Table 7.21. Receipts and Quality of Coal by Rank Delivered for Electricity Generation:
Total (All Sectors) by State, 2023

  Bituminous Subbituminous Lignite
Census Division
and State
Receipts (Thousand Tons) Average Sulfur Percent by Weight Average Ash Percent by Weight Receipts (Thousand Tons) Average Sulfur Percent by Weight Average Ash Percent by Weight Receipts (Thousand Tons) Average Sulfur Percent by Weight Average Ash Percent by Weight
New England 120 2.20 7.6 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Connecticut 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Maine 66 0.97 6.7 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Massachusetts 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
New Hampshire 54 3.31 8.4 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Rhode Island 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Vermont 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Middle Atlantic 2,854 2.58 8.7 0 -- -- 0 -- --
New Jersey 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
New York 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Pennsylvania 2,854 2.58 8.7 0 -- -- 0 -- --
East North Central 45,303 3.07 10.7 41,218 0.24 4.6 0 -- --
Illinois 8,365 3.30 21.2 14,761 0.23 4.6 0 -- --
Indiana 20,357 2.97 9.0 1,197 0.23 4.7 0 -- --
Michigan 870 2.26 7.8 12,830 0.26 4.6 0 -- --
Ohio 14,980 3.17 9.0 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Wisconsin 731 2.31 7.8 12,430 0.23 4.7 0 -- --
West North Central 456 3.09 8.9 74,990 0.26 4.9 20,013 0.73 9.7
Iowa 121 3.44 8.9 13,015 0.24 4.8 0 -- --
Kansas 0 -- -- 12,351 0.28 5.2 0 -- --
Minnesota 0 -- -- 8,693 0.32 5.6 0 -- --
Missouri 335 2.97 8.9 27,484 0.23 4.6 0 -- --
Nebraska 0 -- -- 12,365 0.27 4.8 0 -- --
North Dakota 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 20,013 0.73 9.7
South Dakota 0 -- -- 1,082 0.31 5.1 0 -- --
South Atlantic 46,589 2.53 9.8 5,330 0.36 5.4 0 -- --
Delaware 95 2.29 7.8 0 -- -- 0 -- --
District of Columbia 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Florida 5,943 2.80 8.8 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Georgia 5,006 2.34 9.0 5,330 0.36 5.4 0 -- --
Maryland 1,135 2.45 12.3 0 -- -- 0 -- --
North Carolina 5,608 1.72 9.8 0 -- -- 0 -- --
South Carolina 7,443 2.00 9.3 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Virginia 1,089 1.05 17.5 0 -- -- 0 -- --
West Virginia 20,269 2.98 10.1 0 -- -- 0 -- --
East South Central 25,690 2.73 9.9 19,379 0.27 5.1 2,926 0.48 14.6
Alabama 2,338 1.07 12.1 10,847 0.30 5.2 0 -- --
Kentucky 20,770 2.95 9.8 6,527 0.23 5.0 0 -- --
Mississippi 57 1.29 11.4 1,116 0.27 5.0 2,926 0.48 14.6
Tennessee 2,525 2.40 8.7 890 0.21 4.8 0 -- --
West South Central 318 2.55 9.3 61,887 0.28 5.1 13,955 1.08 16.9
Arkansas 56 0.77 12.0 11,118 0.22 4.7 0 -- --
Louisiana 262 2.97 8.7 4,665 0.23 4.8 0 -- --
Oklahoma 0 -- -- 5,869 0.24 5.0 0 -- --
Texas 0 -- -- 40,235 0.31 5.3 13,955 1.08 16.9
Mountain 12,055 0.60 13.6 48,146 0.45 7.2 0 -- --
Arizona 0 -- -- 8,510 0.54 9.0 0 -- --
Colorado 1,290 0.46 11.5 11,163 0.32 6.3 0 -- --
Idaho 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Montana 0 -- -- 7,092 0.70 8.9 0 -- --
Nevada 470 0.39 7.6 997 0.41 5.0 0 -- --
New Mexico 3,504 0.85 19.4 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Utah 6,792 0.53 11.8 52 0.98 8.7 0 -- --
Wyoming 0 -- -- 20,333 0.40 6.6 0 -- --
Pacific Contiguous 536 0.54 9.6 2,599 0.38 7.7 0 -- --
California 536 0.54 9.6 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Oregon 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
Washington 0 -- -- 2,599 0.38 7.7 0 -- --
Pacific Noncontiguous 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 256 0.12 6.7
Alaska 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 256 0.12 6.7
Hawaii 0 -- -- 0 -- -- 0 -- --
U.S. Total 133,921 2.59 10.4 253,550 0.30 5.4 37,150 0.84 12.7

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.

Bituminous coal includes anthracite coal and coal-derived synthesis gas.
See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report."