Table 3.11. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Natural Gas
by State, by Sector, 2023 and 2022 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
Year 2023 Year 2022 Percentage
Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022 Year 2023 Year 2022
New England 57,482 55,914 2.8% 176 184 55,017 53,150 1,056 1,053 1,233 1,528
Connecticut 24,952 24,531 1.7% 91 69 23,925 23,559 289 285 648 618
Maine 3,975 4,140 -4.0% 0 0 3,710 3,567 31 32 234 542
Massachusetts 14,774 15,776 -6.4% 84 115 13,843 14,794 680 678 167 189
New Hampshire 4,226 4,502 -6.1% 0 0 4,186 4,465 13 9 27 28
Rhode Island 9,554 6,964 37.2% 0 0 9,354 6,765 43 48 157 151
Vermont 1 1 -15.7% 0.24 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
Middle Atlantic 230,740 223,870 3.1% 11,855 11,357 213,752 207,389 1,159 1,197 3,973 3,928
New Jersey 33,056 33,394 -1.0% 156 128 32,244 32,645 236 240 420 381
New York 58,428 60,312 -3.1% 11,682 11,193 45,417 47,729 757 786 573 603
Pennsylvania 139,256 130,164 7.0% 18 35 136,092 127,014 167 170 2,980 2,944
East North Central 221,688 185,235 19.7% 81,915 63,962 133,424 115,116 1,563 1,534 4,785 4,624
Illinois 28,445 19,789 43.7% 2,667 2,245 24,515 16,284 417 424 846 836
Indiana 34,849 32,121 8.5% 15,593 13,178 16,841 16,641 205 166 2,210 2,136
Michigan 54,068 41,184 31.3% 30,333 17,154 22,550 22,815 623 653 562 561
Ohio 78,705 68,865 14.3% 8,659 9,931 69,518 58,423 258 231 269 280
Wisconsin 25,621 23,276 10.1% 24,664 21,454 0 953 60 59 898 811
West North Central 44,054 31,727 38.9% 34,798 25,482 7,448 4,616 356 356 1,451 1,273
Iowa 10,241 7,339 39.5% 9,494 6,704 0.07 0.19 111 96 637 539
Kansas 4,369 3,363 29.9% 4,027 3,107 0 0 0 0 342 255
Minnesota 13,824 8,736 58.2% 8,770 5,523 4,574 2,718 103 113 376 381
Missouri 9,260 8,152 13.6% 6,205 6,063 2,874 1,898 140 146 40 45
Nebraska 1,411 1,260 12.0% 1,403 1,260 0 0 2 1 6 0
North Dakota 2,833 1,453 95.0% 2,826 1,441 0 0 0 0 8 13
South Dakota 2,116 1,424 48.5% 2,074 1,384 0 0 0 0 42 41
South Atlantic 406,807 405,126 0.4% 341,918 339,011 59,136 60,821 666 586 5,086 4,708
Delaware 4,383 4,750 -7.7% 17 51 3,289 3,831 0 0 1,077 868
District of Columbia 89 80 11.1% 0 0 0 0 89 80 0 0
Florida 197,191 193,310 2.0% 186,966 181,529 8,709 10,165 105 108 1,411 1,508
Georgia 60,044 59,849 0.3% 48,880 46,494 10,397 12,594 0 0 768 760
Maryland 15,336 13,950 9.9% 4,425 3,923 10,530 9,736 322 241 59 51
North Carolina 51,788 58,131 -10.9% 43,156 49,018 8,336 8,815 135 136 160 163
South Carolina 23,691 24,144 -1.9% 23,115 22,381 429 1,649 0.00 0.01 148 114
Virginia 50,605 48,802 3.7% 34,878 35,195 14,884 12,819 15 22 827 765
West Virginia 3,680 2,110 74.4% 483 420 2,562 1,211 0 0 635 479
East South Central 147,135 147,375 -0.2% 107,051 107,451 36,456 36,535 196 193 3,432 3,195
Alabama 61,848 62,217 -0.6% 24,273 24,992 35,992 35,871 0 0 1,584 1,355
Kentucky 15,090 16,918 -10.8% 14,426 16,047 457 651 0 0 206 220
Mississippi 55,168 51,719 6.7% 54,592 51,211 7 8 0 0 568 500
Tennessee 15,030 16,521 -9.0% 13,760 15,201 0 6 196 193 1,074 1,121
West South Central 428,274 390,476 9.7% 158,955 144,133 201,551 179,922 797 876 66,970 65,543
Arkansas 26,487 26,037 1.7% 25,055 24,509 1,220 1,276 37 39 175 213
Louisiana 74,414 72,275 3.0% 43,877 42,918 4,635 3,455 92 146 25,811 25,756
Oklahoma 45,213 36,023 25.5% 30,195 23,455 14,500 12,062 -1 -1 520 508
Texas 282,159 256,140 10.2% 59,829 53,252 181,197 163,129 669 693 40,464 39,067
Mountain 129,519 114,153 13.5% 101,455 88,782 25,928 23,399 430 424 1,707 1,548
Arizona 52,818 45,053 17.2% 36,354 31,062 16,332 13,861 131 130 0 0
Colorado 17,220 15,446 11.5% 14,844 13,111 2,207 2,157 2 3 167 174
Idaho 5,686 4,335 31.2% 3,700 2,521 1,810 1,656 39 39 137 119
Montana 1,002 729 37.5% 885 582 116 144 0 0 1 3
Nevada 24,599 24,844 -1.0% 22,869 22,464 1,176 1,967 65 62 489 352
New Mexico 14,231 10,978 29.6% 9,881 7,348 4,177 3,500 105 111 67 19
Utah 11,834 11,107 6.5% 11,490 10,671 111 113 86 79 148 244
Wyoming 2,129 1,661 28.2% 1,431 1,023 1 0.45 0 0 698 638
Pacific Contiguous 137,183 129,959 5.6% 54,673 48,902 71,232 69,318 1,521 1,611 9,757 10,128
California 94,390 96,372 -2.1% 28,299 29,465 55,779 56,078 1,484 1,561 8,829 9,268
Oregon 23,385 19,055 22.7% 13,228 10,125 10,011 8,818 36 40 111 71
Washington 19,408 14,532 33.5% 13,147 9,311 5,442 4,422 1 10 817 789
Pacific Noncontiguous 3,182 3,229 -1.5% 3,113 3,157 0 0 0.16 0.17 69 72
Alaska 3,182 3,229 -1.5% 3,113 3,157 0 0 0.16 0.17 69 72
Hawaii 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
U.S. Total 1,806,063 1,687,065 7.1% 895,910 832,421 803,945 750,266 7,744 7,830 98,463 96,548

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.