Table 3.8. Utility Scale Facility Net Generation from Coal
by State, by Sector, 2022 and 2021 (Thousand Megawatthours)

All Sectors Electric Power Sector Commercial Sector Industrial Sector

Electric Utilities Independent
Power Producers

Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Generation at Utility Scale Facilities
Census Division
and State
Year 2022 Year 2021 Percentage
Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021 Year 2022 Year 2021
New England 348 579 -39.9% 0 0 348 579 0 0 0 0
Connecticut 0 245 -100.0% 0 0 0 245 0 0 0 0
Maine 42 50 -15.1% 0 0 42 50 0 0 0 0
Massachusetts 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
New Hampshire 305 284 7.5% 0 0 305 284 0 0 0 0
Rhode Island 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vermont 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Middle Atlantic 24,428 30,324 -19.4% 0 0 24,338 30,246 0 0 89 78
New Jersey 498 1,026 -51.5% 0 0 498 1,026 0 0 0 0
New York 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pennsylvania 23,930 29,297 -18.3% 0 0 23,840 29,219 0 0 89 78
East North Central 191,341 207,904 -8.0% 109,949 120,608 80,019 85,782 64 40 1,310 1,473
Illinois 40,559 43,298 -6.3% 1,920 1,841 37,503 40,185 17 9 1,119 1,263
Indiana 51,384 54,448 -5.6% 46,854 49,724 4,484 4,693 46 31 0 0
Michigan 34,482 37,054 -6.9% 34,118 36,710 359 341 0 0 5 2
Ohio 42,993 45,662 -5.8% 5,319 5,099 37,673 40,563 0 0 0 0
Wisconsin 21,923 27,442 -20.1% 21,738 27,233 0 0 0 0 185 208
West North Central 154,044 160,100 -3.8% 151,873 158,040 0 0 89 67 2,082 1,993
Iowa 18,172 22,107 -17.8% 16,634 20,641 0 0 62 48 1,477 1,418
Kansas 20,229 19,396 4.3% 20,229 19,396 0 0 0 0 0 0
Minnesota 16,159 15,764 2.5% 16,008 15,621 0 0 16 9 134 134
Missouri 52,832 57,858 -8.7% 52,822 57,848 0 0 11 10 0 0
Nebraska 19,945 18,934 5.3% 19,621 18,603 0 0 0 0 325 331
North Dakota 24,831 24,403 1.8% 24,685 24,293 0 0 0 0 146 110
South Dakota 1,875 1,638 14.4% 1,875 1,638 0 0 0 0 0 0
South Atlantic 120,035 141,421 -15.1% 101,394 121,434 18,140 19,430 19 29 482 528
Delaware 105 277 -62.1% 0 0 105 277 0 0 0 0
District of Columbia 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Florida 15,532 18,385 -15.5% 15,496 18,338 0 0 0 0 36 46
Georgia 16,778 19,076 -12.0% 16,623 18,895 0 0 0 0 155 181
Maryland 4,639 5,174 -10.3% 0 0 4,639 5,174 0 0 0 0
North Carolina 14,674 20,405 -28.1% 14,506 20,220 0 16 19 29 149 140
South Carolina 14,243 15,188 -6.2% 14,022 15,014 202 150 0 0 19 25
Virginia 3,346 3,248 3.0% 3,224 3,023 0 90 0 0 122 136
West Virginia 50,718 59,668 -15.0% 37,524 45,944 13,194 13,724 0 0 0 0
East South Central 94,534 100,554 -6.0% 91,261 97,376 2,909 2,753 0 0 364 425
Alabama 25,944 26,901 -3.6% 25,944 26,901 0 0 0 0 0 0.02
Kentucky 47,053 49,863 -5.6% 47,053 49,863 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mississippi 5,651 5,531 2.2% 2,742 2,778 2,909 2,753 0 0 0 0
Tennessee 15,886 18,260 -13.0% 15,522 17,835 0 0 0 0 364 425
West South Central 122,825 129,356 -5.0% 62,655 67,717 60,071 61,564 0 0 99 75
Arkansas 20,361 21,419 -4.9% 15,987 17,350 4,335 4,034 0 0 38 34
Louisiana 8,173 7,873 3.8% 5,049 5,454 3,124 2,419 0 0 0 0
Oklahoma 8,954 11,246 -20.4% 8,894 11,205 0 0 0 0 60 41
Texas 85,337 88,818 -3.9% 32,725 33,708 52,612 55,110 0 0 0 0
Mountain 118,765 122,498 -3.0% 104,260 109,197 14,075 12,913 0 0 430 387
Arizona 13,449 14,301 -6.0% 13,449 14,301 0 0 0 0 0 0
Colorado 21,723 23,602 -8.0% 21,723 23,602 0 0 0 0 0 0
Idaho 6 16 -61.1% 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 16
Montana 11,651 10,876 7.1% 0 64 11,643 10,803 0 0 8 9
Nevada 2,735 2,752 -0.6% 1,395 1,562 1,340 1,190 0 0 0 0
New Mexico 13,292 12,536 6.0% 13,292 12,536 0 0 0 0 0 0
Utah 22,390 26,376 -15.1% 21,987 25,976 404 399 0 0 0 0
Wyoming 33,518 32,038 4.6% 32,414 31,156 688 520 0 0 416 362
Pacific Contiguous 3,818 3,427 11.4% 0 0 3,546 3,107 0 0 272 319
California 252 294 -14.5% 0 0 0 0 0 0 252 294
Oregon 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Washington 3,566 3,133 13.8% 0 0 3,546 3,107 0 0 20 25
Pacific Noncontiguous 1,375 1,837 -25.2% 461 431 797 1,262 116 144 0 0
Alaska 727 753 -3.4% 461 431 149 177 116 144 0 0
Hawaii 648 1,085 -40.3% 0 0 648 1,085 0 0 0 0
U.S. Total 831,512 897,999 -7.4% 621,853 674,804 204,243 217,636 287 280 5,128 5,278

NM = Not meaningful due to large relative standard error or excessive percentage change.
Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923.
Negative generation denotes that electric power consumed for plant use exceeds gross generation.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. Percentage change is calculated before rounding.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report.