402.57 92.99 403.29 92.27 403.91 92.13 404.49 91.65 405.25 91.22 405.68 90.78 405.97 89.88 406.11 89.59 405.97 89.44\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"NY\"},\n {points : \"386.3 102.94 385.82 102.46 385.39 102.32 385.1 101.89 384.19 101.75 383.91 100.55 382.85 100.26 382.71 100.26 382.57 98.35 383.19 98.01 383 97.01 382.42 96.39 382.42 96.1 382.57 95.81 383.48 94.9 383.76 93.42 383.76 92.99 384.34 92.13 384.82 91.79 384.05 91.36 382.14 91.22 382.14 90.93 381.7 90.64 381.51 89.88 380.65 87.96 380.08 87.82 379.74 87.53 379.45 87.67 379.17 87.39 379.02 86.77 378.4 86.33 346 92.84 345.38 90.16 343.61 91.93 343.32 92.13 343.03 91.79 342.89 91.79 342.41 92.84 340.78 94.04 340.35 94.47 342.55 107.83 344.18 116.87 352.03 115.19 373.23 111.08 380.08 109.88 380.22 109.88 380.36 109.74 380.51 109.17 381.23 108.4 381.99 108.25 382.71 108.4 384.62 107.06 384.96 106.05 386.11 104.86 387.31 104.09 387.45 103.8 386.3 102.94\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"PA\"},\n {points : \"385.96 141.28 385.1 138.46 384.96 138.17 383.76 138.31 382.85 138.17 381.99 138.94 381.23 139.22 380.36 138.65 379.74 138.17 379.74 137.74 380.8 138.17 381.23 138.17 382.28 137.16 381.99 136.83 381.08 136.4 380.22 136.25 379.74 135.97 379.89 135.82 380.22 135.82 380.8 135.54 380.8 135.06 380.65 135.2 380.22 134.77 380.36 134.34 381.51 134.49 381.7 134.2 381.7 133.72 381.23 132.86 379.89 132.09 380.22 131.81 380.51 131.52 380.22 130.18 380.8 129.75 380.8 129.46 380.22 128.55 378.88 128.26 376.92 127.21 376.63 127.21 376.2 127.5 375.77 127.35 375.15 126.92 374.86 126.78 374.43 126.49 373.52 125.58 372.51 126.2 371.32 126.2 371.17 125.01 371.75 123.52 372.8 121.75 372.95 121.27 372.18 120.41 371.17 119.98 370.55 119.22 368.93 119.22 368.06 118.31 368.64 117.59 367.92 117.3 367.15 117.01 366.58 117.16 366.15 119.07 365.96 119.22 365.38 118.93 361.84 116.68 361.56 116.87 361.22 117.3 361.08 119.22 361.56 119.5 361.36 119.98 361.08 120.27 360.5 121.61 359.93 122.33 359.3 122.47 358.73 123.95 357.82 123.67 357.25 124.53 356.48 127.06 355.91 128.26 354.85 128.41 354.28 127.97 354.28 127.5 353.23 126.92 352.94 126.92 351.17 133.57 349.83 136.11 349.68 137.31 349.97 137.88 348.63 139.65 348.06 139.37 346.43 140.85 346 140.42 345.81 140.42 345.52 141.76 343.46 142.48 342.89 142.62 342.55 142.48 341.83 141.9 341.21 142.33 341.07 142.76 340.21 143.53 339.3 143.53 337.53 142.76 336.33 141.57 336.67 140.85 336.33 140.71 336.04 141.42 332.07 145.01 331.16 145.73 331.16 146.64 330.25 147.07 330.11 147.36 329.96 148.13 328.48 149.27 328.05 150.04 325.23 151.38 324.65 151.81 338.1 150.18 338.1 150.04 340.35 149.61 340.21 150.04 342.41 149.75 343.32 149.61 343.75 149.75 364.95 146.16 385.25 142.33 385.1 141.9 385.39 141.9 385.96 141.28\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"VA\"},\n {points : \"389.22 150.47 389.07 148.7 388.64 147.79 388.07 147.79 387.31 148.7 387.16 149.13 386.73 149.27 386.44 148.99 386.3 148.7 386.44 147.98 386.3 147.79 385.1 147.79 384.34 148.27 383 148.56 381.85 149.13 381.37 149.27 381.08 149.27 381.08 148.99 381.37 148.27 382.57 147.98 383.33 147.36 383.76 146.93 385.68 146.02 385.68 145.73 385.53 145.44 385.82 145.3 386.11 145.44 386.59 145.44 387.16 145.3 387.31 145.59 387.59 145.59 387.74 145.3 387.31 144.25 387.02 143.96 386.59 143.53 386.3 143.39 385.68 142.91 385.53 142.62 385.25 142.33 364.95 146.16 343.75 149.75 343.32 149.61 342.41 149.75 340.21 150.04 340.35 149.61 338.1 150.04 338.1 150.18 337.81 150.9 338.1 151.67 337.81 152.24 337.81 152.86 336.67 153.58 335.32 155.83 333.99 155.97 333.22 156.26 332.36 156.98 332.21 157.31 331.59 157.75 331.02 157.31 330.87 157.31 330.11 157.89 329.96 158.18 329.68 158.61 329.25 158.61 328.96 158.61 328.77 159.66 327.62 160.71 326.85 161 324.94 162.63 323.02 163.2 321.4 163.82 320.63 164.54 320.49 165.16 320.49 165.74 320.49 166.31 319.91 166.94 319.43 167.08 318.72 166.94 318.57 169.43 330.73 167.65 333.22 166.5 333.99 166.5 333.99 166.03 336.19 165.02 336.33 164.54 336.67 164.68 347.43 163.54 347.43 163.68 347.29 164.11 347.63 164.4 348.49 163.97 350.12 165.31 350.26 166.65 359.45 165.45 370.41 172.73 370.7 172.39 374 171.82 374.86 171.53 375.15 170.91 375.77 168.71 376.49 166.65 377.4 165.59 379.02 164.54 379.02 164.4 379.02 164.11 379.6 163.97 380.94 161.72 382.57 161.57 383.19 161.29 384.48 161 385.82 159.52 386.3 158.32 385.82 157.75 385.39 157.75 385.25 158.18 383.76 158.94 382.71 159.23 380.94 159.37 380.51 158.94 380.65 158.8 381.23 158.8 381.99 158.94 382.57 158.8 384.05 156.84 383.76 156.55 384.19 155.83 383.62 155.21 383 155.21 382.71 154.63 382.85 154.78 383 154.49 382.85 153.15 383 153.01 383.48 153.01 383.62 153.29 383.62 153.58 383.91 154.2 384.05 154.2 384.19 154.01 384.62 154.2 385.96 154.35 386.59 153.87 387.16 153.72 388.07 153.01 388.07 152.58 388.36 151.95 389.41 151.24 389.55 150.9 389.22 150.47\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"NC\"},\n {points : \"359.45 165.45 350.26 166.65 350.12 165.31 348.49 163.97 347.63 164.4 347.29 164.11 347.43 163.68 347.43 163.54 336.67 164.68 336.33 164.54 336.19 165.02 333.99 166.03 333.99 166.5 333.22 166.5 330.73 167.65 330.87 167.8 330.87 168.13 330.44 168.71 329.82 169.14 329.1 170.76 329.68 171.38 332.07 172.53 333.7 172.87 333.99 173.3 334.85 174.16 335.61 175.84 336.67 176.84 336.95 177.61 338.1 178.04 340.78 180.38 342.12 180.86 342.55 181.29 343.03 182.2 343.03 182.78 343.89 183.35 344.95 184.55 346.29 185.17 347 185.46 347.43 186.56 348.2 187.47 348.92 189.53 350.12 190.15 351.17 191.49 351.74 193.55 351.88 193.98 352.36 194.26 353.51 194.46 353.85 194.46 353.85 194.12 354.13 193.69 354.85 192.97 355.14 192.64 355.33 192.21 355 192.21 354.85 192.06 354.71 191.78 354.71 191.63 354.85 191.49 355.48 191.49 356.19 190.87 356.48 190.15 356.62 190.01 356.62 189.67 356.81 189.24 357.39 189.1 358.11 188.67 358.73 188.24 359.3 187.61 360.21 187.04 360.93 186.32 361.7 185.17 363.04 184.26 363.47 183.5 364.04 182.63 364.67 182.06 365.1 181.58 365.67 181.44 365.96 181.01 366.29 180.72 366.29 179.67 366.15 178.61 366.58 177.46 367.01 176.7 368.35 174.64 369.07 173.59 369.98 173.01 370.41 172.73 359.45 165.45\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"SC\"},\n {points : \"353.99 194.6 353.85 194.46 353.51 194.46 352.36 194.26 351.88 193.98 351.74 193.55 351.17 191.49 350.12 190.15 348.92 189.53 348.2 187.47 347.43 186.56 347 185.46 346.29 185.17 344.95 184.55 343.89 183.35 343.03 182.78 343.03 182.2 342.55 181.29 342.12 180.86 340.78 180.38 338.1 178.04 336.95 177.61 336.67 176.84 335.61 175.84 334.85 174.16 333.99 173.3 333.7 172.87 332.07 172.53 329.68 171.38 329.1 170.76 329.82 169.14 330.44 168.71 330.87 168.13 330.87 167.8 330.73 167.65 318.57 169.43 310.29 170.33 316.18 191.49 316.8 192.06 317.23 193.55 317.52 194.26 318.43 194.74 318.86 195.32 318.57 196.23 319.29 197.09 319.15 197.38 318.43 198.43 318.43 199.77 317.81 201.11 318.14 202.88 319 205.08 318.86 207.62 319.91 209.25 320.06 209.82 320.2 210.44 320.92 211.16 320.92 211.93 321.4 212.64 344.66 211.16 344.95 212.36 345.38 212.79 346.43 212.93 346.72 211.78 346 209.53 346.14 208.81 346.43 208.38 347 207.91 348.63 208.67 350.12 208.67 350.88 208.53 350.74 206.9 350.4 205.99 350.4 204.79 350.55 204.08 351.74 200.49 351.88 199.05 352.51 197.57 353.23 196.09 353.99 195.46 354.28 195.18 354.42 194.74 353.99 194.6\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"GA\"},\n {points : \"370.27 255.34 371.03 255.48 370.12 252.08 370.41 250.31 370.12 247.01 369.55 244.38 368.93 243.47 366.58 240.21 365.1 236.67 363.18 234.13 363.18 233.7 363.04 233.27 362.42 231.79 362.42 231.17 363.04 230.31 363.04 229.83 360.5 226.57 359.16 225.09 358.25 224.51 357.96 224.08 356.34 221.98 354.28 218.15 353.7 215.9 352.36 212.64 352.36 212.21 351.74 211.78 351.45 211.64 351.17 209.25 350.88 208.53 350.12 208.67 348.63 208.67 347 207.91 346.43 208.38 346.14 208.81 346 209.53 346.72 211.78 346.43 212.93 345.38 212.79 344.95 212.36 344.66 211.16 321.4 212.64 320.92 211.93 320.92 211.16 320.2 210.44 320.06 209.82 297.66 212.07 297.66 212.5 297.66 212.79 297.51 212.93 297.51 213.7 298.28 214.75 298.71 215.18 299 215.18 299.62 215.61 299.76 216.04 299.29 216.95 299.29 217.24 299.76 217.38 299.91 217.72 299.91 217.86 299.48 218.29 299.48 218.87 299.76 219.01 300.96 218.72 301.53 218.44 301.82 217.1 302.11 216.81 302.59 216.95 303.02 216.95 303.31 216.81 303.74 216.81 303.59 217.24 302.73 218 302.88 218 303.59 217.72 304.79 217.72 308.62 216.38 309.24 216.38 309.24 216.66 308.47 217.24 308.95 217.38 310.58 217.53 312.35 218.15 314.12 219.01 314.55 219.34 314.55 218.72 314.84 218.44 315.32 218.87 316.32 219.15 316.66 219.34 316.66 219.49 316.18 219.78 316.32 220.06 318.72 221.69 318.86 222.31 318.72 222.89 318.57 223.17 318.29 223.03 318.14 222.46 317.81 223.03 318.14 223.46 318.43 223.6 321.68 222.74 321.83 222.31 322.88 222.31 325.37 220.21 327.14 220.21 327.14 219.78 326.85 219.34 327.33 218.29 329.96 218 333.99 219.92 334.13 220.49 335.18 221.4 336.04 222.74 338.58 224.51 338.87 225.23 339.58 225.85 341.55 225.85 343.03 228.06 343.46 228.34 343.32 229.11 343.89 231.31 343.61 233.7 343.03 236.38 343.17 238.59 343.46 239.3 344.95 240.21 345.38 239.3 344.95 239.02 344.51 237.68 344.66 237.39 345.52 237.1 346.14 238.59 346.43 238.44 346.72 237.87 346.86 237.68 347.29 238.01 347.29 238.59 346.86 239.3 346.43 239.93 345.81 241.7 345.38 241.84 345.38 242.75 346 243.32 346.86 244.09 348.2 247.2 350.26 248.49 350.55 248.49 350.74 247.78 351.31 247.78 351.74 248.97 351.88 249.69 352.65 251.32 353.51 251.75 354.42 252.08 356.05 256.34 356.48 256.68 358.59 257.11 359.45 257.54 361.84 260.51 362.85 261.27 363.33 261.42 363.76 261.56 364.04 262.28 363.61 262.28 363.18 262.13 362.85 262.13 362.56 262.28 362.56 262.76 362.85 263.19 364.04 263.48 364.67 263.04 365.53 262.9 369.07 261.56 369.83 260.22 369.98 259.79 369.55 258.02 369.55 256.97 370.27 255.34\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"FL\"},\n {points : \"388.93 121.27 383.76 122.33 380.08 109.88 373.23 111.08 352.03 115.19 353.23 120.41 353.51 119.79 353.99 119.5 355.62 117.73 356.34 117.59 356.96 116.68 357.53 116.39 357.96 115.39 358.44 115.96 359.3 116.11 360.36 115.67 360.5 115.05 363.18 114.19 363.76 114.48 364.33 114.62 365.1 114.33 365.38 115.05 365.67 115.19 366.58 117.16 367.15 117.01 367.92 117.3 368.64 117.59 368.06 118.31 368.93 119.22 370.55 119.22 371.17 119.98 372.18 120.41 372.95 121.27 372.8 121.75 371.75 123.52 371.17 125.01 371.32 126.2 372.51 126.2 373.52 125.58 374.43 126.49 374.86 126.78 374.86 126.49 375.77 126.35 377.11 126.35 378.74 126.92 379.45 127.21 379.89 127.21 379.89 126.92 379.45 126.49 378.74 125.3 378.12 125.15 377.97 125.01 378.12 124.53 378.4 124.53 378.59 124.24 377.83 123.95 377.25 122.9 376.49 121.13 376.35 120.41 376.2 119.5 376.49 117.59 376.49 117.16 376.2 116.87 376.06 116.25 376.2 115.96 376.49 115.53 376.63 114.91 378.12 113.9 378.4 113.57 378.74 112.08 379.45 112.28 379.89 112.71 379.17 113.9 378.74 114.62 378.26 115.19 377.83 116.11 378.26 117.16 379.02 117.3 379.45 119.22 379.31 119.5 378.26 120.13 378.4 120.56 379.31 120.84 379.45 121.27 379.31 122.04 379.45 122.47 379.45 123.09 379.89 124.24 380.94 125.01 381.51 125.01 381.99 124.53 382.57 124.72 382.85 124.86 382.71 125.44 383.33 126.49 383.48 126.92 383.76 127.5 384.82 127.5 384.82 127.64 385.53 126.92 388.07 126.01 388.07 125.58 388.36 125.01 389.07 121.61 388.93 121.27\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"MD\"},\n {points : \"388.79 120.41 388.21 118.93 387.16 118.02 385.82 117.01 385.25 116.39 384.96 115.67 383.91 113.9 383.48 112.99 382.57 111.94 382.28 111.37 382.14 110.79 382.14 110.65 382.14 110.31 382.71 108.4 381.99 108.25 381.23 108.4 380.51 109.17 380.36 109.74 380.22 109.88 380.08 109.88 383.76 122.33 388.93 121.27 388.79 120.41\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"DE\"},\n {points : \"392.95 103.09 392.67 100.41 392.19 99.5 391.04 99.83 390.56 100.12 390.27 99.97 390.13 99.83 389.84 99.97 389.55 99.97 389.55 99.5 390.13 98.16 390.56 98.01 390.85 97.87 390.85 96.86 391.04 96.1 391.32 95.67 391.76 95.24 391.32 94.18 384.82 91.79 384.34 92.13 383.76 92.99 383.76 93.42 383.48 94.9 382.57 95.81 382.42 96.1 382.42 96.39 383 97.01 383.19 98.01 382.57 98.35 382.71 100.26 382.85 100.26 383.91 100.55 384.19 101.75 385.1 101.89 385.39 102.32 385.82 102.46 386.3 102.94 387.45 103.8 387.31 104.09 386.11 104.86 384.96 106.05 384.62 107.06 382.71 108.4 382.14 110.31 382.14 110.65 382.57 110.46 383 111.37 383.62 112.08 384.19 112.71 385.96 113.57 386.59 113.9 387.93 114.05 388.36 114.19 388.36 115.39 388.36 116.11 388.79 116.53 389.22 115.96 389.84 114.77 389.84 113.76 390.7 112.28 391.18 111.08 392.33 109.59 392.81 108.25 393.24 107.06 393.24 106.34 392.95 103.09\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"NJ\"},\n {points : \"406.11 85.57 404.49 79.97 397.69 81.88 397.55 82.17 397.4 82.31 396.93 81.74 392.33 82.94 393.24 90.5 393.81 91.07 393.67 91.5 392.52 92.7 393.38 93.61 394.44 92.99 396.93 90.78 398.12 89.59 398.41 89.88 400.37 89.01 401.66 88.82 401.86 88.68 401.86 88.25 402 87.96 402.72 88.11 404.97 87.05 405.83 87.05 405.83 86.77 405.68 86.48 405.83 86.19 406.11 85.57\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"CT\"},\n {points : \"418.13 78.2 416.79 76.38 416.5 76.38 415.78 76.23 415.78 76.86 416.64 77.29 417.41 77.86 417.7 78.2 417.07 79.35 416.07 79.83 414.3 79.83 413.53 78.77 412.96 77.86 411.48 76.23 410.42 75.81 409.37 75.81 409.23 75.23 409.7 74.03 410.13 73.12 410.56 72.84 410.71 72.55 410.42 72.12 409.51 71.35 409.08 70.16 408.65 69.87 408.08 70.01 407.45 71.06 406.74 71.21 406.88 71.97 406.74 72.12 406.59 71.97 406.26 72.12 406.11 72.41 397.55 74.32 392.04 75.66 392.04 82.6 392.33 82.94 396.93 81.74 397.4 82.31 397.55 82.17 397.69 81.88 404.49 79.97 407.31 79.35 407.6 80.26 408.08 80.4 408.51 81.45 409.85 81.88 409.85 82.03 410.42 82.46 410.56 82.6 410.85 82.79 411 82.94 411.48 83.65 411.76 83.37 412.67 82.17 413.39 80.97 413.68 80.97 413.96 81.88 413.82 82.31 413.96 82.46 414.59 82.46 415.93 81.31 417.07 80.83 417.98 80.11 418.7 80.69 418.7 79.83 418.13 78.2\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"MA\"},\n {points : \"411 82.94 410.85 82.79 410.56 82.6 410.42 82.46 409.85 82.03 409.85 81.88 408.51 81.45 408.08 80.4 407.6 80.26 407.31 79.35 404.49 79.97 406.11 85.57 405.83 86.19 405.68 86.48 405.83 86.77 405.83 87.05 406.26 87.05 407.74 86.19 408.51 85.42 408.51 84.71 408.36 84.28 408.36 83.37 408.94 82.79 409.23 82.94 409.23 83.51 409.23 84.71 409.51 85.14 409.99 84.99 409.99 84.28 410.28 84.28 410.71 83.8 411.48 83.8 411.48 83.65 411 82.94\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"RI\"},\n {points : \"397.26 58.05 398.89 56.71 399.61 54.46 398.89 53.12 398.74 52.54 399.03 52.11 398.89 51.68 398.55 50.2 385.68 53.45 386.11 54.46 385.96 54.94 386.3 55.37 386.44 55.65 387.59 58.62 387.93 60.68 387.45 61.88 387.59 62.93 388.79 65.75 388.64 67.05 388.93 67.52 389.07 67.52 389.07 67.24 389.55 67.05 390.27 68.39 390.7 70.92 390.7 72.26 391.32 74.03 392.04 75.66 397.55 74.32 397.4 73.89 396.78 73.27 396.78 72.26 397.07 71.78 396.78 70.92 396.35 66.76 396.35 65.42 396.93 63.22 397.26 61.59 397.4 60.39 396.93 59.53 396.93 58.62 397.26 58.05\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"VT\"},\n {points : \"408.51 67.05 408.51 66.76 408.36 66.18 408.08 66.18 406.59 64.99 406.59 64.7 406.59 63.93 406.4 63.65 400.8 46.46 400.37 46.9 399.89 47.09 399.46 46.75 399.18 47.52 398.55 47.52 398.41 47.66 398.89 48.38 398.55 50.2 398.89 51.68 399.03 52.11 398.74 52.54 398.89 53.12 399.61 54.46 398.89 56.71 397.26 58.05 396.93 58.62 396.93 59.53 397.4 60.39 397.26 61.59 396.93 63.22 396.35 65.42 396.35 66.76 396.78 70.92 397.07 71.78 396.78 72.26 396.78 73.27 397.4 73.89 397.55 74.32 406.11 72.41 406.26 72.12 406.59 71.97 406.74 72.12 406.88 71.97 406.74 71.21 407.45 71.06 408.08 70.01 408.65 69.87 409.08 70.16 409.08 69.44 409.23 68.86 409.23 68.53 408.51 67.05\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"NH\"},\n {points : \"430.14 43.21 429.52 42.92 429.38 43.07 428.94 42.92 429.23 42.16 429.52 42.01 429.38 41.44 428.8 40.24 428.04 39.95 427.6 39.95 427.32 40.24 426.74 40.38 425.98 40.1 425.26 37.56 425.55 37.13 425.4 36.7 425.26 36.56 424.78 36.56 424.49 36.7 423.44 36.41 422.72 36.41 422.44 36.08 422 34.64 421.81 34.16 418.27 23.06 415.3 21.14 414.44 21 413.68 21.14 413.39 21.57 413.1 22.2 412.81 22.2 411.76 22.63 410.13 23.97 409.51 24.11 408.94 23.2 409.08 22.2 408.79 21.72 408.36 21.72 407.17 22.2 404.49 30.91 404.49 32.11 404.97 32.68 404.97 33.73 404.63 34.31 404.2 34.78 403.91 35.5 404.77 39.05 404.49 40.24 404.49 41.01 403.15 42.78 402.86 43.5 403.29 44.55 403.29 44.69 402.57 44.69 402.72 45.6 402.43 46.18 402 46.03 401.52 45.89 400.8 46.46 406.4 63.65 406.59 63.93 406.59 64.7 406.59 64.99 408.08 66.18 408.36 66.18 408.51 66.76 408.51 67.05 409.23 68.53 409.51 68.1 409.51 67.05 409.85 65.9 410.42 64.56 410.85 62.64 411.48 61.88 411.62 61.59 411.33 61.3 410.85 60.25 412.81 58.48 413.1 58.62 413.39 59.53 413.68 59.67 413.82 59.34 413.82 58.62 413.96 58.19 415.45 57.9 416.07 57.28 416.07 56.71 416.36 56.42 417.07 56.42 417.7 55.94 417.84 55.65 418.13 54.46 418.13 53.6 419.04 52.4 419.04 51.83 419.32 51.83 420.33 51.97 420.95 51.83 421.24 51.2 421.52 50.2 422 50.2 422.72 49 423.77 49.15 424.49 49.86 425.69 47.95 426.55 47.52 428.23 46.03 428.51 45.41 428.66 45.12 429.23 45.27 430 44.84 430.29 43.98 430.14 43.21\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"ME\"},\n {points : \"365.67 115.19 365.38 115.05 365.1 114.33 364.33 114.62 363.76 114.48 363.18 114.19 360.5 115.05 360.36 115.67 359.3 116.11 358.44 115.96 357.96 115.39 357.53 116.39 356.96 116.68 356.34 117.59 355.62 117.73 353.99 119.5 353.51 119.79 353.23 120.41 352.03 115.19 344.18 116.87 342.55 107.83 342.41 107.83 341.83 108.25 342.27 109.31 341.07 110.17 342.55 110.94 342.12 114.62 341.69 115.53 341.69 116.25 341.83 116.87 341.98 118.02 341.07 118.78 340.78 118.93 339.3 120.7 339.15 120.99 338.29 121.27 337.53 121.13 336.95 121.9 336.95 122.33 336.19 122.9 335.47 124.72 335.75 125.87 334.85 126.92 334.13 125.72 333.55 125.72 332.79 128.12 332.79 129.31 332.79 130.46 332.21 130.75 331.45 132.24 330.44 132.24 330.59 133.57 330.59 134.49 330.59 135.06 330.73 135.82 332.36 137.88 333.36 139.37 333.7 139.65 333.99 139.51 334.85 139.94 334.99 140.13 335.32 140.28 335.75 140.71 336.33 140.71 336.67 140.85 336.33 141.57 337.53 142.76 339.3 143.53 340.21 143.53 341.07 142.76 341.21 142.33 341.83 141.9 342.55 142.48 342.89 142.62 343.46 142.48 345.52 141.76 345.81 140.42 346 140.42 346.43 140.85 348.06 139.37 348.63 139.65 349.97 137.88 349.68 137.31 349.83 136.11 351.17 133.57 352.94 126.92 353.23 126.92 354.28 127.5 354.28 127.97 354.85 128.41 355.91 128.26 356.48 127.06 357.25 124.53 357.82 123.67 358.73 123.95 359.3 122.47 359.93 122.33 360.5 121.61 361.08 120.27 361.36 119.98 361.56 119.5 361.08 119.22 361.22 117.3 361.56 116.87 361.84 116.68 365.38 118.93 365.96 119.22 366.15 119.07 366.58 117.16 365.67 115.19\", fill : \"#5d9732\", id : \"WV\"},\n {points : \"\", fill : \"\", id : \"\"}\n ];\n\n let that = this;\n\n let imageGroup;\n\n let getTransform = function getTransform(chartObject) {\n let scale = .33 * (chartObject.chartWidth / 435);\n return \"translate(\" + chartObject.plotLeft + \", \" + chartObject.plotTop + \") scale(\" + scale.toString() + \")\"\n }\n\n this._chartOptions = {\n chart : {\n height : 390,\n logo : Highcharts.logos.none,\n marginBottom: 145,\n events : {\n load : function() {\n if(!imageAdded) {\n imageGroup = this.renderer.g('map-group').attr({transform : getTransform(this), zIndex : 2}).add();\n for(let i = 0; i < that.mapImagePaths.length; i++) {\n let node = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'polygon');\n node.setAttribute(\"points\", that.mapImagePaths[i].points);\n node.setAttribute(\"fill\", that.mapImagePaths[i].fill);\n node.setAttribute(\"id\", that.mapImagePaths[i].id);\n node.setAttribute(\"stroke\", \"#fff\");\n node.setAttribute(\"stroke-width\", \"0.75\");\n imageGroup.element.appendChild(node);\n }\n }\n },\n resize: function() {\n this.setTitle({text : that.title }, null, true);\n imageGroup.attr({transform : getTransform(this)});\n }\n }\n },\n title : {\n text : this.title\n },\n yAxis : [{\n title : {\n text : 'billion cubic feet'\n },\n tickInterval : 200,\n labels : {\n x : -4\n }\n\n }, {\n title : { text : null},\n tickInterval : 500,\n min: 0,\n max : 4500,\n opposite: true,\n labels : {\n x : 4\n }\n }],\n xAxis : [{\n type : 'category',\n categories : this.storageCategories,\n labels : {\n padding : 0,\n maxStaggerLines : 1\n }\n }],\n plotOptions: {\n columnrange: {\n dataLabels: {\n enabled: false,\n },\n grouping: false\n },\n pie : {\n label:{\n enabled:false\n },\n dataLabels : pieDataLabels,\n startAngle : -90,\n endAngle : 90,\n }\n },\n series : [{\n name : 'current',\n type : 'line',\n lineWidth : 0,\n lineColor : null,\n zIndex : 2,\n marker : {\n enabled : true,\n radius : 6,\n symbol : 'diamond',\n fillColor : 'black',\n lineColor : 'white',\n lineWidth : 1\n }\n }, {\n name : '5-year-range',\n type : 'columnrange',\n pointPadding: 0,\n zIndex : 0,\n color: 'rgb(200, 200, 200)',\n borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'\n\n }, {\n name : '52-week-range',\n type : 'columnrange',\n zIndex : 1,\n pointPadding: 0.2,\n color: 'rgb(146, 146, 146)',\n borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'\n },{\n name : 'current-lower-48',\n type : 'line',\n dataLabels : lineDataLabels,\n lineWidth : 0,\n lineColor : null,\n yAxis : 1,\n zIndex : 2,\n marker : {\n enabled : true,\n radius : 6,\n symbol : 'diamond',\n fillColor : 'black',\n lineColor : 'white',\n lineWidth : 1\n }\n }, {\n name : '5-year-range-lower-48',\n type : 'columnrange',\n dataLabels : columnRangeDataLabels,\n pointPadding: 0,\n yAxis : 1,\n zIndex : 0,\n color: 'rgb(200, 200, 200)',\n borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'\n\n }, {\n name : '52-week-range-lower-48',\n type : 'columnrange',\n dataLabels : columnRangeDataLabels,\n yAxis : 1,\n zIndex : 1,\n pointPadding: 0.2,\n color: 'rgb(146, 146, 146)',\n borderColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'\n }],\n tooltip: {\n shared: true,\n backgroundColor : 'rgba(247,247,247,1)',\n formatter: function(){\n if(this.series){return false;}\n let y, min5Year, max5Year, min52week, max52week;\n\n if(this.points[0].x === 'Lower 48') {\n y = this.points[3].y;\n min5Year = this.points[4].point.low;\n max5Year = this.points[4].point.high;\n min52week = this.points[5].point.low;\n max52week = this.points[5].point.high;\n }\n else {\n y = this.y;\n min5Year = this.points[1].point.low;\n max5Year = this.points[1].point.high;\n min52week = this.points[2].point.low;\n max52week = this.points[2].point.high;\n }\n\n let toolTipString = '
' + this.x +'
current: ' + Utils.numberWithComma(y) + '
5-year min: ' + Utils.numberWithComma(min5Year) +\n '
5-year max: ' + Utils.numberWithComma(max5Year) +\n '
52-week min: ' + Utils.numberWithComma(min52week) +\n '
52-week max: ' + Utils.numberWithComma(max52week) + '
';\n\n return toolTipString;\n }\n },\n exporting : {enabled : true},\n legend : {\n enabled : false\n },\n credits : {\n enabled : false\n },\n labels : {\n items : [{\n html : 'Underground storage capacity utilization',\n style : {\n fontWeight: 'bold',\n fontSize: '16px',\n left : '-40px',\n top : '230px'\n }\n }]\n }\n };\n\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getLatestDayNaturalGasStorage().subscribe(\n json => {\n this.data = json;\n }, null, () =>{\n let sourcekey:string;\n let i:number, j:number, k:number;\n let point: {[key: string]: any}, pointLower48: {[key: string]: any};\n this.storageData = [];\n this.gaugeData = [];\n\n let setPointData = function(point, id, data) {\n if(data.length === 3) {\n point.low = data[1];\n point.high = data[2];\n\n if(id === '52-week-range') {\n point.color = Utils.regionColors[sourcekey];\n }\n }\n else if(data.length === 2) {\n point.y = data[1];\n }\n return point;\n };\n\n for(i = 0; i < this.data.length - 1; i++) {\n this.storageData.push({\n id : this.data[i].id,\n data : []\n });\n this.storageData.push({\n id : this.data[i].id + '-lower-48',\n data : []\n });\n for(j = 0; j < this.storageCategories.length; j++) {\n if(this.storageCategories[j] === ' ') {\n point = null;\n pointLower48 = null;\n }\n else {\n point = { name : this.storageCategories[j]};\n pointLower48 = { name : this.storageCategories[j]};\n\n for(k = 0; k < this.data[i].data.length; k++) {\n sourcekey = this.data[i].data[k][0];\n if(this.storageCategories[j] == Utils.regionCodes[sourcekey]) {\n if(Utils.regionCodes[sourcekey] !== 'Lower 48') {\n point = setPointData(point, this.data[i].id, this.data[i].data[k]);\n }\n else {\n pointLower48 = setPointData(pointLower48, this.data[i].id, this.data[i].data[k]);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n this.storageData[this.storageData.length - 2].data.push(point);\n this.storageData[this.storageData.length - 1].data.push(pointLower48);\n }\n }\n\n // gaugeData\n for(j = 0; j < this.storageCategories.length; j++) {\n for(k = 0; k < this.data[3].data.length; k++) {\n sourcekey = this.data[3].data[k].region;\n if(this.storageCategories[j] == Utils.regionCodes[sourcekey]) {\n this.gaugeData.push(this.data[3].data[k]);\n }\n }\n }\n\n for(i = 0; i < this.storageData.length; i++) {\n for(j = 0; j < this._chartOptions.series.length; j++) {\n if(this.storageData[i].id == this._chartOptions.series[j].name) {\n this._chartOptions.series[j].data = this.storageData[i].data;\n }\n }\n }\n\n for(i = 0; i < this.gaugeData.length; i++) {\n this._chartOptions.series.push({\n type : \"pie\",\n enableMouseTracking: false,\n data : [{\n name: this.gaugeData[i].region,\n y: this.gaugeData[i].storage,\n color : Utils.regionColors[this.gaugeData[i].region],\n borderColor : Utils.regionColors[this.gaugeData[i].region]\n }, {\n name : 'Other',\n y : this.gaugeData[i].capacity - this.gaugeData[i].storage,\n dataLabels : { enabled : false},\n color : \"#FFF\",\n borderColor : \"#CCC\"\n }],\n //divide 100 by the number of charts to get the percentage then subtract number of\n //charts from that percentage to sort of center the charts in the div\n center: [(-5 + ((110 / (this.gaugeData.length - 1))*i)).toString() + \"%\", 285],\n size: 50,\n showInLegend: false\n });\n }\n\n this.displayChart = true;\n }\n );\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy(){\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-eia-single-day-storage-with-gauges/display-eia-single-day-storage-with-gauges.component.ts","
\n \n \n
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-gas-trade-disposition/display-gas-trade-disposition.component.html","import {Utils} from '../../Utils';\n\ndeclare var Highcharts: any;\ndeclare var $: any;\nimport {Component, OnInit, Input, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core';\nimport {DashboardService} from '../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service';\nimport {merge} from 'lodash';\nimport {utils} from \"protractor\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-gas-trade-disposition',\n templateUrl: './display-gas-trade-disposition.component.html'\n})\nexport class DisplayGasTradeDispositionComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n data: any;\n _chartOptions: any;\n _seriesOptions: any;\n displayChart: boolean = false;\n subscription: any;\n firstPointYear: any;\n lastPointYear: any;\n xLabels = [];\n @Input() title;\n\n constructor(public dashboardService: DashboardService) {\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n let controller = this;\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getGasTradeDisposition().subscribe(\n json => {\n this.data = json;\n },\n null, // error function\n () => {\n let exportMenuItems = merge([], (Highcharts.getOptions()).exporting.buttons.contextButton.menuItems);\n let component = this;\n\n exportMenuItems[0] = null;\n exportMenuItems[1] = null;\n exportMenuItems[4] = null;\n exportMenuItems[5] = null;\n\n this._chartOptions = {\n chart: {\n logo: Highcharts.logos.none,\n height: 300\n },\n title: {\n text: this.title\n },\n xAxis: {\n plotLines: [{\n color: Highcharts.eia_grey,\n width: 2,\n value: 6.5,\n dashStyle: 'Dash',\n label: {\n text: 'report week',\n align: 'right',\n rotation: 0,\n y: -5,\n x: -10\n }\n },\n {\n color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',\n width: 2,\n value: 6.5,\n dashStyle: 'Dash',\n label: {\n text: 'current week',\n align: 'left',\n rotation: 0,\n y: -5,\n x: 10\n }\n }],\n showFirstLabel: true,\n startOnTick: true,\n categories: controller.xLabels\n },\n yAxis: {\n title: {\n text: 'billion cubic feet per day'\n },\n plotLines: [{\n value: 0,\n color: 'black',\n dashStyle: 'solid',\n width: 2\n }],\n tickInterval: 2\n },\n legend: {\n layout: 'horizontal',\n align: 'center',\n verticalAlign: 'bottom'\n },\n tooltip: {\n shared: true,\n formatter: function () {\n let formatter = this;\n\n function checkForData() {\n let splitDate = formatter.x.split(' ');\n\n let toolTipString = '';\n toolTipString += '
' + Utils.monthsInYear[splitDate[0]] + ' ' + splitDate[1] + '

';\n formatter.points.forEach(function (element) {\n const year = parseInt(element.series.name.substring(0, 4), 10);\n\n if (element.series.options.id === 'previous_range') {\n const yearString = component.getSeriesYearText(element.series.options.id);\n toolTipString += '
' + yearString + ': ' + element.point.low + ' to ' + element.point.high + '
';\n } else {\n const yearString = component.getSeriesYearText(element.series.options.id);\n toolTipString += '
' + yearString + ': ' + element.point.y + '

';\n }\n });\n return toolTipString;\n }\n\n return checkForData();\n }\n },\n series: [],\n exporting: {\n buttons: {\n contextButton: {\n menuItems: exportMenuItems\n }\n }\n },\n credits : {\n enabled : false\n }\n };\n\n this._seriesOptions = {\n\n 'current': {\n id : 'current',\n type: 'line',\n name: null,\n zIndex: 3,\n color: Utils.areaPlotColors.current\n },\n\n 'previous_range': {\n id : 'previous_range',\n type: 'arearange',\n lineWidth: 0,\n name: null,\n zIndex: 0,\n color: Utils.areaPlotColors.range\n },\n 'previous': {\n id : 'previous',\n type: 'line',\n name: null,\n zIndex: 1,\n color: Utils.areaPlotColors.previous\n },\n }\n\n\n this._chartOptions.series = [];\n\n this.firstPointYear = new Date(this.data[0].data[0][0]).getUTCFullYear();\n this.lastPointYear = new Date(this.data[0].data[this.data[0].data.length - 1][0]).getUTCFullYear();\n\n for (let j = 0; j < this.data.length; j++) {\n\n if (this._seriesOptions[this.data[j].id]) {\n let seriesOptions = merge({}, this._seriesOptions[this.data[j].id]);\n seriesOptions.name = this.getSeriesName(this.data[j].id);\n\n seriesOptions.data = this.data[j].data.sort(function (a, b) {\n return (a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : ((a[0] > b[0]) ? 1 : 0);\n });\n\n // set dates as MMM DD\n seriesOptions.data = controller.mapDateToNewdate(seriesOptions.data);\n\n this._chartOptions.series.push(seriesOptions);\n }\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < this._chartOptions.series.length; i++) {\n }\n // set x-axis labels to match MMM DD\n this.data[0].data.forEach(element => {\n controller.xLabels.push(element[0]);\n });\n\n this.displayChart = true;\n });\n\n }\n\n\n private getSeriesName(seriesId) {\n let name = this.getSeriesYearText(seriesId);\n\n if (seriesId === 'previous_range') {\n name += ' range';\n }\n\n return name;\n }\n\n private getSeriesYearText(seriesId) {\n let text = '';\n if (seriesId === 'previous_range') {\n if (this.firstPointYear === this.lastPointYear) {\n text = (this.firstPointYear - 5).toString() + '-' + (this.firstPointYear - 1).toString();\n } else {\n text = (this.firstPointYear - 5).toString() + '-' + ((this.firstPointYear - 1)).toString() + '/' + (this.lastPointYear - 5).toString() + '-' + ((this.lastPointYear - 1)).toString();\n }\n } else if (seriesId === 'current') {\n if (this.firstPointYear === this.lastPointYear) {\n text = this.firstPointYear.toString();\n } else {\n text = this.firstPointYear.toString() + '/' + (this.lastPointYear).toString();\n }\n } else if (seriesId === 'previous') {\n if (this.firstPointYear === this.lastPointYear) {\n text = (this.firstPointYear - 1).toString();\n } else {\n text = (this.firstPointYear - 1).toString() + '/' + ((this.lastPointYear - 1)).toString();\n }\n }\n\n return text;\n }\n\n private mapDateToNewdate(array) {\n return array.map(element => {\n element[0] = Utils.dateAsMMMDD(new Date(element[0]));\n return element;\n });\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-gas-trade-disposition/display-gas-trade-disposition.component.ts","
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-henry-hub/display-henry-hub.component.html","declare var Highcharts: any;\nimport {Component, OnInit, Input, OnDestroy, ElementRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';\nimport {DashboardService} from '../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service';\nimport {Utils} from '../../Utils';\nimport {DatePipe} from '@angular/common';\n\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-henry-hub',\n templateUrl: './display-henry-hub.component.html'\n})\nexport class DisplayHenryHubComponent implements OnInit {\n\n @Input() title: string;\n data: any;\n subscription: any;\n theChart: any;\n _chart: any;\n tempYears: any = {}; //holds unique years from data.\n years: any = [];\n seriesArray: any = [];\n mostRecent: any = [];\n plotColorsIndex: number = 0;\n plotColors: any = ['#0096D7', '#BD732A', '#5D9732', '#FFC702', '#A33340', '#DAADB3', '#76D5FF', '#BED5AD', '#006997', '#f27000'];//#8577A2\n @ViewChild('eiaHenryHub') public chartEl: ElementRef;\n\n\n constructor(private dashboardService: DashboardService, public datePipe: DatePipe) {\n }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n const controller = this;\n this.subscription = controller.dashboardService.getHenryHubGasPricesData().subscribe(\n json => {\n\n // create an string property for each date property in the objects.\n controller.data = json.data.map(function (element) {\n var tempArray = [element.x, element.y];\n tempArray['reportDateString'] = new Date(element.reportDate).getUTCFullYear();\n element.tempArray = tempArray;\n element.reportDateShort = Utils.dateAsMMMDD(new Date(element.reportDate));\n element.reportDateString = new Date(element.reportDate).getUTCFullYear();\n element.storageDateString = Utils.dateAsPlainString(new Date(element.storageDate));\n element.priceDateString = Utils.dateAsPlainString(new Date(element.priceDate));\n return element;\n });\n\n // get most recent point as its own point for use in its own series\n controller.mostRecent = json.data[json.data.length - 1];\n json.data.pop();\n\n\n // get array of unique years in the data\n this.data.forEach(element => {\n if (!controller.tempYears[element.reportDateString]) {\n controller.tempYears[element.reportDateString] = 1;\n controller.years.push(element.reportDateString);\n }\n });\n\n // build a series object for each unique year in the data\n controller.years.forEach(thing => {\n var tempObject = {};\n tempObject['name'] = thing;\n tempObject['data'] = [];\n tempObject['marker'] = {};\n //todo:set tempObject.marker.fillColor dynamically here\n tempObject['marker'].fillColor = this.plotColors[controller.plotColorsIndex];\n controller.plotColorsIndex++;\n\n var tempData = controller.data.filter(element => {\n return element.reportDateString == thing;\n });\n\n //format data as an object with props x, y, reportDate, storageDate, priceDate.\n tempData.forEach(element => {\n tempObject['data'].push({\n x: element.x,\n y: element.y,\n reportDate: element.reportDateString,\n storageDate: element.storageDateString,\n priceDate: element.priceDateString,\n reportDay: Utils.dateAsPlainString(new Date(element.reportDate))\n });\n });\n\n // numeric sort on x\n tempObject['data'].sort(function (a, b) {\n return a['x'] - b['x'];\n });\n\n controller.seriesArray.push(tempObject);\n });\n\n\n // add most recent point to series array\n const tempMostRecent = {};\n tempMostRecent['name'] = this.datePipe.transform(new Date(controller.mostRecent.reportDate), 'MM/d/yyyy', 'UTC');\n tempMostRecent['data'] = [{\n x: controller.mostRecent.x,\n y: controller.mostRecent.y,\n reportDate: controller.mostRecent.reportDateString,\n storageDate: controller.mostRecent.storageDateString,\n priceDate: controller.mostRecent.priceDateString,\n reportDay: Utils.dateAsPlainString(new Date(controller.mostRecent.reportDate))\n }];\n tempMostRecent['marker'] = {\n radius: 6,\n lineColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)',\n lineWidth: 1,\n fillColor: this.plotColors[this.plotColorsIndex]\n };\n\n controller.seriesArray.push(tempMostRecent);\n\n var larrow = {\n name: 'leftArrow',\n color: Highcharts.eia_grey,\n dataLabels: {\n align: 'left',\n enabled: true,\n x: -50,\n y: 6,\n format: 'deficit'\n },\n data: [{\n marker: {\n symbol: 'Larrow'\n },\n y: .5,\n x: -460\n },\n {\n dataLabels: {\n enabled: false\n },\n marker: {\n enabled: false,\n symbol: 'Rarrow'\n },\n y: .5\n }],\n type: 'line',\n lineWidth: 5,\n connectNulls: true,\n showInLegend: false,\n enableMouseTracking: false,\n marker: {\n enabled: true\n }\n };\n\n var rarrow = {\n name: 'rightArrow',\n color: Highcharts.eia_grey,\n dataLabels: {\n align: 'right',\n enabled: true,\n x: 50,\n y: 6,\n format: 'surplus'\n },\n data: [{\n dataLabels: {\n enabled: false\n },\n marker: {\n enabled: false,\n symbol: 'Larrow'\n }, y: .5\n }, {\n marker: {\n enabled: true,\n symbol: 'Rarrow'\n }, y: .5, x: 500\n }],\n type: 'line',\n lineWidth: 5,\n connectNulls: true,\n showInLegend: false,\n enableMouseTracking: false,\n marker: {\n enabled: true\n }\n };\n\n controller.seriesArray.push(larrow);\n controller.seriesArray.push(rarrow);\n },\n () => {\n },\n () => {\n this.theChart = {\n chart: {\n type: 'scatter',\n zoomType: 'xy'\n },\n title: {\n text: controller.title\n },\n credits: {\n enabled: false\n },\n logos: {\n none: 0\n },\n xAxis: {\n title: {\n enabled: true,\n text: 'billion cubic feet'\n },\n max: 1500,\n min: -1500,\n tickInterval: 500,\n startOnTick: true,\n endOnTick: true,\n showLastLabel: true\n },\n yAxis: {\n title: {\n text: 'price of gas at the Henry Hub in dollars per million British thermal units',\n margin: 25\n },\n tickInterval: 1\n\n },\n legend: {\n layout: 'vertical',\n align: 'right',\n verticalAlign: 'middle',\n itemMarginTop: 3,\n itemMarginBottom: 3,\n floating: false,\n y: 10\n },\n tooltip: {\n formatter: function () {\n var formatter = this;\n var defOrSur = formatter.x >= 0?'surplus: ': 'deficit: ';\n var toolTipString = '';\n toolTipString += '
' + formatter.point.reportDay + '

' + defOrSur + Utils.numberWithComma(formatter.x) + ' Bcf' + '
' +\n 'price: $' + Math.round(formatter.y * 100) / 100 + '
' +\n 'storage date: ' + formatter.point.storageDate + '
';\n\n return toolTipString;\n }\n },\n plotOptions: {\n scatter: {\n marker: {\n radius: 4,\n lineColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)',\n lineWidth: 1,\n states: {\n hover: {\n enabled: true,\n lineColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)'\n }\n }\n },\n states: {\n hover: {\n marker: {\n enabled: false\n }\n }\n },\n }\n },\n series: controller.seriesArray\n };\n\n this.setupChart();\n\n });\n }\n\n private setupChart() {\n\n\n Highcharts.wrap(Highcharts.Legend.prototype, 'colorizeItem', function (proceed, item, visible) {\n item.legendColor = item.options.legendColor;\n proceed.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));\n });\n\n\n if (this.chartEl && this.chartEl.nativeElement) {\n\n\n this.theChart.chart = {\n logo: Highcharts.logos.none,\n renderTo: this.chartEl.nativeElement,\n\n type: 'scatter',\n zoomType: 'xy',\n //inverted:false\n };\n\n // Define a custom symbol path for left arrowhead\n Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols.Larrow = function (x, y, w, h) {\n return ['M', x - 10, (y + 4), 'L', x - 10 + w * 1.75, (y + 4) + h, 'L', x - 10 + w * 1.75, (y + 4) - h, 'z'];\n };\n\n\n if (Highcharts.VMLRenderer) {\n Highcharts.VMLRenderer.prototype.symbols.Larrow = Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols.Larrow;\n }\n\n // Define a custom symbol path for right arrowhead\n Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols.Rarrow = function (x, y, w, h) {\n return ['M', x + 10, (y + 4), 'L', x + 10 - w * 1.75, (y + 4) - h, 'L', x + 10 - w * 1.75, (y + 4) + h, 'z'];\n };\n if (Highcharts.VMLRenderer) {\n Highcharts.VMLRenderer.prototype.symbols.Rarrow = Highcharts.SVGRenderer.prototype.symbols.Rarrow;\n }\n\n this._chart = new Highcharts.Chart(this.theChart);\n }\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-henry-hub/display-henry-hub.component.ts","\n
\n \n \n
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-storage-weekly-working/display-storage-weekly-working.component.html","declare var Highcharts: any;\nimport { Component, OnInit, Input, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';\nimport {DashboardService} from \"../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service\";\nimport {merge} from 'lodash';\nimport {Utils} from '../../Utils';\nimport { DatePipe} from \"@angular/common\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-storage-weekly-working',\n templateUrl: './display-storage-weekly-working.component.html'\n})\nexport class DisplayStorageWeeklyWorkingComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n data: any;\n _chartOptions: any;\n _seriesOptions: any;\n displayChart: boolean = false;\n subscription: any;\n @Input() sourceStorage;\n @Input() title;\n constructor(public dashboardService: DashboardService, public datePipe: DatePipe) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n let that = this;\n this._chartOptions = {\n chart : {\n logo : Highcharts.logos.none,\n height: 350\n },\n title : {\n text : this.title\n },\n credits: {\n enabled: false\n },\n xAxis : {\n type: 'datetime',\n labels: {\n formatter: function(){\n return Utils.dateAsMM(new Date(this.value));\n }\n },\n showFirstLabel : true\n },\n yAxis: {\n title: {\n text: 'billion cubic feet'\n }\n },\n legend: {\n layout: 'horizontal',\n align: 'center',\n verticalAlign: 'bottom'\n },\n tooltip: {\n shared: true,\n formatter: function(){\n var formatter = this;\n\n function checkForData(){\n var toolTipString = '';\n var theDate = that.datePipe.transform(new Date(formatter.x),'MMMM dd', 'UTC'); //Utils.dateAsMMMDD(new Date(formatter.x));\n\n toolTipString += '
' + theDate + '

';\n\n formatter.points.forEach(function(element){\n if(element.series.name.toUpperCase().indexOf('RANGE')>-1){\n toolTipString += '
' + element.series.name.toLowerCase() +': '+ Utils.numberWithComma(element.point.low) + ' to ' + Utils.numberWithComma(element.point.high) + '
';\n }\n else{\n toolTipString += '
'+element.series.name.toLowerCase()+': ' + Utils.numberWithComma(element.point.y) + '

'\n\n }\n });\n return toolTipString;\n }\n return checkForData();\n }\n },\n series : []\n };\n\n this._seriesOptions = {\n 'previous' : {\n type : 'line',\n name : null,\n zIndex : 3,\n color: Utils.areaPlotColors.previous,\n xType : Highcharts.xTypes.weekly\n },\n 'current' : {\n type : 'line',\n name : null,\n zIndex : 3,\n color:Utils.areaPlotColors.current,\n xType : Highcharts.xTypes.weekly\n },\n 'previous_range' : {\n type : 'arearange',\n lineWidth: 0,\n //fillOpacity: 0.3,\n name : null,\n zIndex : 0,\n color : Utils.areaPlotColors.range,\n xType : Highcharts.xTypes.weekly\n },\n 'previous_avg' : {\n type : 'line',\n name : null,\n zIndex : 1,\n color : Highcharts.eia_grey,\n xType : Highcharts.xTypes.weekly\n }\n }\n\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getStorageWeeklyWorking(this.sourceStorage).subscribe(\n json=>{\n this.data = json;\n },\n null, //error function\n ()=>{\n this._chartOptions.series = [];\n\n let current_year = (new Date(this.data[0].data[0][0])).getUTCFullYear();\n this._seriesOptions.previous.name = (current_year -1).toString();\n this._seriesOptions.current.name = current_year.toString();\n this._seriesOptions.previous_range.name = (current_year-5).toString() + '-' + (current_year-1).toString() + ' range';\n this._seriesOptions.previous_avg.name = (current_year-5).toString() + '-' + (current_year-1).toString() + ' average';\n for(let j = 0; j < this.data.length; j++) {\n if(this._seriesOptions[this.data[j].id]) {\n let seriesOptions = merge({}, this._seriesOptions[this.data[j].id]);\n //seriesOptions.legendColor = 'red';\n\n seriesOptions.data = this.data[j]['data'].sort(function(a,b) {\n return (a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : ((a[0] > b[0]) ? 1 : 0);\n });\n this._chartOptions.series.push(seriesOptions);\n }\n }\n\n this.displayChart = true;\n });\n\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-storage-weekly-working/display-storage-weekly-working.component.ts","
\n \n \n
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-weekly-net-change/display-weekly-net-change.component.html","declare var Highcharts: any;\nimport { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy, Input, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';\nimport {DashboardService} from \"../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service\";\nimport { Utils } from '../../Utils';\nimport {merge} from 'lodash';\nimport {DatePipe} from \"@angular/common\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-display-weekly-net-change',\n templateUrl: './display-weekly-net-change.component.html'\n})\nexport class DisplayWeeklyNetChangeComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n data: any;\n _chartOptions: any;\n _seriesOptions: any;\n displayChart: boolean = false;\n subscription: any;\n chartStartMonth: number = 1;\n @Input() sourceStorage;\n @Input() title;\n\n constructor(public dashboardService: DashboardService, public datePipe: DatePipe) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n let that = this;\n this._chartOptions = {\n chart : {\n logo : Highcharts.logos.none,\n height: 350\n },\n title : {\n text : this.title\n },\n /*subtitle:{\n text: 'billion cubic feet'\n },*/\n credits: {\n enabled: false\n },\n xAxis : {\n type: 'datetime',\n showFirstLabel : true,\n xType : Highcharts.xTypes.weekly,\n labels : {\n formatter: function(){\n return Utils.dateAsMM(new Date(this.value));\n }\n }\n },\n yAxis: {\n title: {\n text: 'billion cubic feet'\n }\n },\n legend: {\n layout: 'horizontal',\n align: 'center',\n verticalAlign: 'bottom'\n },\n tooltip: {\n shared: true,\n formatter: function(){\n var formatter = this;\n\n function checkForData(){\n var toolTipString = '';\n var theDate = that.datePipe.transform(new Date(formatter.x), 'MMMM dd', 'UTC');\n\n toolTipString += '
' + theDate + '

';\n\n formatter.points.forEach(function(element){\n if (element.series.name.toUpperCase().indexOf('RANGE') > -1){\n toolTipString += '
' + element.series.name.toLowerCase() +' : '+ element.point.low + ' to ' + element.point.high + '
';\n }\n else {\n toolTipString += '
' + element.series.name+' : ' + element.point.y + '

'\n\n }\n });\n return toolTipString;\n }\n return checkForData();\n }\n },\n series : []\n };\n\n this._seriesOptions = {\n 'current' : {\n type : 'line',\n name : null,\n zIndex : 3,\n lineWidth : 0,\n marker : {\n enabled : true\n },\n color: Utils.areaPlotColors.current,\n xType : Highcharts.xTypes.weekly\n },\n /* 'previous' : {\n type : 'line',\n name : null,\n zIndex : 2\n },*/\n 'previous_range' : {\n type : 'arearange',\n lineWidth: 0,\n //fillOpacity: 0.3,\n name : null,\n zIndex : 0,\n color : Utils.areaPlotColors.range,\n step : 'center',\n xType : Highcharts.xTypes.weekly\n },\n 'previous_avg' : {\n type : 'line',\n name : null,\n zIndex : 1,\n color : Utils.areaPlotColors.average,\n lineWidth : 0,\n marker : {\n enabled : true\n },\n xType : Highcharts.xTypes.weekly\n }\n }\n\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getStorageWeeklyNetChange(this.sourceStorage).subscribe(\n json=>{\n this.data = json;\n },\n null, //error function\n ()=>{\n this._chartOptions.series = [];\n\n let current_year = (new Date(this.data[0].data[0][0])).getUTCFullYear();\n if(this.chartStartMonth == 1) {\n this._seriesOptions.current.name = current_year.toString();\n this._seriesOptions.previous_range.name = (current_year-5).toString() + '-' + (current_year-1).toString() + ' range';\n this._seriesOptions.previous_avg.name = (current_year-5).toString() + '-' + (current_year-1).toString() + ' average';\n }\n else if(this.chartStartMonth == 10) {\n this._seriesOptions.current.name = 'Oct ' + (current_year -1) + ' - ' + 'Sep ' + current_year.toString();\n this._seriesOptions.previous_range.name = 'Oct ' + (current_year-5).toString() + ' - ' + 'Sep ' + (current_year).toString() + ' range';\n this._seriesOptions.previous_avg.name = 'Oct ' + (current_year-5).toString() + ' - ' + 'Sep ' + (current_year).toString() + ' average';\n }\n for(let j = 0; j < this.data.length; j++) {\n if(this._seriesOptions[this.data[j].id]) {\n let seriesOptions = merge({}, this._seriesOptions[this.data[j].id]);\n\n seriesOptions.data = this.data[j]['data'].sort(function(a,b) {\n return (a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : ((a[0] > b[0]) ? 1 : 0);\n });\n this._chartOptions.series.push(seriesOptions);\n }\n }\n\n this.displayChart = true;\n });\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/display-weekly-net-change/display-weekly-net-change.component.ts","import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';\nimport { DisplayEiaHighchartComponent } from './display-eia-highchart/display-eia-highchart.component';\nimport { DisplayEiaHighstockComponent } from './display-eia-highstock/display-eia-highstock.component';\nimport { DisplayEiaHighmapComponent } from './display-eia-highmap/display-eia-highmap.component';\nimport { DisplayEiaHeatmapComponent } from './display-eia-heatmap/display-eia-heatmap.component';\nimport { DisplayEiaParetoComponent } from './display-eia-pareto/display-eia-pareto.component';\nimport { GasConsumptionComponent } from './gas-consumption/gas-consumption.component';\nimport { DisplayStorageWeeklyWorkingComponent } from './display-storage-weekly-working/display-storage-weekly-working.component';\nimport { NuclearOutagesComponent } from './nuclear-outages/nuclear-outages.component';\nimport { DisplayWeeklyNetChangeComponent } from './display-weekly-net-change/display-weekly-net-change.component';\nimport { DisplayGasTradeDispositionComponent } from './display-gas-trade-disposition/display-gas-trade-disposition.component';\nimport { MapTemperatureDepartureFromNormalComponent } from './map-temperature-departure-from-normal/map-temperature-departure-from-normal.component';\nimport { MapDailyAnimationComponent } from './map-daily-animation/map-daily-animation.component';\nimport { NouisliderModule} from \"ng2-nouislider\";\nimport { SafeHtmlPipe } from './safe-html/safe-html.pipe';\nimport { DisplayHenryHubComponent } from './display-henry-hub/display-henry-hub.component';\nimport { MapLegendComponent } from './map-legend/map-legend.component';\nimport { DisplayEiaSingleDayStorageWithGaugesComponent } from './display-eia-single-day-storage-with-gauges/display-eia-single-day-storage-with-gauges.component';\n\ndeclare var require: any;\n@NgModule({\n imports: [\n CommonModule,\n NouisliderModule,\n FormsModule\n\n ],\n declarations: [\n DisplayEiaHighchartComponent, \n DisplayEiaHighstockComponent, \n DisplayEiaHighmapComponent,\n DisplayEiaHeatmapComponent,\n DisplayEiaParetoComponent,\n GasConsumptionComponent, \n DisplayStorageWeeklyWorkingComponent,\n DisplayWeeklyNetChangeComponent,\n NuclearOutagesComponent,\n DisplayGasTradeDispositionComponent,\n MapTemperatureDepartureFromNormalComponent,\n MapDailyAnimationComponent,\n DisplayHenryHubComponent,\n SafeHtmlPipe,\n MapLegendComponent,\n DisplayEiaSingleDayStorageWithGaugesComponent\n ],\n exports: [\n DisplayEiaHighchartComponent, \n DisplayEiaHighstockComponent, \n DisplayEiaHighmapComponent,\n DisplayEiaHeatmapComponent,\n DisplayEiaParetoComponent,\n GasConsumptionComponent,\n DisplayStorageWeeklyWorkingComponent,\n DisplayWeeklyNetChangeComponent,\n NuclearOutagesComponent,\n DisplayGasTradeDispositionComponent,\n MapTemperatureDepartureFromNormalComponent,\n MapDailyAnimationComponent,\n DisplayHenryHubComponent,\n SafeHtmlPipe,\n MapLegendComponent,\n DisplayEiaSingleDayStorageWithGaugesComponent\n ]\n})\nexport class EiaChartsModule { }\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/eia-charts.module.ts","import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '@angular/common/http';\n\n@Injectable()\nexport class EiaChartsService {\n\n baseUrl: string;\n\n constructor(public http: HttpClient) { }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/eia-charts.service.ts","
\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/gas-consumption/gas-consumption.component.html","import {DashboardService} from '../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service';\nimport {merge} from 'lodash';\n\ndeclare var Highcharts: any;\nimport { Component,\n Input,\n ElementRef,\n OnInit,\n AfterViewInit,\n OnDestroy,\n ViewChild } from '@angular/core';\nimport { Utils } from '../../Utils';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-gas-consumption',\n templateUrl: './gas-consumption.component.html'\n})\n\nexport class GasConsumptionComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n\n @ViewChild('eiaGasConsumption') public chartEl: ElementRef;\n @Input() consumptionSource;\n @Input() chartTitle;\n _chart: any;\n theChart: any;\n data: any;\n xLabels = [];\n subscribe: any;\n currentYear: any;\n previousYear: any;\n firstPointYear: any;\n lastPointYear: any;\n low: number;\n constructor(private dashboardService: DashboardService) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n let controller = this;\n this.subscribe = this.dashboardService.getGasConsumptionElectricPower(this.consumptionSource).subscribe(\n json => {\n this.data = json;\n }, null, () => {\n\n let exportMenuItems = merge([], (Highcharts.getOptions()).exporting.buttons.contextButton.menuItems);\n let component = this;\n\n exportMenuItems[0] = null;\n exportMenuItems[1] = null;\n exportMenuItems[4] = null;\n exportMenuItems[5] = null;\n\n // sort range data\n this.data[2].data.sort(function(a, b) {\n return a[0] - b[0];\n });\n\n let ranges = this.data[2].data;\n let current = this.data[0].data;\n let previous = this.data[1].data;\n\n this.firstPointYear = new Date(current[0][0]).getUTCFullYear();\n this.lastPointYear = new Date(current[current.length - 1][0]).getUTCFullYear();\n\n\n // change the dates to show as mmm dd\n ranges = this.mapDateToNewdate(ranges);\n current = this.mapDateToNewdate(current);\n previous = this.mapDateToNewdate(previous);\n\n ranges.forEach(function(element) {\n controller.xLabels.push(element[0]);\n });\n\n\n // set low value for y axis\n const rangeLow = ranges.map(function(element) {\n return element[1];\n });\n this.low = Math.min.apply(Math, rangeLow);\n\n this.theChart = {\n chart: {\n height: 250\n },\n title: {\n text: controller.chartTitle\n },\n xAxis: {\n categories: this.xLabels,\n plotLines: [{\n color: Highcharts.eia_grey,\n width: 2,\n value: 6.5,\n dashStyle: 'Dash',\n label: {\n text: 'report week',\n align: 'right',\n rotation: 0,\n y: -5,\n x: -10\n }\n }, {\n color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',\n width: 2,\n value: 6.5,\n dashStyle: 'Dash',\n label: {\n text: 'current week',\n align: 'left',\n rotation: 0,\n y: -5,\n x: 10\n }\n }]\n },\n yAxis: {\n title: {\n text: 'billion cubic feet per day'\n },\n min: controller.low - 5,\n tickInterval: 5\n },\n exporting: {\n buttons: {\n contextButton: {\n menuItems: exportMenuItems\n }\n }\n },\n tooltip: {\n crosshairs: true,\n shared: true,\n formatter: function() {\n let formatter = this;\n\n function getLegendName(series) {\n return series === 'current' ? controller.currentYear : controller.previousYear;\n }\n\n function checkForData() {\n let splitDate = formatter.x.split(' ');\n\n let toolTipString = '';\n toolTipString += '
' + Utils.monthsInYear[splitDate[0]] + ' ' + splitDate[1] + '

';\n\n formatter.points.forEach(function(element) {\n const year = parseInt(element.series.name.substring(0, 4), 10);\n\n if (element.series.options.id === 'previous_range') {\n const yearString = component.getSeriesYearText(element.series.options.id);\n toolTipString += '
' + yearString + ': ' + element.point.low + ' to ' + element.point.high + '
';\n } else {\n const yearString = component.getSeriesYearText(element.series.options.id);\n toolTipString += '
' + yearString + ': ' + element.point.y + '

';\n }\n });\n return toolTipString;\n }\n\n return checkForData();\n }\n },\n legend: { },\n credits: {\n enabled: false\n },\n series: [{\n id : 'current',\n type: 'line',\n data: current,\n zIndex: 1,\n color: Utils.areaPlotColors.current,\n marker: {\n lineWidth: 0,\n enabled: false\n },\n label: {\n enabled: false\n }\n }, {\n id : 'previous',\n type: 'line',\n data: previous,\n zIndex: 1,\n color: Utils.areaPlotColors.previous,\n marker: {\n lineWidth: 0,\n enabled: false\n },\n label: {\n enabled: false\n }\n }, {\n id : 'previous_range',\n data: ranges,\n type: 'arearange',\n lineWidth: 0,\n color: Utils.areaPlotColors.range,\n zIndex: 0,\n showInLegend: true,\n marker: {\n symbol: 'square',\n lineWidth: 0,\n enabled: false\n }\n }]\n };\n\n for (let i = 0; i < this.theChart.series.length; i++) {\n this.theChart.series[i].name = this.getSeriesName(this.theChart.series[i].id);\n }\n this.setupChart();\n });\n }\n\n private getSeriesName(seriesId) {\n let name = this.getSeriesYearText(seriesId);\n\n if (seriesId === 'previous_range') {\n name += ' range';\n }\n\n return name;\n }\n\n private getSeriesYearText(seriesId) {\n let text = '';\n if (seriesId === 'previous_range') {\n if (this.firstPointYear === this.lastPointYear) {\n text = (this.firstPointYear - 5).toString() + '-' + (this.firstPointYear - 1).toString();\n } else {\n text = (this.firstPointYear - 5).toString() + '-' + ((this.firstPointYear - 1)).toString() + '/' + (this.lastPointYear - 5).toString() + '-' + ((this.lastPointYear - 1)).toString();\n }\n } else if (seriesId === 'current') {\n if (this.firstPointYear === this.lastPointYear) {\n text = this.firstPointYear.toString();\n } else {\n text = this.firstPointYear.toString() + '/' + (this.lastPointYear).toString();\n }\n } else if (seriesId === 'previous') {\n if (this.firstPointYear === this.lastPointYear) {\n text = (this.firstPointYear - 1).toString();\n } else {\n text = (this.firstPointYear - 1).toString() + '/' + ((this.lastPointYear - 1)).toString();\n }\n }\n\n return text;\n }\n\n private mapDateToNewdate(array) {\n return array.map(element => {\n element[0] = Utils.dateAsMMMDD(new Date(element[0]));\n return element;\n });\n }\n\n private setupChart() {\n if (this.chartEl && this.chartEl.nativeElement) {\n this.theChart.chart = merge({}, this.theChart.chart, {\n logo: Highcharts.logos.none,\n renderTo: this.chartEl.nativeElement\n });\n\n this._chart = new Highcharts.Chart(this.theChart);\n }\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.subscribe.unsubscribe();\n if (this._chart !== undefined) {\n this._chart.destroy();\n this._chart = undefined;\n }\n }\n\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/gas-consumption/gas-consumption.component.ts","

{{mapTitle}} {{currentDate | date : \"longDate\"}}

degrees Fahrenheit
\n \n \n
\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/map-daily-animation/map-daily-animation.component.html","import {Component, Input, OnInit, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core';\nimport {DashboardService} from \"../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service\";\nimport {Utils} from \"../../Utils\";\nimport { NouiFormatter} from \"ng2-nouislider\";\n\ndeclare var $: any;\ndeclare var noUiSlider;\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-map-daily-animation',\n templateUrl: './map-daily-animation.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./map-daily-animation.component.less']\n})\nexport class MapDailyAnimationComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n _map:any;\n subscription:any;\n data:any;\n mappedData:any;\n lastDataDate:any;\n currentDate:Date;\n dataCount:number = 13;\n @Input() mapId;\n @Input() mapTitle;\n currentIteration: number = 13;\n currentDateString:string;\n currentDateDateKey:string;\n disabled:boolean = true;\n highestData: number = -Infinity;\n lowestData: number = Infinity;\n numberOfLegendCategories: any;\n increment: number;\n heatMapColors = [\n {color : '#003c56', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '', topLabel: \" \"},\n {color : '#006997', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '' },\n {color : '#0096d7', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '' },\n {color : '#4db6e3', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '' },\n {color : '#99d5ef', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '' },\n {color : '#e5c799', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '' },\n {color : '#d19d69', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '' },\n {color : '#bd732a', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '' },\n {color : '#84511d', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '' },\n {color : '#4c2e11', label : \"\", lower: '', upper: '', topLabel: \"degrees Fahrenheit\" }\n ];\n incrementsArray: any = [];\n\n constructor(private dashboardService: DashboardService) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getTemperatureDepartureDailyAnimation().subscribe(\n json => {\n this.data = json;\n }, null, () => {\n let that = this;\n this.numberOfLegendCategories = 10;\n\n for(let date in this.data.data){\n\n //get highest and lowest values\n for(let regionData in that.data.data[date].data){\n this.highestData = Math.max(this.highestData, parseInt(this.data.data[date].data[regionData]));\n this.lowestData = Math.min(this.lowestData, parseInt(this.data.data[date].data[regionData]));\n }\n }\n\n\n let difference = Math.ceil((that.highestData - that.lowestData) / this.numberOfLegendCategories) * this.numberOfLegendCategories;\n\n this.increment = Math.round(difference/this.numberOfLegendCategories);// get distance between numbers\n\n let tempNumber:number = this.lowestData - Math.floor((difference - (that.highestData - that.lowestData)) / 2 );\n this.heatMapColors.forEach(function(elm,index, array) {\n elm.label = tempNumber + '-' + (tempNumber + that.increment - 1);\n elm.lower = tempNumber.toString();\n elm.upper = (tempNumber + that.increment - 1).toString();\n elm.label = elm.lower + '-' + elm.upper;\n tempNumber = tempNumber + that.increment;\n that.incrementsArray.push(tempNumber);\n });\n\n\n that.dataCount = 0;\n\n //put objects in an array so we can sort through them\n for(var prop in that.data.data){\n that.dataCount++;\n }\n this.dataCount--;\n\n this.currentIteration = this.dataCount;\n this.lastDataDate = Utils.oracleDateStringToDate(this.data.date);\n this.currentDate = new Date(this.lastDataDate);\n this.updateCurrentDate();\n\n let map = $('#' + this.mapId).vectorMap({\n map: 'climate-divisions_aea_en',\n backgroundColor: '#ffffff',\n series: {\n regions: [{\n values: this.mappedData,\n attribute : 'fill',\n scale: {\n \"1\":this.heatMapColors[0].color,\n \"2\":this.heatMapColors[1].color,//\"#006997\",\n \"3\":this.heatMapColors[2].color,//\"#0096d7\",\n \"4\":this.heatMapColors[3].color,//\"#4db6e3\",\n \"5\":this.heatMapColors[4].color,//\"#99d5ef\",\n \"6\":this.heatMapColors[5].color,//\"#e5c7aa\",\n \"7\":this.heatMapColors[6].color,//\"#d19d69\",\n \"8\":this.heatMapColors[7].color,//\"#bd732a\",\n \"9\":this.heatMapColors[8].color,//\"#84511d\",\n \"10\":this.heatMapColors[9].color//\"#4c2e11\"\n }\n }]\n },\n onRegionLabelShow: function(e, el, code){\n let currentRegName = el.html().toLowerCase().split(\",\");\n let stateRegName = currentRegName[1].toUpperCase();\n let cityName = currentRegName[0];\n\n el.html('' + cityName + \", \" + stateRegName + '' + ' : ' + that.data.data[that.currentDateDateKey].data[code] + ' ℉') // storage region here\n }\n });\n this._map = map.vectorMap('get', 'mapObject');\n\n // render lines for storage regions\n let storageRegionsPath = document.createElementNS(this._map.canvas.rootElement.node.namespaceURI, \"path\");\n storageRegionsPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', this._map.mapData.storagePath);\n storageRegionsPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none');\n storageRegionsPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', 'white');\n storageRegionsPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', \"5\");\n\n this._map.canvas.rootElement.node.appendChild(storageRegionsPath);\n this.disabled = false;\n });\n }\n\n public iterateMap(iteration) {\n this.currentIteration = iteration;\n this.updateCurrentDate();\n };\n\n private updateCurrentDate() {\n let d = new Date(this.lastDataDate.getTime());\n d.setDate(d.getDate() - (this.dataCount - this.currentIteration));\n this.currentDate = d;\n this.currentDateString = Utils.dateAsDDMMMYY(this.currentDate);\n this.currentDateDateKey = Utils.dateAsOracleDateString(this.currentDate);\n this.generateSingleDayData(this.currentDateDateKey);\n if(this._map) {\n this._map.series.regions[0].setValues(this.mappedData);\n }\n }\n\n private generateSingleDayData(date) {\n this.mappedData = {};\n let singleDayData = this.data.data[date];\n\n for(let code in singleDayData.data) {\n let temperature:number = +singleDayData.data[code];\n\n switch (true) {\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[0]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '1';\n break;\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[1]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '2';\n break;\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[2]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '3';\n break;\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[3]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '4';\n break;\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[4]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '5';\n break;\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[5]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '6';\n break;\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[6]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '7';\n break;\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[7]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '8';\n break;\n case temperature <= this.incrementsArray[8]:\n this.mappedData[code] = '9';\n break;\n default:\n this.mappedData[code] = '10';\n }\n }\n }\n\n public playDailyAnimation(){\n let that = this;\n // reset to beginning if they hit play when on the last date\n if(this.currentIteration == this.dataCount){\n this.currentIteration = -1;\n }\n\n // Play Interval\n var interval = setInterval( function(e) {\n that.currentIteration++;\n if(that.currentIteration > that.dataCount) {\n stopInterval();\n return;\n }\n\n that.updateCurrentDate();\n }, 1000);\n\n // Stop - Restart Interval\n $('#stopRestart').click(function(){\n clearInterval(interval);\n });\n\n function stopInterval() {\n clearInterval(interval);\n }\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n if(this._map !== undefined) {\n this._map.remove();\n this._map = undefined;\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/map-daily-animation/map-daily-animation.component.ts","
\n {{item.lower}}\n to \n {{item.upper}}\n
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/map-legend/map-legend.component.html","import { Component, OnInit, Input } from '@angular/core';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-map-legend',\n templateUrl: './map-legend.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./map-legend.component.less']\n})\nexport class MapLegendComponent implements OnInit {\n\n @Input() heatMapColors : Array;\n topLabels : Array;\n constructor() { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.topLabels = [];\n\n for(let i = 0; i < this.heatMapColors.length; i++) {\n if(this.heatMapColors[i].topLabel) {\n this.topLabels.push(this.heatMapColors[i].topLabel);\n }\n }\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/map-legend/map-legend.component.ts","

{{mapTitle}} {{currentDate | date : \"longDate\"}}

\n\n\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/map-temperature-departure-from-normal/map-temperature-departure-from-normal.component.html","import {Component, Input, OnInit, OnDestroy} from '@angular/core';\nimport {DashboardService} from \"../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service\";\nimport {Utils} from \"../../Utils\";\n\ndeclare var $: any;\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-map-temperature-departure-from-normal',\n templateUrl: './map-temperature-departure-from-normal.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./map-temperature-departure-from-normal.component.less']\n})\nexport class MapTemperatureDepartureFromNormalComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n _map:any;\n subscription:any;\n data:any;\n currentDate:Date;\n mappedData:any;\n tooltipText: string;\n @Input() mapId;\n @Input() mapTitle;\n @Input() dataSet: string; // either 'departure' or 'weekly change'\n @Input() legend: any;\n // heatMapColors = [\n // {color : '#003c56', label : \"<= -20\" , topLabel : '°F below normal', upper: \"<= -20\", lower: \"\"},\n // {color : '#006997', label : \"-19 - -15\" ,lower: \"-19\", upper: \"-15\" },\n // {color : '#0096d7', label : \"-14 to -10\",lower: \"-14\", upper: \"-10\" },\n // {color : '#4db6e3', label : \"-9 to -5\",lower: \"-9\", upper: \"-5\" },\n // {color : '#99d5ef', label : \"-4 to -1\" ,lower: \"-4\", upper: \"-1\"},\n // {color : '#AFAFAF', label : \"0\" , topLabel : 'normal', lower: '', upper: '0' },\n // {color : '#e5c799', label : \"1 to 5\" ,lower: \"1\", upper: \"4\"},\n // {color : '#d19d69', label : \"6 to 10\" ,lower: \"5\", upper: \"9\"},\n // {color : '#bd732a', label : \"11 to 15\" ,lower: \"10\", upper: \"14\"},\n // {color : '#84511d', label : \"16 to 19\" ,lower: \"15\", upper: \"19\"},\n // {color : '#4c2e11', label : \">= 20\" , topLabel : '°F above normal' ,lower: \">= 20\", upper: \"\"}\n // ];\n constructor(private dashboardService: DashboardService) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n\n\n //If norm do one thing, if not do other\n if (this.dataSet == 'departure'){\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getTemperatureDepartureByClimateDivision().subscribe(\n json =>{\n this.data = json;\n }, null, ()=>{\n this.tooltipText = ' change from 30yr normal';\n this.setupMap();\n }\n )\n }\n else {\n this.dashboardService.getTemperatureDepartureFromPriorWeek().subscribe(\n json =>{\n this.data = json;\n }, null, ()=>{\n this.tooltipText = ' change from prior week';\n this.setupMap();\n }\n )\n }\n }\n\n ngAfterViewInit() {\n\n }\n private setupMap(){\n let that = this;\n this.mappedData = {};\n\n //Current Date\n this.currentDate =\n this.currentDate = Utils.oracleDateStringToDate(this.data.date);\n\n for(var code in this.data.data) {\n var temperature = +this.data.data[code];\n switch(true){\n case temperature <= -20:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"1\";\n break;\n case temperature <= -15:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"2\";\n break;\n case temperature <= -10:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"3\";\n break;\n case temperature <= -5:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"4\";\n break;\n case temperature < 0:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"5\";\n break;\n case temperature == 0:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"6\";\n break;\n case temperature <= 5:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"7\";\n break;\n case temperature <= 10:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"8\";\n break;\n case temperature <= 15:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"9\";\n break;\n case temperature <= 20:\n this.mappedData[code] = \"10\";\n break;\n default :\n this.mappedData[code] = \"11\"\n break;\n }\n }\n let map = $('#' + this.mapId).vectorMap({\n map: 'climate-divisions_aea_en',\n backgroundColor: '#ffffff',\n series: {\n regions: [{\n values: this.mappedData,\n attribute : 'fill',\n scale: {\n \"1\":\"#003c56\",\n \"2\":\"#006997\",\n \"3\":\"#0096d7\",\n \"4\":\"#4db6e3\",\n \"5\":\"#99d5ef\",\n \"6\":\"#afafaf\",\n \"7\":\"#e5c7aa\",\n \"8\":\"#d19d69\",\n \"9\":\"#bd732a\",\n \"10\":\"#84511d\",\n \"11\":\"#4c2e11\"\n }\n }]\n },\n onRegionLabelShow: function(e, el, code){\n let currentRegName = el.html().toLowerCase().split(\", \");\n let stateRegName = currentRegName[1].toUpperCase();\n currentRegName[1] = \" \" + stateRegName;\n\n el.html('' + currentRegName + '' + ' : ' + that.data.data[code] + ' ℉' + that.tooltipText);\n }\n });\n this._map = map.vectorMap('get', 'mapObject');\n\n // render lines for storage regions\n let storageRegionsPath = document.createElementNS(this._map.canvas.rootElement.node.namespaceURI, \"path\");\n storageRegionsPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', this._map.mapData.storagePath);\n storageRegionsPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none');\n storageRegionsPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', 'white');\n storageRegionsPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', \"5\");\n\n this._map.canvas.rootElement.node.appendChild(storageRegionsPath);\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n if (this.subscription) {\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n if (this._map !== undefined) {\n this._map.remove();\n this._map = undefined;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/map-temperature-departure-from-normal/map-temperature-departure-from-normal.component.ts","\n
\n \n \n
\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/nuclear-outages/nuclear-outages.component.html","import {Utils} from \"../../Utils\";\n\ndeclare var Highcharts: any;\nimport { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';\nimport {DashboardService} from \"../../../dashboard/services/dashboard.service\";\nimport { DatePipe} from \"@angular/common\";\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'app-nuclear-outages',\n templateUrl: './nuclear-outages.component.html'\n})\nexport class NuclearOutagesComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {\n\n data: any;\n _chartOptions: any;\n displayChart: boolean = false;\n subscription: any;\n currentDateIndex: number = -1;\n currentDay: number = 0;\n constructor(private dashboardService: DashboardService, public datePipe: DatePipe) { }\n\n ngOnInit() {\n let that = this;\n this._chartOptions = {\n chart:{\n logo: Highcharts.logos.none,\n height: 350\n },\n title: {\n text: 'Daily U.S. nuclear outages'\n },\n xAxis : {\n type : 'datetime',\n plotLines: [{\n color : Highcharts.eia_red,\n width : 2,\n value : null,\n label : {\n text : null,\n rotation : 0,\n y : 20,\n x : null,\n align : null\n }\n }],\n showLastLabel : false,\n endOnTick : false\n },\n yAxis : {\n title: {\n text : 'gigawatts (GW)'\n }\n },\n legend: {\n layout: 'horizontal',\n align: 'center',\n verticalAlign: 'bottom'\n },\n tooltip: {\n shared: true,\n formatter: function(){\n var formatter = this;\n\n function checkForData(){\n var toolTipString = '';\n var theDate = that.datePipe.transform(new Date(formatter.x),'MMMM dd', 'UTC'); //Utils.dateAsMMMDD(new Date(formatter.x));\n\n toolTipString += '
' + theDate + '

';\n\n formatter.points.forEach(function(element){\n if(element.series.name.toUpperCase().indexOf('RANGE')>-1){\n toolTipString += '
' + element.series.name.toLowerCase() +': '+ element.point.low + ' to ' + element.point.high + '
';\n }\n else{\n toolTipString += '
'+element.series.name.toLowerCase()+': ' + element.point.y + '

'\n\n }\n });\n return toolTipString;\n }\n return checkForData();\n }\n },\n series: [{\n type: 'line',\n color : Utils.areaPlotColors.current,\n name : null,\n zIndex : 3\n }, {\n type: 'line',\n color : Utils.areaPlotColors.previous,\n name : null,\n zIndex : 2\n }, {\n type: 'arearange',\n color : Utils.areaPlotColors.range,\n lineWidth: 0,\n //fillOpacity: 0.3,\n name : null,\n zIndex : 1\n }\n ],\n credits : {\n enabled : false\n }\n };\n\n this.subscription = this.dashboardService.getNuclearOutages().subscribe(\n json => {\n this.data = json;\n }, null, () =>{\n for(let j = 0; j < this.data.length; j++) {\n this._chartOptions.series[j]['data'] = this.data[j]['data'].sort(function(a,b) {\n return (a[0] < b[0]) ? -1 : ((a[0] > b[0]) ? 1 : 0);\n });\n }\n //check through all of these data.\n // if the date is null check if the previous date is null.\n // If it isnt and that index is higher that the last one then\n\n for(let i = 0; i that.currentDateIndex){\n that.currentDateIndex = i-1;\n that.currentDay = that._chartOptions.series[0].data[i-1][0];\n }\n }\n }\n\n //if nothing fits this criteria, the last item in the array is the current date so set that as the index.\n if(that.currentDateIndex == -1){that.currentDateIndex = this.data[0].data.length - 1;}\n\n //set custom marker for the current date Item\n let tempCurrentDate = Object.assign([],that._chartOptions.series[0].data[that.currentDateIndex]);\n that._chartOptions.series[0].data[that.currentDateIndex] = {\n x: tempCurrentDate[0],\n y: tempCurrentDate[1],\n marker:{\n enabled: true,\n symbol:'circle',\n radius: 4\n }\n };\n\n\n\n // let current_day = null;\n // for(let i = 0; i < this._chartOptions.series[0].data.length; i++) {\n // if(this._chartOptions.series[0].data[i][1] != null) {\n // current_day = this._chartOptions.series[0].data[i][0];\n // }\n // else {\n // break;\n // }\n // }\n // this._chartOptions.xAxis.plotLines[0].value = current_day;\n let current_date = new Date(that.currentDay);\n let current_year = current_date.getUTCFullYear();\n // this._chartOptions.xAxis.plotLines[0].label.text = current_date.getMonth()+1 + '/' + current_date.getDate() + '/' + current_date.getFullYear();\n // this._chartOptions.xAxis.plotLines[0].label.x = current_date.getMonth() >= 6 ? -10 : 10;\n // this._chartOptions.xAxis.plotLines[0].label.align = current_date.getMonth() >= 6 ? 'right' : 'left';\n this._chartOptions.series[0].name = current_year.toString();\n this._chartOptions.series[1].name = (current_year - 1).toString();\n this._chartOptions.series[2].name = (current_year - 5).toString() + '-' + (current_year - 1).toString() + ' range';\n\n this.displayChart = true;\n }\n );\n }\n ngOnDestroy(){\n this.subscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n\n}\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/app/share-modules/eia-charts/nuclear-outages/nuclear-outages.component.ts","export const environment = {\n production: true,\n apiUrl: '../dashboard-api',\n isBeta: false\n};\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/environments/environment.ts","import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';\nimport { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';\n\nimport { AppModule } from './app/app.module';\nimport { environment } from './environments/environment';\n\nif (environment.production) {\n enableProdMode();\n}\n\nplatformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule);\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/main.ts"],"sourceRoot":"webpack:///"}