Table 7.16. Receipts of Natural Gas Delivered for Electricity Generation by State, 2023 and 2022
(Million Cubic Feet)

  Electric Power Sector  
Census Division
and State
All Sectors Electric Utilities Independent Power Producers Commercial Sector Industrial Sector
  Year 2023 Year 2022 Percentage Change Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022
New England 400,731 380,100 5.4% 318 776 400,413 379,324 0 0 0 0
Connecticut 163,651 157,191 4.1% 0 0 163,651 157,191 0 0 0 0
Maine 26,981 25,923 4.1% 0 0 26,981 25,923 0 0 0 0
Massachusetts 106,804 113,585 -6.0% 318 776 106,486 112,809 0 0 0 0
New Hampshire 30,878 31,968 -3.4% 0 0 30,878 31,968 0 0 0 0
Rhode Island 72,417 51,433 41% 0 0 72,417 51,433 0 0 0 0
Vermont 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Middle Atlantic 1,613,381 1,550,392 4.1% 102,567 96,471 1,486,256 1,430,160 0 0 24,558 23,761
New Jersey 240,430 244,378 -1.6% 0 0 240,430 244,378 0 0 0 0
New York 433,635 431,794 0.4% 102,567 96,471 324,377 328,513 0 0 6,692 6,810
Pennsylvania 939,315 874,220 7.4% 0 0 921,449 857,269 0 0 17,866 16,951
East North Central 1,547,784 1,301,760 19% 596,441 474,247 925,377 799,254 5,488 6,095 20,478 22,164
Illinois 196,069 138,654 41% 19,106 16,012 170,809 115,754 0 0 6,154 6,887
Indiana 245,235 219,964 11% 127,925 103,406 117,310 116,558 0 0 0 0
Michigan 382,379 294,690 30% 207,219 119,172 164,590 163,442 5,488 6,095 5,082 5,981
Ohio 545,984 475,742 15% 67,570 73,391 472,668 396,250 0 0 5,745 6,101
Wisconsin 178,118 172,711 3.1% 174,621 162,266 0 7,250 0 0 3,498 3,195
West North Central 332,994 242,613 37% 273,532 204,337 51,408 32,286 2,372 2,227 5,683 3,763
Iowa 75,387 61,373 23% 69,705 57,610 0 0 0 0 5,683 3,763
Kansas 34,113 22,331 53% 34,113 22,331 0 0 0 0 0 0
Minnesota 89,633 56,099 60% 56,907 37,021 32,709 19,064 17 14 0 0
Missouri 77,363 68,294 13% 56,310 52,859 18,698 13,222 2,355 2,213 0 0
Nebraska 13,670 12,337 11% 13,670 12,337 0 0 0 0 0 0
North Dakota 28,868 13,791 109% 28,868 13,791 0 0 0 0 0 0
South Dakota 13,960 8,388 66% 13,960 8,388 0 0 0 0 0 0
South Atlantic 2,956,451 2,970,372 -0.5% 2,481,716 2,473,444 438,180 460,824 0 0 36,555 36,105
Delaware 24,782 28,590 -13% 0 0 24,782 28,590 0 0 0 0
District of Columbia 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Florida 1,377,415 1,361,682 1.2% 1,319,876 1,288,364 53,407 68,970 0 0 4,131 4,347
Georgia 442,228 443,671 -0.3% 359,343 339,404 72,776 94,349 0 0 10,108 9,918
Maryland 109,516 98,380 11% 30,070 26,946 79,446 71,434 0 0 0 0
North Carolina 403,276 472,533 -15% 341,075 398,248 61,117 71,058 0 0 1,084 3,227
South Carolina 188,627 186,182 1.3% 183,305 172,295 3,086 12,689 0 0 2,236 1,198
Virginia 372,762 357,535 4.3% 242,564 244,012 117,904 101,463 0 0 12,294 12,061
West Virginia 37,846 21,798 74% 5,482 4,174 25,662 12,270 0 0 6,702 5,354
East South Central 1,069,590 1,101,503 -2.9% 786,335 815,994 258,275 257,127 0 0 24,980 28,383
Alabama 428,575 428,005 0.1% 176,158 179,238 252,417 248,767 0 0 0 0
Kentucky 107,514 135,881 -21% 101,821 127,712 5,692 8,169 0 0 0 0
Mississippi 404,871 386,054 4.9% 404,704 385,862 167 191 0 0 0 0
Tennessee 128,631 151,564 -15% 103,651 123,181 0 0 0 0 24,980 28,383
West South Central 3,538,619 3,265,503 8.4% 1,250,595 1,143,699 1,630,050 1,448,516 0 0 657,974 673,289
Arkansas 188,168 187,013 0.6% 173,665 171,363 11,743 12,444 0 0 2,759 3,206
Louisiana 582,914 578,463 0.8% 328,480 328,529 42,319 30,992 0 0 212,115 218,942
Oklahoma 344,298 285,069 21% 237,147 190,516 100,248 87,898 0 0 6,903 6,655
Texas 2,423,240 2,214,958 9.4% 511,303 453,291 1,475,740 1,317,181 0 0 436,196 444,487
Mountain 910,018 819,049 11% 740,999 666,919 168,870 152,130 0 0 149 0
Arizona 389,864 335,961 16% 279,143 236,451 110,721 99,510 0 0 0 0
Colorado 126,143 120,363 4.8% 108,562 102,785 17,581 17,578 0 0 0 0
Idaho 29,658 26,778 11% 17,468 16,563 12,190 10,215 0 0 0 0
Montana 6,226 4,554 37% 6,171 4,521 56 33 0 0 0 0
Nevada 168,209 169,097 -0.5% 168,209 169,097 0 0 0 0 0 0
New Mexico 99,119 79,348 25% 70,806 54,559 28,313 24,790 0 0 0 0
Utah 76,793 72,944 5.3% 76,644 72,944 0 0 0 0 149 0
Wyoming 14,005 10,004 40% 13,996 9,999 9 5 0 0 0 0
Pacific Contiguous 854,903 790,169 8.2% 351,527 309,694 477,243 455,077 0 0 26,133 25,398
California 579,502 569,679 1.7% 181,047 180,431 372,322 363,850 0 0 26,133 25,398
Oregon 161,864 132,193 22% 93,963 71,069 67,901 61,125 0 0 0 0
Washington 113,537 88,297 29% 76,517 58,195 37,019 30,102 0 0 0 0
Pacific Noncontiguous 12,908 14,611 -12% 12,908 14,611 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alaska 12,908 14,611 -12% 12,908 14,611 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hawaii 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Total 13,237,380 12,436,074 6.4% 6,596,937 6,200,191 5,836,072 5,414,698 7,861 8,322 796,511 812,863

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.

See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, "Power Plant Operations Report."