Executive Summary

Last Updated: August 2, 2022   |  
Full report   |   Notes


Sector organization

Energy consumption

Figure 1. Primary energy consumption in South Africa, 2020
figure data

Petroleum and other liquids

Exploration and production

Figure 2. Total annual liquid fuels production and consumption in South Africa, 2012-2021
figure data

Transportation and storage

Refining and refined oil products

Table 1. South Africa’s existing refineries
Refinery name Ownership Location Notes Nameplate capacity (barrels per day)
Natref refinery Sasol (64%)
TotalEnergies (36%)
Sasolburg Operational 107,000
Sapref refinery BP (50%)
Shell (50%)
Durban Closed indefinitely; possible future restart 180,000
Astron refinery Astron Energy Cape Town Shut down in July 2021; possible restart in 2022 110,000
Enref (Engen) refinery Petronas (74%)
Phembani (21%)
Phembani-led consortium (5%)
Durban Shut down in 2020; planned conversion to a storage and import terminal by 2023 125,000
Total       522,000
Data source: Facts Global Energy, Oil & Gas Journal, Energy Intelligence Group, South African Petroleum Industry Association website, and company websites

Petroleum and other liquids trade

Figure 3. South Africa's total annual exports and imports of crude oil and condensate, 2012-2021
figure data
Figure 4. South Africa's total crude oil and condensate imports, 2021
figure data

Natural gas

Exploration and production

Figure 5. Annual natural gas production and consumption in South Africa, 2010-2019
figure data

Natural gas to liquids

Transportation and storage



Natural gas trade

Figure 6. South Africa's annual gas imports, 2010-2019
figure data


Sector organization


Figure 7. Annual coal production and consumption in South Africa, 2011-2020
figure data

Coal to liquids

Coal exports

Figure 8. South Africa's annual coal imports and exports, 2012-2021
figure data
Figure 9. Total coal exports from South Africa by region, 2021
figure data


Sector organization

Power generation and capacity

Figure 10. South Africa's electricity capacity by fuel type, 2011-2020
figure data
Figure 11. South Africa's net electricity generation by fuel type, 2011-2020
figure data


Renewable energy



    1Based on 2020 estimates for country and sub-Saharan Africa regional GDP figures. The World Bank Group, World Bank Open Data, accessed May 26, 2022. U.S. Energy Information Administration. International Energy Statistics database, accessed July 22, 2022.

    2Lizel Oberholzer, “Oil and gas regulation in South Africa: an overview,“ Thomson Reuters Practical Law, September 1, 2020. Christina Pretorius, “Mining Laws and Regulations South Africa 2022,“ International Comparative Legal Guides, September 13, 2021.

    3Donna Slater, “New Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Bill lauded for improvements,“ Engineering News, July 12, 2021. “Impact of the Upstream Petroleum Resources Development Bill on SA’s oil and gas industry,“ Norton Rose Fulbright, January 2020.

    4“South Africa Oil & Gas Report: Q1 2022,“ Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research, December 2021. “About PetroSA,“ Petro S.A. company website, accessed May 19, 2022. PetroSA Company Factsheet, Rystad Energy, May 11, 2022.

    5BP 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy, accessed April 7, 2022. Eskom, Generation Communication CO 0007 Revision 16, Fact Sheet: Coal in South Africa, August 2021.

    6Oil & Gas Journal, “Worldwide Look At Reserves and Production,“ [Table], December 2021.

    7U.S. Energy Information Administration. International Energy Statistics database, accessed July 22, 2022.

    8Africa’s hidden oil hub near Cape Town booms after making millions for traders,“ News24, May 29, 2018.

    9Oiltanking MOGS Saldanha terminal opens in Cape Town, South Africa,“ Tank Storage Magazine, April 20, 2020. “Saldanha Bay II Liquids Storage Terminal, South Africa,“ Offshore Technology, October 27, 2021. “Crude blending and storage terminal, Saldanha, South Africa,“ Naue, accessed May 20, 2022.

    10Natref profile, Energy Oil & Gas, Issue 178, accessed March 4, 2022. Christina Katsouris, “Africa Struggles to Retain, Build Refining Capacity,“ Energy Intelligence Group, March 22, 2022.

    11Robert Brelsford, “Shell, bp joint venture to idle South African refinery,“ Oil & Gas Journal, February 11, 2022. Christina Katsouris, “Africa Struggles to Retain, Build Refining Capacity,“ Energy Intelligence Group, March 22, 2022.

    12Wendell Roelf, “South African refinery explosion kills two, injures seven,“ Reuters, July 2, 2020. “Astron Energy Targets 2022 Restart for Cape Town Refinery,“ Ship & Bunker, May 4, 2021. Lisa Steyn, “Glencore to open new and improved Cape Town refinery in 2022,“ News24.com, February 15, 2022. Christina Katsouris, “Africa Struggles to Retain, Build Refining Capacity,“ Energy Intelligence Group, March 22, 2022.

    13S. Africa’s Engen refinery to be converted into a storage terminal,“ Reuters, April 23, 2021.

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    15Analysis by U.S. Energy Information Administration based on US EIA’s International Energy Statistics database and trade data provided by Global Trade Tracker, accessed May 27, 2022.

    16U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics database, accessed January 27, 2022.

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    21Operations and Refinery, “ Petro S.A. company website, accessed March 4, 2022.

    22South Africa Oil & Gas Report: Q1 2022, Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research, December 2021. “Shell and BP mothball South Africa’s 180 kb/d Sapref refinery indefinitely,“ Facts Global Energy Flash Alert, February 16, 2022.

    23Iain Esau, “Focused TotalEnergies pushes on with Luiperd early production project in South Africa,“ Upstream Online, November 10, 2021.

    24Overview,“ ROMPCO company website, accessed March 21, 2022. “Sasol Gas, Mozambique,“ Offshore Technology, October 4, 2021. “Mozambique-South Africa Gas Pipeline,“ Global Energy Monitor, accessed March 22, 2022. James Ross, “Hitting the gas in South Africa,“ Norton Rose Fulbright, September 2020.

    25South African Investors Compete over Mozambican Gas Pipelines,“ Egypt Oil & Gas, March 6, 2016. “Gasnosu North-South Gas Pipeline,“ Global Energy Monitor, accessed March 21, 2022. “Africa Renaissance Pipeline,“ Global Energy Monitor, accessed March 21, 2022. “A $7.98 billion ARP connects Mozambique to the wider region,“ Seetao, January 22, 2021. Charné Hundermark, “The African Renaissance Pipeline Project: Linking Mozambique with the Wider Region,“ Energy Capital & Power, accessed May 20, 2022. Keletso Moilwe, “Top 5 Pipeline Developments in Africa by Length,“ Energy Capital & Power, accessed May 20, 2022. S. Oirere, “African gas pipeline projects compete with coal and LNG power,“ Gas Processing News, accessed May 20, 2022.

    26Elaine Mills, “South Africa issues RFI for LNG terminal,“ Argus Media, November 8, 2021. Bojan Lepic, “Vopak, ExxonMobil to conduct South Africa LNG feasibility study,“ Offshore Energy, December 17, 2020.

    27U.S. Energy Information Administration. International Energy Statistics database, accessed March 10, 2022.

    28Sasol Mining,“ Sasol company website, accessed May 24, 2022.

    29Coal Resources: an overview,“ Republic of South Africa, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy website, accessed May 20, 2022.

    30BP 2021 Statistical Review of World Energy, accessed April 7, 2022.

    31Republic of South Africa, Department of Mineral Resources, South Africa’s Coal Industry Overview 2014, Report R111/2014, pg. 1. L.S. Jeffrey, “Characterization of the coal resources of South Africa,“ The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, February 2005, pg. 95.

    32U.S. Energy Information Administration. International Energy Statistics database, accessed April 7, 2022

    33Secunda Synfuels Operations Overview,“ Sasol company website, accessed March 4, 2022. National Energy Technology Laboratory, Commercial Use of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis, Sasol, accessed May 20, 2022.

    34Sasol,“ Global Energy Monitor, accessed June 23, 2022.

    35South Africa’s Coal Industry Overview 2014, Department of Mineral Resources, Republic of South Africa, Report R111/2014.

    36FAQ,“ Richards Bay Coal Terminal company website, accessed May 26, 2022.

    37Richards Coal Bay Terminal,“ Global Energy Monitor, accessed May 26, 2022. International Energy Agency, Medium-Term Coal Report 2016, page 113; Creamer Media’s Mining Weekly, “Richards Bay Coal Terminal sets new 75.4Mt export record“, January 19, 2016.

    38RBCT Media Briefing 2021,“ Richards Bay Coal Terminal company website, accessed May 26, 2022.

    39Data provided by Global Trade Tracker trade database, accessed May 27, 2022.

    40Eskom, Integrated Report 2021, pg. 6. Eric le Grange, “Electricity regulation in South Africa: an overview,“ Thomson Reuters Practical Law, January 1, 2019.

    41Eskom, Integrated Report 2021, pg. 6. “Power Generation Mix,“ Eskom Fact Sheet, December 2021.

    42International Trade Administration, “South Africa Commercial Guide – Energy,“ September 10, 2021. Eskom, Integrated Report 2021, pg. 6. About SAPP, South African Power Pool website, accessed May 13, 2022.

    43The World Bank Group, World Development Indicators database, accessed May 13, 2022.

    44The shocking cost of load shedding to South Africa’s Economy,“ Business Tech, November 11, 2021. “MEC Anton Bredell on ESKOM stage 4 load shedding,“ Republic of South Africa media statement, March 9, 2022. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, “Load Shedding Statistics,“ December 1, 2021.

    45Zachery Skidmore, “COP26: South Africa to receive $8.5bn to end coal use,“ Mining Technology, November 3, 2021. European Commission, “France, Germany, UK, US and EU launch ground-breaking International Just Energy Transition Partnership with South Africa,“ press release, November 2, 2021.

    46U.S. Energy Information Administration, International Energy Statistics database, accessed January 27, 2022.

    47Medupi Power Project timeline and what you need to know,“ Construction Review Online, January 4, 2022. Nicolette Pombo-van Zyl, “Completion of Medupi coal power station announced by Eskom,“ ESI-Africa, August 2, 2021. “Power Generation Mix,“ Eskom Fact Sheet, December 2021.

    48The Kusile Power Station Project, South Africa,“ Power Technology, accessed May 16, 2022. “Power Generation Mix,“ “Medupi Power Station,“ Global Energy Monitor, accessed May 16, 2022. Eskom Fact Sheet, December 2021.

    49World Nuclear Association, “Nuclear Power in South Africa,“ World Nuclear Association Country Profiles, updated August 2021, accessed on April 8, 2022. Chris Yelland, “Nuclear power station life-extension project running late, even before it starts,“ Daily Maverick, January 9, 2022.

    50Wilhelm Karanitsch, “South Africa – Enlight the rainbow nation,“ Andritz Hydro, accessed May 5, 2022. “Pumped Storage Hydropower,“ U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, accessed May 5, 2022. “Region Profile: Africa,“ International Hydropower Association, accessed May 5, 2022. United Nations Environment Programme, Atlas of Africa Energy Resources, 2017, pg. 270.

    51International Trade Administration, “South Africa Commercial Guide – Energy,“ September 10, 2021. “Renewable Independent Power Producer Programme,“ Republic of South Africa webpage, accessed May 11, 2022. “South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme,“ case study by NDC partnership, accessed May 11, 2022. “South Africa Power Report: Q1 2022,“ Fitch Solutions Country Risk & Industry Research, December 2021. António Ferreira Pinto, “REIPPP: One of the world’s best renewable energy tenders, but there’s room for improvement,“ PV Magazine, September 30, 2021.