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Refining District Oklahoma-Kansas-Missouri Refinery Net Input of Residuum (Thousand Barrels)
Refining District Oklahoma-Kansas-Missouri Refinery Net Input of Residuum (Thousand Barrels)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  2005 -378 -430 -484 -547 -536 -280 -549 -597 -389 -653 -560 -451
  2006 -387 -346 -510 -466 -603 -51 -639 -255 -626 -415 -205 -497
  2007 -295 -469 -534 -580 -358 115 -280 -531 -593 -428 -381 -366
  2008 -412 -313 -543 -688 -469 -375 -449 -597 -465 -469 -562 -390
  2009 -487 -119 -260 -326 -471 -170 -313 -632 -393 -582 -181 -172
  2010 -324 -176 4 -846 -804 -854 -596 -548 -547 -886 -877 -422
  2011 -744 -755 -708 -441 -599 -325 -542 -473 -365 -655 -114 -139
  2012 -239 -131 -72 -201 -71 -127 -392 -183 -458 -78 108 -487
  2013 -295 -251 39 -244 -99 -172 -266 -143 -353 -419 -183 -343
  2014 -229 -323 -254 -97 -30 -338 25 4 -106 -172 -28 27
  2015 -120 -97 -36 -293 -39 -182 -138 -23 -140 -8 -117 132
  2016 -238 -493 -317 -33 74 -247 -135 -10 -160 -63 -346 -47
  2017 -248 -131 18 -245 83 -151 9 -151 -276 10 25 27
  2018 -188 -52 72 -310 -174 -181 -99 -112 90 -172 48 -118
  2019 -121 -237 -212 -85 -91 -339 -54 -30 -338 19 -276 168
  2020 -28 -288 -365 -17 131 -201 17 -188 -124 3 -121 -62
  2021 87 -230 -440 -31 126 -76 -67 -127 -1 -243 -204 -31
  2022 -62 -93 45 -337 -62 52 -92 -44 132 -242 68 13
  2023 -192 57 -366 -23 68 3 -133 -159 77 -106 -118 30
  2024 -375 7 126 33 -194 -118 19 -222 86 -38

- = No Data Reported;  -- = Not Applicable;  NA = Not Available;  W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
Release Date: 12/31/2024
Next Release Date: 1/31/2025

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