Table 3.2.B. Net Generation from Renewable Sources: Electric Utilities, 2013 - 2023
(Thousand Megawatthours)

  Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Small Scale Generation Generation From Utility and Small Scale Facilities
Period Wind Solar
Wood and
Solid Waste
Other Waste Biomass Geothermal Conventional
Total Renewable Generation at Utility Scale Facilities Estimated Solar Photovoltaic Estimated Total Solar Photovoltaic Estimated Total Solar
Annual Totals
2013 26,436 841 102 2,534 1,114 197 188 1,005 243,040 275,457 N/A N/A N/A
2014 27,671 1,094 124 3,050 1,068 191 182 1,116 238,185 272,681 0 1,094 1,218
2015 30,412 1,388 106 3,018 1,061 195 218 1,089 229,640 267,125 0 1,388 1,494
2016 35,070 1,920 75 3,038 1,040 201 237 1,080 247,787 290,448 0 1,920 1,995
2017 37,068 3,326 22 3,226 1,103 184 161 1,022 275,677 321,788 0 3,326 3,348
2018 38,466 4,865 51 3,364 1,004 203 138 1,009 267,336 316,436 0 4,865 4,916
2019 43,636 6,757 28 2,784 964 122 126 771 262,364 317,552 0 6,757 6,785
2020 55,554 9,915 30 2,077 1,006 126 120 915 264,650 334,392 0 9,915 9,945
2021 70,338 13,883 29 2,796 973 108 116 1,007 228,689 317,938 0 13,883 13,911
2022 80,962 17,664 28 3,263 813 111 58 1,026 232,953 336,878 0 17,664 17,692
2023 80,120 22,230 0 2,549 653 115 94 782 220,003 326,546 0 22,230 22,230
Year 2021
January 5,235 756 1 213 91 9 12 84 22,459 28,861 0 756 757
February 5,001 789 2 245 77 4 10 79 18,612 24,819 0 789 791
March 6,812 1,149 3 200 84 7 12 80 18,971 27,318 0 1,149 1,152
April 6,570 1,351 4 172 80 11 8 86 17,256 25,537 0 1,351 1,354
May 6,110 1,545 5 204 84 11 6 73 21,178 29,216 0 1,545 1,550
June 4,718 1,291 2 248 81 10 12 73 21,827 28,261 0 1,291 1,293
July 3,896 1,391 3 334 83 4 9 87 20,109 25,918 0 1,391 1,394
August 4,895 1,323 2 320 82 10 10 85 18,598 25,326 0 1,323 1,325
September 5,638 1,262 3 215 79 10 10 85 15,289 22,590 0 1,262 1,265
October 6,142 1,154 2 182 73 10 9 88 15,383 23,043 0 1,154 1,155
November 7,479 990 1 186 74 11 9 100 17,373 26,225 0 990 992
December 7,842 882 1 276 84 10 9 88 21,635 30,826 0 882 883
Year 2022
January 7,790 1,057 9 281 76 9 6 96 22,395 31,718 0 1,057 1,066
February 7,537 1,187 1 292 71 9 3 86 19,408 28,594 0 1,187 1,188
March 8,171 1,531 2 224 77 6 4 79 21,943 32,037 0 1,531 1,533
April 8,302 1,711 3 182 69 9 3 87 17,583 27,948 0 1,711 1,714
May 7,057 1,845 4 254 70 12 6 89 21,195 30,532 0 1,845 1,850
June 5,665 1,834 2 281 67 10 5 84 24,296 32,247 0 1,834 1,836
July 4,587 1,809 2 347 68 11 6 87 23,132 30,046 0 1,809 1,811
August 4,364 1,715 2 360 65 11 4 88 19,778 26,388 0 1,715 1,717
September 5,420 1,488 2 263 64 8 6 86 15,593 22,929 0 1,488 1,489
October 6,352 1,459 1 222 65 10 5 82 12,963 21,159 0 1,459 1,460
November 8,206 1,046 0 231 62 9 6 79 16,315 25,953 0 1,046 1,046
December 7,511 982 0 326 59 8 5 83 18,352 27,326 0 982 982
Year 2023
January 6,934 1,198 0 279 58 9 9 79 19,961 28,527 0 1,198 1,198
February 8,273 1,480 0 245 50 6 8 82 17,914 28,060 0 1,480 1,480
March 8,122 1,928 0 169 58 8 6 60 18,841 29,193 0 1,928 1,928
April 8,930 1,992 0 121 53 8 9 76 17,367 28,557 0 1,992 1,992
May 6,291 2,322 0 180 58 9 7 56 25,345 34,267 0 2,322 2,322
June 4,459 2,288 0 245 56 11 5 36 19,980 27,079 0 2,288 2,288
July 4,279 2,325 0 293 55 10 7 82 19,811 26,862 0 2,325 2,325
August 5,121 2,301 0 293 54 11 6 83 19,175 27,046 0 2,301 2,301
September 5,447 1,965 0 215 49 10 8 59 15,262 23,016 0 1,965 1,965
October 7,143 1,873 0 133 53 11 12 59 14,167 23,450 0 1,873 1,873
November 7,721 1,403 0 166 53 10 7 58 15,453 24,871 0 1,403 1,403
December 7,399 1,154 0 211 56 11 10 50 16,728 25,619 0 1,154 1,154

Wood and Wood-derived fuels include wood/wood waste solids (including paper pellets, railroad ties, utility poles, wood chips, bark, and wood waste solids), wood waste liquids (red liquor, sludge wood, spent sulfite liquor, and other wood-based liquids), and black liquor.
Other Waste Biomass includes sludge waste, agricultural byproducts, other biomass solids, other biomass liquids, and other biomass gases (including digester gases, methane, and other biomass gases).
Notes: Beginning with 2001 data, non-biogenic municipal solid waste and tire-derived fuels are reclassified as non-renewable energy sources and included in Other. Biogenic municipal solid waste is included in Other Renewable Sources.
See Glossary for definitions. Values are final. See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-923 and predecessor forms.
Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. NM=Not meaningful due to large standard error. W=Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Sources: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; and predecessor forms.
Beginning with 2008 data, the Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report, replaced the following: Form EIA-906, Power Plant Report; Form EIA-920, Combined Heat and Power Plant Report; Form EIA-423, Monthly Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants Report; and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 423, Monthly Report of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Electric Plants.
Estimated small scale solar photovoltaic generation and small scale solar photovoltaic capacity are based on data from Form EIA-861M, Form EIA-861 and from estimation methods described in the technical notes.