Table 3.21. Net Generation from Solar Photovoltaic
by State, by Sector, 2022 and 2021 (Thousand Megawatthours)

  All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector Residential Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Estimated Generation From Utility and Small Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Estimated Small Scale Generation Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Estimated Generation From Utility and Small Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Estimated Small Scale Generation Estimated Generation From Utility and Small Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Estimated Small Scale Generation Estimated Small Scale Generation
Census Division
and State
Year 2022 Year 2021 Percentage
Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021
New England 9,138 6,769 35.0% 3,346 2,471 5,791 4,298 153 144 3,173 2,312 3,157 2,411 16 10 3,141 2,401 207 160 5 5 203 155 2,447 1,742
Connecticut 1,470 1,129 30.3% 413 265 1,057 863 1 2 406 259 382 342 6 3 376 339 49 46 0.16 0.11 49 46 633 479
Maine 768 293 162.0% 432 158 336 136 0 0 432 158 253 68 0 0 253 68 0.04 0.04 0 0 0.04 0.04 83 67
Massachusetts 5,353 4,120 29.9% 1,934 1,587 3,419 2,533 91 86 1,829 1,490 1,955 1,572 10 7 1,945 1,565 142 100 5 5 137 95 1,337 873
New Hampshire 244 197 24.1% 4 4 240 193 0 0 4 4 95 73 0 0 95 73 11 11 0 0 11 11 134 110
Rhode Island 888 671 32.5% 362 284 527 387 0 0 362 284 393 286 0 0 393 286 3 1 0 0 3 1 130 99
Vermont 414 360 15.0% 202 173 211 186 61 56 141 118 79 70 0 0 79 70 2 2 0 0 2 2 130 114
Middle Atlantic 10,994 8,786 25.1% 3,541 2,760 7,453 6,025 119 115 3,231 2,483 3,733 3,052 167 142 3,565 2,910 326 310 24 21 302 289 3,585 2,826
New Jersey 4,691 4,043 16.0% 1,518 1,378 3,172 2,665 119 115 1,243 1,128 1,564 1,373 151 128 1,413 1,245 214 209 6 7 208 202 1,551 1,218
New York 5,256 3,861 36.1% 1,785 1,159 3,471 2,702 0 0 1,765 1,143 1,930 1,465 10 10 1,920 1,455 28 24 10 6 18 17 1,534 1,230
Pennsylvania 1,047 882 18.7% 237 224 809 658 0 0 222 212 239 214 7 4 232 210 85 77 9 7 76 69 501 379
East North Central 7,543 4,344 73.6% 5,221 2,549 2,321 1,795 1,065 720 4,145 1,816 1,253 979 11 12 1,242 967 81 73 1 2 80 71 999 757
Illinois 2,795 1,438 94.4% 1,548 513 1,247 925 2 2 1,546 511 749 573 0.43 0 749 573 4 2 0 0 4 2 494 350
Indiana 1,363 791 72.4% 1,082 573 281 218 463 372 618 199 165 108 1 2 164 106 7 8 0 0 7 8 110 104
Michigan 1,105 616 79.4% 859 424 246 192 78 85 781 338 93 79 0 0.13 93 79 5 4 0 0 5 4 148 109
Ohio 1,247 950 31.2% 921 673 326 278 7 8 907 658 146 133 6 6 141 127 39 35 1 2 37 33 148 118
Wisconsin 1,033 549 88.1% 810 367 222 182 515 253 292 110 99 85 3 4 95 81 27 24 0 0 27 24 100 76
West North Central 3,796 3,310 14.7% 2,590 2,358 1,206 952 224 71 2,366 2,287 464 402 0.34 0.40 464 402 52 44 0 0 52 44 690 507
Iowa 693 472 47.1% 386 225 308 247 158 9 228 216 173 146 0 0 173 146 12 9 0 0 12 9 123 91
Kansas 161 122 32.5% 74 61 87 61 10 3 65 58 27 22 0 0 27 22 1 0.38 0 0 1 0.38 59 38
Minnesota 2,144 2,077 3.3% 1,901 1,893 243 183 19 33 1,882 1,861 71 52 0 0 71 52 23 21 0 0 23 21 149 110
Missouri 681 549 24.0% 152 116 528 433 28 18 124 98 184 172 0.34 0.40 183 172 12 10 0 0 12 10 333 251
Nebraska 110 86 28.6% 74 61 36 25 8 8 65 53 9 8 0 0 9 8 3 3 0 0 3 3 24 15
North Dakota 2 1 39.9% 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
South Dakota 4 4 11.7% 2 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 0.03 0 0 0 0.03 0 2 1
South Atlantic 43,453 34,880 24.6% 37,372 30,266 6,081 4,614 13,815 10,807 23,398 19,311 1,220 1,103 150 141 1,070 962 342 378 10 7 332 371 4,679 3,282
Delaware 222 196 13.3% 64 57 158 139 7 6 54 50 34 31 3 2 32 30 12 12 0 0 12 12 114 97
District of Columbia 198 166 19.3% 22 18 176 148 0.33 0 22 18 68 61 0 0 68 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 87
Florida 13,857 10,725 29.2% 11,314 9,020 2,542 1,705 10,394 8,076 909 934 241 212 7 7 235 205 20 19 4 3 16 16 2,291 1,484
Georgia 7,332 5,241 39.9% 6,947 4,868 385 372 688 589 6,258 4,277 65 63 2 2 63 61 212 254 0 0 212 254 109 57
Maryland 1,996 1,657 20.5% 714 632 1,283 1,025 8 8 686 608 335 308 19 17 316 292 29 28 0 0 29 28 938 705
North Carolina 11,858 10,578 12.1% 11,264 10,123 594 455 796 762 10,350 9,249 282 254 118 112 164 141 16 15 0 0 16 15 414 299
South Carolina 2,942 2,707 8.7% 2,422 2,280 520 428 8 8 2,407 2,267 99 84 0 0 99 84 46 47 6 4 41 43 381 301
Virginia 5,015 3,588 39.8% 4,626 3,267 389 320 1,913 1,358 2,711 1,908 86 83 2 2 85 81 5 3 0 0 5 3 300 236
West Virginia 33 22 50.7% 0 0 33 22 0 0 0 0 9 6 0 0 9 6 1 0.49 0 0 1 0.49 24 15
East South Central 2,342 1,497 56.5% 2,122 1,303 219 193 111 72 1,998 1,222 117 114 7 4 110 110 10 9 6 6 3 3 106 80
Alabama 916 513 78.8% 895 494 22 19 25 24 869 470 16 13 0 0 16 13 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 4
Kentucky 148 115 28.2% 47 46 101 69 41 45 3 1 37 28 3 0 34 28 2 2 0 0 2 2 66 40
Mississippi 526 441 19.2% 504 425 22 16 42 0 462 425 11 7 0 0 11 7 1 1 0 0 1 1 11 8
Tennessee 752 427 75.9% 677 339 75 89 3 3 664 326 54 65 4 4 50 61 6 6 6 6 0.05 0.05 25 28
West South Central 27,039 18,372 47.2% 23,456 15,606 3,583 2,765 387 129 23,034 15,453 548 508 23 21 525 486 47 34 12 3 34 31 3,023 2,248
Arkansas 967 631 53.2% 736 462 230 169 254 6 460 434 93 81 19 19 74 62 37 30 4 3 33 27 123 80
Louisiana 468 407 15.1% 196 146 272 261 41 35 155 111 19 18 0 0 19 18 0.13 0.19 0 0 0.13 0.19 253 242
Oklahoma 167 128 30.1% 81 77 85 52 78 73 4 4 12 8 0 0 12 8 1 1 0 0 1 1 72 43
Texas 25,437 17,205 47.8% 22,442 14,921 2,995 2,284 15 15 22,415 14,903 424 400 4 2 420 397 9 3 9 0.20 0 3 2,575 1,884
Mountain 32,562 26,964 20.8% 24,196 20,168 8,367 6,797 1,315 1,321 22,770 18,761 1,686 1,681 79 80 1,607 1,601 160 107 32 6 128 100 6,632 5,096
Arizona 10,367 9,387 10.4% 6,373 6,016 3,994 3,371 697 732 5,634 5,265 871 953 23 19 848 934 32 14 19 0 14 14 3,132 2,423
Colorado 3,772 2,786 35.4% 2,400 1,730 1,372 1,056 14 13 2,378 1,707 351 297 8 10 343 287 23 19 0 0 23 19 1,006 750
Idaho 712 684 4.1% 533 565 179 119 5 0 526 562 12 10 0 0 12 10 31 15 3 3 28 12 139 97
Montana 85 76 11.5% 32 33 53 43 0 0 32 33 14 12 0 0 14 12 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 39 30
Nevada 10,222 7,485 36.6% 8,837 6,415 1,385 1,071 193 185 8,586 6,175 175 173 47 51 127 122 60 45 11 4 50 42 1,208 907
New Mexico 2,566 2,212 16.0% 1,981 1,750 586 462 398 390 1,583 1,360 136 120 0 0 136 120 1 1 0 0 1 1 448 342
Utah 4,629 4,137 11.9% 3,853 3,479 776 657 8 0 3,845 3,479 124 114 0 0 124 114 12 11 0 0 12 11 640 532
Wyoming 209 197 6.1% 186 179 23 18 0 0 186 179 3 3 0 0 3 3 1 0.47 0 0 1 0.47 19 15
Pacific Contiguous 63,316 54,807 15.5% 38,398 34,345 24,918 20,462 399 426 37,603 33,646 5,716 4,993 211 187 5,505 4,806 3,095 2,877 185 87 2,909 2,790 16,503 12,866
California 60,827 52,682 15.5% 36,706 32,834 24,121 19,849 386 414 35,924 32,146 5,531 4,840 211 187 5,320 4,653 3,074 2,860 185 87 2,889 2,773 15,912 12,422
Oregon 2,013 1,766 14.0% 1,608 1,461 404 305 6 5 1,603 1,456 124 108 0 0 124 108 19 16 0 0 19 16 261 180
Washington 477 359 32.9% 83 50 393 308 7 7 76 43 61 44 0 0 61 44 1 1 0 0 1 1 331 264
Pacific Noncontiguous 1,897 1,770 7.2% 555 507 1,342 1,263 83 79 468 427 498 481 4 0.36 494 480 4 4 0 0 4 4 844 779
Alaska 16 12 28.3% 0 0 16 12 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 5 4 0.20 0.11 0 0 0.20 0.11 10 8
Hawaii 1,882 1,758 7.0% 555 507 1,327 1,251 83 79 468 427 493 476 4 0.36 488 476 4 4 0 0 4 4 834 771
U.S. Total 202,080 161,499 25.1% 140,798 112,335 61,282 49,164 17,669 13,883 122,184 97,717 18,393 15,722 669 598 17,724 15,124 4,324 3,994 276 137 4,048 3,858 39,510 30,182

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report;
Estimated small scale solar photovoltaic generation and small scale solar photovoltaic capacity are based on data from Form EIA-861M, Form EIA-861 and from estimation methods described in the technical notes.