Table 4.4. Existing Capacity by Producer Type, 2023 (Megawatts)

Producer Type Facility Type Number of Generators Generator Nameplate Capacity Net Summer Capacity Net Winter Capacity
Electric Power Sector
Electric Utilities Utility Scale 9,661 668,964.9 616,662.0 638,886.5
Independent Power Producers, Non-Combined Heat and Power Plants Utility Scale 12,508 544,436.6 511,673.4 526,609.5
Independent Power Producers, Combined Heat and Power Plants Utility Scale 435 30,302.4 27,019.3 28,951.9
Total Utility Scale 22,604 1,243,703.9 1,155,354.7 1,194,447.9
Commercial and Industrial Sectors
Commercial Sector Utility Scale 1,900 5,939.7 5,425.5 5,524.1
Industrial Sector Utility Scale 1,506 30,899.7 26,765.2 28,618.5
Total Utility Scale 3,406 36,839.4 32,190.7 34,142.6
All Sectors
Total Utility Scale 26,010 1,280,543.3 1,187,545.4 1,228,590.5
Small Scale
Estimated Solar Photovoltaic Small Scale -- -- 47,774.7 --

See Glossary reference for definitions.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
In the case of some wind, solar and wave energy sites, the capacity for multiple generators is reported in a single generator record and is presented as a single generator in the generator count.
Capacity by energy source is based on the capacity associated with the energy source reported as the most predominant (primary) one, where more than one energy source is associated with a generator.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, 'Annual Electric Generator Report.'
Estimated small scale solar photovoltaic capacity is based on data from Form EIA-826, Form EIA-861M, Form EIA-861 and from estimation methods described in the technical notes.